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Justin Gerald Nacario


Date: _______________ Time Started: _______ Time Ended: _______

Direction: Read each statement carefully and choose the correct answer. Write the letter that corresponds to
your answer on the space provided.
A.1. The following are measures of central tendency except for one.
A. range B. mean C. median D. mode
B_2. It is a measure of central tendency which is simply the average of the set of data.
A. range B. mean C. median D. mode
C.__3. It is a measure of central tendency which is the middle number/data when the number in a set of data is
arranged in ascending/descending order.
A. range B. mean C. median D. mode
D._4. It is a measure of central tendency which is the number/data that occurs most often in a set of data.
A. range B. mean C. median D. mode
B.__5. It is the measures that divides the set of data into four equal parts.
A. percentile B. quartile C. mean D. median
Given the following data, answer the questions in items 6 – 8.
Table 1. Weekly Savings of 10 Students from Mrs. Cruz’s Class

Name of Student Abby Brent Carl Donna Eddy Freda Gina Hanna Izzy Jacky

Weekly savings (in pesos) 60 50 40 50 70 50 50 80 70 70

_____6. What is the mean of the given set of data?

A. 59 B. 60 C. 61 D. 62
_____7. What is the median of the given set of data?
A. 54 B. 55 C. 56 D. 57
_____7. What is the mode of the given set of data?
A. 40 B. 50 C. 60 D. 70
Given the frequency distribution table below, answer items 9 – 12.
Table 2. Scores of 40 Students in STAT Quiz
LCB Class Cumulative
Class Frequency
Marks f • Xm Frequency │Xm - x́ │ f •│Xm - x́ │
Limits (f)
(Xm) (cf <)
98-100 2 99 198 40
95-97 1 96 96 38
92-94 1 93 93 37
89-91 6 90 540 36
86-88 6 87 522 30
83-85 5 84 420 24
80-82 79.5 9 81 729 19
77-79 76.5 2 78 156 10
74-76 73.5 3 75 225 8
71-73 70.5 5 72 360 5
Σf•│Xm - x́ │=
Σf•Xm =
TOTAL N=40 247 __________
3 339

_____9. What is the mean of the given set of data?

A. 82.475 B. 83.475 C. 84.475 D. 85.475
_____10. What is the median of the given set of data?
A. 83.1 B. 83.2 C. 83.3 D. 83.4
_____11. What is the mode of the given set of data?
A. 81.40 B. 81.41 C. 81.42 D. 81.43
_____12. What is the value of the second quartile of the given set of data?
A. 82.475 B. 83.475 C. 84.475 D. 85.475

Solution (7 points):

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