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Exercise Technique

Exercise: Bird Dog

John F. Graham, MS, CSCS*D, FNSCA
Lehigh Valley Hospital and Health Network, Allentown/Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
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John F. Graham, MS, CSCS*D,

Column Editor
Figure 1. Bird dog: right arm-left leg.


Erector spinae, latissimus dorsi, rectus
abdominis, transverse abdominus, glu-
teus maximus, trapezius, supraspinatus,
infraspinatus, subscapularis, teres mi-
nor, anterior and medial deltoids,
posterior deltoids, serratus anterior,
gluteus medius/minimus.

 Kneel on a stable exercise table, mat,
or floor.
 Position the hands directly under the
shoulders at shoulder width with the
Figure 2. Bird dog: left arm-right leg.
fingers facing forward.
 Position the knees and feet hip width
apart with feet dorsiflexed.
 Pre-brace the abdominals and core
left hip to a parallel or near parallel  Left hip extension: Slowly extend
muscles by attempting to contract
position with the floor. your left hip backward by raising and
the muscles and placing the spine in
 Right shoulder flexion: Slowly straightening the left knee until it is
a neutral position, prior to initiating
raise and straighten the right arm at or near parallel to the floor
the ascent.
forward until it is at or near without any rotation in the hip (keep
ASCENT—RIGHT ARM AND LEFT parallel to the floor without raising both hips parallel to the floor).
LEG (UPWARD MOVEMENT) or dropping either shoulder (keep  The degree of right shoulder flexion
 With control, simultaneously flex both shoulders parallel to the and left hip extension is determined
the right shoulder and extend the floor). by the ability to maintain a neutral

Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association Strength and Conditioning Journal | 93
Exercise Technique

spine and avoid a lumbar lordosis

(sagging of the lower back). The
right arm and left leg should only
be raised to heights where a neutral
spine can be maintained through the
actions of the core and abdominal
muscles working together (Figures 1
and 2).
 Keep the head and neck rigid and
aligned with the spine throughout
the ascent.
 At the completion of the ascent, hold
the limbs for 5 to 10 seconds.
 Exhale slowly throughout the ascent.

Figure 3. Bird dog physioball: right arm-left leg. DESCENT—RIGHT ARM AND LEFT
 With control, return the right arm
and left leg to their starting position.
 Keep the head and neck rigid and
aligned with the spine throughout
the descent.
 Inhale slowly throughout the de-
scent and repeat the exercise with
the left arm and right leg.

 Perform exercise using a stability ball
(Figures 3 and 4).

John F. Graham is the director of

community and corporate fitness for the
Lehigh Valley Health Network.
Figure 4. Bird dog physioball: left arm-right leg.


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