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Andicoy, Beatrice Christina G.

Movie Review
3 Y1-1

Guide Questions:
1. Give 10 main characters in the movie and describe their roles.

 Vincent Freeman/Jerome Morrow – he is the protagonist in the movie. He wasn’t conceived

with genetic selection therefore, he has shorter life and many risk for disorders. His dream
was to be an astronaut but because of being genetically “in-valid” he bought Jerome’s
DNA, a genetically superior man. In that way he can pass himself as “valid” and can be on
board for the mission.

 Jerome Eugene Morrow – he is the one who was used to give Vincent’s a samples to be
genetically “valid”. Due to an incident occurred abroad he was paralyzed from hip to toe.
Regardless, his genotype is ideal for deceiving Gattaca.

 Anton Freeman – he is Vincent’s younger brother. He was conceived using genetic

selection. A detective and works on the case about the murder in Gattaca together with
detective Hugo.

 Irene Cassini – Vincent’s lover and a worker at Gattaca. She is not genetically “in-valid”,
however, she has a risk of a heart failure which lessen her chance to be on the mission.

 Director Josef – he is a worker in Gattaca and the one who murdered the Mission Director
though confession happened in the end.

 Detective Hugo – he was employed and the one who lead the investigation of Mission
Director’s murder at Gattaca.

 Dr. Lamar – a doctor who works in Gattaca and is in-charge of administering blood and
urine samples.

 Marie Freeman – Vincent and Anton’s mother.

 Antonio Freeman – Anton and Vincent’s father. He chose the name Anton for their second
child (who is conceived using genetic selection), a genetically superior who’s worthy of
inheriting his name.

 German - he was illegally employed by Vincent to find a “valid” he can pose as.
2. What is the conflict in the movie related to science and technology?
Give at least 3.

a) Vincent's future was already predetermined for him, just like in the movie, because of
his DNA, which revealed that he had various abnormalities. Vincent was unable to work
where he desired-or do things simply because of his hereditary issues. Vincent had a
dream to travel to the farthest reaches of the universe, but his health prevented him
from doing so.

b) His parents agreed that he would be a Godchild, meaning that they would entrust
everything to him. Unfortunately, God did not bless Vincent with the best genetic
makeup, and he was doomed to failure with a life expectancy of only 30 years.

c) Vincent "buys" Jerome's identity and passes screening using his "valid" DNA in blood,
hair, tissue, and urine samples. To keep his true identity disguised, he must groom and
scrub himself every day to eliminate his genetic material and replace it with Jerome's.

3. Cite 3 climax of the movie.

a) When the Mission Director was murdered, the crime was examine up to tiny details. This is
when Detective Hugo found a lashes hair and was found belongs to a genetically “in-valid”
worker from Gattaca. It was considered as one of the suspects and was found someone’s
faking his identity. They took blood sample from all the workers at Gattaca but Vincent
escaped from being caught by passing as “valid”, as Jerome.

b) Detective Hugo and Anton go inside a party where workers from Gattaca are pampering
their selves. Took all the things that can be used to track a DNA, Anton found something
that lead him to suspect his brother, Vincent, was there. Vincent was almost caught by one
of the cops who run after him but he escaped from it and hide inside a container with Irene.

c) Anton was very suspicious about his brother, faking his identity to be genetically superior.
He went to Jerome and Vincent’s home/laboratory for inspection, together with Irene,
Jerome was tested again and it turned out as expected. The “valid” Jerome was cleared
and passed the examination. Anton suspected that there is something down there and
when he was starting to check it out Detective Hugo called and told him they have the
culprit. Little did Anton know, Vincent was there hiding behind the post.

4. List down 3 insights or learnings related to science and technology.

a) The most evident thing I observed in the film was that genetic prejudice has become the
norm. Anyone with inferior genes or a genetic predisposition to illness is automatically
rejected without even given the chance to demonstrate their abilities.

b) Genetic engineering would create a wide amount of opportunities however would the
ends justify the means, would society as we know it accept such a technological
c) The use of genetic research has led to humanity bio-engineering children to be free of
defects and disabilities. It does a good job at showing that there are some things that
science can’t account for like human will and determination. It also made me question
where we should draw the line between science and ethics.

5. Write a 200 words summary or plot of the story.

 Vincent Freeman (Ethan Hawke) has always fantasized about traveling into outer space,
but is grounded by his status as a genetically inferior "in-valid." He decides to fight his fate
by purchasing the genes of Jerome Morrow (Jude Law), a laboratory-engineered "valid."
He assumes Jerome's DNA identity and joins the Gattaca space program, where he falls in
love with Irene (Uma Thurman). An investigation into the death of a Gattaca Mission
Director (Gore Vidal) complicates Vincent's plans. He's been showing it for much of his life
in swim races with his genetically altered younger brother, Anton. Vincent defeats Anton by
not conserving energy for the return journey, proving once again that his hard effort
outweighs any genetic disadvantages he may have. The film draws on concerns over
reproductive technologies that facilitate eugenics, and the possible consequences of such
technological developments for society. It also explores the idea of destiny and the ways in
which it can and does govern lives. Characters in Gattaca continually battle both with
society and with themselves to find their place in the world and who they are destined to be
according to their genes.

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