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The Social Man – The Girlfriend Activation System

Be The Man And Get A Girlfriend

The System
How to get an awesome, loyal, dedicated girlfriend? Simple: be the obvious choice,
can follow a step-by-step system that activates her desire for you. We’ll show you
the way.

Part 1: Being The Obvious Choice

There are a lot of men out there, so what’s going to make you the obvious choice for
the girl you want? It’s not money or looks. In Part 1, you’ll become the guy who’s
easy to fall for.

Part 2: A Relationship-Ready Mind

With all the bad advice out there, and scars from previous bad relationships, far too
many men become closed off, and get in their own way. In this section, you’ll clear
out the mess.

Part 3: Unforgettable First Impressions

There are a lot of great ways to meet women that don’t involve picking them up. In
this section, you’ll learn social secrets for making powerful first impressions that
create lasting attraction.

Part 4: Fearless Approaching

A bold, fearless approach never fails to attract women, and if your next girlfriend
happens to catch your eye from across the room, Nick Sparks’ 3 simple tips will carry
the day.

Part 5: Dating to Sex

Here’s exactly how to go from a first date with a girl, all the way to getting down n’
dirty. Follow the proven, step-by-step systems here, and she won’t be able to resist

Part 6: Sex to Girlfriend

On the way to a relationship, sex is only second base. Here’s how to navigate the
waters and slide smoothly into a relationship with the girl of your dreams.

Bonus Material
- 7 Commandments of Dating Exceptionally Beautiful Women
- 25 Great First Date Questions
- Commanding Conversation

Group Coaching Calls

Taking the Girlfriend Activation System even further, Christian explains the
psychology of the “Obsession Story,” and provides example after example of how to
put it into practice.

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