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ID NUM : EE01081451
DATE : 26th OCTOBER 2021

1. Give FIVE ways in which a university student can live a healthy and quality life as a
Balanced diet. Being in college, the most convenient foods tend to be processed and full of simple
carbohydrates. Unfortunately, these foods, though accessible and especially tasty, are not healthy
for the human body and are not good substitute for other food groups. Sleep. It is common for
college students to stay up into the wee hours of the morning, either because they didn’t manage
their time well and need to study or complete homework, or because they are socially interacting
with their peers. Unfortunately, with the availability of caffeine, students don’t think this is a problem.
However, there is no good substitute for sleep, and sleep deprivation can lead to serious long term
health defects. Exercise. Exercise not only keeps students’ bodies fit and prevents the development
of various diseases, but it also stimulates the brain. According to a  study conducted by the University
of Illinois with mice, cognitive brain function is improved with exercise. This is especially important
for students who are learning large sums of information and taking a variety of tests. Water.
Although it seems pretty straightforward, hydration is a very important aspect to one’s health.
However, according to Boston College, two-thirds of Americans don’t drink enough water. Water

helps maintain the balance of fluids in the human body. Additionally, water energizes muscles and
controls caloric intake. Although most college students know this, they fail to hydrate enough and
thus jeopardize their health. This trend of dehydration is particularly prevalent due to the copious
amount of alcohol consumed by college students. Drug Use. A common trend in college is the use
of recreational drugs. According to USA Today, about 5.4 million college students in the U.S. admit
to binge drinking or using drugs recreationally about once a month. Unfortunately, many of these
drugs have addictive qualities and other health effects that could inhibit students’ success in school
and their career. For example, the use of the stimulant cocaine can lead to a change in the
neurotransmitter balance within a person’s brain. This can lead  to severe dependence and could
lead to depression.

2. Give THREE REASONS why IPT students maintain personal hygiene and personality as
Because as all students are aware that good hygiene saves lives. Inadequate sanitation and
hygiene are responsible for a huge number of preventable deaths – in fact it’s believed that
adequate hygiene could save around 8 million lives around the world. Good hygiene practices
can reduce the risk of contracting gastrointestinal and respiratory infections, including influenza
and salmonella. Students also maintain a good personality as it makes it easier to socialize and
connect with other people. Lastly maintaining personal hygiene and personality is good morale
practiced by the students and should be instilled in every student.

3. Give TWO (2) reasons why students are lazy in maintaining personal hygiene.

Students are lazy to maintain good hygiene because of emotional or physical disorders that they
may be experiencing. Some students could have some problems that they start to lack on their
hygiene and daily routines. Secondly, the reason students tend to lack their personal hygiene
could be the cause of packed schedule, lot of work given or preoccupied with other things that
they start to neglect showers, brushing teeth, hair and nail cuts etc.

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