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This research study focus on the effect of drinking alcohol on learning capacity of student ages 16
to 18 year old at Cabugao, Integrated, School. Specifically the study will answer the following questions.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of?

a. Age
b. Sex
c. Section

2. What are the different factors why students engage in alcohol drinking?

3. What are the effects of alcohol drinking in the learning capacity of Grade – 11 Senior high school
students at Cabugao, Integrated, School?

4. Is there correlation between drinking alcohol in the learning capacity of Grade - 11 senior high school
student ages 16 to 18 years old?



It will serve an information for teachers to spread awareness to the students to whom may be at
risk for alcoholism. Educators can work together to educate students about the appropriate consumption
of alcoholic beverages.


It is crucial that students are aware of how alcohol use affects their ability to study because
excessive alcohol consumption may have unfavorable impact, focus issues can seriously hinder your
capacity to perform well in school activities and complete other critical tasks


This study will provide parents and others with information about the effects of alcohol
consumption, because parents can play a significant role in assisting their children in developing a healthy
attitude toward drinking and minimizing their risk of underage drinking.


For the community to spread awareness through gatherings of the parents of students who drink
and those who have a high possibility of drinking alcohol, as well to inform them that young people are
now involved in alcoholism and need the community’s support.

To the upcoming researchers

They would benefit from this study if they were to perform a similar investigation since it would
give them the chance to learn new information and build on what they already know.

The study on effects of alcohol drinking on learning capacity of Grade 11 senior high school
students 16 to 18 year old at Cabugao, Integrated, School. It includes the physical and behavioral
problems that students experience after drinking alcohol.
Also it look forward to further study, on how alcohol drinking really affect the daily lifestyle of
the student.
Furthermore, it also determined the pattern of consumption, such as whether it was consumed
regularly or just sometimes, such as at parties on the weekend or only when invited by peers,
acquaintances, and relatives.
The researchers chose students in 11th grade to be their respondents because they wanted to learn
about drinking habits and the effects they have on students' ability to learn in senior high school, as well
as a possible way to prevent them.
A questionnaire will be distributed to a total of forty (40) respondents from each section for this
The researchers will utilize also the questionnaire on the 4th week of November.


To ensure that you fully comprehend the study, the following terminology have been operationalized
and conceptualized.

ALCOHOLISM - is defined by alcohol dependence, which is the body's physical inability to stop
drinking and the presence of alcohol cravings.

CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP - indicates that one event is the result of the occurrence of the other event;
i.e. there is a causal relationship between the two events. This is also referred to as cause and effect.

GPA – means grade point average, and it's a way to translate your letter grade. So an A is 4.0, a B would
be 3.0, a, C would be 2.0

HETOROGENITY- the quality or state of consisting of dissimilar or diverse elements.

LEARNING CAPACITY –  mean the physical structure of your brain, including all the neural networks
that determine how well you can think (your memory, attention, speed of processing and ability to
sequence ideas).

PERVASIVENESS - the fact of being present and noticeable in every part of a thing or place.

Every day, educators and school staff put in a lot of effort to help students succeed in the future.
One of the issues that can hinder a child's academic success and other life goals is alcohol. Additionally,
excessive alcohol consumption is linked to memory loss, poor concentration, lack of coordination, and
slurred speech, all of which have a negative effect on one's ability to learn.
Although parents have the greatest impact on their children's decisions regarding whether to drink
or not to drink, they are not the only barrier to underage drinking. The academic and social development
of students is greatly aided by teachers. Students must be encouraged to excel in the classroom by
advisers, counselors, and even administrators, who should also remind them not to drink alcohol if they
are still underage.


We all have to make the choice to drink or not at some point in our lives. The risk of alcohol-
related damage is higher for young people than for older ones. Drinking alcohol when still a teen can
significantly raise the chance of harm to the growing brain as the brain continues to develop into the mid-
20s. Later alcoholism issues may result from it as well.
Early alcohol use can affect how a teen's brain progress and make it more difficult for them to focus
in class. It is crucial that students are aware of how alcohol use affects their ability to study because
excessive alcohol consumption may have unfavorable impacts, such as making it difficult for students to
concentrate on their work or think clearly.
Focus issues can seriously hinder your capacity to perform well in school activities and complete
other critical tasks. By limiting the amount of time spent studying, finishing homework, and attending
school, alcohol usage may also have an impact on performance.

You can look really stupid. The impression is that drinking is cool, but the nervous system
changes that come from drinking alcohol can make people do stupid or embarrassing things, like
throwing up or peeing on themselves. Drinking also gives people bad breath, and no one enjoys a
Mood changes (e.g., flare-ups of temper, irritability, defensiveness) • Poor class attendance, low grades,
and/ or behavior problems • Disregard for school rules

Memory lapses, poor concentration, bloodshot eyes, lack of coordination, or slurred speech • Switching
friends and a reluctance to allow parents to meet new friends

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