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B2 A Decade After The Fukushima Disaster LC034

Listen to a report about how life has changed ten years after the Fukushima nuclear
disaster. While listening, choose the correct answer (A,B,C or D) and write it into the space in
the answer box.

A Decade After The Fuskushima Disaster

1. In the aftermath of the 2011 Fukushima disaster

A. over a hundred thousand people had to leave their homes.
B. the government was able to contain all the radioactive material.
C. multiple tsunamis hit Japan.
D. recovery occurred swiftly.

2. The Japanese government has spent billions in order to

A. design new towns.
B. construct new gates around the town.
C. clean up the area.
D. reopen the nuclear power plant.

3. A decade after the explosion

A. life has returned to normal.
B. radiation has gone down by 15%.
C. not very many people have returned to the region.
D. more than 15% have returned to their homes.

4. When you look through the gates that block the site you can see
A. hardly any animals.
B. little vegetation.
C. new government buildings.
D. worn-down buildings.

5. The people who come back to Fukushima

A. get money to live in new communities.
B. are not very concerned about radiation.
C. are new to the region.
D. want to rebuild the area.
6. Maasato Saki wants to
A. continue living in his hometown.
B. go back to the temporary shelters he has been living in.
C. restart life somewhere else.
D. make the authorities rebuild his old house

7. Today many Japanese think that nuclear power

A. will overtake coal and natural gas.
B. is risky and dangerous.
C. will eventually come back to stay.
D. is better than coal and natural gas.

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