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Module 3

Ex.1. Discuss the following questions:

1. Are you concerned about pollution and environment? Why yes/no?

2. Why governments should do more to prevent manufacturers polluting or damaging
the environment?
3. Are you prepared to pay a higher price for products that you know are not dangerous
for the environment? Why yes/no?
4. Have you ever stopped using a product because you know that it is damaging for the
environment? Why yes/no?
5. Do you think environmental restrictions on industry should be abolished or relaxed
because it leads to the creation of jobs? Why yes/no?
6. Do you think environmental restrictions should be strengthened even if it leads to
unemployment? Why yes/no?
7. Do you make an effort to use as little water and energy (electricity, heating, etc.) as
possible? Why yes/no?
8. Do you believe that there should be higher taxes on sources of energy? Why yes/no?

Ex.2. Read and translate the text:

By the mid-twentieth century the air over urban and industrial centers had become foul
and the waters filthy. The costs of cleaning up the damage caused by pollution do not
naturally fall on those who cause it. Though many companies acting as good citizens make
efforts to protect the environment, there is little economic incentive for them to do so.
Modern technology produces massive amounts of wastes. Burning fossil fuel in cars
and factories releases pollutants into the air. Then dust and moisture combine in the
atmosphere to form acids in clouds, and eventually there is an acid rainfall or snowfall. The
results are deadly. Acid rain kills fish and plants in lakes. It also builds up in the soil and
damages crops. It wears away building surfaces. Blown by winds, the acid rain may fall far
from the source of pollution. Acid rain caused by pollutants in our country may fall on other
countries. In fact, studies indicate that about half the acid rainfall in Canada may originate in
the United States.
Water is considered polluted when it cannot be used for its intended purpose, such as
drinking, recreation, farming, or manufacturing. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers used by
farmers and home owners pollute streams, rivers, and ground water when they are
transported by rain-water runoff.
Government efforts to control pollution have taken three forms: direct regulation,
effluent fees and tax credits.
— Direct regulation refers to government rules to protect the environment. The
prohibition of burning waste in incinerators, or the dumping sewage in a river, and the
banning of a pesticide (such as DDT) are examples of this form of pollution control. Those
who fail to obey government regulations are subject to fine, imprisonment, or both.
— Effluent fees are charges levied on polluters for discharging waste. For example, a
factory that pumps its waste into the atmosphere or a nearby stream will be charged on the
basis of the quantity of waste discharged.
— Tax credits enable firms to reduce their taxes in exchange for investing in
equipment that will enable them to reduce the amount of pollution they generate.

Ex.3. Read the text and find the following vocabulary in English:
піч для спалювання сміття Збір за скидання відходів
вбудовуватися в стягувати з порушників екологічних норм
викидати відходи у повітря незначний економічний стимул
міські та промислові центри скинуті відходи
велика кількість чогось відпочинок та оздоровлення
нараховані(призначені, оштрафовані) на захищати навколишнє середовище
прикладати зусилля скидати стічні води в річку
відправляти забруднювачі у кислотні дощі
брудний та забруднений виробляти відходи

Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. What has created thousands of hazardous dumps sited all across the country?
2. Why is the number of those who protect the environment rather small?
3. What forms acid rainfall or snowfall? What is the damage caused by acid rains?
4. When is water considered to be polluted?
5. What forms have government efforts taken to control pollution?
6. What can you personally do to minimize a harmful effect on the environment?

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