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1. Watch the movie "The Terminal" from the following Google drive:
- The Terminal 1
- The Terminal 2
2. Analyze the communication of one or more characters in the movie "The Terminal"
for the four communication skills (physical, linguistics, cognitive, social and
3. The length of the analysis is at least for one page with Times New Roman 12 font and
1.5 space.
4. Do the assignment in group of two students.


Name : 1. Sisilia Yuanita (NIM: 202032005 )

2. Teddy Himawan Ardiansyach (NIM: 202032022 )

Character analyzed : Victor Narovski

Description of the character : Viktor Navorski is a traveler or touris from krakozhiawho

wants to go to the United States but he is not allowed to go to the United States or return
because he was hindered by the negative effects of political upheaval in Europe , and he is
stuck at the J.F. Kennedy airport. And Victor is very difficult to speak in English because
originally his main language is krakozhia and use a bulgarian accent. Victor has a loyal
attitude, friend, helper, patient and always thinks critically but has a funny behavior

Communication analysis :

1. Physical
11.38 In this scene, Viktor is seen worried and sad because his residence in the
Krakozhia region is threatened by war or the threat of a bomb.
12.30 In this scene, Victor looks panicked because he can't speak good English and he
can only speak Russian

2. Linguistic
1.00.54 in this scene Victor is seen having a conversation in informal language with
Amelia Warren because they have known each other before, and in talking to people
we don't know we must always speak in formal language because we don't know what
people we are talking to who are older or younger than us
1.08.28 In this scene, Victor is seen trying to relax and calm down because he is
talking to the same Russian as him. With this it can be concluded that the use of good
language depends on who the language is used for.
3. Cognitive
1.08.28 In this scene, Victor is seen trying to relax and calm down because he is
talking to the same Russian as him. In this scene, it is also shown that in speaking or
asking questions, we must be calm and relaxed so that the person we are talking to
can understand what we are asking and not feel threatened by our questions.
4. Social and emotional

In several scenes in this film, Victor always uses a different expression or eye contact,
when he is being interrogated by the ticket puller he looks panicked and doesn't use direct eye
contact much by shifting his eye contact to something else, but when he meets Amelia he
always uses direct eye contact even with a smile
Character analyzed : Amelia Warren

Description of the character : Amelia Warren is a friendly, helpful and kind-hearted United
Airlines flight attendant she is around 39 years old and she started working when she was 18
years old.

Communication analysis :

1. Physical
During the initial meeting with Victor, Amelia was always friendly by shaking hands
when she met Victor by saying 'nice to meet you'
2. Linguistic

1.00.54 in this scene Amelia Warren is seen having a conversation in informal

language with Victor because they have known each other before, and in talking to people
we don't know we must always speak in formal language because we don't know what people
we are talking to who are older or younger than us

3. Cognitive

At the scene of Amelia Warren answering questions and asking each other questions with
Victor at their initial meeting, Amelia Warren always answers and asks Victor in a soft and
calm tone of language because this can make the conversation go well. So that when talking
to the other person you don't feel pressured by our answers or questions

4. Social and emotional

01.01.25 in this scene Amelia warren is having a conversation with Amelia Warren
with gentle language and friendly expression and smile on her lips and nod with victor

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