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Business 5: graduates should start their own companies instead of working for employers

Start their own companies

B: Employees mostly follow what the boss propose in working or developing the business strategy.
M: The boss will often be expected to have a sound knowledge of your field
R: The boss will be recognized and admired
O: If people work for companies or organizations, they have less opportunies to stand on top of fame.

( Because most employees follow what the boss sets out during the work, the boss is often expected to
have a solid knowledge of the company's field. This makes the boss is recognized and admired. If people
work for companies they have less chance of being on top of fame.)

B: He is always on top of his own world
M: The boss can't be fired
R: The boss can keep their business for a long time or whenever they want
O: Employees must be resigned from the job if they make mistakes

( Because the boss is always at the top of the company, they cannot be fired even if they make mistakes.
As a result, bosses can keep their job for a long time or whenever they want. But as an employee they run
the risk of being fired if they make a mistake. )

B: The boss is the person who set his own rules
M: Not compelled to follow rules
R: He will be free in changing your rules if he need and no one can force him to do any things
E: His employees mustn’t go to work late but the he can.
O: He will be dependent on others if he doesn’t have start-up.

(The boss is the person who sets the rules for the company, so they do not have to follow any other rules.
This explains for when becoming a boss, they will feel more comfortable at work. For example, an
employee can't be late to work, but the boss can. Contrary, as an employee, it will depend on the rules of
Working for employers:
B: People can change the work if they feel inappropriate
M: Diversified working environment
R: Find out the ones better or understand clearly what they need
O: If people do their own companies, did not have the opportunity to explore their own abilities in other areas

( Because the employee can change jobs if they feel it is not right for them that make their working
environment will be more diverse. This helps employees find better jobs and suits them better. If people
work in their own company, there is no chance of exploring their abilities in other areas. )

B: Your boss will pay all costs
M: Enjoying paid vacations and holidays
R: People have impetus to work better
E: Employees usually have the thirteenth salary.
O: If you are the boss, you will spent a big finance to award your employees

( Because the boss is the one who will pay all the costs, as an employee they will enjoy vacations and
holidays while still paying. This makes themselves motivated to work better. For example, Employees
usually have thirteenth salary. If they are boss, they will have to spend a large amount of money to reward
their employees. )

B: Big companies often provide internal training and offer a very solid technical foundation.
M: A big company can be a great place to learn and master your skills.
R: Descrease your experiences and knowlegde
E: Coca Cola, Unilever,….
O: If you don’t work for companies, the way you reach success is arduous

( Big companies often train a very solid technical foundation. So being an employee of a large company
can be a great opportunity to learn skills they don't yet know. As a result, they can improve their
experience and knowledge. They will learn a lot as an employee of big companies like Coca Cola,
Unilever,…. If they don’t work for companies, the way they reach success is arduous.)

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