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Raven Chelsea L.



1. Briefly describe the principles of scientific management and administrative management. What
assumptions do their perspective make about workers? To what extent are these assumptions
still valid today?

The manager plays a crucial role in a workplace. They are most frequently responsible for a
specific role or department within the company. From accounting to marketing, distribution,
customer service, infrastructure, safety, and all other departments, the manager either leads his or
her team directly or leads a network of managers overseeing staff teams (Reh, 2020). In the year
1900, classical management has started being used by organizations and the principles developed
under this approach are still accepted in this modern time. Classical theory based on structured
organizational analysis. It highlights labor division, specialization, structure, scalar chain, functional
process, and control time. Other types of management stemmed from classical approach, namely,
Scientific Management and Administrative Management. Scientific management includes adapting
scientific methods of research and evaluation to management problems. This approach is based on
the following principles: a.) Scientific study and analysis of each element of a job to replace the rule
of thumb; b.) Development and use of scientific methods; c.) Scientific selection and training and
development of employees; d.) Close cooperation between workers and management; e.)
Reasonable remuneration to employees; f.) Standardization of raw materials, equipment, and
working conditions; g.) Division of work and responsibility; h.) Maximum prosperity for both
employers and employees; i.) Integration and coordination of various functions; j.) Mental
revolution with respect to work efforts of employees and management. On the other hand,
Administrative Management aims at examining the method, defining the underlying concepts, and
developing a management theory for them. Management administrative theory concerns the entire
continuum of managerial efficiency. The following principles were implied in this theory; (i) Division
of work (ii) Authority and responsibility (iii) Discipline (iv) Unity of command, (v) Unity of direction
(vi) Subordination of individual interest to general interest (vii) Fair remuneration to workers (viii)
Effective centralization (ix) Scalar chain (x) Order (xi) Equity, (xii) Stability of tenure of workers (xiii)
Initiative (xiv) Esprit de corps. These fourteen (14) principles served as a general guide to the process
of management (Priyashki, n.d.). It can be said, by means of the two types of management
indicated, that managers have concluded that employees become more efficient and effective when
they receive proper compensation and when there is a system that works for them. These
assumptions are still valid until today, because in most organizations, extra credit is given to the
employee who did a great job. In addition, when a proper system is in place, managers'
subordinates can perform their tasks more efficiently and effectively.

2. Is there one best way to manage still waiting to be discovered? Explain.

Different ways of management develop throughout the years. Managers have their own unique
way of supervising their subordinates, depending on what kind of leader that they need to
accomplish company objectives. In my opinion, one of the best possible ways to manage is being
able to quickly catch up with the modernization of the world. All things are fast evolving and a
certain system might not work in the workplace anymore, so the manager must come up with
new strategies on how to make things work despite the change that is happening. If the
manager could easily adapt, all things follow through.


Priyashki, M. (n.d). Classical approach to management. Retrieved from

Reh, J. (2020). The roles and responsibilities of a manager. Retrieved from

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