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Keith Calimlim


Sulfur Cycle

There are several natural sources such as volcanic eruptions, evaporation of water, and
breakdown of organic matter in swamps, that release Sulphur directly into the
atmosphere. This Sulphur falls on earth with rainfall. Sulphur comes in contact with air
and is converted into sulphates and are taken up by plants and microbes and are
converted into organic forms. The organic form of Sulphur is then consumed by the
animals through their food and thus Sulphur moves in the food chain. When the animals
die, some of the Sulphur is released by decomposition while some enter the tissues of
microbes. Sulfur-containing proteins are degraded into their constituent amino acids by
the action of a variety of soil organisms. The sulfur of the amino acids is converted
to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) by another series of soil microbes. In the presence of oxygen,
H2S is converted to sulfur and then to sulfate by sulfur bacteria. Eventually the sulfate
becomes H2S. Hydrogen sulfide rapidly oxidizes to gases that dissolve in water to
form sulfurous and sulfuric acids. These compounds contribute in large part to the “acid
rain” that can kill sensitive aquatic organisms and damage marble monuments and
stone buildings.
Identify the components of the cycle in which you participate.

As a human being living in a world where technological advancements are common even in the
field of agriculture, humans burning fossil fuels they have added atmospheric carbon dioxide
over 35% in preindustrial levels. we participate in the regulation of Sulphur in the food cycle.
Also, humans are responsible of burning fossils and process metals that result in altering the
balance in the sulfur cycle and exceed the required amount that cause acid rains. Humans
impact the phosphorous cycle in a major way by their use of the element as a major component
in fertilizers. 

For which of these components would it be easiest to reduce your impacts?

It is sulfur cycle since it is produced by burning metals and fossil fuels unlike others that
impacted by global warming, industrial sector, etc. It can be solved quickly by finding alternative
energy sources and forge metal by products in less efficient way but more conservative.
Hydrological cycle roots its problems from global warming, carbon cycle is affected by
combustion from industrial building and air pollution that cannot be easily removed in the
common life as a citizen. Nitrogen is affected by commercial setting that is essential to support
living. Phosphorus, it is the second most abundant mineral in the human body and makes up
1% of total body weight. It is part of the equation of life therefore it is hard to neglect the cycle
and also to reduce our impact to it.

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