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Revised & Updated 2020 9/5/20, 10<05 AM

DRAWBACKS! Revised &

Updated 2020 1
DRAWBACKS! Revised & Updated 2020 9/5/20, 10<05 AM

Alter Egos Bonus: 25 or 75

A character with this drawback has more than one distinct form. This can be two
forms, or many. The forms taken can be from hero to hero, human to hero, hero to villain,
human to hero to villain, hero to vehicle, etc. All of the forms that change should get this
drawback. The character must switch between the forms to accomplish different goals or
at the behest of some compulsion. The transformation takes a full phase, during which
the character can do nothing else- although he does receive the full OV/RV of the form he
is changing from.
There two different kinds of Alter Egos, Controllable and Uncontrollable.
A Controllable Alter Ego is worth 25 HPs. This form can change only if the
character fulfills a specific set of circumstances, like yelling out a word or banging his
wrist bands together. This means that characters who win initiative against the character
can interrupt him by attacking him. Any successful attack, whether it causes RAPs of
damage or not, is enough to interrupt a Controlled change, thus preventing it from being
completed. An interrupted change is a wasted action, but may be attempted again the
next phase. Good examples of this would be Captain Marvel and Mary Marvel, who must
shout out “SHAZAM!” to transform.
An Uncontrollable Alter Ego is worth 75 HPs. This character changes forms whether
he wants to or not. The change cannot be interrupted, and the GM can declare it at any
moment the right conditions for the change occur. A character adopting Uncontrolled Alter
Egos must specify the condition which will trigger the transformations. Common
examples include: Changes during the full moon, changes when angered, changes 2
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whenever someone says a certain word or phrase, etc.
It is possible for some of the character’s forms to be Controlled, and some to be
Uncontrolled (like a werewolf that can change at will except on the nights of a full moon,
when it must change).
To design a character with Alter Egos, a player must first design all the forms. Super-
powered forms should be based on the normal HP scale for the campaign, whether they
are heroic or villainous. The forms must each have a distinctive appearance, so that the
forms cannot be confused and the character cannot simply change into street clothes and
conduct everyday life with all of his powers (if this is the case, then the drawback is worth
no HPs).
If there is a normal human form, then it is designed with half of the super powered
form’s HP Base. The normal form is built as any character except that it should not have
any Powers. Additionally, most normal forms should rarely have attributes higher than
human maximums (although this is up to the GM’s discretion).
If the character automatically switches into different costumes when becoming different
forms, then all the characters must have the Insta-Change Advantage.
To reflect a character who undergoes a physical transformation while maintaining his
original personality, buy the forms the same number of APs of all mental and mystical
attributes and give them the same Motivations.
However, note that the forms do not necessarily possess the same Motivations, Wealth
ratings, or Personalities (the same anything, for that matter). In fact, the character’s Alter
Egos might not even remember what happens to them while in their other forms. This
should be worked into the character’s background and subplots, and can provide many
interesting role-playing opportunities. 3
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Altered Biology Bonus: 25 or 50

A character with this drawback has a physiology very different from a normal human
being’s. He could be an alien, mutant, cyborg, demihuman, vampire, demon, robot, etc.
This means that receiving medical care has unusual complications and that a doctor (or
technician) without the appropriate subskill suffers unskilled penalties to all of his rolls.

· Artificial: There are two types of artificial life forms, robots and golems. Robots are
usually repaired using Gadgetry. Extremely advanced and life-like robots, like the
replicants in Blade Runner, are repaired using the Cybernetics bonus subskill. Golems
are mystical and are repaired using the Golemcraft bonus subskill. Artificial life is immune
to attacks that would not harm gadgets, such as poison, disease, and gas.

· Cyborg: Healing cyborgs requires two bonus subskills. Exotic Medicine is used to treat
wounds to the organic parts of the character. The artificial parts are repaired using either
Cybernetcs, for technological parts, or Golemcraft, for mystical ones.

· Nonhuman: Nonhmans include aliens, Atlanteans, elves, dwarves, fairies, and any
other living being whose physiology is different from humanity’s. They require the Exotic
Medicine bonus subskill. 4
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· Strange: Strange characters include mystical life forms like vampires and zombies,
extraplanar beings like angels and demons, or aliens of such radical biology that science
does not apply like a typical Lovecraftian alien. These beings cannot be healed through
normal means, though powers like Heal or Damage Transference may work. This is
worth twice the typical bonus.

Arch Enemy Bonus: 15

A character with this drawback begins the game with one or more similarly-powered
foes who are already determined to destroy the hero at all costs. The GM must approve
this drawback and invent statistics for the enemy, who should pop up with annoying
frequency in the character’s Subplots. The villain cannot be reformed and will not work
with the hero under any circumstances (unless setting a trap). This drawback can only be
removed if the enemy is somehow killed during the course of play, in which case the hero
immediately loses 75 HPs, whether he was responsible for the enemy’s death or not.
Note that “similarly powered” does not refer only to HPs, but also to Wealth, influence,
and prestige. It is up to the GM to determine if an Arch Enemy is sufficiently powerful to
provide a challenge for the hero, regardless of the APs involved.
A synopsis of the enemy’s origin and why he hates the hero must be included as part
of the character’s background in order for the player to receive a HP bonus. Villains may
never receive HPs for the Arch Enemy drawback.
A hero cannot have more than 2 Arch Enemies. 5
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Dependent Bonus: 10

If you think being married is tough, you should try having kids. A character with this
drawback has family that relies upon him financially and emotionally and whose well-
being is worth more to him than his own life. This is typically a child, but it could also be
an elderly or handicapped relative.

The dependent should be detailed for the use in subplots. Villains who discover a
hero’s dependent have a serious advantage over a hero, though kidnapping or harming a
dependent is a very dangerous route to take against most heroes, as it is not unheard of
for even the best to go to any lengths to recover or avenge their loss.

A character who adopts this drawback may only receive the bonus HPs once, no
matter how many dependents he has. If a child also has superpowers it does not affect
the HPs of this drawback, since the hero has the added responsibility of training the child.

If the dependent fights alongside the hero, then he is a Sidekick, not a dependent. If the
dependent fights evil on his own, then he is a Connection, not a dependent. 6
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Emotionless Bonus: 25

A character with this drawback has few or no emotions. He could be from an

emotionless alien race, a robot, an ancient being long past feeling, etc. His mystical
attributes all come with a +1 FC to purchase and increase, he cannot purchase mystical
powers or mystic link any powers, and he cannot possess the Charisma skill without also
having the Mastermind advantage. Even then the skill has a +2 FC to purchase.

However, it isn't all bad- the character is extremely resistant to emotional attacks
and interaction maneuvers. All such applied to the character suffer a +4 CS to OV/RV.
This penalty is in addition to any others resulting from higher attributes. An emotionless
character is always considered to have a Neutral attitude. 7
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Gothic Curse Bonus: 5/25/50

A character with this drawback suffers from a mystical restriction on his

movements or behavior. It goes beyond an attraction, fear, or hatred because there exists
no chance to resist or overcome it. It is different from a vulnerability in that it does not
harm or weaken the character. A gothic curse only prevents or forces certain of the
character’s actions and behaviors.

The character suffering a Gothic Curse has no control over the curse and must abide by
its restriction. He cannot roll to resist or overcome it and he cannot spend HP to avoid it.
He must abide by the restraint of the curse.

Most supernatural creatures suffer from multiple curses. However, when creating a player
character with multiple curses, only the single curse with the highest value grants any HP

A Minor curse is one that rarely comes into play or only slightly restricts a
character’s actions. Examples include casting no reflection or shadow, a flame being
visible through him, the character must count scattered seeds of a specific kind, he is
detectable as a magical or evil creature, he is scarred by Holy items, etc. 8
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A Serious curse is one that frequently comes into play or that seriously restricts
a character’s actions. Examples include an inability to cross running water or enter a
house without invitation, animals reacting negatively to his presence, a common herb or
flower can repel the character or keep him at 3 APs of distance, he cannot cross a line of
salt, etc.

A Catastrophic curse is one that constantly comes into play or dominates a

character’s actions. Examples include an inability to leave a specific residence or estate,
he must use an anagram of his real name, he is fated to prey on those he loves or his
family, he must reenact the events of his death, etc.

Honor Code Bonus: 20

A character with this drawback adheres to an outdated code of honor, like

chivalry or bushido. It is not the same as the code that Superman or Batman live by. It is
more complex and far, far more restrictive. It has 7 provisions.

· Courage: The character never backs down from a fight, never flees a battlefield,
protects all innocents, and never gives in to fear. Generally, he does not use ranged

· Courtesy: The character must show courtesy and hospitality to elders, church officials,
nobles/authority figures, ladies, and fellow warriors. This includes offering respect, food,
board, healing, and honoring any reasonable request.

· Dignity: The character must behave and dress with dignity and self respect. He will not
stand idle in the face of disrespect shown to elders, church officials, nobles/authority
figures, ladies, or himself. He is honest and polite. He repays his debts. 9
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· Fairness: The character fights with honor. He does not attack women, non-
combatants, animals, or anyone who is unarmed. He does not use surprise or ambush
tactics, nor does he attack from behind. He does not attack an enemy who is down.

· Loyalty: The character does not betray trust and will not break an oath, even to an

· Mercy: The character offers mercy to any that request it so long as they are not
irredeemable vile. He will spare life where he can- or at least, when he is sure that doing
so will not lead to greater loss of life. He does use torture.

· Piety: The character is pious and obeys the commandments of his faith. He does not
blaspheme and will not tolerate it in his presence.

Any character who purchase Honor Code and violates any of these tenets automatically
forfeits any Hero Points he would have gained during the current adventure.

Incomprehensible Bonus: 5

A character with this drawback cannot communicate with others in a normal fashion.
They may be mute or deaf and only communicate through sign language. Their means of 10
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communication could be even be utterly bizarre- grunts and growls, beeps and chirps,
birdsong, visual thought bubbles, or an alien language that human vocal chords cannot

Irrational Hatred

This drawback functions exactly like an Irrational Attraction, but instead of having an
unusual interest that must be denied, the character has an unreasoning hatred that must
be controlled. On a failed resistance roll, the character will attempt to destroy or deface
the object of his hatred if he can. Note that this version of the drawback is normally used
only by villains. An NPC who has an Irrational Hatred of a character is always assumed
to have an initial Attitude of Personal Vendetta (see Character Interaction) toward that
character. 11
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Loss Vulnerability (revision)

Some Loss Vulnerabilities are triggered not by proximity, but by time. These cause a
loss under specified circumstances, endure for a time, and then expire. The duration of
the loss determines the bonus received.

Duration of Loss Bonus Adjustment

1 phase (0 APs) -50 12
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1 minute (4 APs) -30

1/2 hour (9 APs) -10

1 hour (10 APs) 0

1 day (15 APs) +10

Conditional +20

A Conditional vulnerability is one that endures until a certain set of circumstances are
met. For example, a loss that endures until the character recharges, atones for his sins,
studies intensely for 1 hour, consumes blood, sacrifices a sacred animal, etc.

Magician’s Code Bonus: 15

Many older occultists and sorcerers live up to a stringent code of honor dating back to the
magi of ancient Atlantis. The Magician’s Code, as it is called, has four provisions.

· Fairness: A magician may never take unfair advantage of another magician. In other
words, magic-using characters may not launch surprise attacks against other mages or
attempt to defraud them for personal gain. A magician always repays his debts, mundane
and mystical.

· Hospitality: A magician is never allowed to refuse hospitality to a visiting colleague. A

mage must always accept a visiting mage into his home, regardless of whether the visitor
is a friend or enemy. Visitors taking advantage of such hospitality, of course, are required
to honor their host’s reasonable requests and are enjoined from harming the host in any
way for the duration of the stay. Violating either of these conditions instantly removes the
host’s obligation. 13
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· Secrecy: A magician may not share the secrets of the Art with anyone but a duly
recognized apprentice. He must take all reasonable precautions to prevent any outsider
from discovering the existence of magic.

· Stoicism: A magician must bear the price of magic without emotion. This means that
any suffering inflicted on the magic user that results from his practice of the Art must be
met with stoicism. He must make the decisions and choices magic demands without
hesitation. He must sacrifice whatever is required.

Any character who purchase Magician’s Code and violates any of these tenets
automatically forfeits any Hero Points he would have gained during the current
adventure. Not all magicians must purchase this drawback. In fact, most modern
magicians, such as John Constantine and Zatanna, do not place any faith in the Code.
Doctor Strange, however, does!

Married (note)

Superheroes are rarely married, but are often deeply involved with someone they
love so much that they might as well be married. In these circumstances, it is appropriate
to the character to have the Married drawback. Examples of this include The Flash Wally
West and Linda Park and Superman and Lois Lane before they were wed. 14
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Missing Time Bonus: 15

A character with this drawback has events in his past that he cannot recall. The
missing time acts as a sort of Dark Secret about which the character himself has no
recollection. This could lead to a great many problems, from unknown enemies suddenly
appearing to discovering evil deeds one committed to being accused of crimes to any
other shadows from the past coming forth to haunt the character. 15
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Oblivious Bonus: 15

A character with this drawback is either easily distracted or not very observant. When
making Perception Checks, this character suffers a +1 CS to OV/RV. 16
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Person of Interest Bonus: 15

A character with this drawback is being watched and manipulated by a shadowy

figure or organization over which he has no control. The relationship the character has
with this secret enemy is usually complete ignorance, but not always. Most commonly, it
is an agency the character was associated with once but no more, whether a cult, secret
society, government, corporation, etc.

This drawback functions like a forced connection. The agency always watches the
character and it occasionally exerts direct influence in his life, usually acting from behind
the scenes to complicate his life or the lives of his associates. This should occur every
few sessions. In other words, the agency is a constant part of the character’s life, but the
character may not even realize it.

The agency may or may not know the character’s secret identity.

If the agency is ever uncovered, it will take pains to disappear again or it will be
uncovered as merely a pawn of a bigger, even more secretive agency, so that its sinister
influence will always be felt by the hero. 17
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Personality Change Bonus: 25/50

Under certain conditions, the character’s personality radically and uncontrollably

changes. The conditions could be an Alter Ego change, exposure to certain substances,
like red kryptonite, the failure of a psychological instability or rage roll, or a very hard
knock on the head.

The change in personality is usually from the character’s normal personality to one
almost opposite- usually from hero to villain or vise versa. To represent this, the player
should choose an alternate Motivation for the character that takes over during his time as
the alternate personality. The character rarely recalls his actions as the alternate
personality, and even if he does, he has no control over them.

The duration of the change is always highly variable. It could last until the character
recovers from the instability or rage, changes back from the alter ego, until the altering
substance is destroyed or removed far away (3 APs or more), or after a brief amount of
time (15 APs). In these cases, the change is considered a Minor one and is worth 25

A Major change is worth 50 HPs. This change is completely unpredictable. It lasts

until the character rolls a 2. Once per day, the character is allowed a roll to recover from
the change. He rolls the dice and if the result is a 2, he returns to his original identity.
Also, if the character rolls a 2 on any check, he recovers. 18
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Reputation Bonus: 20

A character with this drawback has a bad reputation among the citizenry, usually due to
the media’s or government’s negative bias against him. How this bias got started is up to
the player and the GM. It could be that some editor simply hates the character, the
character had a highly publicized snafu, the character is a member of an unpopular
minority (like a mutant), etc. It could even be that the editor of an influential newspaper
simply has it in for him. Such a character is always being smeared in the headlines and
tabloids, on talk radio, on the internet, and on the news.

Most NPCs, including other heroes, begin play with an Attitude of Suspicious toward
characters with the Reputation advantage.

Additionally, the Multi-Attack penalties on Persuasion attempts against NPCs are

increased by +1 CS when made by a character with a Reputation. The character would
receive a +2 CS for Persuasion of 2 targets, a +3 CS to the targets’ OV/RV against 3-4
targets, and so on.

A character with a Reputation doesn’t have it all bad. Many people may mistrust the
media and/or government more than they could anyone else. They may assume the
character is actually a real hero and attempt to help him out when they can, even without
his asking. In addition, some villains and crackpots may even assume the reputation is
correct and the hero is one of them. The GM has final say on this, but about one in ten
NPCs should react positively.

Villains do not receive any HPs for this drawback, though there are many who might
accept a villain more readily if he faces such a bias. 19
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Robotic Laws Bonus: 15

A character with this drawback is a robot programmed with Asimov’s Three Laws of
Robotics. Violating this Code causes the Robot to forfeit all HPs for the adventure.

· A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allows a human being to
come to harm;

· A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would
conflict with the First Law;

· A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with
the First or Second Law. 20
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Technologically Backwards Bonus: 25

A character with this drawback has little understanding of technology. He still relies
on crude and primitive weapons like stone spears, tomahawks, slings, crude bows, and

· He must purchase his skills from the Fantasy skill list. The skills Constable, Spellcraft,
Spy, and Sailor all cost an additional +1 FC. Gadgetry costs an additional +2 FC.

· If he uses metal weapons, like swords, he suffers a +1 CS to OV/RV.

· Using advanced technology is always treated as unskilled (+2 CS to OV/RV) even if he

has a related skill. For example, if he has Weaponry, he fires a gun as though unskilled.

· Using complex machines and devices are impossible for the character. 21
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Warrior’s Code Bonus: 15

A character with this drawback adheres to a strict code of martial philosophy. It is not a
code many heroes can live by due to its inherent lack of mercy. It has 5 provisions.

· Glory: The character never backs down from a fight, never flees a battlefield, and
never gives in to fear. He fights with joy in his heart relishing in the conflict as an
opportunity to gain glory and honor.

· Pride: The character demands to be treated with all due respect and respects those
warriors who have earned their place. He does not let a slight pass. He is stoic in the face
of suffering.

· Honor: The character fights with honor. He does not attack women, non-combatants,
or anyone who is unarmed. He does not use surprise or ambush tactics, nor does he
attack from behind. He does not attack an enemy who is down.

· Loyalty: The character does not betray trust and will not break an oath, even to an
enemy. He always completes his mission, even if he disagrees with it. He repays his

· Relentless: The character is not unnecessarily brutal or violent, but does whatever he
must to achieve victory. He would rather die before being dishonored. He does not take
prisoners and cannot be bought off of his purpose.

Any character who purchase Honor Code and violates any of these tenets automatically 22
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forfeits any Hero Points he would have gained during the current adventure.

Next Week: Bonuses & Limitations! 23

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