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solution vs. R In x2 for violet solutions fall on a single spectively. The solubilities of the gases of each pair
line, but diverge for solutions in which complexes are are nearly the same in the fluorocarbon solvents but the
formed. A similar divergence may be expected for two fluorides diverge in a common zig-zag manner in
gases that complex with a solvent. going to solvents with higher solubility parameters
The most striking result of this investigation is seen and dive deeply through benzene to carbon disulfide.
in Fig. 4, where values of log za for CF,, SFc,CQ2,CH,, This behavior is another and especially arresting ex-
Ar, X,, and Hz are plotted against the solubility param- ample of departure by fluorides from relations based
eters of a series of solvents ranging from CTFIO,5.85, upon the geometric mean “ l a d ’ of attraction betmeeii
to CSZ, 1O.c). We see that these two fluorides diverge molecules of certain different electron types emphasized
strongly from a simple pattern6to which the other gases by Hildebrand and S ~ o t t . ~
conform remarkably well. The “force constants” of We invite attention to the paper by Hiraoka and
other gases, e l k , obtained from their second virial co- Hildebrand8 on the partial molal volume of SFG i n
eBcients or from their viscosity, also give a pattern some of the same solvents.
agreeing well with the solubility of other gases. From
these two patterns we would expect SFG, ~jrC = 201, Acknowledgment.-This research has been supported
to have about the same solubilities as ( 3 0 2 , t-/k = 205. by the Atomic Energy Commission.
Similarly with CF, and CH4, E/JZ = 153 and 148, re- (7) Reference 5 , p. 144.
(6) Reference 5 , pp. 46, 47. (8) H. Hiraoka and J. H. Hildebrand, J . Phys. Chem.. 67, 1919 (1963).



Solution Chemistry Section, iYational Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C.

Received iVarch 18, 1963

The operational pII numbers for solutions in alcohol-water solvents ohtained from the e.m.f. of the cell with
hydrogen (or glass) electrode, salt bridge, and calomel reference electrode, standardized with aqueous butfer
standards, are subject to no simple interpretation. Because of the indeterminate potential at the junction solu-
tion X (alcohol-HpO) 1 KC1 bridge (as.), they do not lie on a conventional scale of hydrogen ion activity referred
either t o the aqueous standard state ( ~ u H )or to the standard state in the alcoholic medium ( ~ u H * ) . Values of
E, log my^^ (where E, is the liquid-junction potential expressed in $3 units and m y r l is the primary medium
effect of chloride ion) were found to be as constant for different buffer solutions in alcoholic solvents of fixed com-
position as for the strictly aqueous medium. Inasmuch as m ~ at ~a given i temperature is dependent only on sol-
vent composition, ihe liquid-junction potential must therefore also be nearly constant for a given solvent medium.
Correction terms E, - log m~~ = 6 have been calculated, and it is shown that pI3 - 6 closely approviniates pan*
under optimum conditions of measurement. An operational scale of pH* (whiCh is related to pa^* in the same
way that pH is related t o pax) is described. Values of ~ U H *were obtained for 12 solutions in methanol-water
solvents (0 to 68.1 wt. yo RfeOH) and for 3 solutions in ethanol-water solvents (0 to looL%EtON).

Introduction in cell I is adequately constant for aqueous solutions of

The operational pH value of a solution (X) is defined ionic strength not in excess of 0.1 and pH between 2.5
by the equation and 11.5, and that the operational pH thus can be
identified with -log mHyH with an uncertainty of not
more than a few hundredths of a pH unit.
We are now concerned with what meaning, if any,
can be attached to operational pH values for solutions
where E x and Es represent the e.1n.f. of the cell in alcohol-water media. The hydrogen electrode be-
1%; H B , sola. X or S 1 concentrated KCl(aq.); refer- haves satisfactorily in alcohol-water solvents, and a
comparison of the e.m.f. obtained with that given by a
ence electrode (I) glass electrode shows that the response of the glass
containing, respectively, the “unknown” solution (X) or electrode is often substantially unimpaired a t solvent
an aqueous pH standard (S).2 The hydrogen elec- compositions below about 90 w t . % alcohol. The
trode in cell I may be replaced by other electrodes, for liquid-junction potential is large but appears to be suf-
example, glass or quinhydrone, that are reversible to ficiently reproducible that the replacement of the aque-
hydrogen ions. ous reference electrode by an alcoholic reference elec-
I n eq. 1, pH(S) is the assigned pH, on a conventional trode does not appear either necessary or warranted.
activity scale in water, of a standard solution (S). A pH meter therefore is capable of giving reproduc-
The latter is derived from e.m.f. measurements of ible e.m.f. values in alcohol-water solvents. The pH
hydrogen-silver chloride cells without liquid junction.3 numbers read from the instrument, however, are sub-
It is generally agreed that the liquid-junction potential ject to no simple, clear interpretatioil in terms of chemi-
(1) Presented before the Division of Analytical Chemistry a t the 144th
cal equilibrium.
National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Los Angeles, California, In order to obtain an accurate measurement of the
April 2, 1963. relative acidity or difference of p H in a given solvent,
(2) See R. G. Bates and E. A. Guggenheim, Pure A p p l . Chem., 1, 163
(1960). the potential at the junction solution X(nonaq.1 IKCl
(3) R. G. Bates, J . Res. Nail. Bur. Std.. 668, 179 (1962). (coned. as.) must remain constant when the nature
PAABO, Vol. 67
of the solute is altered. Electromotive force measure- of the cell
ments of solutions of strong acids and salts in partially
aqueous media4 suggest that the liquid-junction poten- P t ; Hn(g, 1 atni.), buffer soln. X (in alcohol-water),
tial of the pH cell is, as a first approximation, a functioii C1-, AgCl; Ag (11)
only of the composition of the solvent and largely
by the equation
independent of the nature of the solute. There was
heretofore, however, too little evidence that the liquid-
junction potential remains constant for buffer solutions
over a wide range of pH in these solvents. We have
now been able to demonstrate that satisfactory con- where ,“Eo is the standard e.m.f. of cell I1 (aqueous
stancy is indeed maintained and that a useful interpre- standard state, molal scale) and m is molality. The
tation of pH data for dilute solutions in alcohol-water second quantity was the operational pH, which is de-
solvents is possible. A suitable scale of pH for these rived from the e.m.f. of cell I by eq. l. The KBS phos-
media is described and methods for the practical stand- phate buffer, 0.025 m KH2P04,0.025 m Na2HP04,was
ardization of pH measurements in these media are out- chosen as the primary standard. The assigned value
lined. of pH(S) is 6.865 at 25°.3 Hydrogen electrodes were
Method used and the reference electrode was calomel; Hg in a
3.0 111 or saturated solution of potassium chloride.
In the work of T’an Uitert and Haasla with dioxane- The pH(S) value of the aqueous standard in cell I
water mixtures, the constancy of the liquid-.junction is defined by
potential could be confirmed directly only for solutions
of strong acids, where the hydrogen ion concentration PH(S) E -log aH(C01117.)= P ( ~ H ~ c I log
) YCI (4)
was known. In the study by Gutbezahl and Grun-
~ v a l dvalues
,~ of m ~ the~ primary
, medium effect6for the where ycl is fixed by convention.2 The value of pH,
hydrogen ion, were derived from an analysis of solvent but for the residual liquid-junction potential, would fall
effects on the dissociation constants of uncharged acids on this same scale and would represent the ~ U (coiiv.)
and cation acids. The results were used to evaluate the of the solution referred to the standard state of aqueous
potentials at the junction between electrolytic solutions solutions. Thus
in ethanol-water solvents and the aqueous potassium pH - I?, = -log aH(conv.) = pa13 (5)
chloride solutioii of the reference electrode. The poten-
tials obtained from data for hydrochloric acid solu- where E, is the error (in pH units) caused by the re-
tions, for carboxylic acid buffers, and for aiiilinium sidual liquid-junction potential, namely EJ(v.)/0.05916
buffers agreed satisfactorily, at each solvent composi- a t 2 5 O . In the remainder of this paper, (conv.) can be
tion. omitted from these symbols.
deLigny and his associates7 have determined pa^*, The difference between the two experimental quanti-
referred to the standard state in each mediums ties then is

pall* = -log (nZH.,yH) (2) PH - ~ ( ~ H Y C I=) (G + log m ~ c i )+ log SYCI (6)

for an oxalate buffer solution and a succinat’ebuffer solu- In eq. 6, y c l (referred to the aqueous standard state) has
tion in methanol-water solvents. These values, ob- been replaced by its equivalent, m y C l ‘ s Y C l r namely, the
ta,ined from the e.m.f. of cells without liquid junction, product of the medium effect and the “salt effect,” the
then were compared with the practical pH values for latter being the activity coefficient referred to the
the same solut’ionsdetermined by the pH meter. The standard state in the alcoholic medium concerned.
differences, which they called the “liquid-junction po- Although the medium effect for chloride ion cannot be
tential,” were nearly the same for the two buffer solu- evaluated, it is a constant for a fixed temperature and
tions provided that the solvent composition was the solvent composition and is independent of the concen-
same.g tration of dissolved solutes.
In order to examine in a more direct way the degree The validity of a relative measurement of log a~
of constancy in buffer solutions in alcohol-water sol- in alcoholic media thus requires that the quantity en-
vents, we have used two experimental quantities. closed in parentheses in eq. 6 be constant, at a given
The first was p(a~yc1)derived’O from the e.m.f. ( E ) temperature, for a variety of acid-base systems in a
solvent of fixed composition
(4) (a) L. G. Van Uitert and C. G. Haas, J . Am. Chem. SOC.,‘71,451
(1953); (b) A. G. Mitchell and W. F. K. Wynne-Jones, Trans. Faraday Soc..
51, 1690 (19.56): (c) I. T . Oiwa. Sei. Rept. Tohoku Unin., First Ser., 41, 129 pH - P ( a ~ y c i )- log SYCI= +
(1957); see also A. L. Bacarella, E. Grunwald, H. P. Marshall, and E. L. log m ~ C =
l const. (7)
Purlee, J . Org. Chem., 20, 747 (1955).
( 5 ) B. Gutbezahl and E. Grunwald, J . A m . Chern. Soc.. ‘75, 666 (1953). I n
this and related papers, the medium effect is called the “degenerate activity The ionic strength ( I ) , on the molality scale, of the
coefficient’’ and designated .f. solutions selected for a test of eq. 7 was low (usually
(6) B. B. Owen, ibid., 54, 1758 (1932). about 0.02), so that log s y ~ could
l be estimated with
(7) C. L. deligny, P. F. hI. Luykx, 51. Rehbach, and A . A . Wieneke,
Rec. Irau. chim., 79, 699. 713 (1960). suficient accuracy by the Debye-Huckel equation in
(8) The subscripts w and s to the left of a symbol indicate which standard the form2
state is used, namely t h a t in water (w) or in solvent (9) of the composition i n
question. The subscript may be omitted Then the aqueous standard state (1.823 X 106)(~T)-S’Zd12
is used. The subscript m has a different meaning: , , , ~ i is the (primary)
medium effect on the species i, t h a t is, the ratio , v - , i / s ~ i .
(9) C. L. deLigny and M. Rehbach. Rec. trav.chim.. ’79, 727 (1960).
-log SYCl =
1 + (8)
(10) This quantity was called pwH b y R . G. Bates, Chem. Rec., 42, 1 In this Laboratory and elsewhere The change is consistent n i t h recent
(1948), and this symbol has been used in many subsequent papers originating leeommendations concernmg pH symbols and terminology; see ref. 2.

where e is the diele'ctric constant of t,he solveiit,ll do

its density,12 and T the temperature in degrees Kelvin.
Measurements of cells I and I1 a t 25' have been
made for 12 selected solute systems iiz methanol-water
solvents varying in methanol content from 0 to 68.1 wt.
yo. I n order to avoid appreciable ion pair formation,
higher methan.01 concentrations were not used. The
solutions chosen were (a) st'rong acids or acid-salt
mixtures, (b) weak acid-salt buffers, and (c) weak base-
salt buffers, arid the met'hanol-free mixtures varied in
pH from 1.8t'o 10.1. Values of gj log my^^ computed
from the data in methanol-wat,er solvents and from tlie
related e.m.f. measuremenhs of Bates and Schwarzen-
bach13 in ethanol-water solvents display about the
same order of constancy as in pure water. In addition
to the well known abnormality in tlie liquid-junction
potential for strong acids, unexpected deviations, pos-
sibly indicative of ineomplet'e ionization of ainnionium
salts, mere found in the weak base-salt buffer solutions
at all solvent #compositions.
Methanol, reagent grade, was distilled once and the first
and last 10% fract,ionswere rejected. Commercial reagent grade 2 4 6 6 10
chemicals were used as solut,es for the preparation of the buffer pH IN WATER,
solutions with appropriate drying, but without further purifica-
tion except as specified below. Fig. 1.-a, + ~ 7l ) for 12 solutions in water and in
log m ~ (eq.
XBS Stsandad Samples were used to prepare the phosphate five methanol-water i3olvents: a, water; b, 8.17, MeOH; c,
and borax solutions. Potassium chloride was recrystallized once 16.3% MeOH; d, 33.37, MeOH; e, 52.1% MeOH; f, 68.17,
from water. 4-Aminopyridine was recrystallized once from a MeOH; C,HC1 and HCl-KCl solutions; 0, acid-salt buffers;
mixture of ethanol and benzene and twice from water. Citric 0 , base-salt buffers.
acid (anhydrous) was a specifially purified sample furnished by trations appear to give identical results for the pH. Details
Chas. Pfizer and Co., Inc. Tris-(hydroxymethy1)-amincmethane of the measurements in ethanol-water solvents have been given
of primary standaird grade was used. elsewhere.I3
The succinate buffer solutions were prepared by adding the
necessary amounts of succinic acid and disodium succinate Results
direct,ly to the methanol-water mixtures. The solution of hydro- The values of p1-I and p ( a ~ y ~ computed
1) from the
chloric acid was prepared by dilution of a, twice-distilled sample. e.m.f. of cells I and I1 by eq. 1 and 3 , respectively, are
It was analyzed gravimetrically for chloride content. A sodium
hydroxide solution was made by dilution of the 50% solution summarized in Table I (methanol-water solvents)
from which the carbonate has been removed by filtration through and Table I1 (ethanol-water solvents). Ion pair for-
a sintered steel crucible. The diluted solution was standardized mation is negligible in the methanol-water solvents
by titration of potassium hydrogen phthalate, NBS Standard studied, but appears sultficieiit to change p(a~yc1)for
Glacial acetic acid was purified by a single fractional freezing. solution A' by about 0.1 at 100% ethanol and by less
The acetate buffer solutions were prepared by combining the than 0.01 in 85.4% ethanol.
calculated aniount,s of standardized solutions of acetic acid and
sodium hydroxide. The solution of ammonia was made by
Values of El log myC1, derived from eq. 7, for the I 2
solutions in methanol-water solvents are plotted in
bubbling nitrogen through a concentrated solution of ammonia in Fig. 1 as a function of the pH of the solution in water.
a gas-washing bottle and conducting the gas into a flask con-
taining conductivity water. It was standardized by titration The average values of +
log m y C l for methanol-
with standard hydrochloric acid. water mixtures are listed in Table 111. Similar data
The 0.025 m standard phosphate buffer solution was prepared for the ethanol-water solvents appear in Table ITT.
by dissolving 3 3 9 g. of pohssium dihydrogen phosphate and In computing the averages in methanol-water sol-
3.53 g. of disodium hydrogen phosphate in water and diluting to a
voume of 1 1. All of the osther solutions were prepared by weight. vents, only the results for weak acid-salt buffers (which
The measured e.m.f. of cell I1 was corrected to B partial fall on the horizontal lines of Fig. 1) have been used.
pressure of 760 mm. of hydrogen with the aid of the known vapor The omission of the two points for solutions of hydro-
pressures of methanol-water mixtures . I 4 The liquid junction chloric acid is consistent with the recognized abnor-
cell (I) differed from that already described's in that fritted glass mality of the liquid-junction potential at low pH. l6
disks 10 mm. in diameter gave enhanced mechanical stability to
the interface b e h e e n the bridge solution of potassium chloride The poiiits for the three base-salt buffers studied lie
below and the buffer solution above. The liquid-liquid bound- below the horizontal line by amounts varying from 0.01
ary was formed just above the surface of the disk. The bridge unit in the aqueous medium to 0.05 unit in 68.1 wt. yo
solution was 3.0 /If KCI for the measurements in methanol- methanol. These results may signify either a specific
water solvents and saturated KC1 for the measurements in
ethanol-mater media. Bridge solutions of t,hese two concen- alteration of the liquid-juiiction potential or incomplete
ionization of the chlorides of the nitrogen bases.I7
(11) Dielectric conntants of the methanol-wat,er mixtures were taken
from L. J. Costing a n d P. S. Albright, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 68, 1061 (1946),
The medium effect for hydrochloric acid in methanol-
and those for ethanol-water mixtures from G. ftkeri.of, ibid., 54, 41:!5 (1932). water solvents and in ethanol-water solvents, namelg
(12) I. T. Oiwa, Sci. R s p t . l'oholu Univ., Firsf Ssr., 41, 47 (1957). or ( m y ~ . m y ~measures
~ ) 1 ~ 2 ,the free energy of transfer
(13) R. G. Bates and G. Schwarzenbach, Helu. Chim. Acta, 38, 689 (1956).
(14) J. A. V. Butler, D. W. Thomson, and W. 13. Maclennan, J . Chen.
of a mole of hydrochloric acid from the standard state
Soc., 674 (1933). (16) (a) D. I. Hitchcock a n d A. C . Taylor, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 59, 1812
(15) R. G. Bates, "Electrornetric pH determinations," John WiIey a n d (1937); 60, 2710 (1938); (b) R. G. Bates, G. D. Pinchmg, a n d E. R. Smith,
sons, Inc., New York, N. Y . , 1!364, p. 59. J . Rss. A'atl. B w .Std.,45, 418 (1950).

W t . % MeOH mi PH P (aHYcI) PaH* JVt. % MeOH ml PH PbHYCl) pas*
Soln. A: HCl(m1) Soln. G: KH2P04(ml),NarHPOl(mz), KCl(ma)
0 0.01992 1.826 1.816 1.756 ml = m2, ma = 0.01000
33.3 ,02113 1.866 1.474 1.756
0 0.002496 7,015 7.071 7.011
68.1 ,02283 1.918 1.012 1.776
8.1 .002541 7.198 7.170 7.193
16.3 .002578 7.387 7,261 7.377
Soln. B: HCl(ml), KCl(m2) 33.3 ,002642 7.815 7.482 7.765
m2 = 0.01000 52.1 ,002752 8.339 7.722 8.211
68.1 .002869 8.826 7.940 8.707
0 0.01002 2.089 2.113 2.053
8.1 .OlO15 2.087 2.021 2.045 Soln. H : borax(ml), KCl(m2)
16.3 ,01032 2.084 1.928 2.044
ml = 0,004996, rn2 = 0,009992
33.3 .01059 2.143 1.775 2.058
52.1 .01101 2,220 1.583 2.072 0 9.171 9.231 9.174
68.1 . 01 156 2.204 1.307 2.074 8.1 9.195 9,165 9.189
16.3 9.235 9.117 9.233
33.3 9.378 9.040 9.324
Soh. C: citric acid(ntl), KCl(m2)
52.1 9.565 8.941 9.432
VZI = 0.01000, vzz = 0.01762 68.1 9.640 8.747 9.517
0 2.623 2,680 2.620 Soln. I: NaHCOa(ml), XazCOa(mz), KC1(via)
33.3 2.943 2.611 2.895
68.1 3,362 2.466 3.236 m1 = m2, m3 = 0.01000
0 0.002514 10.087 10.143 10.083
Soln. D: succinic acid(ml), S a H succinate(mz), KCl(ma) 16.3 .002590 10.591 10.462 10.578
52.1 .002771 11.454 10.829 11.318
ml = 0,01999, m2 = m3 = 0,009995 68.1 ,002895 11.645 10.745 11.512
0 3.833 3.890 3.830 .002500 11.540 10.636 11.406
8.1 3,960 3.938 3.962
16.3 4.108 3.991 4.107 Soln. J: tris-hgdroxymethgl-aminomethane hydrocliloride(ml),
33.3 4.482 4.144 4.428 tris-( hydroxymethy1)-aminomethane( m2)
52.1 4.939 4.318 4.809 ml = m2 = 0.002000
68.1 5.330 4.443 5.213 0 8.124 8.201 8.141
8.120 8.202 8.142
Soln. E: HOAc(ml), NaOAc(m2),KC1(m3) 8,126" ... ...
ml = m2, 1n3 = 0,01000 8.1 8.091 8.088 8.112
16.3 8.064 7.972 8,088
0 0.01067 4,699 4.754 4 694
33.3 8.036 7.728 8.012
8.1 ,01094 4.802 4.779 4.801 52.1 8,045 7,460 7.951
16.3 .OllOO 4.934 4.820 4.935 68.1 8.062 7.223 7.993
33.3 ,01120 5.289 4.959 5.241
52.1 .01160 5.760 5.148 5.636 S o h K : 4-aminopyridinium chloride(m), 4-aminopyridine(nz?)
68.1 .01211 6.173 5.295 6.061 m2 = 0.04000 - 1121

0 0.02006 9.177 9.245 9.185

Soln. F: S a H succinate(ml), Sa2 succinate(m~),KCl(m8) .02004 9.174" ... ...
ml = m2,m3 = 0.01200 52.1 ,02186 8.646 8.058 8.546
0 0.001997 5.532 5.593 5.533 68.1 .02302 8.407 7.568 8.332
8.1 .002058 5.673 5.647 5.670 Soln. L: NH&l(ml), Irr"a(m2)
16.3 .002063 5 . 836 5.721 5.837
33.3 ,002123 6.263 5.927 6.210 ml = m2
52 1 ,002193 6.822 6.203 6.693 0 0.02016 9.297 9 . 3'ilb 9.311
68.1 ,002301 7.326 6.444 7.212 0,02025 9,294" 9.372' 9.312
a Capillary liquid junction. Int'erpolated from d a h of Bates and Pinching.17

in water to the standard state in solvents. It can be from E, + ~ , values of E, - log m~~ given
log m ~ C the
derived therefore from the values of the standard in the last columns of Tables 111 and I V were obtained.
of cell I1 in the two media +
The average gJ log m y C l and EJ- log r r i in ~ meth-

anol-water mixtures and in ethanol-water mixtures are

plotted as a function of the solvent composition in Fig.
2 and 3, respectively. The dots indicate the values of
By subtracting the values of log (mYH'mYC1) so obtained1* Ej - log m~~ derived from the data of deligny, et al.
(17) The ion sizes necessary t o fit activity coefficient terms of the form log (methanol-water mixtures) 9 and the results given by
(YBH+YCi-/*,B) for weak nitrogenous bases B to the Debye-Hiickel formula Gutbezahl and Grunwald (ethanol-water mixtures) .6
are usually improbably small, often zero, and sometimes negative; see for
example, R. G. Bates and G. D. Pinching, J Res Katl. Bur. Std., 4%, 419 1666 (1935); 68, 761 (1936); I. T. Oiwa (ref. 10); J. M. Austin, A. H. H u n t ,
(1949). The results in solutions of piperidine and piperidinium chloride were F. A. Johnson, and H. K. Parton, unpublished work cited by R. A. Robinson
explained in terms of ion pair formation b y R. G. Bates and V. E. Bower, and R. H. Stokes, "Electrolyte Solutions," 2nd Ed., appendix 8.2, Academic
s b z d , 67, 153 (1956). Press, Inc., Iiew York, N. Y., 1969; and R. G. Bates and D. Rosenthal,
(18) The standard e.m.f. in the mixed solvents was interpolated on a plot J . Phys. Chem., 67, 1088 (1963). For ethanol-water mixtures, the data
of EO as a function of wt. % alcohol. The data for methanol-water mix- were those given b y G. J. Janz in D. J. G. Ives and G. J. Janz, Ed., "Refer-
tures were those of H. S. Harned and H. C. Thomas, J . Am. Chem. SOC..67, ence Electrodes," Academic Press, New York, N. Y., 1961, Chapter 4.

VALUES O F pH, ~ ( U H ~ C I AND
AT 25'
Wt. % EtOH ml PH PbHYCl) PaH*
Soln. A': HCl(m,), NaCl(m2); m2 = 4ml
2. 750
/ B I
33.2 ,002116 2,871 2.438 2.769
52.0 .a102210 3.017 2,222 2 , 787
73.4 .a102338 3.070 1.791 2,881

85.4 ,002422 2.975 1.381 3.012 \\\

100 .a02548 2.193 0.162 5.081

Soln. B': HOAc(ml), NaOAc(mz), XaCl(m8)
m2 = 0.5nzl; m3 = 0.25m1 -It

0. 0.0201 4.405 4.462 4.408 0 50 '+O

16.2 0206 4.649 4.509 4.644

33.2 " 0212 5.081 4.673 4.992 Fig. 2.-& log myci (upper curve) and ej - log ,,,YH
52.0 .0221 5.622 4.851 5.400 (lower curve) in methanol-water solvents: 0, this investigation;
73.4 .0234 6.266 4.998 6.065 0 , data of deLigny and Rehbach.Y
85.4 .a242 6.636 5.049 6.652
100 .0:255 7.054 5.088 9.950
Soln. C': triethanolammonium chloride(rnr ),
triethanolamine( m 2 )
m2 = 0.5m,
0. 0 . 00401 7.500 7.531 7.501
16.2 ,00412 7.355 7.204 7,367
33.2 ,00423 7.246 6.822 7.176
52.0 .00442 7.136 6.327 6.923
73.4 ,00468 6.946 5,613 fi ,745
85.4 ,00484 6.697 5.056 61.743

103 .00510 6.075 4.075 9.048

(Solutions C t o I)
Wt. % MeOH ej + log mYCl sj - log m,yE( = s
0 0 . IO02 =I= 0.002" 0
8.1 .lo89 =I= .003 0.002
16.3 .187 & .005 .004 I U
0 50 75 100
33.3 .412 f .002 .051 WT. PERCENT ETHANOL.
52.1 .'714 =I= .003 .130
68.1 1.004 f ,006 .121 Fig. 3.-Ej + log r a y G I (upper curve) and ej
- log my^
(lower curve) in ethanol-water solvents: 0, this investigation;
a Mean deviation from the average value. 0 , points derived from the data of Gutbezahl and Grunwald5;
X, data of W. J. Gelserna and C. L. deLigny (unpublished meas-
IV urements ).
VALVES O F Ej + LOG m y c l AKD Ej - LOG m?H, IN pH UNI:TS, FOR
from the results of this investigation that the potential
(Solutions A', B', and C') across the junction between alcohol-water solutions
Wt. % EtOH e, + log rnYCl Ej - log m Y E = 6 and a saturated or 3.0 M aqueous solution of potas-
0 -0.002 0 sium chloride is as reproducible as that at the junction
16.2 +O.ZOl 0.00:: between aqueous solutions and the salt bridge. The
33.2 0.484 ,086
useful interpretation of pH measurements in alcohol--
52.0 0.876 .221
73.4 1.419 .19e1
water solvents thus becomes a matter of importance.
85.6 1.771 -0.032 The quantity Ej -- log m~~ is of special significance
100 2.22 -2.91 in the determination of pH values in partially aqueous
and .t-ionaqueouljnzedia; it will be designated 6
It is well known that the residual liquid-junction 6 ZSZ Ej - log m Y H (10)
error involved in pH rneasurements in dilute aqueous For a given alcohol-water solvent, one can write
solutions may amount to 0.02 to 0.0'5 unit, when the
pH is less than 2.5 or inore than ll.5.l9 In the inter- paH = pn%H- log m')" - log sYH = paH* -
mediate pH range, the error a t 25' appears to be less
than 0.02 unit when the ionic strength of the "un- log m Y H (11)
known" is in t'he range 0.005 to 0.2. It would appear where CZH and a ~ are* activities referred, respectively,
(19) See, for example,, ref. 16E8. to the standard staters in pure water and in the alcoholic

solvent. By eq. 5 , 10, and 11, these acidity functions range of water-methanol solvei~ts.~Different forms
can be related to the experimental quantity pH of the Debye-Huckel equation were used in the two
investigations to evaluate ycl in eq. 4.
pa^ = pH - Ej (3 Values of pa^* have been calculated likewise from the
pmH = pH - 6 + log s ~ a (12) data given in Tables I and 11; they are listed in the
last coluinns of these tables. Equation 8 TT-as adopted
pas" = pH - 6 (13) as the convention by which the activity coefficient of
Inasmuch as log s~~ in eq. 12 cannot be obtained for chloride ion in each medium was evaluated. The pa^*
"unknowns" and the liquid-junction potential error EJ values in Tables I and 11, together with those from the
(eq. 5 ) cannot be derived independently of m ? ~ ,PWZH l i t e r a t ~ r e2,2~can be considered as provisional stand-
and pa^ are not suitable units for interpreting the ards. pH*(S), for a scale of pH* in alcohol-water
measured acidity (pH) of alcohol-water media. On the media.
other hand, subtraction of a constant (6) from pH The pH* becomes equal to pH when the medium is
gives an approximate value of pa^* (eq. 13). diluted continuously with pure water. Furthermore,
I t is recognized that pH in the aqueous medium ap- the pH* determined under ideal conditions (low ionic
proaches the PUH scale of the standards oiily under strength, pH* neither too high nor too low) plays a well-
ideal conditions; similar restrictions apply to the inter- defined role in chemical equilibria, for equilibrium con-
pretation of pH - 6 in terms of pa^". It is therefore stants in alcoholic solvents usually are also referred to
suggested that the "practical" unit, related to pa^* in the standard state in each particular medium. As eq.
11 shows, pH* is, under ideal conditions of measure-
the may that pH is related to pa^, be designated pH*.
The operational scale of pH* is thus defined as ment, actually a pmH value corrected for "salt effects,"
The pH* is, however, a plurality of scales, different
for each solvent composition, rather than a single uni-
versal scale of acidity. Solutions of equal pH* in
where pH*(S) is identified with the conventional pall* different media, therefore, may prove quite different
values of certain selected suitable standard buffer solu- with respect to acid-base behavior. A single scale for
tions. The standard values can be assigned in the all alcohol-water mixtures, based on pal$ (ey. l l ) , will
same way as the KBS standards for pH.20 become possible only when the validity of an inde-
This procedure for calculating pa^*, which involves pendent nonthermodynamic evaluation of log m~~ or
essentially the addition of the logarithm of a coiiven- EJ,such as that of Gutbezahl and Grunrvald5or that of
tioiial single ion activity coefficient to the experimental I z m a i l o ~ .is, ~generally
~ accepted.
~ ( a g y c J *has
, ~ ~already been used to determine pa^*
(23) The simplest means of obtaining pH* mould be to measure pH and
values for certain citrate-chloride and phosphate- subtract the appropriate value of 6 for the particular solvent composition and
chloride buffers in 10 and 20% methanolz2and for an temperature Some 1 ariahihty in the as) mmetry potential of the glass
oxalate buffer and a succinate buffer oyer the entire electrode probablr can be expected a h e n the electrodes are transferred
from the aqueous standard solution t o the alcoholic medium, hence, st'nd-
(20) Reference 15, chapter 4. arda of the same sollent composition as the' unknowns'' are t o be preferrede
(21) Compare eq. 4. P ( ~ H ? C ~ )is* calculated by eq. 3, using sEO instead of If difficulty is evperienced i n adjusting the pH meter to the standard p H
wEo (see footnote 18). value a t high alcohol concentrations, a n aibitiaiy refeience point can b*
(22) R. L. Paiks, H. D. Clockford. and 9 . B. Knight, J . EEasha Mztchell chosen for measurement of the difference p H x ( X ) - pH*(S)
Set. Soe., 73, 289 (1957). (24) K -1 Izinailoi, Dokl Akad Nauk SSSR,127, 104 (1959).


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Department of Electrzcal Engzneerzng, Iinperzal College of Sczence urd Technolugy, London SW 7 , England
Received lilarch 18, 2963

Phase equilibria in the ternary system Li?O-B20a-Fe2Q3 in the temperature range 950-1200" were studied and
approximate phase stability boundaries m r e established. The study was carried out by slowly cooling (2"/hr.)
ternary melts from the above temperatures to 800'. The crystals were identified by chemical, X-ray, and micro-
scopic analyses. From these data, recommended mixtures, soaking temperatures, and detailed procedures are
given for producing LiFeOz, LiFea08, and a-FeeOs single crystals.

Introduction oxide.1,2 This suffers from the disadvantages of loss of

flux through volat,ilization, corrosion of the platinum
The flux-melt method for growing single crystals, crucible by the moltsenmaterial, and the high density of
especially of ferrite materjals, is widely used. The com- the flux, which leads to the crystals tending to float to
ponents of the crystal required are held in a molten the surface. Various methods such as the addition of
flux, in which they dissolve, and are slowly cooled over PbF2, T120a, or P 2 0 5 to the flux have been tried3-5 to
an extended period. Under suitable conditions nuclea- (1) S. P. Remeika, J . Am. Ckem. Sne.. 78,1259 (1956).
tion and growth of the desired crystals occurs. (2) S.IT. Nielson and E. F. Dearborn, J . P h y s . Chem. S o l i d s , 5, 602 (1958).
(3) J. W.Nielson, J . A p p l . Phys., 31,515 (1960).
The most commonly used flux for growth of iron- (4) H. Makrom and R . Iirishnan. Compt. rend., 254, 3340 (1962).
bearing crystals such as ferrites and garnets is lead ( 5 ) D. G. Wickham, J . BppE. P h ~ s .38,, 3597 (1962).

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