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Name of Student: _______________________________________ Date: _____________

Learning Area: Health Grade Level: 6 Quarter: 2 Week: 1

I. Introductory Concept
Community – is composed of people who share common ideas and interests and depend on
each other to meet mutual goals and plans.

Health – is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence
of disease.
- It leads to the ability to lead a socially and economically productive life.

Community Health – It includes the conditions and actions which are done to promote,
protect and preserve health.

There are many simple ways one can do to help make a community /school and
environment clean, safe, and healthy to live in.

II. Learning Competency from the MELCs

Describes healthy schools and community environments.


III. Activities


Directions: Read the sentences carefully. Encircle the number that describes healthy
schools and communities.

1. The community/place has a park where children can play safely.

2. The school provides clean and potable water every day.
3. Richard experiences bullying from his bigger classmates.
4. Liena lives in a community wherein she feels safe and happy.
5. Rico walks a kilometer up and down the mountain every day to fetch water for their
family consumption.

Directions: Write True on the blank if the sentence describes a healthy school or
community and False if not.
_____1. The school has a large playground where children can play safely.
_____2. Health services and facilities are always available in a certain place.
_____3. A child with a disability is being bullied by his classmate in a certain

_____4. The pupils in the school stay in a warm and crowded classroom.
_____5. Clean and potable water is always available for everybody’s needs.

Directions: Write YES on the blank if the sentence describes a healthy school or
community and NO if not.
_____1. Our school supports the program “School is a Zone of Peace”.
_____2. Pupils, parents, and teachers respect the rights and privileges of all members of
the school.
_____3. The people in the community promote the sustainability of natural resources.
_____4. School children are free from abuse and discrimination.
_____5. The school promotes proper sanitation and personal hygiene which includes
hand washing, food preparations, and access to safe drinking water.

IV. Answer Key

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3

1, 2, 4 1. True 1. Yes
2. True 2. Yes
3. False 3. Yes
4. False 4. Yes
5. True 5. Yes

V. References

Most Essential Learning Competencies

Music, Art, Physical Education, and Health 6 Textbook
Music, Art, Physical Education, and Health 6 TM
Self-Learning Module in HEALTH 6 Quarter 1

LAS Development Team

ROSA O. LLAVE -Writer -Malidong Elementary School

Vilma C. Nidua -Content Editor - PGCHS
Babylyn S. Babila -Language Editor - San Agustin Integrated School
Mary Rose C. Cruzada -Layout Editor - Tiwi Agro-Industrial School
Minviluz P. Sampal -Content Reviewer - Schools Division Office of Albay
& Technical Consultant


Name of Student: ____________________________________ Date: _____________

Learning Area: Health Grade Level: 6 Quarter: 2 Week: 2-3

I. Introductory Concept
A healthy community has a clean and safe environment. It should have adequate
access to food, water, shelter, and health care services. It should be protective of its natural
environment. It should have programs for the well-being of its members. A healthy community
should be strongly supported by everyone who lives in it.

II. Learning Competency from the MELCs

Explains the effect of living in a healthful school and community.


III. Activities

Activity 1

Directions: Draw a happy face on the blank if the sentence explains the effect of
living in a healthful school and community.
_____1. A clean and safe physical environment.
_____2. Accessible and appropriate health services and facilities.
_____3. Children could develop their potentials.
_____4. Adults give good examples and pupils are properly guided.
_____5. Pupils/ children are accepted for who they are and free from bullying and

Activity 2
Directions: Write True on the blank if the sentence explains the effect of living in a
healthy school or community and False if not.

_____1. The children play safely in school and the community.

_____2. People in the community are free from communicable diseases and t
hose caused by vectors like rats and insects.
_____3. A child with a disability involves in different activities in school.
_____4. The pupils in the school stay in a warm and crowded classroom.
_____5. Pupils have good performance in school.

Activity 3
Directions: Put a check on the blank if the statement explains the effect of living
in a healthy school or community and x if not.
_____1. The community has a productive economy.
_____2. The community is peaceful and orderly.
_____3. School children perform actively during class discussions.
_____4. Classrooms are well-ventilated and free from communicable diseases
caused by vectors like insects and rats.
_____5. People in the community are involved in different projects and activities in
the school.

IV. Answer Key

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3

1. True 1.
2. True 2.
3. True 3.
4. False 4.
5. True 5.

V. References

Most Essential Learning Competencies

Music, Art, Physical Education, and Health 6 Textbook
Music, Art, Physical Education, and Health 6 TM
Self-Learning Module in Health 6 Quarter 2
Self-Learning Module in HEALTH 6 Quarter 1

LAS Development Team

ROSA O. LLAVE -Writer -Malidong Elementary School

Vilma C. Nidua -Content Editor - PGCHS
Babylyn S. Babila -Language Editor - San Agustin Integrated School
Mary Rose C. Cruzada -Layout Editor - Tiwi Agro-Industrial School
Minviluz P. Sampal -Content Reviewer - Schools Division Office of Albay
& Technical Consultant

Learning Activity Sheets No.3
Name: _______________________________________ Date: _______________
Learning Area: HEALTH Grade Level: 6 Quarter: 2 Week:4-5

I. Introductory Concept
Every member of the community, regardless of age, can help in building a
healthy environment. One need not invest a big amount of money or be an influential
or famous person to be able to do something for the community. The following are
some simple and yet very helpful things you can do to make your community a healthy
place to live and grow in.

1. Segregate garbage and wastes.
2. Clean your yard every day.
3. Cook just enough food for the family. Leftovers can be stored in the
refrigerator and heated for the next meal or shared with a needy neighbor.
4. Put potted plants at home. Plants give you fresh air to breathe.
5. Plant vegetables and small fruit-bearing trees. They will not only make
your place beautiful and shady but also supply you with food and fresh,
natural air.

1. Join activities in your community that aims to help make the community
clean and healthy.
2. Do not throw wastes and garbage in public places. They can clog canals
and contribute to flooding.
3. Encourage family members to segregate wastes and garbage.
4. Dispose of, reuse, or recycle old tires, bottles, and plastics that gather
rainwater and become breeding places for disease-carrying mosquitoes.

1. Always follow school rules and regulations.
2. Help in cleaning classrooms, corridors, and school grounds.
3. Buy only nutritious food and drinks. Avoid junk foods that contain too many
calories but with little nutritional value.
4. Participate actively in the school disaster preparedness programs and

Helping build healthy communities serves not only the community but
the nation as a whole.

II. Learning Competency from the MELCs

Demonstrates Ways to Build and Keep School and Community Environment

Healthy H6CMH-IIc-d-3

III. Activities

Activity 1
Draw a smiling face☺ if the sentence demonstrates making and keeping our
school and communities healthy and a sad face if it is not.
___________1. The grade VI class practices waste segregation.

___________2. Your friend invited you for a cigarette smoking session, and
you immediately agreed and started smoking.
___________3. The school is having a supplementary feeding for
underweight children.
___________ 4. Your family went to a rural health center for immunization
and vaccination to prevent diseases.
____________5. Burning of waste is prohibited in your community.

Activity 2

Direction: Write true if the sentence demonstrates ways to make and keep the
school and community healthy and false if not.
1. Participating in the cleanliness drives in the community. __________
2. The people in the community throw their garbage in the river. __________
3. Sports-related activities are encouraged in the community to prevent drug
addiction and abuse. __________
4. Using a bicycle or walking instead of riding a motorized vehicle. _________
5. The school provides deworming to all pupils twice a year and gives
supplementary feeding. ______________

Activity 3

How can a child like you help make your community safe and healthy? Copy
the chart below in a short bond paper and accomplish it.

I can help by… I can help by…


I can help by… I can help by…

Your chart will be rated according to the following criteria.

3 2 1

Strong Average Weak

The chart is neat.

Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are

The chart demonstrates your
understanding of the concepts.
The answers in the chart are doable.

IV. Answer Key

Activity 1
1. Happy face
2. Sad face
3. Happy face
4. Happy face
5. Happy face

Activity 2
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. True
5. True

Activity 3

Answers may vary.

V. References

Most Essential Learning Competencies MELC

DLP 2019-2020 pp.15-18
PE and Health for Fun 6 pp.144-150

LAS Development Team

Marife C. Penalba -Writer - Don Jose Pavia Central School

Vilma C. Nidua -Content Editor - PGCHS
Babylyn S. Babila -Language Editor - San Agustin Integrated School
Mary Rose C. Cruzada -Layout Editor - Tiwi Agro-Industrial School
Minviluz P. Sampal -Content Reviewer - Schools Division Office of Albay
& Technical Consultant

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___________
Learning Area: Health Grade Level: 6 Quarter: 2 Week: 6-8

I. Introductory Concept
Do you throw your garbage in the proper trash can? Throwing your garbage in the
proper trash can is one way of practicing proper waste management.
Proper waste management includes several activities which help the community and
the environment become a clean, safe, happy, healthy, and productive place to live in. It
includes the disposal, collection, transport, reuse and recycling, treatment, prevention, and
control of waste.
There are many ways to conduct proper waste management whether you are at home,
in school, or other areas in the community. Here are some waste management systems.

1. Waste reduction- this refers to the ways and means of reducing waste
a. Bringing a reusable eco-friendly bag when shopping
b. Purchasing items or goods with less plastic packaging
c. Buying reusable water bottles rather than buying water in plastic bottles

2. Waste Storage - means putting waste in well-sealed and properly labeled containers to
prevent contamination by insects and rodents, spillage, being blown by the wind, escape
of foul odor, and protection from rainwater.
a. Use of garbage bags that are ecologically-friendly
b. Use of segregation waste bins for biodegradable wastes, non-biodegradable,
recyclable, and hazardous wastes
3. Reuse - is an act of taking old items that one might consider throwing away and finding a
new use for them.
a. Using used plastic and gift wrappers as covers for books and notebooks
4. Recycle- means to make another useful thing out of a waste item
a. Make plant pots out of old tires.
b. Water used in washing clothes can be utilized to clean cemented yards.

There are several means to manage waste properly. Choose the best and applicable
for your household, school, and community. Knowing and practicing proper waste
management activities promotes and preserves a healthy community.

II. Learning Competency from the MELCs
 Practices proper waste management at home, in school, and in the community

 Advocates environmental protection through proper waste management


III. Activities

Activity 1
Directions: Read the questions below. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following are suitable storage for waste?
A. Segregation bin
B. Containers suitable for hazardous chemical
C. Garbage bags
D. All of the above

2. What is the proper order of the following?

1- Reuse 2- Recycle 3- Reduce
A. 1-2-3 B. 2-1-3 C. 3-1-2 D. 3-2-1

3. What is prevented by a tightly closed waste bin?

A. Contamination of pests
B. Escape of foul odor
C. Spillage when blown by wing
D. All of the above

4. Which of the following is the most preferred waste management approach?

A. Recycling C. Reducing
B. Composting D. Reusing

5. What is the by-product of the mixture of dried leaves, twigs, food scraps, and pieces
of paper?
A. Trash C. Compost
B. Garbage D. Pile

Activity 2
A. Complete Me!

Direction: Fill in the diagram to show how you dispose of the biodegradable and non-
biodegradable waste at home.


1. 1.
3. 2.

B. Garbage Out!
Directions: Write the ways on how your family disposes garbage at home. Complete
the chart below.
Methods of Solid Waste Disposal at Description of the Method

Activity 3
Directions: Create an art project made of recycled materials that can be found at home or in
your community. Write a short narrative of the steps in doing the art product.

Creativity The recyclable art project The recyclable art The recyclable art
shows a unique level of project shows project shows little or no
originality. originality. evidence of original
Materials Used Use 100% recycled Use 75% recycled Use 50% recycled
materials materials materials
Description Shows a comprehensive Discussion of the No discussion of the
explanation and highly procedures in procedures in creating
coherent discussion of creating the art the art product.
the procedures in product is partially
creating the art product explained and
somewhat coherent

IV. Answer Key

Activity 1

1. D 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B

Activity 2
Possible answers:


1. Making compost of food leftovers or food scraps

2. Eggshells can be used in art projects or as fertilizers for plants

3. Old newspapers/colored papers can be used as gift wrap.

1. Tin cans can be used as a pencil holder or utensil holder.
2. Disposable plastic cups can be used to grow plants.
3. Glass/plastic containers can be used as a flower vase.

Methods of Solid Waste Disposal at Description of the Method

Composting process of decomposing organic material into
human-like material
Recycling converting waste materials into new products

Activity 3
Indicators 3 2 1
Creativity The recyclable art The recyclable art The recyclable art
project shows a project shows project shows little or
unique level of originality. no evidence of original
originality. thought.
Materials Used Use 100% recycled Use 75% recycled Use 50% recycled
materials materials materials
Description Shows a Discussion of the No discussion of the
comprehensive procedures in procedures in creating
explanation and creating the art the art product.
highly coherent product is partially
discussion of the explained and
procedures in somewhat coherent
creating the art


1. K to 12 MELCs
2. P.E and Health for Fun 6 textbook pp. 160-165
3. The 21st Century MAPEH in Action pp. 270-276

LAS Development Team

EDERLYN I. MORALES -Writer - Alabangpuro Elementary School

VILMA C. NIDUA -Content Editor - PGCHS
BABYLYN S. BABILA -Language Editor - San Agustin Integrated School
MARY ROSE C. CRUZADA -Layout Editor - Tiwi Agro-Industrial School
MINVILUZ P. SAMPAL -Content Reviewer - Schools Division Office of Albay
& Technical Consultant

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