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Carolino, Gwen A.

ABM 12 – E

Concept Paper:

Location: Mount Pulag (Benguet)

My Script: Hi Guys I’m Gwen and welcome to my Vlog! For today’s video we’re going to have a recreational activity
which is Mountaineering. I booked for our hike from Phil Helix of One Hike Mountaineering Club. By the way, for
those of you who don’t know what’s mountaineering, Mountaineering is an activity that involves walking, hiking,
backpacking, and climbing mountains. Before Mountaineering, we must do backpacking.. But first, what is

Backpacking is an activity in mountaineering that involves carrying clothing, food, and camping equipment in a pack
on the back.

Now that you have a knowledge about what is backpacking, I’m going to show you how I do backpacking for
Mountaineering. Let’s GO!

So the first thing that I’m going to do is to first prepare my backpack. Then, I have prepared a list, a checklist I should
say wherein I listed all the things that I will be needing in mountaineering.

I’ll be mountaineering together with my friend in Mount Pulag. Mount Pulag is known as “a walk in the clouds or sea
of clouds” because it’s also the third-highest mountain in the Philippines. Mount Pulag is Luzon’s highest peak which
is at 2,928 in meters which is equivalent to 9,606 ft above sea level. For a nature lover like me, how exciting would
that be! We’ll be hiking in Ambangeg trail so it is estimated that we’ll be hiking for 48 hours to reach its peak. To
enjoy the view while hiking we decided to hike day time.

So the things I listed for backpacking are the following:

Things Needed: (and its importance)

Tent – this will serve as both our protection from outside elements and refuge while sleeping or resting.

Weather-appropriate clothing – consider the moisture-wicking and layers

Sleeping Bag – will help you keep your body temperature high and have a relaxing and comfortable night experience.
It also does not only provides you extreme warmth but also brings you the comfort you need to prepare thoroughly
for the following day.

Blanket – to avoid hypothermia.

Jugs of Water (2 will do) – to stay hydrated. Once my jugs are empty, I can just get some water from the fresh water
springs there.

First Aid Kit – Since hiking can also lead to many types of injuries. To situations that don’t require a trip to the
hospital or emergency room, first aid kit is helpful for these types of situations.

A multi-purpose knife – For safety measure. Simple tasks such as cutting cord, and cutting food. It is a versatile and a
reliable tool to have with you.

Lighter – So you can start fire quickly and easily.

Energy Bar – For you to have high carbohydrate range and protein. This important nutrient provided the high
amount of energy you need for hiking and will keep you feel full longer.

Canned Foods – To keep you motivated on the trail. It will serve as your fuel throughout the day.

Tissue – For defecation purposes and many more.

Small shovel – To dig hole for a campfire, poop or other purposes.

Flashlight – For a long nighttime hike

Phone – For contact purposes

Hygiene Kit – For hygienic purposes

Extra Clothes – To regulate your body temperature.

Sunscreen- For sun protection

Navigation Tool (Compass) – orient the map, identify land features and locate your position.

Since it’s a long hike, I need a tent wherein I can stay for one night. Now that I’m done with my list, I need to
segregate all of the things that are here in the list in preparation in putting it on my backpack.

*properly putting the things needed in the backpack….

Now that we’re done, we now keep our physical and mental aspect strong in preparation for our mountaineering.
And we’re ready to go..

*pictures and videos of mount pulag..

That’s all for today’s video I hope you all learned something and gained some knowledge from this video and I hope
it also helped you. So what are you waiting for? Try mountaineering now! Thank you for watching! Bye bye!

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