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Teenage Social Relationships Towards Alcohol Affecting Health and Education of Students

In Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for the Subject

Darline M. Abrencillo
Kathleen T. Caingin
Aizel Ann Glodo
Kryzelle D. Llano
Princess T. Mercado
Anna Marie D. Platon

MARCH 2020

First and foremost, we would like to thank our Father in heaven, for giving us the

strength to face each activity everyday. Second, we would like to thank our parents for giving us

all the support that we needed throughout the study. We appreciate their efforts in motivating us

to finish this research. Third, being our second family, we would like to acknowledge the

presence of our teachers for teaching us all the things that we need to learn to improve our

knowledge that would help us in doing the study. Fourth, we also appreciate the presence of our

fellow researchers, classmates and friends for inspiring us to continue our research and for

helping us every time we needed their help. Lastly, we want to thank our respondents for

answering our research questionnaires. We know that they are also going through the same

school works as ours but they still managed to write their accurate answers despite their busy

schedules. They are one of the reasons why we are able to complete this.

The country faces problems concerning the youth and one of those is alcoholism, a

disorder where someone feels intense cravings to drink alcohol, and just like other disorders, this

also needs a cure. The purpose of this study is to convey to people of its effect to social life and

health and to raise awareness about what drinking alcohol may lead to. Some symptoms of

alcoholism and its effect to our health are stated herein. The researchers chose 30 respondents

from Grade 10 and asked some open-ended-questions through research questionnaires. As

expected, according to the results, friends are the most influential. Parents do not tolerate them

and despite being aware of the effects, they continue drinking alcohol. Recommended by the

researchers are implementing policies that prohibit drinking alcohol and putting visual

campaigns showing the right decision in terms of alcohol drinking and seminars that raise

awareness among youth.







Statement of the Problem

Scope and Limitation of the Study

Significance of the Study

Definition of terms


Related Literature


Research Design

Respondents of the Study

Research Instrument

Validation of the Instrument

Data Gathering Procedure







The Problem and Its Background


In today's generation, alcohol is one of the most popular beverage that is usually used in

occasions as a part of their celebration. But when not taken responsibly, alcohol use may lead to

health and social problems. Though drinking alcohol is legal, every individual who takes it needs

enough discipline and self-control to avoid different conflicts to happen.

Alcohol use may also be associated with alcohol abuse and alcoholism where alcohol

abuse is the term used when a drinker takes excessive amounts of alcohol. On the other hand,

alcoholism is a disorder where someone feels intense cravings to drink alcohol and experiences

severe withdrawal symptoms.

Some youth even experiences alcoholism that may cause them to have problems

controlling their drinking habits or choose to keep drinking even though it causes problems.

These problems may interfere with their social relationships, studies and even their own health.

If someone starts drinking alcohol in an early age, there will be greater risk of developing

alcohol-related problems in the future.

Alcohol has long and short term effects in means of health and safety-related issues. Most

crimes that are recorded everyday are because of alcohol drinkers which are needed to be

prevented as early as today.

In a survey conducted by the University of the Philippines, 60 percent of Filipino youths

today are drinking alcoholic beverages.

Based on studies, alcohol is a drug that requires abstinence until someone reaches the age

of 21, but according to a report written by Valbuena (2002) for Health Action Information

Network (HAIN), Philippine law sets the minimum legal drinking age at 18. Despite this law,

underage drinking is still widespread.

Adolescents who drink excessive amounts of alcohol may cause chronic alterations to

their brain. This may lead to poor performance of a student at school and may cause

complications in a student's health at an early age. This health complication may also cause

absences of the student that often becomes the reason why a student fails their study.

Based on a medical review made by Luo (2017), intake of alcohol may interfere with

how your brain makes memories, it is also one of the main reasons of cardiovascular diseases.

Alcohol consumption also increases the risk developing cancer in the lungs, esophagus, throat,

and mouth. It may also damage the intestines which may lead to diarrhea and stomach pain. It

also prevents your body from properly absorbing the vitamins and minerals from the foods you

eat. These health complications may cause lack of focus and difficulty in their classes.

Students in the present time tends to think of themselves as grownups and they think that

they could make their own choices in life. They seldom listen to instructions from their parents

and teachers because they feel that such cautions only apply to those who are less matured than


This research is conceptualize to raise awareness to the youth and to let them know how

alcohol affects their health and their lifestyle. This may help them to make their own

understanding about alcohol and its risks. If they would have enhanced understandings, they
would be able to make informed and accurate decisions about the usage of alcohol. They should

learn to balance their decisions and be more disciplined and responsible.

Statement of the Problem

The effects of alcohol cause complications to the health of the teenagers. It affects the

education as well as the life of these young people that may put them in a bad condition and state

in the future.

The problem that is stated above provided us with these questions:

1. How do social relationships induce a student's perception about alcohol?

2. What are the effects of alcoholism that affects one's lifestyle?

3. How does alcohol intake compromise the state of education of students and deteriorate the

way they learn inside a learning institution?

4. What significance does knowledgeable decision-making has to address in order to control this

society issue?

Conceptual Framework

 Social  Promoting policies

Relationships about prohibiting
affect the decisions alcohol
that a student Survey questionnaire consumption in
makes and and interviews students.
compromises their  Programs and
state of education seminars
and may have concerning the
severe effects of alcohol
complications to and to raise
the health. awareness to the
Significance of the Study

This part discusses the importance and the benefits of the research. The main purpose of

this study is to help the readers understand alcoholism and things that could be associated with

the problem. These are the following persons who can truly be benefited:


This research will also help the students to identify their classmates or schoolmates who

are experiencing bad effects of alcoholism. Some students drink alcohol because of anxiety

attacks while others do so because of curiosity and others for enjoyment and happiness. This

study may also help some students to identify their fellows who are experiencing alcoholism and

therefore be able to maybe stop them engaging themselves to such activities.


This study could also help teachers in a lot more ways. They can get some information

regarding alcoholism and its possible effects. Teachers may also know other information about

this study that they barely know before and therefore, they may treat and teach fairly the students

and help them recover from being alcoholic.


The very advantage of this research for parents is that, this may give them the necessary

information about alcoholism at its possible effects for their children when they get in tangled

with the issue. Parents must guide their children at all times and pay more attention with all their

activities inside and most importantly outside the school premises. Additionally, parents should

also give some motivational messages and pieces of advice for their children.

Being the second home of children, this research can help schools by somehow adding

bits of information about alcoholism. Additionally, school officials can also create and

implement programs to make students be aware of different effects of alcoholism in their lives.

By doing so, schools may prevent the depression that may lead to medical illness because of



This research will help the barangay officials to know the outcome of drinking alcohol

for the youngers who are involved in doing so. Therefore, barangay officials/officers should

observe tight implementation of designated curfew hours to monitor minors who are still out and

drinking alcohol late at night. By this, officials may prevent unnecessary feuds and troubles that

may spread out because of deep influence of alcohol in their bodies and minds.

Scope and Limitations

This research focuses on the response about alcohol and alcoholism of Grade 10

students, since they are the ones who are most likely to drink alcohol. This will help the people

who'll read the research to increase their knowledge and awareness about this issue.

Though we may accomplish the purpose of the study, the limitations of the study would

not be prevented completely. We will only conduct the study on 40 students from Grade 10 by

using our research questionnaire.


These are the operational meanings of some of the unfamiliar words that may be

encountered in the study.

Alcoholism. A medical condition in which someone frequently drinks too much alcohol and

becomes unable to live a normal and healthy life.

Beverage. It is something you can drink.

Dependent. It means addicted to alcohol or a drug.

Excessive. It means going beyond what is normal.

Interfere. To become involved in the activities and concerns of other people when your

involvement is not wanted.

Moderate. It is average in size or amount.

Psychological. a thing that is related to the study of the mind.

Reliable. It is able to be trusted to do or provide what is needed.

Vulnerable. It means easily hurt or harmed physically, mentally, or emotionally.

Youth. It is the time of life when someone is young or the time when a young person has not yet

become an adult.
Review of Related Studies and Literature

This chapter shows different literatures and studies related to the topic.

Alcohol Use, Abuse and Dependence

A person who starts to depend on alcohol may have problems in either social,

physical, or emotional health. According to Newman (2009), a person who drinks excessive

amounts of alcohol will often not be the first person to realize that this is so. Some signs and

symptoms of alcoholism include not being able to limit how much alcohol is consumed, blacking

out and not being able to remember, losing interest in hobbies, having problems with

relationships, finances, or studies and experiencing nausea, sweating, or shaking when not

drinking. Alcohol consumption becomes a problem when it takes precedence over all other

activities. The problems linked to alcohol dependence are extensive.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism describes alcohol use disorder as

"problem drinking that becomes severe." A person with this condition does not know when or

how to stop drinking. They cannot control how much they consume, even if it is causing serious

problems at home and school. Alcohol abuse can be used to talk about excessive or inappropriate

consumption of alcohol, but not necessarily dependence. Moderate alcohol consumption does not

generally cause any severe harm. However, if someone enjoy social drinking, increase their

consumption or regularly consume more than is recommended, alcoholism may eventually

develop (Newman, 2009). According to this, though alcohol use is truly dangerous to the health,

it could not be totally prevented if an individual already started taking alcohol.

Health Complications

Alcohol intakes has an overall effect to the health of an individual. According to Suter

(1997), some studies have suggested that drinking in moderation may be beneficial for health,

but many of these studies do not address body weight. The study conducted suggests that

consuming moderate amounts of alcohol is a risk factor for obesity, which is a risk factor for

several adverse health outcomes. Recommendations regarding alcohol intake thus should take

into account a variety of factors, including baseline body weight, location of body fat, and

overall diet.

Chronic alcohol abuse is a risk factor for osteoporosis and sarcopenia, but the long-term

effects of alcohol on the immature musculoskeletal system are less clear. (Maddalozzo, 2009)

Alcoholism Among Youth

Alcohol intake may lead to severe damage to the body, specially to those whose body

are still too young. Despite this fact, alcohol consumption is still widespread among the youth.

Some youth prefer different kinds of alcoholic beverages but all these may lead to same results.

According to Siegel (2011), riskier patterns of drinking and other health-risk behaviors are

associated with an increased preference for hard liquor and beer. Improved surveillance of

alcoholic beverage preferences among youth will enable a better understanding of the factors

related to youth drinking, allowing the development of more effective interventions. Identifying

the kind of beverage often chosen by the youth may help discover the way to avoid more

complications caused by alcohol intake.

Wagenaar (1993) states that patterns of acquisition of alcoholic beverages by underage

youth were studied, and it showed that the alcohol initially used by those in their early teens is
obtained from parents' stocks or from older siblings and friends. By the mid-teens, parties at

which alcohol is readily available become the major source. In the mid to late teens, young

people purchase alcohol from commercial alcohol outlets, despite the fact that 21 is the legal age

for purchasing alcohol. Factors reported to increase the rate of successful alcohol purchases

include female buyer, male seller, young seller, and convenience store outlet. These results

revealed how easy accessibility of alcoholic beverages may be one of the reasons why alcohol

intake among youth may not be prevented completely.

Underage boys are far more likely to drink than underage girls, but the females seem to

be closing the gap. The fact that so many young people drink alcohol is a real worry because

those individuals who drink at a young age are far more likely to develop alcoholism later in life.

Also, those people who drink at a young age are far more likely to experiment with harder drugs.

For some individuals their early experiences with alcohol will be a stepping stone into lifelong

drug abuse. Aside from that, drinking prevents people from performing well in school. This

means that the individual may handicap their future due to poor academic qualifications.

(Alcohol Rehab, Underage drinking in the Philippines)

These possibilities might interfere with the state of our society when the day comes that

the youth will be the future leaders. Underage drinking might be hard to control but we should

continue to help in putting this issue down.

Social Influences

Social relationships may also interfere in a student's alcohol intake. These relationships

maybe the reason why someone engages with alcohol. A study showed that generally in each of

the three age groups, regular drinking of siblings or twins and friends posed the highest risk for
regular drinking. Age differences indicated that these risks decreased with age. Irrespective of

age, regular drinking of fathers and mothers posed the lowest risk. Findings were generally the

same for males and females. (Scholte, 2008)

According to Donohew (1999), their findings indicate the potential importance of sensation

seeking as a characteristic on which adolescent peers cluster. Furthermore, the findings indicate

that, beyond the influence of a variety of other risk factors, peer sensation seeking contributes to

adolescents' substance use. This states that peers are the ones that are commonly influential in

terms of alcohol drinking and other addictive activities.

Heavy drinking- related friendships increase the risk of a first heavy drinking episode. Adult

supervision of time spent with friends may reduce the risk. Result support interventions that

target the spread of heavy drinking through adolescent social ecosystems, in addition to targeting

the most at-risk individuals. (Light, 2019) Friendships may also affect the spread of heavy

drinking among the youth that may lead to different problems in the future.

Alcohol as a Public Health Issue

Valbuena (2002) stated that drinking is a big part of the Filipino merry-making activities.

Beer is an essential part of fiestas, birthdays, and parties. Even when there is no special occasion,

many Filipinos hang out together in the streets, in front of their houses and convenience stores

drinking gin and tonic, which is a considerably cheaper alcoholic drink.

But despite that, there are significant associations between alcohol marketing exposure and

increased alcohol use and drunkenness among youth in the Philippines. These findings highlight

the need to put policies into effect that restrict alcohol marketing practices as an important
prevention strategy for reducing alcohol use and its dire consequences among vulnerable youth.

(Swahn, 2013)

In order to address this global public health issue, the World Health Organization (WHO)

recently prioritized the global reduction of the harmful use of alcohol. Even with limited data, it

is still evident that low and middle-income countries bear a disproportionate public health burden

due to increasing alcohol consumption and limited or non-existent prevention policies and

programs. (World Health Organization, 2010.)


Newman (2009) showed symptoms and problems that occur when someone starts to take

alcohol and Suter (1997) and Maddalozzo (2009) stated that alcohol may have an impact on

body weight and may cause higher risks of osteoporosis and sarcopenia.

Youth also prefer different drinks. Siegel (2011) and Wagenaar (1993) explained how

teenagers choose hard liquor and beer because of its accessibility and because it better satisfies

their taste. While Alcohol Rehab stated how it may affect one's studies and may cause poor

academic performance.

Scholte (2008), Donohew (1999), and Light (2019) discussed how peers and other social

relationships meddle with the understanding of students about the usage of alcohol. It states that

teenagers choose friends who are also around their age who influences them to do the things that

they should not. This explains that age differences may be a factor of alcoholic influence to

students and how their behavior provoke students to engage into this kind of action.

Valbuena (2002) said that alcohol had been an essential part of occasions but Swahn (2013)

and the World Health Organization (2010) explained how alcoholism became a public health
burden and why it should be restricted among the youth. They discussed the effects it caused the

society and it should be prohibited for minors to develop the way they learn inside their schools.
Research Methodology

This chapter includes the methods and strategies used to perform the study. The research

design, instrument, procedure and respondents are presented and discussed.

Research Design

In this study, qualitative research design is used. The study is based from descriptions and

observations, theories and studies to answer the questions that the researchers observed. This

aims for developing awareness about alcohol and its prohibition for teenagers.

This study was conducted to promote better understanding about alcoholism and its

effects to avoid problems and public issues that require systematic solutions. To better identify

the outlook of teenagers about alcohol and how it affects the way they learn and live inside the

community, the researchers used qualitative research design. Thus, people and groups are studied

in their natural setting.

Respondents of the Study

In this research, the researchers will have thirty (30) students from Grade 10 in Tanauan

City Integrated High School as respondents to answer the survey questionnaire. The researchers

will interview those students who engage themselves in alcohol drinking.

Research Instrument

The researcher used semi-structure survey questionnaires with open-ended questions. The

questionnaire contained questions that are related to the statement of the problem in order for the

researchers to fully identify and observe the perceptions of students towards alcohol.
Validation of the Instrument

The survey questionnaire was validated February 13, 2020 with the help of students in

Tanauan City Integrated High School.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers asked for proper permission from their teacher to gather information and

data from students by using survey questionnaires. The researchers will also make a letter for

teachers to be informed about the survey. Once the letters are approved, we will start to provide

copies about the questionnaires.

Results and Discussion

This chapter contains the results and summaries of the data gathered from respondents

through the research questionnaires.

1.1 Persons who influence students in drinking alcohol.

Respondent Answer of the respondent Category

1 Friends and family. Friends and family

2 No one. None

3 Cousins. Family

4 Mga barkada ko. Friends

5 Peers. Friends

6 Peers. Friends

7 Friends. Friends

8 Friends. Friends

9 My friends and relatives. Friends and family

10 Friends. Friends

11 Friends. Friends

12 Friends. Friends

13 No one. None

14 Friends. Friends

15 Friends. Friends

16 Wala dahil ako mismo sa sarili ang natanggi na None

uminom dahil nakasasama sa katawan at baka
makagawa ng masama kapag nalasing.
17 Friends. Friends

18 Walang nang influence sa akin kundi ako. None

19 In this generation, I think they commit drinking Friends

alcohol because of their friends.
20 I’m influenced by my friends and relatives. Friends and family

21 My friends. Friends

22 No one. None

23 My friends. Friends

24 My friends influenced me. Friends

25 Tropa ko at mga pinsan. Friends and family

26 Just myself. None

27 Friends and my choice. Friends

28 Myself I guess. None

29 Friends. Friends

30 Friends or peers. Friends

Eighteen (18) out of thirty (30) respondents who responded on the research

questionnaires stated that it is their friends who influence them in drinking alcohol. Their

peers are the ones who often tell them to do such things that may affect them, they tend to

choose the wrong persons to go with.

Seven (7) out of thirty (30) respondents stated that it is their own choice to drink alcohol.

No one influenced them, and maybe because of their curiosity, they decided to engage into

this kind of action. Some of them said that no one influenced them because they don't really

drink alcohol.
Four (4) out of thirty (30) respondents said that not just their friends influence them but

also their families. They see it from their relatives and friends, the ones who usually surround

them, and eventually adapts to this kind of activity. While one respondent stated that drinking

alcohol was introduced to him only by his cousins, it started at their home and continued

during his high school.

Based on the study conducted by Bellum (2014), research studies show that teens whose

best friends drink alcohol are twice as likely to try alcohol themselves. And, if teens get

alcohol from friends, they’re more likely to start drinking at a younger age. This means that

friends are the most influential when it comes to drinking alcohol.

1.2 Social relationships’ effects to students’ perception about alcohol.

Respondent Answer of the respondent Category

1 It seems normal for them. Negative

2 Sinasabi nila na baka makaapekto ito sa aking Positive

katawan at baka maapektuhan ang aking pag-aaral.
3 It’s bad for our health. Positive

4 Sinasabi nila sa akin na maaaring ikapahamak ko ito Positive

dahil kapag daw uminom ka ng sobra, mawawala ka
sa katinuan.
5 Sinabi nila tigilan ko ang pag-inom ng alak. Positive

6 It can affect our health. Positive

7 Itigil na dahil masama yan. Positive

8 None. Negative

9 My mother said drink until I die. Negative

10 None. Negative

11 Magkakasakit tulad ng cancer sa atay. Positive

12 Tigilan ang pag-inom dahil nakakasira ng atay. Positive

13 None. Negative

14 It might affect your health. Positive

15 They said that it is harmful for my body. Positive

16 Nakakasama lalo na sa ating utak dahil kapag Positive

sumobra ang pag-inom ay nakasasama ito para mag-
isip ng normal.
17 None. Negative

18 Itigil na daw dahil nakasasama ito sa kalusugan. Positive

19 They say alcohol may bring you to a crucial life. Positive

20 They said that drinking alcohol is bad on our health. Positive

21 None. Negative

22 Just for fun and a sin if drunk too much. Negative

23 They say that it’s okay, but don’t abuse it. Neutral

24 Sinasabayan nila ako sa pagiinom. Negative

25 Wala support lang nila ako. Negative

26 They always say that alcohol isn’t good for our Positive
27 Sinasabi nila saken na wala akong mararating and it Positive
can make bad to my body.
28 Stop not till you’re young, cause if you continue it Positive
you will regret it.
29 Huwag na uminom dahil daw baka masira ang aking Positive
kinabukasan at hindi makapagtapos.
30 It’s not good for your health. Positive

Nine (9) out of thirty (30) respondents responded positive feedbacks from their friends

and relatives.
Some of their parents and peers don't tolerate them and that's a good help for the individual

who drinks alcohol. Someone could still tell them the right thing to do.

Despite that, out of thirty (30), ten (10) students still stated that their peers and relatives

do not really prohibit them from drinking alcohol. Some respondents say that social

relationships doesn't affect their perceptions about alcohol and some of them are tolerated by

their peers and even join them in drinking.

One (1) of the respondents has a neutral feedback, peers let him drink alcohol but would

not tolerate him if he is starting to abuse it. Though alcohol has a good effect in the heart, it is

still bad for the different organs in the body when taken too much.

A study conducted by Kypri (2007) states that four in five parents disagreed with

permissive statements such as 'It's okay for parents to give their teenager one or two drinks to

take to an unsupervised party', and 59% agreed that 'No one should supply alcohol to

someone who is underage'. Though there are parents who let their children drink, there is a

greater percentage of parents who do not support alcohol drinking.

2.1 Awareness of students about alcoholism.

Respondent Answers of the respondent Category

1 I am aware that alcohol has a lot of bad effects to us. Aware

2 Ang pagiinom kasi minsan pag nasobrahan, hindi Aware

mo na alam ang ginagawa mo.
3 I am 100% aware. Aware

4 Dahil minsan ang pagiinom ay masama kung Aware

5 I’m not that aware. Unaware

6 I’ve seen in TV what the effect if you drink always. Aware

7 I’m aware that alcohol has an effect to my mental Aware
health but I know also that alcohol have a good
effect to my metabolism.
8 I’m aware because my studying is affected by alcohol. Aware

9 Not aware. Unaware

10 I’m aware that alcohol affects my mental health by Aware

this study.
11 Not aware. Unaware

12 Nakakapanghina ng katawan, habulin ng away. Aware

13 I don’t even care it does affect me. Unaware

14 Yes. Aware

15 I am fully aware for that but it’s just for occasion. Aware

16 Not aware kasi hindi ko pa nararanasang uminom ng Unaware

17 100% aware but when I’m drinking alcohol, I feel so Aware
18 Minsan sa school, nahihirapan akong mag-isip. Aware

19 I always think the bad side effects in drinking alcohol Aware

such as slowly thinking.
20 100% aware because of my parents but if I had a Aware
problem, I become completely unaware.
21 Very aware. Aware

22 I’m aware because we watch a lot of thing connected Aware

to it.
23 I know that it can cause bad effect to my brain. Aware

24 Makakasama ito sa kalusugan. Aware

25 Syempre, kailangan alam mo limitasyon mo kapag Aware

iinom ka.
26 I didn’t let alcohol affect my mental status. Aware

27 They can make trouble or anything can affects my Aware

mental health.
28 100% Aware

29 100% aware. Aware

30 I know its effect of drinking alcohol. Aware

Twenty-five (25) over thirty (30) respondents are aware about the effects of alcohol.

Some said that they have watched it from TV while some know their limitations. Because

they are aware about how alcohol affects them, they take it moderately and do not consume

too much.

There are still five (5) respondents who stated that they know nothing or less about the

effects of alcohol, one of them said that he does not drink alcohol that's why he does not

know its effects to the health and lifestyle of students. Though majority of the respondents

are aware, the students who are not aware about this topic should still be pointed out and be

taught about what it causes.

This supports the study conducted by Ngozi (2017) stating that male and female students

were similarly aware of the following effects of alcohol on human health, in that no

significant differences were found: excessive alcohol intake can affect coordination,

interfering with balance and the ability to walk.

2.2 Effects of alcohol to the health of students.

Respondent Answer of the respondent Category

1 Nakakalilimutan ang ibang nangyayari. Mental health

2 Maaaring lumaki ang tiyan. Physical health

3 Maaari silang maging abnormal at hindi nila alam Mental health

ang gagawin.
4 Pwedeng lumaki ang tiyan, tapos mapula ang mata Physical health
at mukha.
5 Due to severe headache I can’t focus. Mental health

6 Because of headache I can’t think. Mental health

7 Headache. Mental health

8 I always have a headache. Mental health

9 I’m getting fat. Physical health

10 Having a headaches. Mental health

11 Wala, masakit lang talaga sa ulo. Mental health

12 Sakit ng ulo. Mental health

13 Alcohol makes your tummy grow. Physical health

14 Headache. Mental health

15 Ofcourse because of the hangover, I feel very mad. Mental health

16 Headache. Mental health

17 Headache. Mental health

18 Magulo ang naiisip ko kapag nainom. Mental health

19 It may cause pale lips, or may cause you in a stress Physical health
20 Maaaring maging tulog ang iyong isipan. Mental health

21 Headache. Mental health

22 Hangover causes headache and you keep on thinking Mental health

how to relieve your headache.
23 It makes me forget everything that happened. Mental health

24 Masakit ang ulo ko kaya hindi ako nakakagawa ng Mental health

mga bagay bagay kaya maghapon akong tulog.
25 Sobrang sakit sa ulo paggising sa umaga ang sarap Mental health
uminom ng malamig na coke.
26 I didn’t know what I say or even what I do. Mental health

27 I can do anything else such as I didn’t do that before. Mental health

28 Hangovers can cause you to delay things you ought Mental health
to do, you can’t process to think clearly.
29 Pagiging wala sa sarili. Mental health

30 I feel dizzy. Mental health

Alcohol causes health complications to the physical and mental health of students.

Twenty-five (25) over thirty (30) respondents said that they often experience headaches,

being forgetful, and lack of concentration. Their mental health and their ability to think

clearly is being affected by their usage of alcohol.

There are five (5) students who answered that they get fat easily and their eyes become

reddish. These effects are evident to their physical features that makes usage of alcohol be

seen just by looking at their appearance. Alcohol do not just affect their way of thinking but

also the way they look.

Based on the study conducted by Surdey (2015), the depressant effect of alcohol has a big

impact on several brain processes. It changes our thinking, judgment, perception,

temperature, reaction time, motor/muscle control, vision, hearing, balance, movement, mood

and emotions. It can change the size of the brain and cause psychological disorders to


3. Effects of alcohol to the education of the students.

Respondent Answer of the respondent Category

1 Kapag hangover hindi nakakapasok. Absence

2 Hindi nakakapag-isip ng tama. Lack of focus

3 Hindi nakakaapekto sa pag-aaral ko. No effect

4 Hindi ka nakakapag-isip ng maayos. Lack of focus

5 Days lessen on going to school. Absence

6 I can’t focus. Lack of focus

7 It can slow my thinking ability. Lack of focus

8 I always have a hangover so that I can’t go to Absence

9 It doesn’t affect. No effect

10 Too much have a hangover I can’t understand the Lack of focus

11 Wala, hindi naman naaapektuhan. No effect

12 Hindi nakakagising nang maaga laging late. Late

13 Alcohol can bring you hangovers that leads to Absence

14 It does not affect my studies. No effect

15 It doesn’t affect my studies. No effect

16 I don’t really know. No effect

17 Way back when I’m a grade 9 student, I go to my Lack of focus

friends’ house to drink and because of that I received
a failing grades.
18 Hindi naman ito nakakaapekto. No effect

19 Minsan mas gugustuhin pang mag-inom ng ibang Absence

kabataan kesa pumasok.
20 Dahil dito maaari kang maimpluwensyahan ng iyong Absence
kaibigan o kung sino man na hindi pumasok.
21 It doesn’t affect my studies. No effect

22 When an alcohol addict attach to alcohol they keep Lack of focus

on thinking on it.
23 It doesn’t affect my studies. No effect
24 Kase kapag may hangover hindi nakakapasok at Absence
hindi rin nakakagawa ng assignment.
25 Wala naman, mas priority ko ang studies ko kesa No effect
26 It doesn’t affect my study and never will. No effect

27 I thought it depends on the action when alcohol No effect

affect to your studies.
28 I’m being out of focus, out of priority. Lack of focus

29 Walang epekto sa akin dahil hindi ko naman No effect

napapabayaan ang aking pag-aaral.
30 Hindi ito nakakaepekto. No effect

Several effects of alcoholism to the education of students were stated by the respondents.

Seven (7) out of thirty (30) students said that alcohol drinking causes absence that may also

affect their grades. Absenteeism is a factor that affects one's mark in performance.

Fifteen (15) out of thirty (30) respondents claimed that their education is not affected by

drinking alcohol. It has no effect in the way they learn and study. The way they think stays

the same and the way they perform at school is just like how those who do not drink alcohol


Eight (8) of the respondents responded that they easily lose focus and concentration at

school. They could not easily perform well and it affects their way of thinking inside the

classroom. Lack of focus is also a factor that causes failing grades to an individual who

drinks alcohol.

Ziegler (2004) states that despite a growing literature in this area, no study has

convincingly answered the question of whether alcohol consumption inhibits high school

students’ learning. Alcohol consumption could be an important determinant of how much a

high school student learns without having a strong impact on his or her decision to stay in
school or attend college. This means that it is still not determined if alcohol has an impact on

education of students.

4. Alcoholism in terms of decision-making.

Respondent Answer of the respondent Category

1 Nothing. Not informed

2 None. Not informed

3 I can handle every situation and I know my Informed

4 Kapag may problema na gusto kong malimutan Informed
kahit sandali.
5 None. Not informed

6 I can decide. Informed

7 None. Not informed

8 I decided to drink alcohol because of friends and to Informed

forget problems.
9 Nothing. Not informed

10 None. Not informed

11 None. Not informed

12 Pabago-bago ng isip. Not informed

13 It can make you strong in making decision. Informed

14 It does not affect my decision because I only drink Informed

for occasions.
15 It’s just for occasional for me so that I can say that it Informed
will not affect my family, community and society.
16 Pinag-iisipan muna ang lahat lalo sa mga alak kasi Informed
ito yung pinakamasamang gawin kahit sabihing
pampalipas oras o pampaalis ng sakit na
17 Nothing. Not informed
18 Siguro yung sarili ko kasi pinahihirapan ko lang ang Informed
aking sarili dahil minsan ramdam ko ang masamang
epekto nito.
19 Magsasanhi ito ng hindi pag-iisap ng tama kapag Informed
lagi kang nagtetake nito at masyado kang nagiging
20 100% sure dahil kung iinom man ako sisiguraduhin Informed
kong aprubado ito ng magulang ko at hindi ako
makakasakit ng iba.
21 I don’t make decisions when I’m drunk. Informed

22 I’m not sure of the positive effects of alcohol in my Not informed

family, community and society.
23 I’m drinking alone and when I think I’m okay that’s Informed
the time that I will talk to them.
24 Kung nakainom ako tahimik lang ako at laging Informed
25 Priority ang pamilya at sinusunod sila sa ikabubuti. Informed

26 I can assure that my decisions will make a good Informed

effect in my life because I know how to handle any
decision I make.
27 Nothing. Not informed

28 I only drink moderately, I don’t abuse my drinking Informed

so I guess it will not affect my decisions.
29 Hindi, dahil baka dito mapariwara ang buhay ko. Informed

30 Nothing. Not informed

Eighteen (18) out of the thirty (30) grade 10 students who responded in the research

questionnaire stated that they could still make informed and accurate decisions about the

usage of alcohol. They said that drinking alcohol do not necessarily cause harm to the way

they make decisions and it do not have a direct effect to the society. They still think about the

things that may happen after choosing to drink alcohol and they balance the possibilities.

Having informed decisions and having proper guidance could help the society in solving this

Though a greater number of students who responded are sure that they make informed

decisions about drinking alcohol, twelve (12) respondents still responded nothing or they

don't know. Some of them are not sure if the decisions they make are accurate and informed,

and some are still having second thoughts if they'll stop or continue drinking alcohol.

The study conducted by Goudriaan (year) said that although disadvantageous decision

making is related to binge-drinking patterns in emerging adulthood, this relation is

independent of impulsivity. Additionally, the association appears attributable to those who

engage in heavy (binge) drinking at an early age, but not to age of onset of drinking in

general. This states that decision making and alcohol drinking is related but not totally

associated with each other.

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter includes the summary, conclusion and recommendations of the study. The

main objective of this research is to promote better understanding about alcoholism and its

effects to avoid problems and public issues that require systematic solutions.


This is the summary of the data gathered from the respondents.

Eight (18) out of thirty (30) respondents stated that it is their friends who influence them

in drinking alcohol. Seven (7) out of thirty (30) respondents stated that no one influenced

them, and maybe because of their curiosity, they decided to engage into this kind of action.

Four (4) out of thirty (30) respondents said that not just their friends influence them but also

their families. While one (1) respondent stated that drinking alcohol was introduced to him

only by his cousins.

Nine (9) out of thirty (30) respondents responded positive feedbacks from their friends

and relatives. Despite that, ten (10) out of thirty (30) students still stated that their peers and

relatives do not really prohibit them from drinking alcohol. One (1) of the respondents has a

neutral feedback, peers let him drink alcohol but would not tolerate him if he is starting to

abuse it.

Twenty-five (25) over thirty (30) respondents are aware about the effects of alcohol, but

there are still five (5) respondents who stated that they know nothing or less about the effects

of alcohol, one (1) of them said that he does not drink alcohol that's why he does not know its

effects to the health and lifestyle of students.

Twenty-five (25) over thirty (30) respondents said that they often experience headaches,

being forgetful, and lack of concentration. There are five (5) out of thirty (30) students who

answered that they get fat easily and their eyes become reddish.

Seven (7) out of thirty (30) students said that alcohol drinking causes absence that may

also affect their grades. Fifteen (15) out of thirty (30) respondents claimed that their

education is not affected by drinking alcohol. Eight (8) of the respondents responded that

they easily lose focus and concentration at school.

Eighteen (18) out of the thirty (30) grade 10 students who responded in the research

questionnaire stated that they could still make informed and accurate decisions about the

usage of alcohol. Twelve (12) out of thirty (30) respondents still responded nothing or they

don't know.


The purpose of this study is to promote better understanding about alcoholism. The

researchers gathered data through distributing survey questionnaires to thirty (30) students from

Grade 10 as respondents to answer the open-ended questions and to know what are the factors

that affects their perception about alcohol.

The following statements are the conclusion drawn by the researchers from the response of the


1. Friends and peers are the most influential to students in terms of drinking alcohol. Their

friends are the ones who often tell them to do such things.

2. Most of the students are aware about the effects of alcohol but chooses to drink

moderately and does not consume too much.

3. Though some of the students stated that they often lose concentration during class

discussions, there are still many students whose education is not affected.

4. There are some the students who indicated that their decision-making is affected by

drinking alcohol but most of the students replied that they still make informed decisions

despite drinking alcohol.


Based on the conclusions made, the following are given:

1. Launch a seminar promoting awareness alcohol and its effects to the health and education

of the students.

2. Posting visual campaign that shows the negative effects of alcohol and the importance of

choosing friends who will not influence you to do activities such as drinking alcohol.

3. Implementing policies that prohibit students in drinking alcohol.


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for marijuana and alcohol.
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Suter, P. (1997). Effects of Alcohol on Energy Metabolism and Body Weight Regulation: Is
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Survey Questionnaire

1. Why do you drink alcohol?

2. Who influence you in drinking alcohol?
3. How do your friends, parents and relatives’ perceptions affect your understanding about
4. What does your parents say about drinking alcohol that may initiate or stop you from
drinking alcohol?
5. What are the instances that affect your decision-making, especially about alcohol?
6. Why do your parents tolerate you in drinking alcohol?
7. How do your friends influence you to drink alcohol?
8. How aware are you that alcohol affects your mental health?

9. What can you say about those who experiences alcoholism or the urge to drink too much

10. How does drinking alcohol has an impact in your physical appearance?
11. How can you feel the satisfaction when you are drinking alcohol?
12. How often do you feel the sensitivity of losing appetite after drinking alcohol?
13. In what way does hangovers caused by alcohol affect your way of thinking?
14. How does alcohol use become your habit?
15. How can alcohol make you feel relaxed?
16. How can alcohol relieve your stress?
17. How can alcohol help you to forget your problems?
18. How does alcohol affect your studies?
19. How can you say that drinking alcohol would not affect your studies?

20. How sure are you that the decisions that you are making may cause something good for
your family, community and society in terms of alcohol drinking?
Name: Darline M. Abrencillo
Address: Lumina Homes, San Vicente, Sto. Tomas City, Batangas
Cellphone number: 09277754330

Birthday: January 25, 2004 Age: 16
Father’s Name: Diego Abrencillo Occupation: Farmer
Mother’s Name: Angelina Abrencillo Occupation: Housewife
Citizenship: Filipino Civil Status: Single

2019-2020 – Present Secondary Education
Tanauan City Integrated High School - JHS
Trapiche 1, Tanauan City, Batangas

2010-2016 Primary Education

Olongtao Ibaba Elementary School
Quezon Province


 Good in making poetry

Name: Kathleen T. Caingin
Address: Trapiche 3, Tanauan City, Batangas
Cellphone number: 09995049439

Birthday: August 20, 2003 Age: 16
Father’s Name: Jose Ñ. Caingin III Occupation: Company employer
Mother’s Name: Claire T. Caingin Occupation: Housewife
Citizenship: Filipino Civil Status: Single

2019-2020 – Present Secondary Education
Tanauan City Integrated High School - JHS
Trapiche 1, Tanauan City, Batangas

2010-2016 Primary Education

Tanauan South Central School
Tanauan City, Batangas


 Badminton player
Name: Aizel Ann Glodo
Address: Barangay 4, Tanauan City, Batangas
Cellphone number: 09164363746

Birthday: September 22, 2004 Age: 15
Father’s Name: Relendo L. Metrillo Occupation: Househusband
Mother’s Name: Shiela G. Metrillo Occupation: Factory worker
Citizenship: Filipino Civil Status: Single

2019-2020 – Present Secondary Education
Tanauan City Integrated High School - JHS
Trapiche 1, Tanauan City, Batangas

2010-2016 Primary Education

Tanauan North Central School
Tanauan City, Batangas


 Good in dancing and singing

Name: Kryzelle D. Llano
Address: Trapiche 1, Tanauan City, Batangas
Cellphone number: 09205397282

Birthday: April 3, 2004 Age: 15
Father’s Name: Jun Cris D. Llano Occupation: Security Guard
Mother’s Name: Geraldin D. Llano Occupation: Housewife
Citizenship: Filipino Civil Status: Single

2019-2020 – Present Secondary Education
Tanauan City Integrated High School - JHS
Trapiche 1, Tanauan City, Batangas

2010-2016 Primary Education

Pulong Sta. Cruz Elementary School
Sta. Rosa, Laguna


 Good in writing poems

Name: Princess T. Mercado
Address: Barangay 4, Tanauan City, Batangas
Cellphone number: 09302597596

Birthday: December 13, 2003 Age: 16
Father’s Name: Rene M. Mercado Occupation: Deceased
Mother’s Name: Cristy T. Mercado Occupation: Housewife
Citizenship: Filipino Civil Status: Single

2019-2020 – Present Secondary Education
Tanauan City Integrated High School - JHS
Trapiche 1, Tanauan City, Batangas

2010-2016 Primary Education

Tanauan North Central School
Tanauan City, Batangas


 Good in singing
Name: Anna Marie D. Platon
Address: Barangay 7, Reaville Subdivision, Tanauan City Batangas
Cellphone number: 09613290801

Birthday: July 15, 2003 Age: 16
Father’s Name: Hilarion L. Platon Occupation: Jeepney Driver
Mother’s Name: Emelyn De guzman Occupation: Housewife
Citizenship: Filipino Civil Status: Single

2019-2020 – Present Secondary Education
Tanauan City Integrated High School - JHS
Trapiche 1, Tanauan City, Batangas

2010-2016 Primary Education

Tanauan South Central School
Tanauan City, Batangas


 Journalist

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