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Name: Crestyl Faye Rodrigo Cagatan Date: September 7,2021

Share your thoughts on this:

1. Share at least 3 things or more that you have discovered from today’s lecture. Explain!

There is a lot you may take away from today's talk. The first is why we should
learn history. There, it was mentioned that we must learn in order to clarify our identity as
Seventh-day Adventist. Furthermore, we can learn from church history that, while
opposing viewpoints might be frustrating, they can often be useful in highlighting
components that have become derailed in Christian thinking.

Second is on how William Miller totally surrender and dedicated his life to Christ.
God is in the business of restoring things. He's working on us, on our lives, actively
restoring and rebuilding what has become encrusted with filth over the years. Let us, like
William Miller, dedicate His restoration work to His glory.

Lastly, the Millerite Movement. It was created during the Second Great
Awakening in America. This awakening was a religious revival that sparked reform
movements across the country. The Millerites were followers of William Miller's beliefs.
There is no doubt that the Millerite Movement was a significant religious movement in
the nineteenth century that influenced the historical development of religion in America
from the beginning to the present.

2. How do you perceive the second coming of Christ?

The Second Coming of Christ, also known as the Return, Second Coming, or Seco
nd Advent of Christ, is the future return of Christ to earth at the end of the era. As Jesus d
escends from heaven on the clouds to bring final judgment and salvation, this return will
be visible and corporeal. For those who have not yet received God's generous gift of
forgiveness and mercy, the arrival of Christ will be terrifying.

Because the Lord will come as a thief in the night, we, as Christians, will have no
idea when He will arrive. He will appear when we are least expecting it. God's people
must keep an eye on each other, wait, and encourage one another, and we must be
mindful of the signs.

Any delay of the Lord's return is to give people more time to repent and receive
salvation. After Jesus returns, as what I have said that the unsaved will have no chance of
salvation; but, today is the day of salvation. It is critical that we convey the gospel and
hope for redemption in Christ by grace through faith.
3. How does this teaching has impacted your spiritual journey with Him?

I was deeply moved by William Miller's whole dedication to God. God wants us
to be devoted to Him so that He can help us grow into the people He made us to be. This
teaching inspires me to spend more time with God and learn more about Him.

Our commitment to God shows others how important He is to us. What we

commit and how much we commit shows how much we value our relationship with Him.
God will help us to become what He created us to be. If we give Him something to work

God will place His desires in our hearts if we are living closely with Him and
really desiring His will for our life. The key is to desire God's will rather than our own.
“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm

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