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Self Introduction 午安 wǔ’ān good afternoon

晚安/晚上好 wan’ān/wǎnshanghǎo good

*nǐ jiào shénme míngzi? (what your name?)
- wǒ jiào… nǐ ne? ( my name is (your
再見 zàijiàn goodbye
name.. you?)
nǐ/n hǎo (formal)
-nǐ/n hǎo
我 wǒ - I
你 nǐ - you
nǐmen hǎo/dàjiā hǎo
什麼 shénme - what
hǎo/hěn hǎo
好 hǎo - good
叫 jiào - to be named/to be called
*nǐ/n hǎo ma?
名字 míngzi - name
-hǎo/hěn hǎo nǐ ne?
認識 rènshi - to know
-wǒ yě hǎo/hěn hǎo
很 hěn - very/quite
高興 gāoxing - happy/glad
*rènshi ní/n hěn gāoxing hěn gāoxing
rènshi ní 也 yě - also
-rènshi ní/n wǒ yě hěn gāoxing 嗎 ma - a question particle
wǒ yě hěn gāoxing rènshi ní/n

*hǎo le ma? / hǎo le (are you ready?)

-meiyo hao le me (not yet ready)

謝謝 xiè xie thank you

不客氣 bùkèqì you’re welcome/my
pleasure/ please don’t bother
對不起 duìbuqǐ I’m sorry
早安/早上好 zǎo’ān/zǎoshanghǎo good
Other family members
Pronouns and family members
但但 yéye - grandfather
Personal Pronouns
䑊䑊 nǎinai - grandmother
• Wǒ - I
叔叔 shūshu - uncle
• nǐ - you nǐn - you (formal)
姑姑 gūgu - aunt
• tā - he / she
表親 biǎoqīn - cousin
• Wǒmen - we
• Nǐmen - you (plural) 䫎子 zhízi -nephew

• Tāmen – they 䫎女 zhínü – niece

de – possessive
• Wǒ de - my
• nǐ de - your
• tā de - his/her
• Wǒmen de - our
• Nǐmen de - your (plural)
• Tāmen de – their

Family members

爸爸 bàba - father
媽媽 māma - mother
哥哥 gēge - elder brother
弟弟 dìdi - younger brother
姐姐 jiějie - elder sister
妹妹 mèimei - younger sister
Lesson 6: Numbers and One example is… 你家有幾口人? nǐ jiā yǒu
jǐ kǒu rén?, which literally means, “how
Counting many are you in your family?
Counting in Chinese is easy. Once you have You can answer by saying… 我家有
memorized them all, it will be easier to ___(number)口人
construct and deliver other statements
related to numbers in the said language. But take note that if it’s one or two, you
say 一个 yī ge and 兩个 liǎng ge.
Let’s start with 1-10
一 yī (1) 六 liù (6)
二 èr (2) 七 qī (7)
三 sān (3) 八 bā (8)
你有哥哥嗎?nǐ yǒu gēge ma? “do
四 sì (4) 九 jiǔ (9) you have an elder brother?”
五 wǔ (5)十 she (10) 我有一个哥哥 我 wǒ yǒu yī ge gēge
  The opposite of 有 yǒu is 沒有
0 is 零 líng méiyou “don’t have”

  Knowing these numbers will also be easy in

giving dates in Chinese. But first, let’s learn
Now, 11-99 is much easier, how is that? the different months.
11 is 十一 (10 - 1) - shí yī 一月 yī yuè January
12 is 十 二 (10 - 2) - shí èr… and so on… 二月 èr yuè February
20 is 二 十 (2 - 10) - èr shí 三月 sān yuè March
21 is  二 十 二 (2 - 10 - 2) - èr shí èr (22) and 四月 sì yuè April
so on…
and so on… so December is 十 二月 shí èr
So, 99 is 九 十 九 (9 -10 - 9) – jiǔ shí jiǔ yuè
Hundred is 百 bǎi So now, how do we say October 7, 2020?
Thousand is 千 qiān That will be:
二零二零年 十月 七日
Now, how is this applicable to other èr líng èr líng nián shí yuè qī rì (day/sun)
You say jǐ yuè (what month) and jǐ rì (what
day) if you ask somebody for both month
and date.
Finally, for days of the week, you simply add
the number after the word 星期 xīngqī
星期一 xīngqī yī Monday
星期二 xīngqī èr Tuesday
星期三 xīngqīsān Wednesday
星期四 xīngqīsì Thursday
星期五 xīngqīwǔ Friday
星期六 xīngqīlliù Saturday
星期天 xīngqītiān Sunday
今天 jīntiān - today
明天 míngtiān - tomorrow
昨天 zuótiān - yesterday
今年 jīnnián - this year
明年 míngnián - next year
去年 qùnián - last year
月 yuè - month
日 rì - day

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