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Role of capping agents in controlling silver

nanoparticles size, antibacterial activity and
Published on 06 April 2016. Downloaded by Freie Universitaet Berlin on 26/03/2018 20:47:32.

Cite this: RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 36171

potential application as optical hydrogen peroxide
B. Ajitha,‡*a Y. Ashok Kumar Reddy,‡b P. Sreedhara Reddy,c Hwan-Jin Jeon*a
and Chi Won Ahn*a

The influence of capping agents on silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) was investigated through a rapid and
single-pot chemical reduction method. Four capping agents were tested: polyethylene glycol (PEG),
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). FTIR
studies demonstrated that the formed AgNPs were properly encapsulated by their respective capping
agents. Structural and morphological studies confirmed the following relative average particle sizes:
PEG-AgNPs > EDTA-AgNPs > PVP-AgNPs > PVA-AgNPs. Optical absorption and photoluminescence
studies showed, respectively, a greater absorption blue shift and greater emission intensity for the
smaller capped particles. Zeta potential analysis of the PVA-AgNPs showed a value of 46.6 mV,
indicating their high stability. The PVA-AgNPs were thus not only observed to be the smallest, most
blue-shifted and most stable of the tested AgNPs, but also they displayed the highest antibacterial
activity. The PVA-AgNPs were therefore applied as a localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR)-based
Received 10th February 2016
Accepted 5th April 2016
H2O2 sensor, which is important because the detection of reactive oxygen species such as H2O2 is of
significance in the medical and environmental fields. The sensor based on the PVA-AgNPs successfully
DOI: 10.1039/c6ra03766f
detected H2O2 at concentrations as low as 107 M. New biosensors using these NPs should thus find promising opportunities in a variety of fields.

because of their large operative scattering cross section and

1. Introduction surface plasmon resonance (SPR).5,6 Metal nanoparticles in
Recent advancements in nanotechnology have garnered general can be synthesized by various approaches such as
increasing attention due to the improvements in producing and chemical,7 electrochemical,8 chemical vapor deposition,9
utilizing particles whose sizes are in the nanometer regime. photochemical,10 molecular beam epitaxy,11 and chemical
There is particular interest in noble metal nanoparticles due to reduction with and without stabilizing polymers,7,12 which is
their distinctive properties, such as their optical, mechanical, a particularly widely used chemical approach. Note that exper-
electronic, chemical and magnetic properties which are entirely imental factors, the interaction of metal precursor ions with
different from corresponding bulk material properties.1–3 Silver reducing agents, and capping agent interface with metal
nanoparticles (AgNPs) have been of particular interest owing to nanoparticles greatly inuence the size, shape, stability and
their unique electrical, optical and physicochemical properties physicochemical properties of the metal nanoparticles.13,14
as well as their biomedical applications.4 AgNPs show good In contrast to bulk material, the corresponding nano-
conductivity, chemical stability, catalytic, antibacterial activity particles exhibit high surface energy values, due to their small
and surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) effects, and sizes, and hence oen congregate.15 Therefore, selecting an
also constitute an ideal candidate for molecular labeling appropriate capping agent is oen a prerequisite for stabilizing
nanoparticles.16 Capping agents appear to work by using
a variety of mechanisms, including electrostatic stabilization,
Nano-Materials Laboratory, National NanoFab Center, Daejeon, 305-338, Republic of
Korea. E-mail:;;
steric stabilization, stabilization by hydration forces, depletion
Department of Electrical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and stabilization and stabilization using van der Waals forces,16 and
Technology, 335 Gwahangno, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Republic of Korea a combination of some of these mechanisms may be at work for
Department of Physics, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati-517502, India certain capping agents, such as branched polyethylenimine
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: (BPEI).17 The choice of capping agent for nanoparticles is
10.1039/c6ra03766f crucial, because the capping agent oen inuences various
‡ Authors contributed equally.

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properties of the nanoparticle, including its size, shape and 2.2 Procedure used to synthesize silver nanoparticles with
interactions with surrounding solvent.18 Apart from their main different capping agents
role in stabilizing nanoparticles, some capping agents (e.g.,
In a typical procedure, say when using the capping agent PEG,
citrate) are capable of carrying out the additional role of
the total volume of the reaction solution is xed at 150 ml. 1 ml
reducing metal ions (e.g., silver ions) into metal nanoparticles.19
of 1% PEG aqueous solution is slowly added drop wise for 5 min
Therefore, the selection of the capping agent plays a vital role in
into 98.5 ml of ultrapure water in a 250 ml three-necked ask,
the nanoparticle synthesis process, and capping agents also
while heating at 75  C in an oil bath under stirring. Then, 50 ml
affect nanoparticle properties.20 of 0.01 M aqueous AgNO3 solution is injected in to the above
Well-stabilized nanoparticles are important for their func- mixture using a programmable syringe pump at a rate of 50 ml
tions and applications, including their ability to serve as
h1 and 150 ml of sodium hydroxide (0.02 M) solution is added
Published on 06 April 2016. Downloaded by Freie Universitaet Berlin on 26/03/2018 20:47:32.

sensors of chemicals in the environment. One such chemical of

rapidly at once. This is followed by the injection of ice cold
concern is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). H2O2 is a strong reducing
freshly prepared aqueous NaBH4 solution (350 ml, 0.05 M) using
agent and widely utilized in the food and pharmaceutical
a syringe pump with infusion rate set at 50 ml min1 upon
industries as well as for the bleaching of wood and pulp.
vigorous stirring; the color of this suspension changes to deep
However, H2O2 even in small amounts is highly toxic and is
yellow. The reaction was allowed to proceed for two hours, aer
a serious threat to biological systems.21 Therefore it has been an which the solution was cooled to room temperature. The
upsurge of interest to develop H2O2 sensors in order to detect products were obtained by repeated centrifugation for thrice
H2O2 promptly and accurately. The development of
and washed with water and ethanol twice at 4  C in order to
nanomaterial-based sensing devices and detection methods has
remove unreacted constituents and were nally subjected to
largely relied on the use of localized surface plasmon resonance
vacuum drying. The same procedure was used with the other
(LSPR) since the resonant wavelength is very sensitive to the
capping agents, which included EDTA, PVP and PVA. The nal
environment surrounding the nanoparticles being analyzed.
products (4.5 mg of each sample) were transferred into amber
Noble metal nanostructures such as gold and silver are appli-
bottles and stored for further analysis.
cable as LSPR-based optical and chemical sensors/biosensors
and are expected to be of use in high-sensitivity detection of
target molecules in medical and food control applications.22,23 2.3 Characterization of the materials
Due to the simplicity and low cost of fabricating hydrogen The synthesized AgNPs were characterized comprehensively by
peroxide sensors, the analytical detection of hydrogen peroxide using a variety of techniques. The crystalline structure of the
is extensively used in pharmaceutical, environmental, indus- synthesized AgNPs was analyzed using a Seifert 3003 TT X-ray
trial and clinical research.24 Recently, Endo et al.25 developed an diffractometer with Cu Ka radiation (k ¼ 0.1546 nm). The
LSPR-based optical biosensor using PVP-capped AgNPs for the surface morphology of the AgNPs was visualized using a ZEISS,
detection of hydrogen peroxide. Tagad et al.26 constructed SUPRA 55 eld emission scanning electron microscope
a H2O2 sensor based on silver nanoparticles stabilized by (FESEM). A transmission electron microscopy (TEM) study was
polysaccharides. conducted using a Technai TF30 ST eld emission transmission
In the present study, we synthesized spherical AgNPs in the electron microscope (FE-TEM) working at an accelerating
presence of different stabilizing capping agents through voltage of 300 kV. UV–visible absorption spectra were acquired
a simple chemical reduction method, and we optimized various on a Perkin Elmer Lambda 950 UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer
features of the AgNPs produced. The capping agents tested with the wavelength set in the range 200–800 nm at a resolution
included polyethylene glycol (PEG), ethylenediaminetetraacetic of 0.2 nm. Photoluminescence spectra were recorded using
acid (EDTA), polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and polyvinyl alcohol a Horiba Jobin–Yvon Fluorolog-3 spectrouorometer (FL3-
(PVA), and we determined the effects of these capping agents on 22PTI). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectra
the sizes of the resulting AgNPs. In addition, as part of the effort of AgNPs were taken with an ATR-FTIR Bruker Vertex-80 spec-
to develop improved detectors of H2O2, the current work trometer. The zeta potential of the prepared AgNPs was
focused on applying our synthesized AgNPs as an LSPR-based measured using a Nanopartica instrument (HORIBA).
H2O2 optical sensor, and the characteristics of this sensor was
evaluated by carrying out a UV-visible spectrophotometric
analysis. We also evaluated the synthesized AgNPs for their 2.4 Antibacterial assay of the synthesized AgNPs
antibacterial activity. The antibacterial activities of the synthesized AgNPs with
different capping agents were tested against the bacterial
2. Experimental isolates such as Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas spp. The
antibacterial properties of these different AgNPs were investi-
2.1 Materials gated by employing standard Kirby–Bauer's disc diffusion
Silver nitrate (AgNO3), sodium borohydride (NaBH4), ethanol method.27 The above-mentioned bacterial pathogens were
(C2H5OH), PEG (C2nH4n+2On+1), PVP ((C6H9NO)n), EDTA cultured overnight in nutrient broth at 37  C. The nutrient agar
(C10H16N2O8), PVA ((C2H4O)n) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) plates were prepared by dissolving the nutrient agar in distilled
were purchased from Sigma Aldrich. All the chemicals were of water and autoclaved and then allowed for solidication before
analytical reagent grade and used without further purication. adding the cultures through lawn culture method. Then,

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Whatman no. 1 lter paper discs impregnated with a volume of D ¼ Kl/b cos q, (1)
6 ml of the AgNPs synthesized with different capping agents and
dried under aseptic conditions, were placed in separate appro- where K denotes Scherrer's constant (K ¼ 0.94), D corresponds
priately labeled plates. The plates were incubated at 37  C for 24 to crystallite size, b is the full width at half maximum (FWHM)
h to assess the activity of the AgNPs. The size (in mm) of the of the XRD peak and is expressed in radians, and q is the
clear zone of inhibition around each disc aer the incubation position of the diffraction peak. The FWHM was calculated
period was recorded. using (111) preferred orientation and the average crystallite size
was found to range from a high of 39 nm for the PEG-capped
AgNPs to a low of 26 nm for the PVA-capped AgNPs.
2.5 LSPR-based hydrogen peroxide detection method using
Published on 06 April 2016. Downloaded by Freie Universitaet Berlin on 26/03/2018 20:47:32.

PVA-capped AgNPs
The optical characteristics of PVA-capped AgNPs serving as an 3.2 Morphological studies
LSPR-based sensor of hydrogen peroxide were evaluated using
FESEM measurements were taken to obtain the particle size
various concentrations of H2O2 as specied in the previously
distribution of the as-synthesized AgNPs. The FESEM images
used protocol.25 At rst, a volume of 1 ml of a hydrogen peroxide
(Fig. 2) clearly showed the formation of spherical AgNPs
solution of a specied concentration was diluted with 20 mM
synthesized with the different capping agents.
phosphate buffer (pH 7.4), and the resulting solution was added
The PEG-capped AgNPs were observed to agglomerate to
to PVA-capped AgNPs in a quartz cuvette and thoroughly mixed
a modest extent into larger particles, while the others agglom-
for evaluation of optical characteristics using a UV-vis spectro-
erated to lesser extents. The least agglomeration was observed
photometer. The changes in the optical spectra of the AgNPs at
for the PVA-capped AgNPs, which for the most part formed
a wavelength of about 425 nm were monitored at regular
isotropic spherical nanoparticles. The average particle sizes of
intervals of time (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 min).
the PEG, EDTA, PVP and PVA capped AgNPs were found to be
44, 39, 35 and 31 nm, respectively. Therefore, PVA capped
3. Results and discussion AgNPs are optimized as a smallest particle size.
The shapes and sizes of the synthesized AgNPs with different
3.1 Structural analysis capping agents were further examined by using TEM. The
The structures of the AgNPs synthesized with different capping typical TEM micrographs of PEG and PVA-capped AgNPs are
agents were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. shown in Fig. 3(a) and (b), and the average particle size was
The XRD spectra with 2q values ranging from 20 to 80 depic- found to be 41 nm for the PEG-capped AgNPs and 27 nm for the
ted four peaks corresponding to diffraction from the (111), PVA-capped AgNPs.
(200), (220) and (311) planes (Fig. 1). Diffraction from the (111) In these micrographs, the more spherical isotropic particles
plane was strongest. All the peaks were indexed based on the appeared smaller in size whereas the nonspherical ones
face-centered cubic (FCC) lattice of silver, and were consistent appeared larger. For the PEG-capped case, the smaller particles
with the standard JCPDS (no. 04-0783) data. The average crys- apparently agglomerated to form larger nonspherical particles,
tallite size was estimated from the FWHM of the diffraction perhaps because of a decreased interaction between the PEG and
peak using the Debye–Scherrer formula28 AgNPs relative to the interactions between the other capping
agents and the AgNPs. Less agglomeration was observed for the

Fig. 1 Representative XRD profiles of synthesized silver nanoparticles Fig. 2FESEM images of AgNPs prepared with (a) PEG, (b) EDTA, (c)
with different capping agents. PVP and (d) PVA.

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From this, we can state that the relatively short wavelength at

maximum absorption for the PVA-capped AgNPs was due to the
relatively small average size of the particles.
To further explore the size-dependent optical properties, we
carried out photoluminescence studies. Fig. 4(b) shows the PL
spectra of the AgNPs synthesized with the PEG, EDTA, PVP and
PVA capping agents, respectively. It has been suggested that the
photoemission wavelength is independent of the particle size,
while the intensity increases with decreasing particle size.32
Irrespective of the capping agent used, all AgNPs excited with
Published on 06 April 2016. Downloaded by Freie Universitaet Berlin on 26/03/2018 20:47:32.

400 nm wavelength light yielded a maximum emission at

a similar wavelength, mainly located in the visible region at 450
nm. The PVA-capped AgNPs yielded the most intense emission,
consistent with their smallest average particle size. As the
AgNPs were excited in the SPR range, the radiation absorbed by
these nanoparticles is thought to be radiative energy transfer to
the emitting particles.

Fig. 3 TEM images of AgNPs synthesized with (a) PEG and (b) PVA. (c)
Typical HR-TEM and (d) SAED pattern of AgNPs prepared with PVA. 3.4 FTIR studies
In order to determine the possible functional groups involved in
reduction and capping process and their unique interactions
PVA-capped AgNPs than for the others, and the PVA-capped
with AgNPs, FTIR spectroscopy studies were undertaken.
AgNPs were observed to be generally spherical and homoge-
Fig. 5(a) shows the FTIR spectra of the AgNPs synthesized with
neously dispersed. Multiple and equispaced lattice fringes were
the PEG, EDTA, PVP and PVA capping agents, respectively. PEG-
clearly observed in the high-resolution TEM of the PVA-capped
capped AgNPs yielded a broad peak centered around 3412 cm1
AgNPs (Fig. 3(c)). The lattice spacing (d) of the (111) plane was
attributed to the stretching vibration of –OH group. The spectral
found to be 0.23 nm and is consistent with JCPDS data (no. 04-
bands at 1070 cm1, 1260 cm1, 1380 cm1, and 1587 cm1
0783). Finally, the PVA-capped AgNPs were found to be smaller
arose from the C–OH stretching, C–O–C asymmetric stretching,
than the AgNPs made with the other capping agents. The PVA-
alkyl C–H deforming vibrations, and C–H mode vibrations,
capped AgNPs were also analyzed by electron diffraction
respectively. The small peaks at 530 cm1 and 415 cm1
directly on the transmission electron microscope. The selected-
correspond to the AgNPs bonding with oxygen of hydroxyl
area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern (Fig. 3(d)) showed
groups of PEG units, and C–C skeletal vibrations were observed
obvious bright circular rings mixed with several diffraction spots
at 989 and 840 cm1. All of the above spectral peaks are in
attributed to the polycrystalline structure of the formed AgNPs.
accordance with the previous report and reveal that PEG stabi-
lized the NPs through steric and electrostatic interactions of
3.3 Optical properties –OH groups.33 EDTA-capped AgNPs yielded absorptions at 1061
UV-vis absorption spectroscopy is a fundamental technique for cm1, 1401 cm1, 1632 cm1 and 3446 cm1, which were
assessing the formation of stable AgNPs, since metal nano- assigned to C–O single-bond vibrations, asymmetric carboxylate
particles have been shown to exhibit an intense absorption peak group stretching, amide-I C]O stretching, and O–H stretching
due to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) phenomenon vibrations, respectively.34 This IR spectrum strongly conrmed
(collective oscillation of surface electrons) at 395–425 nm.29 the capping of the AgNPs through direct bonding of EDTA.
According to Mie's theory30 only a single SPR band is expected in Each repeating unit of PVP has two functional groups, a C–N
the absorption spectrum of spherical nanoparticles, whereas group and a C]O group. These groups, due to their N and O
two or more SPR bands are expected for anisotropic nano- atoms, have great affinity for silver ions and can coordinate
particles, depending on the specic shapes of the particles. The metallic silver.35 PVP-coated AgNPs yielded main absorption of
number of SPR peaks increases as the symmetry of the nano- C–N peak of pure PVP at 1019 cm1 which is separated into two
particles decreases.31 peaks at 1056, and 1007 cm1.36 Other peaks at 1378 cm1, 1631
Fig. 4(a) displays the absorption spectra of the AgNPs cm1, 3491 cm1 are characteristic of bond vibrations of the
prepared with different capping agents. A single and fairly NO31 group, C]O bonds, and O–H stretching vibrations,
symmetrical SPR band was exhibited by each of the AgNP respectively.36 Thus, the FTIR spectra showed the presence of
samples in the range of 440–420 nm. AgNPs synthesized with molecular interactions between AgNPs and PVP chain.
PEG, EDTA, PVP and PVA yielded maximum absorption peaks at PVA-capped AgNPs yielded strong absorption peaks at 3446
445, 438, 431 and 425 nm, respectively, indicating the formation cm1, 1641 cm1, 1420 cm1, and 1062 cm1, which were
of relatively small nanoparticles with narrow size distributions. ascribed to typical hydroxyl bands, symmetric stretching of
The SPR data was well correlated with the shapes of the carboxylate anion, O–H and C–H bending, and C–O stretching,
synthesized nanoparticles in the micrographs described above. respectively.7 In addition, small bands were also observed at

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Fig. 4 (a) UV-vis absorption spectra and (b) PL spectra of the synthesized AgNPs with the various capping agents.

2948 and 2897 cm1, corresponding to the asymmetric and the samples. Additionally, the negative zeta potential value (46.6
symmetric stretching of –CH2–, respectively. As a result, we may mV) of PVA-AgNPs also suggests an active role of the capping
conclude that all of the synthesized AgNPs were properly agent in augmenting the stability of the AgNPs for a longer
encapsulated by their capping agents. period of time than other capped AgNPs.

3.5 Zeta potential analysis 3.6 Formation of AgNPs with capping agents
Zeta potential is an important parameter for the assessing the Different capping agents (polyethylene glycol (PEG), ethyl-
stability of AgNPs in aqueous suspensions. Particles that have enediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)
a large negative or positive zeta potential are likely to repel each and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)) were used for the synthesis of
other, and thereby have enhanced suspension stability. AgNPs and formed AgNPs were encapsulated by their own
However, if the particles have low zeta potential values, then capping agent. In case of PEG, the hydroxyl group acts as
attractive forces between the particles become dominant and a capping agent and can make a cover on the surface of AgNPs.
particles undergo aggregation and occulation. In general, This is probably due to the presence of van der Waals forces
a minimum value of 30 mV for the zeta potential is necessary between negatively charged oxygen groups present in PEG and
to validate a stable nanosuspension.37 Fig. 5(b) shows the zeta positively charged that surround the surface of the inert
potential values of the synthesized AgNPs with different AgNPs.38 The possible interaction between the positively
capping agents and indicates the high stability of the prepared charged Ag and PEG is shown in Fig. S1(a).† The EDTA molec-
AgNPs. Moreover, the zeta potential results revealed the ular structure allows it to completely surround a metal atom
synthesized PVA-AgNPs to be more stable than the other AgNP (chelating effect) and avoids the metal from reacting with other

Fig. 5 (a) FTIR spectra and (b) zeta potential values for AgNPs synthesized with different capping agents.

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molecules by forming cage-like structure as EDTA is a bifunc- Table 1 Antibacterial activity of AgNPs, measured against different
tional chelating agent.39 Since, chelating agent may bond to pathogenic organisms
a metal ion in more than one place simultaneously and increase
Zones of inhibition (mm)
its stability. Herein, the EDTA bond up with the silver ion and
the schematic representation of silver ion wrapped by EDTA is AgNPs capping agent Escherichia coli Pseudomonas spp.
shown in Fig. S1(b).†
PEG 3 3
PVP has a polyvinyl skeleton with polar groups, act as
EDTA 4 5
a capping agent for dissolved metallic salts through steric and PVP 6 6
electrostatic stabilization of amide groups of the pyrrolidone PVA 7 8
rings. PVP donates loan pair electrons of oxygen and nitrogen
Published on 06 April 2016. Downloaded by Freie Universitaet Berlin on 26/03/2018 20:47:32.

atoms to silver ions and thus forms the Ag ions and PVP
complex structure.40 The schematic reaction between silver
cation and PVP is depicted in Fig. S1(c).† PVA is a non-toxic antibacterial activity of the AgNPs synthesized with the various
green polymer and it reacts with silver nitrate resulting in the capping agents. Martı́nez-Castañón et al.44 reported that rela-
formation of Ag+ ions bonded to PVA polymer structure. As PVA tively small particles display relatively high antibacterial
is heated while stirring, the reactive PVA molecules with acti- activity. The PVA-capped AgNPs, shown above to be small,
vated OH-groups free from H-bonding are formed.41 Thus, these indeed showed better antibacterial efficacy than the other
active OH-groups act as head-groups to adsorb Ag+ cations and AgNPs (Fig. 6). Also, the high aspect ratio and the crystallo-
drive a directional growth, Ag+ / Ag0, which eventually produce graphic structure of the nanoparticles govern their antimicro-
a Ag-metal attached to the PVA surface (Fig. S1(d)†). bial potency, which are favored by {111} facets.45
The AgNPs exhibited better antibacterial efficacy by inhibit-
3.7 Antibacterial studies ing the growth and division of pathogenic bacteria like Escher-
ichia coli and Pseudomonas spp. In general, AgNPs destabilize
The antibacterial properties of the AgNPs with different capping the outer membrane and split the plasma membrane, thereby
agents (PEG, EDTA, PVP and PVA) were analyzed by means of causing reduction of intracellular ATP.46 The sizes in millime-
Kirby–Bauer's disc diffusion method on the basis of the zone of ters of the zones of inhibition of the respective discs loaded with
inhibition. The antibacterial activity of the AgNPs is solely due different concentrations of AgNPs against the tested pathogenic
to physical effects, such as adsorption of AgNPs to the cell wall, bacteria are listed in Table 1. Of the different capping agents
interaction of Ag ions with the cell wall protein, denaturation of tested, the PVA-capped AgNPs yielded the largest such zones of
the cell wall proteins, and the formation of porous structures inhibition, which revealed these AgNPs to be novel antibacterial
along with severe changes in the membrane structure of the agents due to their small average size.
bacteria, which all increase the permeability and accumulation
of external uids. In particular, AgNPs can damage the structure
of the cell membrane by anchoring onto and penetrating the 3.8 Evaluation of PVA-capped AgNPs as LSPR-based optical
membrane through electrostatic attractions, and hence deacti- hydrogen peroxide sensors
vate certain membranous enzymes, dissipate the proton motive The catalytic reaction between PVA-capped AgNPs and
force, and nally cause cell lysis.42,43 Fig. 6 shows the hydrogen peroxide would be expected to inevitably result in the

Fig. 6 Bactericidal activity of AgNPs with different capping agents against E. coli (a–d) and Pseudomonas spp. (e–h).

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Fig. 7 Possible mechanism and schematic representation of (a) the reaction between PVA-coated AgNPs and H2O2, and (b) the decrease of
absorbance intensity with increasing H2O2 concentration. (c) Optical absorption characteristics of different concentrations of PVA-capped
AgNPs. (d) LSPR optical absorbance spectra of AgNPs as a function of time after the addition of 103 M H2O2. (Inset: AgNPs solution (i) before and
(ii) after addition of H2O2). (e) The correlation between the optical absorbance strength changes after 30 min with respect to different
concentrations of H2O2 added to the PVA-AgNPs. (f) Relationship between the absorbance intensity and reaction time for different concen-
trations of H2O2.

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decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, and induce the degrada- PVA-capped AgNPs were chosen for use in an LSPR-based
tion of clustered AgNPs through PVA layer with their oxidation hydrogen peroxide sensor. The LSPR absorbance strength was
(Fig. 7(a) and (b)). The dependence of the absorbance of the observed to change markedly with changes in the hydrogen
PVA-capped AgNPs on its concentration is shown in Fig. 7(c). peroxide concentration and time of reaction due to the catalytic
The absorption intensity of the PVA-capped AgNP increased as degradation of the AgNPs. The ability of AgNPs to catalyze the
its concentration was increased from 0.0005% to 0.001% and to reduction of H2O2 was thus successfully applied to the fabri-
0.002%. As a result, the 0.002% concentration of the PVA- cation of an optical sensor of H2O2. Furthermore, this detection
capped AgNP solution was chosen as a hydrogen peroxide method is simple, relatively inexpensive, and reliable, and can
sensor. be suitably employed in medical and environmental
Fig. 7(d) shows the change in the LSPR-based optical H2O2 monitoring.
Published on 06 April 2016. Downloaded by Freie Universitaet Berlin on 26/03/2018 20:47:32.

sensor absorbance characteristics of the PVA-capped AgNPs

with time due to the introduction of 1 mM (103 M) H2O2. As
shown in the inset of Fig. 7(d), the signature yellow color (vial Acknowledgements
(i)) disappeared and nally became colorless (vial (ii)) aer 30
This research was supported by the National Research Foundation
min. The absorbance was observed to decrease with time of
of Korea (NRF-2015K1A4A3047100, NRF-2015M3A7B6027973, and
reaction, and aer 30 min a drastic change in its optical
absorbance characteristics was observed. The observed
decrease in the absorbance intensity was attributed to the
decrease in the AgNP concentration. The change in color of the References
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sity of the LSPR absorbance was observed. Based on the afore- 5 C. N. Lok, C. M. Ho, R. Chen, Q. Y. He, W. Y. Yu, H. Sun,
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