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Humans are social beings, thus they are always involved in communication. Because of social media, people
from all over the world may communicate without being separated by distance. As a result, social media can
facilitate contact between people from various national and cultural backgrounds. The goal of this research is to
see how the intercultural communication model works on social media

Keyword: social media, communication, intercultural communication.


Communication is the process of choosing and transmitting a sign or symbol, after which the
message's recipient offers feedback or answers with a viewpoint similar to that of the
message's sender. Humans can offer and collect knowledge, invite and persuade others, and
entertain others via conversing.

Communication between persons involves a symbol structure and a functioning arrangement

known as a model in order for information to be transferred successfully and the substance of
the information to reach the recipient of the information. The communication model is a
representation of the communication process that explains how the various components

So far, most research on the intercultural communication model has focused on face-to-face
contact, but intercultural communication now now takes place through mass media and social
media. As a result, no paradigm of intercultural communication via social media exists. As a
result, the authors are interested in seeing how the paradigm of intercultural communication
via social media might be improved. The purpose of this study is to find out what are the
important roles of social media to help intercultural communication


Every human being has a cultural identity that he takes with him at all times. As a result,
humans are constantly inseparable from their own cultural identity while talking. Every
human being need identity since they must be a member of a cultural system that includes
ethnicity, ethnicity, religion, language, and tradition. Language, ideas, and behavior patterns
all contribute to a culture's identity. Furthermore, Liliweri contends that cross-cultural
communication might be intimately linked if communicators can adapt to different cultural


Humans may now connect with anyone, anytime, and anywhere thanks to the widespread use
of popular social media in our modern era. In essence, the rise of social media
communication has resulted in a phenomena of intercultural dialogue amongst people from
all over the world.

In this era of globalization, the internet has become the primary source of information for
individuals from all over the world. Apart from finding information, the internet is also
utilized to interact with people who are located far away. The term "online communication"
or "online communication" refers to communication that takes place through the internet. The
internet, as a medium, has various features, including being based on computer technology,
being interactive, adaptable, having public and private functions, being networked, having
low-level laws, and being easily available.


The type of research that will be used by the author is library research which is descriptive
qualitative. Library research is a data collection technique contained in the literature section
such as books, newspapers, documents and others in accordance with the research conducted.

Furthermore, this study is descriptive in nature because it aims to characterize the

phenomenon under investigation. Because data that appears in the form of words or pictures
is not numerical, researchers use qualitative research methodologies.


In today's globalized society, social media is the primary source of information for
individuals from all over the world. Apart from finding information, social media is also
utilized to contact with people who are located far away. Online communication, often
known as social media communication, is a type of communication that takes place through
the internet. Based on computer technology, social media is interactive, adaptable, has public
and private functions, is networked, has low-level norms, and is easily available.

Communication via social media is a technologically and physically novel phenomena in

human communication towards the end of the twentieth century. The internet's presence in
the world has transformed it into one of the most important sources of information in today's
world. We frequently encounter cultural communication through social media through the
YouTube and Instagram applications, where many people upload photos and videos about the
culture in the area where they live, and we can communicate culturally with foreigners
through these applications. The cultural communication model that we usually apply is
influenced by cultural, sociocultural, psychocultural, and environmental factors.Cultural
factors, such as differences and similarities between Indonesian and other countries' cultures,
sociocultural factors, such as self-concepts of Indonesians and people from other countries
when communicating, psychocultural factors, such as stereotypes and attitudes of Indonesians
toward people from other regions and vice versa, and environmental factors, such as the
global environment virtual.

In contrast to physical or traditional media communication, social media communication may

cross geographical and time barriers. Communication using digital technology in the form of
text, audio, and video data is carried out more quickly through this internet channel. Message
processing is also less expensive and simpler.


Technology and information are continually evolving and have now become an integral
element of human existence. This allows for intercultural dialogue via social media, which is
a result of the availability of this information technology. Social media has evolved into a
tool for improving intercultural communication and disseminating replies addressing the
development requirements of many communities throughout the world.


Social media, such as YouTube and Instagram, may be used to communicate cultural
information. Cultural, sociocultural, psychocultural, and environmental elements can all
impact the cultural communication paradigm in social media. Cultural factors, such as
differences and similarities between Indonesian and other countries' cultures, sociocultural
factors, such as self-concepts of Indonesians and people from other countries when
communicating, psychocultural factors, such as stereotypes and attitudes of Indonesians
toward people from other regions and vice versa, and environmental factors, such as the
global environment virtual.


I thank all parties involved in the making of this article, thank you for helping from the
beginning to the end of writing this article. And the author realizes that this article is far from
perfect. Therefore, suggestions and constructive criticism are expected for the perfection of
this article.


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Liliweri, A. (2003). Makna budaya dalam komunikasi antarbudaya. LKiS Pelangi Aksara.

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