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 a man who has something interesting to say and at the same

time tried to make his audience comfortable.
 a good listener and shows in his interest that he wants to
hear what others have to say.
 speech clear enough for everyone to hear comfortably
 it is never monotonous
 the audience's gaze in their eyes, not in space.
these points are very important because due to an efficient
communication the people in the space also remain benevolent
and do not have misunderstandings.
 un bărbat care are ceva interesant de spus și, în același timp,
a încercat să-și facă publicul confortabil.
 un bun ascultător și arată în interesul său că vrea să audă ce
au de spus alții.
 vorbire suficient de clară pentru ca toată lumea să poată auzi
 nu este niciodată monoton
 privirea ascultătorilor în ochi, și nu în spațiu.
aceste puncte sunt foarte importante deoarece datorită unei
comunicări eficiente și oamenii din spațiu rămân binevoitori și
nu au neînțelegeri.
Ex2 Answer the following questions.
Why did the evening turn to be awful?
because a young man talked for an hour about every subject under the sun, and
none of the people could say a word, not even the journalist.
Who was the man who talked mostly?
the man who spoke the most was a young man who was eighteen years old.
Why does the author think that age excuses the young man? Cite the text.
the author says the following words in the text ,, Our speaker is eighteen years old
and that, I think, excuses him, because he has not practiced the art of speech for too
many years. ,, by these words he says that age is important because he did not
practice so often the art of speech.
What does the author expect the young man to learn? Keep your answer brief.
the author expects the young person to learn the characteristics of an effective
"He will learn, I hope, that a good conversationalist is a man who has something
interesting to say and, at the same time, tries to make his audience feel
In the author’s opinion, how often do we meet bad conversationalists?
the author says that most communication is good
"I don't always have to say, I, for one, think most communication is good."
How are bad conversationalists similar?
bad talkers are similar in that the speech is too detailed, in the fact that in speech
some people are shy
What are the two important things a talker must remember?
The two important things that the speaker needs to remember is that "a good
conversationalist is a man who has something interesting to say and at the same
time tries to make his audience feel comfortable."
Ex3 What synonym to the noun speaker is used in the text? Con sult the
dictionary and add other synonyms to the same group.
dex: communicative, conclusive, convincing, decisive, edifying, eloquent, expansive,
eloquent, decisive,
dex: comunicativ, concludent, convingător, decisiv, edificator, elocvent, expansiv,
grăitor, hotărâtor,

ex 5. Listen again. Name the type of conversationalist who….

 enjoys what he is telling so much that he cannot leave out the
smallest detail. - “detailed” man.
 after he has been speaking for a short time he finds he has lost his
audience because they are not so interested in all the details as he
is. – “detailed” man
 wants to do all the talking. - monopolizer
 will probably continue talking until he is so tired he can’t speak any
more. – monopolizer
 is the one who remembers that silence can be gold. - silent one
 • wants to attract attention to himself. - Show-off
 even if he has nothing to offer he still wants to be the center of the
talk. – repeater
 interrupts the ‘monopolizer’ or the ‘detailed man’.- interrupter
 has nothing to say/has no information to offer. - silent one
 is not as interested in the conversation as he is in himself. –
 will repeat not only something he has said but also something
someone else has mentioned. – repeater
 is afraid to say something because he is too shy - “silent one,,
Explicați următoarele cuvinte și expresii.
chat, n.
bine familiarizat
întâlnire socială
subiect, n.
pentru a servi unui scop
monoton, adj.
a fi la obiect

chat, n.
social get-together
leave out
subject, n.
to serve a purpose
monotonous, adj.
to be to the point

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