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Chisel3 Cheat Sheet Basic Data Types Operators:

Version 0.5.1 (beta): February 28, 2021 Constructors: Chisel Explanation Width
Bool() type, boolean value !x Logical NOT 1
Notation In This Document:
true.B or false.B literal values x && y Logical AND 1
For Functions and Constructors:
UInt(32.W) type 32-bit unsigned x || y Logical OR 1
Arguments given as kwd:type (name and type(s))
UInt() type, width inferred x(n) Extract bit, 0 is LSB 1
Arguments in brackets ([...]) are optional.
77.U or "hdead".U unsigned literals x(n, m) Extract bitfield n - m + 1
For Operators:
1.U(16.W) literal with forced width x << y Dynamic left shift w(x) + maxVal(y)
c, x, y are Chisel Data; n, m are Scala Int
SInt() or SInt(64.W) like UInt x >> y Dynamic right shift w(x) - minVal(y)
w(x), w(y) are the widths of x, y (respectively)
-3.S or "h-44".S signed literals x << n Static left shift w(x) + n
minVal(x), maxVal(x) are the minimum or
3.S(2.W) signed 2-bits wide value -1 x >> n Static right shift w(x) - n
maximum possible values of x Bits, UInt, SInt Casts: reinterpret cast except for:
Fill(n, x) Replicate x, n times n * w(x)
Basic Chisel Constructs UInt → SInt Zero-extend to SInt
Cat(x, y) Concatenate bits w(x) + w(y)
Chisel Wire Operators: State Elements Mux(c, x, y) If c, then x; else y max(w(x), w(y))
~x Bitwise NOT w(x)
// Allocate a as wire of type UInt () Registers retain state until updated
val x = Wire ( UInt ()) x & y Bitwise AND max(w(x), w(y))
val my_reg = Reg(UInt(32.W)) x | y Bitwise OR max(w(x), w(y))
x := y // Connect wire y to wire x
Flavors x ^ y Bitwise XOR max(w(x), w(y))
When executes blocks conditionally by Bool, RegInit(7.U(32.w)) reg with initial value 7
x === y Equality(triple equals) 1
and is equivalent to Verilog if RegNext(next_val) update each clock, no init
x =/= y Inequality 1
RegEnable(next, enable) update, with enable gate
when ( condition1 ) { x + y Addition max(w(x),w(y))
Updating: assign to latch new value on next clock:
// run if condition1 true and skip rest x +% y Addition max(w(x),w(y))
} . elsewhen ( condition2 ) { my_reg := next_val
x +& y Addition max(w(x),w(y))+1
// run if condition2 true and skip rest Read-Write Memory provide addressable memories x - y Subtraction max(w(x),w(y))
} . otherwise {
val my_mem = Mem(n:Int, out:Data) x -% y Subtraction max(w(x),w(y))
// run if none of the above ran
out memory element type x -& y Subtraction max(w(x),w(y))+1
n memory depth (elements) x * y Multiplication w(x)+w(y)
Switch executes blocks conditionally by data Using: access elements by indexing: x / y Division w(x)
switch ( x ) { val readVal = my_mem(addr:UInt/Int) x % y Modulus bits(maxVal(y)-1)
is ( value1 ) { for synchronous read: assign output to Reg x > y Greater than 1
// run if x === value1 my_mem(addr:UInt/Int) := y x >= y Greater than or equal 1
} x < y Less than 1
is ( value2 ) { Modules x <= y Less than or equal 1
// run if x === value2 Defining: subclass Module with elements, code:
x >> y Arithmetic right shift w(x) - minVal(y)
} class Accum ( width : Int ) extends Module {
x >> n Arithmetic right shift w(x) - n
} val io = IO ( new Bundle {
val in = Input ( UInt ( width . W ))
Enum generates value literals for enumerations val out = Output ( UInt ( width . W ))
val s1::s2:: ... ::sn::Nil }) UInt bit-reduction methods:
= Enum(nodeType:UInt, n:Int) val sum = Reg ( UInt ()) Chisel Explanation Width
s1, s2, ..., sn will be created as nodeType literals sum := sum + io . in
x.andR AND-reduce 1
with distinct values io . out := sum
x.orR OR-reduce 1
nodeType type of s1, s2, ..., sn }
x.xorR XOR-reduce 1
n element count Usage: access elements using dot notation: As an example to apply the andR method to an SInt use
(code inside a Module is always running) x.asUInt.andR
Math Helpers:
val my_module = Module ( new Accum (32))
log2Ceil(in:Int): Int log2 (in) rounded up
my_module . io . in := some_data
log2Floor(in:Int): Int log2 (in) rounded down
val sum := my_module . io . out
isPow2(in:Int): Boolean True if in is a power of 2
Hardware Generation .indexWhere(p:T=>Bool): UInt gen Chisel Data to wrap ready-valid protocol around
.lastIndexWhere(p:T=>Bool): UInt Interface:
Functions provide block abstractions for code. Scala .onlyIndexWhere(p:T=>Bool): UInt (in) .ready ready Bool
functions that instantiate or return Chisel types are code (out) .valid valid Bool
generators. Standard Library: Function Blocks
(out) .bits data
Also: Scala’s if and for can be used to control PopCount(in:Bits/Seq[Bool]): UInt ValidIO is a Bundle with a valid interface
hardware generation and are equivalent to Verilog Returns number of hot (= 1) bits in in Constructor:
generate if/for Reverse(in:UInt): UInt Valid(gen:Data)
val number = Reg ( if ( can_be_negative ) SInt () Reverses the bit order of in gen Chisel Data to wrap valid protocol around
else UInt ()) UIntToOH(in:UInt, [width:Int]): Bits Interface :
will create a Register of type SInt or UInt depending on (out) .valid valid Bool
Returns the one-hot encoding of in
the value of a Scala variable (out) .bits data
width (optional, else inferred) output width
OHToUInt(in:Bits/Seq[Bool]): UInt Queue is a Module providing a hardware queue
Aggregate Types Constructor:
Returns the UInt representation of one-hot in
Bundle contains Data types indexed by name PriorityEncoder(in:Bits/Iterable[Bool]): UInt Queue(enq:DecoupledIO, entries:Int)
Defining: subclass Bundle, define components: Returns the position the least significant 1 in in enq DecoupledIO source for the queue
class MyBundle extends Bundle { PriorityEncoderOH(in:Bits): UInt entries size of queue
val a = Bool () Returns the position of the hot bit in in .io.enq DecoupledIO source (flipped)
val b = UInt (32. W ) Mux1H(in:Iterable[(Data, Bool]): Data
.io.deq DecoupledIO sink
Mux1H(sel:Bits/Iterable[Bool], .io.count UInt count of elements in the queue
Constructor: instantiate Bundle subclass: in:Iterable[Data]): Data
val my_bundle = new MyBundle() Pipe is a Module delaying input data
PriorityMux(in:Iterable[(Bool, Bits]): Bits
Inline defining: define a Bundle type: PriorityMux(sel:Bits/Iterable[Bool],
Pipe(enqValid:Bool, enqBits:Data, [latency:Int])
val my_bundle = new Bundle { in:Iterable[Bits]): Bits
val a = Bool () A mux tree with either a one-hot select or multiple Pipe(enq:ValidIO, [latency:Int])
val b = UInt (32. W ) selects (where the first inputs are prioritized) enqValid input data, valid component
} in iterable of combined input and select (Bool, Bits) enqBits input data, data component
tuples or just mux input Bits enq input data as ValidIO
Using: access elements through dot notation:
sel select signals or bitvector, one per input latency (optional, default 1) cycles to delay data by
val bundleVal = my_bundle.a
my_bundle.a := true.B Stateful: .io.enq ValidIO source (flipped)
Vec is an indexable vector of Data types .io.deq ValidIO sink
val myVec = Vec(elts:Iterable[Data]) Counter(n:Int]): UInt Arbiters are Modules connecting multiple producers
elts initial element Data (vector depth inferred) .inc() bumps counter returning true when n reached to one consumer
val myVec = Vec.fill(n:Int) {gen:Data} .value returns current value Arbiter prioritizes lower producers
n vector depth (elements) LFSR16([increment:Bool]): UInt RRArbiter runs in round-robin order
16-bit LFSR (to generate pseudorandom numbers)
gen initial element Data, called once per element Constructor:
increment (optional, default True) shift on next clock
Using: access elements by dynamic or static indexing: Arbiter(gen:Data, n:Int)
ShiftRegister(in:Data, n:Int, [en:Bool]): Data
readVal := myVec(ind: UInt / idx: Int) gen data type
Shift register, returns n-cycle delayed input in
myVec(ind: UInt / idx: Int) := writeVal n number of producers
en (optional, default True) enable
Functions: (T is the Vec element’s type) Interface:
.forall(p:T=>Bool): Bool AND-reduce p on all elts Standard Library: Interfaces Vec of DecoupledIO inputs (flipped)
.exists(p:T=>Bool): Bool OR-reduce p on all elts DecoupledIO is a Bundle with a ready-valid interface .io.out DecoupledIO output
.contains(x:T): Bool True if this contains x Constructor: .io.chosen UInt input index on .io.out,
.count(p:T=>Bool): UInt count elts where p is True Decoupled(gen:Data) does not imply output is valid

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