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Holy Cross High School

Camp Phillips, Bukidnon

+ By This Sign You Shall Conquer +

“In God’s Mercy, We Serve with Joy!”
S.Y. 2021 – 2022
Name: Date Answered:
Grade & Section: Teacher:
I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me. Philippians 4:13
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each multiple choice item and answers carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which part of an egg is the outer covering which protects the contents from damage and contamination?
A. Yolk C. Shell
B. Albumen D. Germinal Disk
2. What do we call the small, circular, white spot on the surface of the yolk where the sperm enters the egg?
A. Yolk C. Shell
B. Albumen D. Germinal Disk
3. What is a dense, matted, fibrous capsule of albumen around the membrane of the yolk?
A. Chalaziferous albumen C. Air Cell
B. Inner Membrane D. Yolk
4. Which of the following is the most popular and consumed eggs throughout the world and are the basis of the poultry
A. Duck eggs C. Goose eggs
B. Chicken eggs D. Turkey eggs
5. Which of the following is produced from hens that have been given feeds grown without the aid of commercial
fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides?
A. Inorganic eggs C. Process eggs
B. Organic eggs D. natural eggs
6. Which of the following are much smaller than chicken eggs but with similar flavour?
A. Duck eggs C. Goose eggs
B. Quail eggs D. Turkey eggs
7. What type of egg use much larger than chicken and duck eggs?
A. Ostrich eggs C. Quail eggs
B. Turkey eggs D. Goose eggs
8. Which of the following tool in egg preparation that is used to steam eggs?
A. Egg poacher C. Egg piercer
B. Egg ring D. Egg cooker
9. Which of the following is similar to chicken eggs but are larger with shell colours ranging from white to cream with
brown speckles?
A. Chicken eggs C. Goose eggs
B. Quail eggs D. Turkey eggs
10. What type of characteristic of quality fresh eggs is the same characteristics as Grade AA except their whites are
reasonably firm?
A. Grade AA C. Grade A
B. Grade C D. Grade D
IDENTIFICATION: Identify each part of the egg and select from the box the correct answer. Write your answer on the space

 Vitellane Membrane
 Air Cell 11.
 Chalazae
 Yolk
 Albumen 12.
 Outer membrane
 Shell
 Inner membrane 13.
 Germinal Disc 18.
 Thin albumen
 Shell membrane 14.

MATCHING TYPE: Match column A with the corresponding term in column B. Write the letter of your answer before each
_____21. It is the most common and popular cereal consumed all over A. Risotto
the world. B. Absorption method
_____22. It is another variety of rice rich in the vitamin B group, C. Boiling
particularly thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and minerals like iron, D. Wheat
potassium, phosphorous, and magnesium.
E. Oats
_____23. It is a popular cereal that is highly nutritious and is usually grown
F. Sorghum
for malting; livestock also thrives on it in lands that are not capable of
growing wheat due to financial or climatic conditions. G. Starch
_____24. Carbohydrate extracted from agricultural raw materials present H. Barley
in everyday food and non-food applications. I. Brown rice
_____25. Staple cereal in Scotland; also used as livestock feed. J. Rice
_____26. Staple cereal in continents like Africa and South America and is K. Arborio
also used as animal feed. L. Dripping
_____27. Prime cereal consumed in temperate zones like Australia, M. Maize or Corn
North America, Europe, and New Zealand. N. Freezing
_____28. It is one of the easiest methods for cooking rice.
O. Too much acid
_____29. It is a familiar method to use when cooking rice but it is often the
most difficult.
_____30. It is the traditional Italian rice dish made from a short-grained,
starchy variety of rice called Arborio rice.

ESSAY: Before you begin writing, read the questions carefully and plan what you will say. Your essay should be organized
and as carefully written as you make it.
Neatness: 2
Creativity: 4
Organization: 4

31-40. Does egg play vital role in Restaurant industry? Explain. (10 points)

41-50. How can preparing cereal and starch dishes help you and your family in your daily living? (10 points)

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