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Exercise 4a

Writing General Description (Comparison Trend)

Model Sentences:

1. There is a higher consumption of beef in Britain than in Europe, with 450 kg and
350 kg each.
2. The consumption of beef in Britain is higher than that in Europe, at 450 kg and
350 kg respectively.
3. 450 kilograms of beef is consumed in Britain compared to only 350 kilograms in
4. People in Britain consume more beef (450 kg) than those in Europe (350kg).
5. People in Britain consume 450 kilograms of beef while those in Europe consum e
only 350 kilograms of the same meat.

Use the model sentences above to complete the following sentences.

1. Oil consumption in Asia is higher than in Europe, at 825 barrels and 765 barrels

825 barrels of oil is consumed in Asia compared to …

Asia consumes more oil (825 barrels) than …

Asia consumes 825 barrels of oil while Europe …

There is a higher consumption of oil in …

2. 45% of people in Jakarta have access to internet compared to only 20% of people
in Pare.

People in Jakarta have..

45% of people in Jakarta have access to internet while ….

There is a higher percentage of internet access in Jakarta …

The internet access in Jakarta is higher …

3. There are more hours spent on working than on leisure time, with 10 hours and
only 1.5 hours respectively.

4. People participate more in IELTS (200) than TOEFL (75).

5. Communication sector employs 650 male workers while public defense

employs only 250 female workers.

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