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Lesson 6
Intensify the following comparisons in different ways.
a) Brian is not as happy at this school as he was at his old one.

b) This is the best holiday I’ve ever had!


c) Shelley is not as calm as she used to be.


d) This film is more interesting than the last one he made.


e) Lyn works harder than Sue.


Choose the best word(s) from the brackets to replace the words in bold.

a. I got a few more birthday presents than last year. (slightly / a bit)
b. It took me much more time to do the homework this week than usual. (far / many)
c. He was easily the most attractive man in the room. (by far / far)
d. The time passed a lot more quickly than we’d expected. (easily / far)
e. She had much more support from her parents than I ever did. (a bit / a lot)
f. There are far more job opportunities in a large town. (many / much)
Lesson 7

Rewrite the questions below using the structure suggested.

What time is it? Do you know ... ?


Could I have a word with you? I was wondering ...


What do you mean? I'm not really sure ...


Do you need anything? Let me know ...


Does it hurt? Tell me ...


Where did she get her dress from? Have you any idea ... ?

Write a dialogue as suggested below.

You are staying in a hotel. Go to the front desk and ask politely the following information, using
embedded questions.
1. Wi-fi?
2. Time of the breakfast?
3. Room dialing code?
4. Nearest subway/bus station?
5. Good restaurants around?
6. Laundy service?

When you finish, thank the receptionist and ask him/her to call a taxi for you.
Lesson 8

John and Silvia were recently married. Read what they said about the day they met. Then read
the statement and tick True or False.

True False

John: If I had gone to a different park, I wouldn’t have met her.

John went to a different park.
Silvia: I I hadn’t lost my job and gone to the park to relax, I wouldn’t have met
Silvia didn’t lose her job.
John: If she hadn’t smiled at me, I wouldn’t have asked her out.
First Silvia smiled at him, then he asked her out.
Silvia: If he had been too talkative, I would have been turned off.
Silvia likes quiet guys.
John: If the park had been romantic, I wouldn’t have liked it.
John is a romantic man.

Mark asked five different women to go to a movie. Finally one accepted his invitation. Read
their response to his invitation and then rewrite each response using a conditional sentence.

1. I’m busy, so I can’t go.


2. My shift at work doesn’t end before 09:00, so I can’t make it.


3. My pet turtle is sick, so I have to stay at home.


4. My father doesn’t like you, so I’m not allowed to go.


5. I want to see that movie, so I’ll go with you.

Think of a situation of your life that you have regrets about. What happened? What could you
have done differently? How might things have been different in your life if you had acted in
another way? Write a text about it.

Lesson 9
Jennifer overheard pieces of a conversation at a local café and later told a friend. Read the
sentences and rewrite them as Jennifer’s reported speech.

1. “We’re in a terrible mess.”


2. “I know. It’s dead.”


3. “This jeopardizes all our plans.”


4. “I have to call the boss right now.”


5. He’s not going to be happy.”


Choose the correct words in the reported speech.

a. “I couldn’t finish this book.”

She said that she can’t / couldn’t that book.

b. “My family has always lived here.”

He told me that his family has always / had always lived there.

c. “We totally disagree.”

They say they totally disagree / disagreed.

d. “We’ll eat after they get home.”

She said they ’ll / ‘d eat after they get / got home.
Lesson 10

Rewrite these sentences using wish + simple past or if only + conditional.

a) I can’t go abroad every year (and I’d like to).


b) He doesn’t have vacation this year (but he would like to).


c) I don’t have enough money to go to the theatre (but I’d love to).

d) I can’t play the violin (but I’d love to).


e) He is very stubborn.

f) The Souzas are constantly moving from place to place.


g) Mark is always late for meetings.


h) She drives very fast.


Imagine a conversation between Scott and Tracy where they finally decide to sit down and
talk honestly to each other about their feelings, their wishes and their regrets.

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