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International System for the Education, Examination

and Qualification of Welding Personnel

lnsrrrurE oF WelDrNG
Having met the requirements of the current issue of

Document IAB-OOI

Vyskumny lJstav Zvaracsky - P, SR

is hercby awarded the certificate of

llw Authorised National Body

in Slovakia

for the awald of the llW Qualifications as shown in

the corresponding Schedule

Certificate No.: 14/4 Date of fssue: 12/ 07/ 2016

Date of Expiry: 12/ or / 2oz1

Presidentof llW Ghairmanof IAB GroupB

This certificafe is the ptoperty oJ the

IAB and may be withdrawn or recalled
International System for the Education, Examination
and Qualification of Welding Penoonnel

InsnrurE oF WelDrNG

The Authorised National Body

Vyskumny Ustav Zvaracsky - P, SR

in Slovakia

is allowed to award the following llW Qualifications:

Guideline Dateof Authorisation

IWE- International
WeldingEngineer Transition
IWE InternationalWeldingEngineer FullAuthorisation15/11/96
IWT- lnternational
WeldingTechnologist Transition
IWT- lnternational
WeldingTechnologist FullAuthorisation15/11/96
IWS InternationalWeldingSpecialist FullAuthorisation29/08/06
lWlP- Intemational WeldingInspection
Personnel Transition
Anang.01/1 0/96
lWlP- Intemational Weldinglnspection
Personnel FullAuthorisation29/08/06
IWP InternationalWeldingPractitioner FullAuthorisation13/01/09
lW * lnternational
Welder FullAuthorisation13/01/09
PCS- Personnel Certification
Scheme FulfAuthorisation19107II 1
IWSD International WeldedStructuresDesigner FulfAuthorisation15107| 14

Dateof issue IAB Chief Executive

This schedule is part oJ the Gertilicate which

is the property oJ the IAB and nay be
withdrawn or tecalled

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