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Conve aleja

1: Hey, i’m hungry do you want to go out somewhere to eat?

2: Yeah, sure! I’m not really doing anything right now and i’m starting to get hungry too. Can i
invite megan though? she told me earlier that she wanted to hang out today

1: yes, of course, it’s been a while since i talked to her. Now we just have to pick a place to go to

2: Do we really have to? It sounds like so much work and i kind of like the elemnt of surprise, lets
just be spontaneous, we colud just go to a mall, walk around and pick whatever we want there

1: no, we can’t do that, every time we do that we just stay hungry and never actually eat anything,
and after that we give up and just end up ordering the same fried chicken, i want something else

2: that sounds fair, well what do you want to eat? Maybe we can narrow it down. Let me think
about it, i’m in the mood for some meat, what do you think about eating stake

1: oh my god yes! My cousin’s girlfriend told me about this amazing place we need to check it out,
she says the have the best stake in the whole city, not only that they have a special sauce that it’s
to die for

2: honestly that sounds really good but i just remembered that megan is vegan now so we can’t
eat a stake, those places don’t exactly have the best salads

1: Oh that’s a bummer i was getting excited about the stake already, well what about sushi? There
might be some vegan options that megan can eat

2: no, we can’t. I don’t like sushi, i don’t like the idea of eating raw fish and i’m not a really big fan
of seafood in general, the texture is just too weird for me

1: what? How do you know if you’ve never tried it before, its really good we should definitely eat
sushi some time but maybe not today although i cant really think of anything else right now

2: should we eat pizza? Everyone can order whatever they want in a pizza, i personally like mine
with pineapple and lots of cheese and i know the ones with only vegetables are great too, we can
even order individual ones since we are so hungry

1: that sounds really good but i’m afraid i’m lactose intolerant so i can’t eat the cheese, and
neither can megan since most cheese is not vegan

2: i didn’t know that, we might be able to find a place that sells pizza without cheese, it may sound
weird but i’ve heard it’s a thing, let me check my phone for pizza restaurants in the area

1: i rather not, is not fun to eat pizza without cheese

2: ok well i wasn’t finding very good places anyways and you might be right what’s the point of a
pizza without the delicious long cheese, let me think of something else… oh! What about chinese,
do you like chinese food?
1: no, i don’t really like it, it has way too many flavours at once, just not my cup of tea

2: i’m running out of options. You don’t want fried chicken and i’m not in the mood for a burger…
maybe we can eat chicken wings? Megan can order a salad or we ca ask for extra fries wherever
we go

1: i’d kill for some chicken wings but what if she doesn’t want to just eat a salad? We ought to be
more mindful of her options, after all it was us who invited her

2: she’s vegan! What else can she eat if not a salad? I’m not really sure what vegans can and can’t
eat so i don’t have many ideas of what places accomodate to a vegan diet. Picking a place to eat
it’s starting to sound impossible

1: come on don’t say that, we must be able to find a place to eat, it can’t be that hard, there’s
gotta be somewhere we haven’t thought of

2: you know what? Why are we we even figuring this out all on our own, we are not vegan we
don’t know anything about that diet, it may be easier to just ask megan what she wants to eat, im
so hungry by now i’d eat anything

1: that’s a great idea, she’ll probably have a better idea of places where we can all enjoy the food ,
also it might be fun to try some vegan options, i heard it’s really healthy and i’ve never tried a
completely vegan meal before, can you text her?

2: i already did, im just waiting for her reply… hold on a second it says she’s typing, she says she
wants to eat italian food

1: how come we didn’t think of that? It’s a great solution, i know this one place nearby and the
food there is delicious, let’s go pick up megan and we’ll be on our way

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