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Nama : Fatma H.


Kelas. : 1C

Nim. : 151421088


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning

Dear Mr.yusuf Jafar as in Indonesian language course and happy friends.

First of all, let us pray toward gratitude for all the blessings which is given by
Allah SWT so that we can gather in this room in a healthy state. And let us
convey blessings and greetings to our great prophet Muhammad SAW who
had brought us out of the dark ages into the light of this era. Hopefully, we can
be met with him in heaven. Amen

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In this occasion, I will deliver a speech entitled war against corruption.

Nowadays, the word of corruption is already familiar to us. Literally, corruption
is taking or stealing the rights that do not belong to its right by taking
advantages secretly for their own personal interests.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Currently, corruption has become a culture in our country now. Many people
commit to do corruption to enrich them. Governor, civil servants, officials, and
even law enforcement is also doing corruption. Therefore, corruption is
supposed to be a common enemy for us. Because of the presence of
corruption will destroy and mess the moral of our nation. Moreover it can
cause misery for Indonesian people in lower class.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Many factors that cause corruption grow rapidly in this country. The first is less
of assertive sanction which is received by corruptor. The corruptors were
caught just get prison for 3 or 4 years. Even they can be free after spending
one year in prison. That is what makes the corruptors are not afraid of doing
corruption. Therefore, government should give a heavy punishment for them.
We can follow China which imposes die punishment for the corruptor so that
they will afraid of doing corruption.

The second factor is the lack of control. The lack of transparency in

government opens a huge opportunity for the perpetrators of corruption. They
can freely use our money to enrich themselves. Even they can make
cooperation one another to cover their actions by doing corruption together.
The third factor is the lack of honesty that is owned by them. They are not
afraid to sin that they will receive. Even they are no longer concerned about
their religion which clearly prohibits corruption.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Corruption that rooted in this country must be combated. Our country not only
needs smart people but we need people who have honesty and a great
personality so that they are afraid of corruption. Therefore, let us educate our
children by emphasizing emotional and spiritual intelligence in order not to be
corruptors in the future.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The action to fight with corruption in this country should really be taken
seriously. All parties should be involved so that corruption eroded away from
our beloved country. As the Indonesian people, we must come together to
fight and control the corruption in our country.
So that is a speech that I can say at this time. Thank you for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum wr. Wb.

Pidato bahasa Indonesia

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullohi wabarokatuh
Pada kesempatan ini marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang
telah memberi nikmat kepada kita semua sehingga masih bisa berkumpul di tempat
ini dalam keadaan sehat.

Hadirin sekalian,

Pidato yang ingin disampaikan kali ini membahas masalah kebersihan. Allah SWT
mencintai orang yang bersih dan membersihkan segala sesuatu yang ada pada
dirinya sendiri.

Maka dari itu, marilah untuk mulai menjaga kebersihan demi terciptanya kebaikan
khususnya untuk diri sendiri dan umumnya untuk orang lain.

Hadirin sekalian,

Menjaga kebersihan yang dimulai dari diri sendiri akan berdampak baik bagi orang
yang melihatnya sehingga nantinya akan ditiru. Entah itu oleh anak-anak atau pun
orang terdekat.
Oleh karena itu, marilah mulai menjaga kebersihan demi terciptanya keselamatan
dan kebaikan untuk diri kita maupun orang lain.

Hadirin sekalian,

Manfaat dari menjaga kebersihan diri sendiri dan lingkungan teramat penting.
Dengan memberikan contoh yang baik, terutama pada anak-anak, semoga mereka
dapat mengaplilasikannya sendiri.

Dewasa ini masih banyak kelalaian mengenai kebersihan sehingga hal ini tentu saja
menjadi pekerjaan rumah bagi kita untuk terus menjaga supaya lingkungan yang
kotor tidak terjadi di sekitar kita.

Hadirin yang berbahagia,

Demikianlah pidato hari ini yang dapat saya sampaikan, semoga bermanfaat dan
dapat diterapkan.

Atas perhatiannya, saya ucapkan terima kasih.

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullohi wabarokatuh.

Pidato bahasa Arab

‫ لطالم ا ك ان ال وقت المتبقي بمثاب ة ت ذكير‬.ً‫ نشعر باالمتنان حقا ً ألننا لم شملنا أخ يرا‬، ‫في هذه المناسبة السعيدة‬
‫ عسى أن ترافقنا الصحة والبركات أينما كنا‬.‫بأننا كنا م ًعا وننمو اآلن لننضج من أنشطة كل منهما‬.

‫ نأم ل أن يعق د‬.‫ دعونا نستمر في تذكير بعضنا البعض بالطيب ة والتق دم‬.‫دعونا ننتقل إلى هذا الشمل بوقار وفرح‬
‫ امين‬.‫هذا النوع من االجتماعات في المستقبل‬

“Tahiaatuna jamyeaan. fi hadhih almunasibat alsaeidat , nasheur

bialaimtinan hqaan li’anana lm shamlna akhyraan. litalima kan alwaqt
almutabaqiy bimathabat tadhkir bi’anana kunaa meana wananmu alan
linandaj min ‘anshitat kli minhima. easaa ‘an turafiqana alsihat
walbarakat ‘aynama kunaa.
daeuna nantaqil ‘iilaa hdha alshaml biwaqar wafarh. daeunaan nastamiru
fi tadhkir bedna albaed bialtayibat waltaqdum. namal ‘an yaeqid hdha
alnawe min alaijtimaeat fi almustaqbal. ‘amin.”

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