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Test 1: Describe a person that impresses you most.

When I was 6 years old, I was completely impressed by one of my classmate because of everything
happened in her life. I was a lazy person though my parents was always telling me to change my
characters, but I did not do it. At that time, I was surprised when I knew that there was a person had to do
everything herself including house hold chores or earning money for living even she was very young, her
name was Tuoi. She lost her parents when she was 4 years old and shorter than me. She was not only an
intelligent girl but also a friend person that everyone wanted to make friend. Tuoi lived with her brother,
who had got married and had a son. Everyday, Tuoi spent all the morning for studying at school until
lunch, she came back home on foot to make lunch for her family, her brother and his wife had to go to
work early so they did not have time to do houseworks. When the o’clock was 13:30, she must be at
school to continue to study. Sometimes, I met her when she was selling vegetables at market alone, I saw
clearly the tiredness on her face and I guess how could she do the job for adults and teenagers, not for a
child like a us. Moreover, she never let her private life affect to her studying, she always had high marks
at every subject in spite of not having much time to study, so she became one of person who impressed
me. I could not help her about the finance at that time, but I often shared the junkfood or my toys as long
as she could be happy. When we was 8 years old, she had to move to other place because of his brother’s
job, I last saw her was the last day of September, 2010 and I could not contact her anymore. From my
point of view, she was the most brave and strong little and it is very worth when I was impressed by her.

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