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Describe the picture

We can see that the picture above is a zoo, with various types of animals, namely
bears, lions, monkeys, elephants, hippos, snakes, giraffes, fish, birds, crocodiles, and many
more. The zoo is also filled with green plants such as trees and grass, there is also a river
that flows clear and there are several types of animals swimming in the river.

The zoo was very much visited by people. From taking photos to playing with
animals. We can see that there are two children wearing yellow and blue clothes playing
with snakes, one is thrusting it at a friend and the other is scared. There were also children
making fun of lions, some on dates while looking at animals, some walking around talking,
and some taking photos. The zoo is also very well maintained (maintained).

From the picture above, we can see that the atmosphere of the zoo is very pleasant,
and visitors really enjoy it.

2. Writing Plans/Activities
My plan for the next 5 years is that I want to continue my schooling, in the next 5
years I want to take a scholarship abroad and continue my master's degree. I want to be a
person who can master several languages in the future.
From now on, my struggle has just begun. I will achieve it by reading/learning a lot or
continuing to add insight and experience. In order to have a successful future and want to
make my parents proud, I have to be more aggressive in studying and keep fighting. In the
future I want to become a famous writer and a useful person for everyone.
I have many dreams that I want to achieve and as a writer is one of them, after my
dreams have been realized I make my parents happy, focus on the happiness and health of
my parents, and want to take them out of Indonesia. I hope my parents are still healthy and
can see me succeed later.

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