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Marielle Louize C.



Activity on the Innopreneurship


• Name of Entrepreneur:
Neil S. Barro

• Name of Business:
Toto Kuby Fish

• When Started: 2012

• Reason/s for going into business: Family has always been in the fish business.

• How did the business start? His brother gave him a capital to start his business.

• What were the challenges faced? His fish delivery service was involved in an accident and
damaged the car and his workers including him got rushed to the hospital.

• How were the challenges overcome? Now they make sure that the driver is not under the
influence of alcohol and they sleep for at least seven hours before having long drives to
deliver the fishes.

Please share failures encountered along the way. How did they recover from the failures?

- Some of the failures his business encountered is low fish pricing and low fish demand resulting
to less profit. He recovered by branching out to different parts of Panay and have contacts
with people in the fish business all around the island.

• Find out the following:

– Gate 1: Preparation

• How did they raised the MONEY?

- They raised money using his hog business and money from his brother to be his capital. He
also sold some animals like chickens, pigs and cows.

• Who were their MENTORs and how they were able to convince them to mentor
- His mentor was his late father. His father was a fisherman and dedicated his life to fishing.
There he got the idea to turn it into business and because his father had experience with
fishing for years he had knowledge about fishes that can be profitable and how to run the

What was their business MODEL or how did they come up with the business MODEL?

-Retailer model  - A retailer is the last link in the supply chain. These businesses purchase goods from
distributors and then sell them to customers for a price that will both cover expenses and turn a

– Gate 2: Marketing

• Identify their target MARKET and why did they choose that segment?

- Small fish vendors. They chose this segment because it’s a win-win business. Toto Kuby Fish
dealership will get fish from big fishing company who does not allow those who will not bulk
buy. Toto Kuby Fish dealership will buy big amount of fishes and distribute it to smaller fish

• What was their MINDSET or beliefs on entrepreneurship? Was their MINDSET

when they started already focused on INNOVATION?

- when they started the business all they think about was making profit but as years go by
they realize that it is not just about the money but the number of families who get to eat fresh
fishes and small vendors who can provide for their families thanks to the dealership.
Innovation wasn’t on their mind the first time they started doing business yet it gradually
grows and they become motivated to innovate as years pass by.

• What was the MESSAGE they wanted to communicate to their target MARKET?
How did they communicate or reach their target market?

- The message they want to relay to their market is that everyone has the chance to get fresh
fish for a low price and get profit from it. It is a fair business and not taking advantage of its

– Gate 3: Execution

• How did they set up their organizational structure or their MACHINERY that will
deliver value to their chosen target segment? What does their
MACHINERY/structure look like?
- They have 2 small delivery trucks and more than a couple hundred fish box and tub to
maintain freshness of the fish. They have a couple of weighing scales and freezers containing
dozens of ice for re-icing the fish.

• What are the METHODS or processes of getting information and maintaining

control in their business?

- The owner has his own log books for fish orders and they communicate through call. His wife
is also his assistant along with workers and he also have payment gatherer which is in charge
of gathering the money in each transaction.

• What MANAGEMENT SKILLS do you feel were most important when they
started their business,

- Conceptual Skills

These involve the skills managers present in terms of the knowledge and ability for abstract thinking
and formulating ideas. The manager is able to see an entire concept, analyze and diagnose a problem,
and find creative solutions. This helps the manager to effectively predict hurdles their department or
the business as a whole may face.


Another vital management skill is decision-making. Managers make numerous decisions, whether
knowingly or not, and making decisions is a key component in a manager’s success. Making proper
and right decisions results in the success of the organization, while poor or bad decisions may lead to
failure or poor performance.

• as they grew their business,

 Human or Interpersonal Skills

The human or the interpersonal skills are the skills that present the managers’ ability to interact, work
or relate effectively with people. These skills enable the managers to make use of human potential in
the company and motivate the employees for better results.


Possessing great communication skills is crucial for a manager. It can determine how well information
is shared throughout a team, ensuring that the group acts as a unified workforce. How well a manager
communicates with the rest of his/her team also determines how well outlined procedures can be
followed, how well the tasks and activities can be completed, and thus, how successful an
organization will be.
• during crises?


Problem-solving is another essential skill. A good manager must have the ability to tackle and solve
the frequent problems that can arise in a typical workday. Problem-solving in management involves
identifying a certain problem or situation and then finding the best way to handle the problem and
get the best solution. It is the ability to sort things out even when the prevailing conditions are not


The ability to motivate is another important skill in an organization. Motivation helps bring forth a
desired behavior or response from the employees or certain stakeholders. There are numerous
motivation tactics that managers can use, and choosing the right ones can depend on characteristics
such as company and team culture, team personalities, and more.

• What was their leadership style and how did they motivate their team?

- The owner is strict yet considerate. If one of the worker have short coming, he will not
tolerate and will speak to him/her about it but will not curse instead educate. They motivate
each other by remembering their families whom they will feed with their hard work and the
families who will be able to eat fresh fish because of their service. The owner is an
appreciative one. I a job is well done he will treat the workers or give them extra cash. He may
not be vocal but he appreciates his team.

– Gate 4: Self-Mastery

• What helps they keep MOVING FORWARD especially during challenging times?

- The families they will feed after a long day of physical work and energy exertion. Another is if
they won’t work hard then how can they sustain their family’s needs and themselves. They
also work hard to provide fresh fish and quality fishes to their buyers.

• What is their MISSION or the reason why their business exists beyond profit?

- Feed families and feed themselves. Help small vendors sustain for their family and send their
children to school.

• How did they achieve personal MASTERY – especially building or upgrading their
capabilities as their business grows, including understanding and coping with
the dynamic business environment? How did they manage their personal life
while running their business?

- Over the years of having fish dealership as a business they realize that it is not only about
profiting and make sums of money but to provide a service that will make them notable and
accessible. They realized that there is no competition but there is cooperation and
coordination to provide the quality fish they want to provide their buyers. They don’t let
business get in the way of having quality time with their family instead they do business
together as a family. They made it their trademark and that is how they bond.

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