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Q1. How would you describe Teresa Ross’s approach to the assessment
and management of Blake’s performance?

Ans: Teresa Ross assessed Blake's performance on following strengths

and weaknesses

Blake had a talent for working with people, including the employees
and customers. In his tenure the number of clients increased and none
of them switched to a competitor. He recruited, trained and supervised
many employees who later became managers of other districts.

On the other had there were also few problems regarding Blake’s
behavior with others and his eating habits. During the past year he was
out of work for three months with gall bladder and heart problems,
attributable to obesity. His behavior toward others had become
unpleasantly overpowering. According to Teresa, Blake started
becoming rude and loud with regional personnel.

Teresa in her assessment gave more weightage to Blake’s bad behavior

on job instead of his excellent performance. Had she given him an
honest score based on his performance he would have scored more,
but she gave him a low score purposely as she did not want him to
become the assistant regional manager. After working with Jet foods
for 10 years, Blake felt that he is entitled to new post of assistant
According to Teresa, Blake did not have the personality and behavior
required to be the assistant manager she also felt that her and Blake’s
working styles are very different and she won’t be able to work with
him and his behavior might irritate regional and corporate personnel.

She gave him an overall rating of 6, she knew that it is not the honest
assessment of Blake’s performance but she had to do it so that he
doesn’t get promoted, which according to her was the best thing for
the organization.
Teresa did not give him a fair score but she did it for the good of the
organization so her approach is unfair but still justified

Q2 Are Teresa’s concerns with Blake’s performance legitimate? Will

Blake have justifiable reasons for feeling dissatisfied with the
assessment and management results?

Ans: Teresa’s concerns regarding Blake’s performance are

Blake’s unhealthy lifestyle

Blake has unhealthy eating habits- despite doctor’s warning – have

contributed to some serious medical difficulties. Due to such habits he
was out of work for three months as he suffered from gall bladder and
heart problems. Blake’s personal health problems affect the
productivity and efficiency of operations.

Blake’s rude, loud and overbearing attitude toward employees and

regional personnel

Teresa has observed that Blake’s attitude toward others is overbearing.

She receives more calls or messages from Blake than from the other
nine district managers taken together- calls to advertise or promote his
own efforts. When it was announced that Teresa’s region is going to be
expanded and a new position of assistant regional manager will be
created, Blake made it clear that he feels entitled to the job.

Such habits and behavior of Blake eventually hurts the organization. So

these concerns are legitimate.

Undoubtedly, Blake will be dissatisfied with the assessment and

management results as his performance (when compared to the
standard performance) has been excellent.

Blake will have justified reasons for feeling dissatisfied with the
assessment as he has been performing well and increasing the client
base of Jet.
Employees performance are assessed by comparing their performance
with the standard performance, and according to which Blake’s
performance is above satisfactory but as Teresa has made her
judgment on his performance and behavior he has received a score of

During his tenure, Blake did not let even a single customer switch to a
He recruited and trained employees in the best way possible, many of
whom later became regional managers.
Blake’s performance has been above satisfactory in the last year except
that he was out of work for three months due to medical reasons.

Q3How could Jet Food’s system of performance assessment and

management be improved? If you were Jet’s vice president of Human
Resources, what changes would you make?
Ans: The current performance assessment and management system of
Jet is good but like most of the other systems it suffers from the same
problem, that the assessment is made only on the basis of performance
only (how is the performance compared to the standard performance,
has the standard level of output been met or not etc) and the behavior
of the employees does not play a significant role.

It could be improved by appraising employees on standard

performance as well as standard or appropriate behavior.

If I were the V.P of HR, I would make these following changes in the
assessment system of jet foods-

1. Assessing the performance on quarterly basis and not on yearly


2. Giving significant importance to behavioral aspect when assessing

the performance of employees.

3. Providing written explanation and reasons for the score given to

each employee.

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