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The flight from conversation REACTION PAPER 1


                I greatly enjoyed reading “The flight from conversation” by Sherry Turkle because she
indicates the reality of our today’s society regarding the lack of communication. She uses many
real life situations to support her details that cellphones and other technological devices have
inhibited the face to face communication. Although, technology has given us many forms of
communication, I feel that the most important way to communicate is by talking face to face.

               As Sherry Turkle in her article, we tend to “dumb down our communications” when we
use our technological devices because we feel the need to have a quick response. When we
need to have a serious conversation with a person, we want to hear their true feelings and full
answers. Also, when communicating over the phone, we don’t get the full sense of feeling of
that person’s words. We don’t know if they are being completely serious or if they are using a
sarcastic tone. This can cause many problems between friends and other people. Technology is
such a great advancement in our society, but certain aspects of day to day life cannot be
attained through these online techniques. I feel that face to face communication needs to
emphasized in our lives entirely lose the ability to speak with others in person.

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