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Status of Polymer-Flooding Technology

Article  in  Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology · March 2015

DOI: 10.2118/174541-PA


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3 authors, including:

James J. Sheng Bernd Leonhardt

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Status of Polymer-Flooding Technology
James J. Sheng, Texas Tech University, Bernd Leonhardt, Wintershall Holding GmbH, and
Nasser Azri, Petroleum Development Oman

Summary less water is injected and produced compared with waterflood-

Polymer flooding is the most commonly applied chemical ing (Sheng 2011).
enhanced-oil-recovery technique. This paper provides an update
on the status of polymer-flooding technology, focusing more on Polymers Used
field applications than on theoretical and laboratory research. It The two most commonly used types of polymers are synthetic
covers the following topics: polymers and biopolymers. Typical synthetic polymers are par-
• Mechanisms of polymer flooding tially hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) and its derivatives. A
• Polymers used typical biopolymer is xanthan gum. HPAM is used for most field
• Polymer-solution stability projects because it costs less and can be used for large-scale pro-
• Technical screening criteria duction (Sheng 2013a). Wang et al. (2008) also expect that HPAM
• Laboratory and simulation work solutions exhibit significantly greater viscoelasticity than xanthan
• Performance-monitoring technique solutions. Biopolymers were used in a few projects so far, although
• Summary of pilots and large-scale applications a lot of research work was performed in 1970s and 1980s.
• Experience and learning from field projects Other polyacrylamide (PAM)-derived polymers used in
• Polymer flooding in heavy-oil reservoirs enhanced oil recovery include hydrophobically associating poly-
• Polymer viscoelastic properties mers (Wang et al. 2006b), salinity-tolerant polyacrylamide
• Problems associated with polymer flooding and their (KYPAM) (Luo et al. 2002), and 2-acrylamide-2-methyl propane-
solutions sulphonate (AMPS). Hydrophobically associating polymers con-
• Future developments tain one or more water-soluble monomers (acrylamides) and a
The data and analysis presented in this paper will give readers small fraction (0.5 to 4%) of water-insoluble (hydrophobic) mono-
updated information describing polymer flooding, as well as a mers. In KYPAM, as the new functional monomer aromatic hydro-
guide to the relevant research. Survey data will also provide oper- carbon with ethylene is introduced, the HPAM side chains have
ators with reference data for project design and optimization. both hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups. Because of the repul-
sion between the hydrophilic group, the hydrophobic group, and
the repulsion among the hydrophilic groups, the side chains are
arranged in a comb shape, stretching the flexible chains. KYPAM
As global energy demand grows and reserves are depleted, viscosity is thus higher than the HPAM viscosity in saline waters.
enhanced oil recovery (EOR) from brownfields becomes more AMPS has water-soluble anionic sulphonate, shielding acrylam-
and more important. Because most oil fields have already begun ide, and an unsaturated double bond. Sulphonate makes APMS ca-
waterflooding, chemical EOR may be implemented using fewer pable of good ionic exchange, electric conductivity, and resistance
resources than other EOR methods. Because it has a higher suc- to divalence and salinity in general. Acrylamide gives APMS ther-
cess rate, polymer flooding is the most commonly applied chemi- mal stability and resistance to hydrolysis, acid, and alkaline. In
cal EOR technique. addition, the double bond leads to simple synthesis and polymer-
This paper provides an update on the status of polymer-flood- ization. The rigid side chains, large chains, or chains of ring struc-
ing technology. In the interest of brevity, this paper’s focus is ture also give it good thermal stability (Lu and Chen 1996).
more on field applications than on theoretical and laboratory Some polymers change their volumes or viscosities under
research. Recommendations for future developments are also proper reservoir conditions. For example, BrightWaterTM expands
included. Some aspects of polymer flooding related to the alkaline/ its volume as it contacts high-temperature water (Pritchett et al.
surfactant/polymer process have been covered in Sheng (2014). 2003; Frampton et al. 2004), MicroballTM expands as it hydrates
(Sun et al. 2006), and pH-sensitive polymer increases its viscosity
Mechanisms of Polymer Flooding. The most significant and above a critical pH (Al-Anazi and Sharma 2002; Huh et al. 2005).
obvious mechanism of polymer flooding is the increased sweep Under certain conditions of temperature and salinity, an inverse
efficiency by polymer emulsion inverts from water in oil to oil in water; there-
• Reducing viscous fingering. fore, PAM is hydrated and viscosity increases in the deep forma-
• Improving the water-injection profile because of crossflow tion (Lei et al. 2006). Also, different types of crosslinked-polymer
between vertical, heterogeneous layers (Sorbie 1991). gels are used in well-profile modification (Sydansk et al. 2004,
• Because permeability remains reduced after polymer flood- 2005; Sydansk and Romero-Zeron 2011).
ing, subsequent waterflooding becomes more effective.
• Reducing the relative permeability of water flow (krw) more Polymer-Solution Stability
than the permeability of oil flow (kro) through disproportion- Polymer stability includes chemical, mechanical, and biological
ate permeability reduction. stability. Sorbie (1991) summarizes polymer-stability research
In addition, when polymer is added in other EOR processes from the mid-1970s to the late 1980s.
(e.g., surfactant or alkaline flooding), it plays an important role
in the synergisms detailed in Sheng (2014). It has also been
Chemical Degradation. Many factors cause chemical degrada-
suggested that the viscoelastic behaviour of polymers can
tion, but the two most important are oxidation and the effects of
improve displacement efficiency (Wang et al. 2000, 2001).
ferric ions.
Polymer flooding may also have an economic impact because
The amount of oxygen in the solution must be minimized
using oxygen scavengers, possibly along with methanol or thiou-
Copyright V
C 2015 Society of Petroleum Engineers rea to protect the polymer from any further oxygen ingress into
Original SPE manuscript received for review 19 October 2014. Revised manuscript received the solution (Yang and Treiber 1985). Sorbie (1991) listed the
for review 13 February 2015. Paper (SPE 174541) peer approved 18 February 2015. effects of certain additives and their combinations on the stability

116 March 2015 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

of hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM). Wellington (1983) found project data and technical knowledge describing polymer
that the most effective formulation contained thiourea as the radi- flooding.
cal-transfer agent, isopropyl alcohol as the sacrificial oxidizable Many parameters can affect the polymer-flooding process, but
alcohol, sodium sulphite as the oxygen scavenger, either tri- or the most critical are reservoir temperature, formation-water salin-
pentachlorophenol, and a sufficient brine concentration. To pre- ity, divalent contents, clay contents, oil viscosity, and formation
vent polymer degradation from oxygen, the polymer make-up permeability. Table 1 lists the median values of the important pa-
water and dissolution equipment must be kept under a nitrogen rameters from real polymer-flooding projects. The values of each
blanket (Yang and Feng 2001). Luo et al. (2006) reported that the parameter are analyzed using rank and percentile, and values are
combination of thiourea and cobalt salt can prevent oxidation taken at the 50th percentile. Saleh et al. (2014a) presented the cri-
reduction more effectively than using each additive alone. A typi- teria separately from laboratory tests, field projects, and pilot
cal preservation package includes isopropyl alcohol and thiourea, tests. The criteria listed in Table 1 are the weighted medians from
which mitigate the degradation of polymer because of oxygen and their field projects and pilots, and weights are based on the num-
ions (e.g., iron and H2S) (Ayirala et al. 2010). ber of projects and tests. Laboratory data were not used to derive
Interestingly, high levels of dissolved oxygen in the Daqing our criteria because laboratory data should not be used as guides.
mixing and injection system apparently did not cause a serious Next, we discuss some important parameters.
degradation problem because Daqing polymer flooding was suc-
cessful. Seright and Skjevrak (2014) explained that Daqing sand Formation. Most polymer-flooding projects were carried out in
has 0.25% pyrite and 0.5% siderite, minerals that effectively sandstone reservoirs. Fewer applications were carried out in car-
removed (consumed) the dissolved oxygen within a day and in a bonate reservoirs, because anionic polymers such as hydrolyzed
short moving distance from an injector. In Daqing, the reservoir polyacrylamide (HPAM) have high adsorption in carbonates.
temperature is approximately 45 C. Such low temperature also Also, heterogeneous carbonate reservoirs have a low-permeability
prevents polymer from thermal degradation, according to Seright matrix, which large polymer molecules may not be able to enter.
and Skjevrak (2014). Similarly, because the sand in the Tambar-
edjo field polymer pilot in Suriname has up to 12% siderite and
Formation-Water Salinity and Divalents. Generally, technical
pyrite, the dissolved oxygen content of 3 to 8 ppm might not cause
a serious problem (Moe Soe Let et al. 2012). screening criteria provide a guide on formation-water salinity
When there is oxygen, Fe2þ is oxidized to Fe3þ, producing and divalents. In practice, reservoirs have been under waterflood-
ing for some years. The reservoir-water salinity may be close to
the free radical O 
2 . O2 reacts with HPAM to produce peroxide
and break the backbones of HPAM. O 3þ that of the injected water before polymer injection. As shown in
2 further reacts with Fe Table 1, the water salinity and divalents before polymer injection
to generate Fe2þ, which is further oxidized to produce Fe3þ and
O were quite different from those of the original formation water.
2 . This chain reaction reduces polymer viscosity signifi- Therefore, the salinity and divalents of reservoir water just
cantly. Fe2þ works as a catalyst and is the only compound yet
before polymer injection should be used in the screening criteria,
discovered that can reduce polymer viscosity almost to the vis-
cosity of water within seconds. Concentrations of Fe2þ should be instead of those of formation water as the published screening
criteria did.
controlled below 0.5 mg/L (Luo et al. 2006).
Hydrolyzed polyacrylamides (negative carboxyl group) inter- In addition, the formation-water salinity and divalents can
act strongly with divalent metal cations (e.g., Ca2þ and Mg2þ). only affect the polymer performance through mixing with the
injected polymer slug. If a preflush is conducted, the salinity
This phenomenon is commonly associated with reduction in solu-
tion viscosity, formation of gels, or precipitates (Sheng 2011). and divalents in the original or initial formation water may have
Hence, salinity reduces the viscosifying efficacy of the polymer. less effect on polymer-flooding performance. The polymer per-
The efficacy of divalent or multivalent ions to reduce the viscosity formance may be more directly affected by the salinity and
is much higher than that of monovalent ions. That is why the diva- divalents of the preflush water. It is simple to understand that
the salinity and divalents of the water used to mix polymer solu-
lent content in the polymer mixing water or in the reservoir water
must be low. tion are more important because they will affect the polymer-so-
lution viscosity directly. For example, the salinities of
formation water in the Oerrel and Hankensbuettel fields were
Mechanical Degradation. Mechanical degradation describes the 167,000 ppm and 175,000 ppm, respectively. Fresh water was
breakdown of a molecule as a result of shear stresses on the mac- used in dissolving polymer, and 0.044 pore volumes (PV) and
romolecule in the high-flow-rate region close to the well. This is a 0.182 PV of fresh water preflushed the formations, respectively,
short-term effect in and around the perforation, in the reservoir in the two fields. Both polymer floods were effective (Maitin
near the wellbore, and in some of the polymer-handling equip- and Volz 1981).
ment, chokes, and other structures. This degradation can have a However, preflush may not always work, which makes the
dramatic effect on reducing polymer-solution viscosity. To reduce topic more complex. We propose the salinity and divalents in the
mechanical shearing, screw pumps are used to transport polymer formation water before polymer injection should be less than
solution, plunger pumps are used to inject polymer solution at 50,000 ppm and 100 ppm, respectively, in accordance with those
high pressures, and polymer-injection wells are often completed used in field projects. In highly saline reservoirs, salt-tolerant bio-
through perforation. Electromagnetic flowmeters or spring/ polymers may be used. Leonhardt et al. (2014) and Ogezi et al.
scraped-blade flowmeters are used to reduce shear effect when (2014) provided such an example.
measuring rates. In vertically heterogeneous multilayer reservoirs,
multiple tubings are used to inject polymer solution into different Reservoir Temperature. Although researchers have stated the
layers on the basis of their injectivities (Liu et al. 2006). reservoir temperature should be lower than 93.3 C for alkali/sur-
factant/polymer projects (Taber et al. 1997a, b), the median tem-
Biological Degradation. Although biological degradation is perature for the surveyed polymer projects was 46.1 C. When we
more prevalent for biopolymers, it may also occur for synthetic set a temperature criterion for polymer flooding, our main consid-
polymers. HPAM can provide nutrition to sulphate-reducing bac- eration is whether polymers can tolerate the temperature. Because
teria (Luo et al. 2006). A universal method for addressing biologi- many polymers can be stable up to 93.3 C, we set the criterion at
cal degradation is to use biocides (e.g., formaldehyde). 93.3 C. As new polymers are developed to tolerate higher temper-
atures and salinities, this limit can be lifted. Vermolen et al.
(2011) found that a terpolymer containing anionic monomer 2-
Technical Screening Criteria acrylamido-2-methyl propane sulfonate and 30-50% n-vinyl pyr-
Technical screening criteria for polymer flooding have been sum- rolidone (n-VP) could remain stable for more than 180 days at
marized in Table 1. Criteria are empirical, mainly based on field- 120 C, 20% total dissolved solids, and 1.8% divalent.

March 2015 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology 117

Table 1—Summary of screening criteria for polymer flooding.

Some include reservoir depth as a criterion, but because it is 2012). Polymer flooding in heavy-oil reservoirs is a new trend,
related to the reservoir temperature, we consider reservoir depth a and it is interesting to see polymer flooding in such viscous oil
redundant criterion. reservoirs because it is challenging conventional theories and its
mechanisms need to be investigated. Because its mechanisms still
Formation Permeability. Permeability is critical to polymer need to be investigated, the criterion for oil viscosity is still set
injection because low-permeability formations may prevent poly- 150 cP. More discussion is provided later in this paper.
mer molecules from flowing through pores or pore throats. Most authors include API gravity as a screening criterion, but
Because actual polymer projects had much higher permeabilities during polymer flooding, API gravity is less significant than the
(800 md in Taber et al. 1997a, and 116 md from our more exclu- effects of viscosity. Because oil viscosity is more important, we
sive surveyed data listed in Table 1), the criterion for permeability do not consider API gravity a necessary criterion.
is lifted to 50 md.
Oil Saturation. Polymer flooding is generally expected to
Oil Composition, Oil Viscosity, and API Gravity. The sur- improve volumetric sweep efficiency, but displacement efficiency
veyed field projects had average oil viscosities of less than 10 cp does not change significantly. On the basis of this assumption, the
(see Table 1). There is increasing interest in applying polymer oil saturation before polymer flooding must be greater than the re-
flooding in heavy-oil reservoirs with the viscosity up to 10,000 cp sidual-oil saturation. Considering that the incremental oil recov-
(Wassmuth et al. 2009; Moe Soe Let et al. 2012; Galas et al. ery from the surveyed projects was approximately 6.7% (see Field

118 March 2015 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

141:2Bw lp ½lnðre =rw Þ þ s
ptf ðtÞdt ¼ Wi
kkrp h
þ ðpe þ Dpf  qgDÞdt;              ð1Þ

where the field units used are q,STB/D; p,psi; lp,mPas; and k,md.
In Eq. 1, q is the injection rate, pe is the formation pressure at the
interface between the original reservoir fluid and injected fluid, ptf
ð injection pressure, and Wi is the cumulative injec-
is the wellbore
tion equal to qðtÞdt.
According to Eq. 1, as more polymer solution is injected, the
Table 2—733 polymer-flooding projects in 24 countries worldwide
radius of polymer zone re will increase. Thus, the slope between
have been collected and surveyed.
the pressure integral and Wi will increase. This slope is larger than
the slope occurring during the waterflooding period because the
Performance subsection), the difference between the oil saturation polymer viscosity is higher than the water viscosity, and krp is
before polymer flooding (So) and the residual-oil saturation after lower than krw. If the slope decreases, the polymer solution’s vis-
polymer flooding (Sor) should be greater than 5%. Therefore, we cosity has likely decreased, indicating that the polymer solution
set the criterion as (So–Sor) > 0.05. Note that most of the conven- has degraded. Therefore, we can monitor polymer performance in
tional criteria used the oil saturation as a criterion. the reservoir on the basis of the change in slope. However, for
several reasons this monitoring technique is only qualitative.
1. Eq. 1 is derived assuming that only the pressure and injec-
Storage Capacity. Some criteria were proposed in the literature tion rate are time-dependent.
regarding the porosity / (Carcoana 1982; Goodlett et al. 1986; 2. Downhole-pressure data should be used (Buell et al. 1990).
Al-Adasani and Bai 2011; Saleh et al. 2014a, b), thickness h (Car- 3. When multiple fluid banks with significantly different prop-
coana 1982; Goodlett et al. 1986; Taber et al. 1997a, b; Saleh erties exit in the reservoir, Eq. 1 becomes more complex
et al. 2014b), the product /h, the product /So (Brashear and Kuu- (Sheng 2011).
skraa 1978), or the product /hSo. The porosity is related to per- Fortunately, real polymer-flooding projects show that the Hall-
meability. If the permeability is high enough, the porosity should plot method is useful for the qualitative evaluation of polymer
be high enough. Therefore, it is not necessary to impose a crite- performance, and the slope is dominated by the flow behaviour of
rion for porosity. polymer solution near the injection wellbore (Sheng 2011).
In polymer flooding, the incremental oil-recovery factor is Mahani et al. (2011) provided a method to infer the in-situ
related to the injection PV or injected amount of polymer (see polymer rheology and the induced fracture dimensions from
Fig. 2). Incremental oil recovery is defined as the oil recovery di- polymer-falloff tests. They combined a numerical-flow-simula-
vided by A/h (here, A is the reservoir area). Injection PV is tion method and analytical-pressure-transient method to gener-
defined as the injected polymer volume divided by A/h. Both are ate generic type curves that are used to compute consistency
divided by A/h. The change in A/h should not affect their rela- index, flow-behaviour index, fracture dimensions, and reservoir
tionship. Therefore, h or /h is not necessary to include in the parameters (e.g., kh and faulting) from the measured pressure-
screening criteria. derivative curves.

Aquifer and Gas Cap. Polymer flooding is thickened water- Summary of Pilots and Large-Scale Applications
flooding. Pressure maintenance in polymer flooding is also an im- It would be impossible to present detailed project descriptions and
portant mechanism. If there is a strong aquifer or gas cap, less results in this paper. Here, we only summarize the most signifi-
pressure maintenance is needed. Thus, a strong aquifer or gas cap cant results of pilots and large-scale field applications.
will make polymer flooding less beneficial. When there is an aqui-
fer, polymer may move into the aquifer, leading to a less efficient
A Brief Summary of Polymer-Flooding Projects. We have col-
polymer flood.
lected and surveyed 733 polymer-flooding projects in 24 countries
worldwide (Table 2).
Laboratory and Simulation Work Among these projects, eight were conducted offshore and less
First, we need to check whether the polymer particles are well- than 1/7 occurred in carbonate reservoirs.
dissolved in formation water and injection water (aqueous stabil-
ity test), followed by a filtration test (Castor et al. 1981) and/or Injection Scheme and Amount of Polymer Injected. Injected
the flow test through a screen viscometer (Jennings et al. 1971). polymer must satisfy the adsorption requirement before it can
The tests are designed to check the mechanical stability of the move forward. A finite volume of polymer-solution slug is fol-
polymer solution. We also need to check the chemical and ther- lowed by water injection. Therefore, it is intuitive that polymer
mal stability by checking viscosity loss at different conditions. should be injected following a graded or tapered scheme, in which
These are the minimum tests with polymer solutions that have to the polymer concentration is initially high and subsequent concen-
be completed. Sometimes, tests are conducted to measure polymer trations are reduced step by step. Such a scheme is expected to
adsorption and flow behaviour. Although many tests should be reduce the amount of polymer needed. Claridge (1978) and Stone-
performed, most of them are not completed in real projects. berger and Claridge (1988) developed a method on the basis of
Most commercial reservoir simulators can catch the mecha- Koval’s method (Koval 1963) to design graded viscosity banks.
nisms of polymer flooding reasonably. Therefore, those simulators However, as the amount of polymer injected increases, such a
can be used to predict field performance or optimize polymer- graded scheme becomes less important. If the polymer slug is
flooding design. large, the chase water will have less opportunity to break through
the polymer slug ahead of it, and the polymer adsorption can be
satisfied readily. In practice, the performance of polymer flooding
Performance-Monitoring Technique usually depends on the amount of polymer injected. Both a
According to the Hall-plot method, which was developed by Hall tapered scheme and a constant-concentration scheme will yield
(1963) to analyze waterflood performance, similar incremental oil recovery. Finally, when a high constant-

March 2015 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology 119

1,000 0.18

Amount of Polymer (ppm.PV)

900 0.16
800 0.14

400 0.08
300 0.06
200 0.04
100 0.02
0 0.00
1957 1971 1984 1998 2012 0 200 400 600 800
Injected Polymer (ppm.PV, PV in fraction)
Fig. 1—History of amount of polymer injected.
Fig. 2—Incremental-oil-recovery factor vs. amount of polymer
concentration is used, polymer-injection time is reduced, the oper- injected.
ation will be simpler, and costs will decrease.
The amount of polymer injected is expressed by the product of pleted an estimate based on 6.7% incremental oil recovery and the
polymer concentration (in ppm) and slug volume in pore volume average amount of polymer injected of 400 ppmPV. The incre-
(PV) in fraction. The 1976 US National Petroleum Council (NPC mental oil-recovery factor is based on the original oil in place,
1976) study reported 125 ppmPV. The amount of polymer which is 0.75 PV, assuming the connate-water saturation is 0.25.
reported in NPC (1984) was increased to 240 ppmPV. Generally, Polymer is said to cost $1.5/lbm (Pope 2011). Using the model
a larger amount of polymer was injected in Chinese projects. described in Sheng (2014), the average polymer cost is $4.35/bbl
When the amount of polymer injected is larger than 400 ppmPV, of incremental oil. This is the polymer cost only. The facility and
incremental oil recovery becomes less sensitive to the amount of operating costs are not included.
polymer injected (Niu et al. 2006). From the 1970s to the 1980s,
the amount of polymer injected was 100 to 200 ppmPV in Chi-
nese projects. During the early 1990s, 500 to 600 ppmPV was Experience and Learning From Field Polymer
tried in a few projects. In the early 2000s, 400 to 500 ppmPV was Projects
used consistently (Sheng 2011). Qi and Feng (1998) showed that This section summarizes the experience and learning on several
an optimum amount of polymer is approximately 400 ppmPV. subjects gained from field polymer projects, especially during
Fig. 1 shows the history of amount of polymer injected from the more than 20 years of pilot testing and large-scale commercial
all the surveyed polymer projects with available data. In this fig- applications in polymer flooding in China.
ure, every point refers to a completed project. It shows an increas-
ing trend. High-Molecular-Weight (MW) Polymer. High-MW polymer
When the amount of polymer to be injected is fixed, we can has a higher viscosifying power and higher-permeability-reduc-
choose a high concentration and small slug volume, or a low con- tion factor than low-MW polymer. For the same amount of poly-
centration and large slug volume. Generally, the former is pre- mer injected, the polymer with higher MW would result in a
ferred because the polymer solution will have a higher viscosity higher recovery. For the same recovery factor, a higher-MW poly-
after adsorption, and thus will have better mobility control. For mer solution requires less polymer (Zhang 1998; Shao et al. 2005;
mobility control, Sheng (2013b) proposed that the displacing mo- Niu et al. 2006).
bility should be equal to or less than the lowest mobility of dis- However, polymer MW must be small enough for the polymer
placed phases (generally, oil-phase mobility) multiplied by the to enter and propagate effectively through the reservoir rock. For
So  Sor a given rock permeability and a pore-throat size, a threshold MW
normalized oil saturation, defined as S o ¼ . Here,
1  Sor  Swc exists, above which polymer molecules exhibit difficulty propa-
So, Sor, and Swc are oil saturation, residual-oil saturation, and con- gating. In order to avoid pore blocking by polymer molecules, the
nate-water saturation, respectively. ratio of pore-throat radius to the root-mean-square (RMS) gyra-
tion radius of polymer should be greater than 5 (Chen et al. 2001).
Field Performance. Fig. 2 shows the incremental oil-recovery On the basis of laboratory results and practical experience at Daq-
factor over waterflooding vs. the amount of polymer injected. ing, a medium polymer MW (12 to 16 million daltons) is applica-
Overall, it shows that higher incremental oil recovery was ble for oil zones with the average permeability greater than 100
obtained as more polymer was injected. The data scattering was md. A high polymer MW (17 to 25 million daltons) is appropriate
likely caused by the variation in performance from different proj- for oil zones with the average permeability greater than 400 md
ects. Each point in the figure represents a completed project. (Wang et al. 2009).
From the available data, the median incremental oil-recovery fac-
tor was 6.7%. The median decrease in water cut after polymer Time to Shift Waterflooding to Polymer Flooding. If one
injection was 13%. observes typical fractional flow curves (water cut vs. water satura-
Note that Fig. 2 shows that more oil will be recovered if more tion) for waterflooding and polymer flooding at the same oil re-
polymer is injected from the statistical point of view. It implies covery (saturation), the water-cut-increase rate in waterflooding is
that incremental oil recovery could correlate with the amount of higher than that in polymer flooding at low water cuts. As the
polymer injected. However, for two different projects, if more water cut increases, the difference becomes smaller. When the
polymer is injected in one project, the incremental oil from this water cut is greater than 92%, the water-cut-increase rates are
project may not be necessarily higher than that from the other pro- approximately the same. It means that polymer flooding will be
ject. The incremental oil recovery from a specific project depends more effective in terms of reducing water cut, if implemented in
on the detailed slug size, mobility contrast, permeability distribu- the period of low water, compared with waterflooding. From that
tion and other factors. But, most likely, more incremental oil may point of view, polymer injection should have been stopped when
be recovered if more polymer is injected for a specific project. the water cut was approximately 92 to 94% in Daqing (Shao et al.
2005). However, such reasoning assumes that the sweep effi-
Project Economics. The median of polymer use of the surveyed ciency is 100% and the benefit of polymer flooding is gained only
projects for which economic data are available was 0.76 lbm. of from mobility control. In reality, polymer flooding also sweeps
polymer per barrel of incremental oil recovered. We further com- some areas which were not swept by earlier waterflooding.

120 March 2015 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

Table 3—Polymer-flooding projects in heavy-oil reservoirs.

Because of that, polymer flooding is still carried out when the (apparent shear-thickening or “pseudodilatancy”) of synthetic
water cut is high, in some large-scale field applications—for polymers makes the generation of fractures even more likely
example Gudao Zhong-1-Ng3, where the water cut reached 94% (Seright 1983; Wang et al. 2008; Seright et al. 2009).
before polymer flooding (Li 2004), and Shengtuo Block 1, where
the water cut reached 96% (Liu et al. 2002). Chang et al. (2006) Reinjection of Produced Water and Polymer. Less-saline
concluded that polymer flooding can be applied effectively to res- water should be used in mixing polymer solution. If produced
ervoirs with water cuts > 95%. water is used to make the polymer solution, the cost of the poly-
mer will be increased because more polymer is needed to achieve
Profile Modification Before Polymer Injection. If there are the same viscosity (Niu et al. 2006). Ayirala et al. (2010) pre-
high-permeability channels such as fractures, gel treatments can sented results using low-salinity water to mix polymer solution so
greatly enhance the reservoir sweep of the subsequent large vol- that a low polymer concentration is needed to achieve the target
umes of polymer solution (Seright et al. 2003; Wang et al. 2002, viscosity compared with using seawater. Their data indicate
2008). Or, if one or more high-permeability strata are watered approximately 5 to 10 times lower polymer consumption using
out, there may be a considerable value in applying profile modifi- low-salinity water when their “designer water” desalination
cation before polymer flooding or other enhanced-oil-recovery scheme is used, compared with using seawater. The incremental
methods (Wang 2013). The benefit of profile modification cost of water desalination and hardness removal can be paid out
decreases if it is implemented toward the middle or late phase of within a 4-year project time frame because of the large savings
polymer injection (Chen et al. 2004; Trantham et al. 1980). associated with chemical and polymer facility costs in low-salin-
ity polymer flooding in an offshore environment.
Completion. Polymer-injection wells are commonly completed
through perforation. Therefore, the perforation for polymer-injec- Polymer Flooding in Heavy-Oil Reservoirs
tion wells should be high density and deep penetration and with There are two reasons to apply polymer flooding in heavy-oil res-
large-diameter holes to the extent practically possible. In some ervoirs: (1) thermal recovery will not be economic because of
cases, hydraulic fracturing may be used to reduce mechanical heat loss from a thin reservoir; and (2) a high mobility ratio results
shearing near the wellbore. Polymer may be injected into separate in poor waterflooding performance. However, according to the
layers when there is a significant difference in permeability (>2.5 screening criteria of polymer flooding, the oil viscosity should be
times) between layers, the low-permeability-layer thickness is lower than 150 cp. Our database shows only nine fields where the
greater than 30% of the total, and the layers are separated by at oil viscosity was greater than 150 cp. Those cases are shown in
least 1 m (Wu and Chen 2005). Table 3.
The oil viscosity and the start date of the Langsdale field case
are not confirmed. Table 3 shows that except for a few fields with
Injection Velocity. The injection velocity should depend mainly
viscosities of a few hundred centipoise, the rest of the fields with
on reservoir injectivity and allowable injection pressure (fracture
high viscosities are all in Canada. Among the high-viscosity
pressure). To reduce shear degradation, the injection velocity
fields, Pelican Lake is the first polymer-flooding case.
should be slow. But a higher injection rate may reduce thermal
There are several issues with polymer flooding in heavy-oil
and chemical degradation and accelerate the project, thus improv-
reservoirs. One issue is the ability to mix a polymer solution of a
ing economics. A recommended injection velocity range in Daq-
high viscosity. In the first Pelican pilot test, the initial design was
ing is 0.14 to 0.16 pore volumes (PV) per year if the well spacing
to obtain a mobility ratio of unity by having the polymer-solution
is greater 250 m, and 0.16 to 0.2 PV/yr if the well distance spacing
viscosity of 200 cp at the polymer concentration of 2,000 ppm.
is 150 to 175 m (Niu et al. 2006). However, injection rate several
However, it was observed that the viscosity target could not be
times these values have been observed in practical cases in the
achieved because the mixing water had a significant quantity of
Chinese literature.
dissolved ion (FeO) (Delamaide et al. 2014a). But for the polymer
viscosity to meet the mobility-ratio requirement, it could be lower
Generation of Fractures. It has been observed in quite a few because water relative permeability may decrease with higher oil
field-polymer projects that actual polymer injectivity was higher viscosity (Wang et al. 2006a). Another issue is injectivity.
than expected, sometimes higher than water injectivity (Moe Soe Seright’s (2010) simple benefit analysis suggested that reduced
Let et al. 2012; Al-Saadi et al. 2012; Morel et al. 2012). A reason- injectivity may be a greater limitation for polymer flooding of vis-
able explanation is that fractures are generated during polymer cous oils than the cost of chemicals. Because of the injectivity
flooding because waterflooding occurs mostly under induced-frac- problem in the first pilot in Pelican Lake, the polymer-solution
turing conditions (van den Hoek et al. 2009), and injection greater viscosity of 20 cp was designed to correspond to a mobility ratio
than the formation-fracturing pressure will be even more likely of approximately 16. The viscosity was later reduced to 13 cp
during polymer flooding (Seright 2010). The viscoelastic nature (Delamaide et al. 2014a), then increased to 25 cP (Delamaide

March 2015 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology 121

et al. 2014b). The injectivity problem may be alleviated by using increase the volumetric sweep efficiency. In Sequence 1, polymer
horizontal injectors, as practiced in Pelican Lake polymer proj- flooding increased the recovery further after glycerin flooding.
ects. Because of the difficulty in transporting a viscous polymer However, in Sequence 2, glycerin flooding did not increase the re-
solution and the injectivity problem, the used polymer viscosities covery further after polymer flooding. Similarly, xanthan gum has
of real projects did not depend on the oil viscosities in situ, as a rigid structure and pseudoplastic characteristics, but not elastic
shown in Table 3. In other words, no matter how high the oil vis- characteristics. Wang et al. (2007) observed that polymer-flooding
cosity, the polymer-solution viscosity is lower than 100 cp. How- recovery was higher than that from xanthan at the same viscosity.
ever, laboratory tests showed that the polymer concentration must The results were not consistent regarding whether polymer
exceed 5,000 ppm to mobilize 1,450-cp oil (Asghari and Nakut- flooding can lower residual-oil saturation over waterflooding.
nyy 2008) and the polymer-solution viscosity must exceed a cer- Zaitoun and Kohler (1987, 1988) observed lower residual-oil sat-
tain value to achieve a tertiary oil recovery of more than 10% uration during polyacrylamide polymer flood but not during xan-
(Wang and Dong 2009). The polymer-flooding efficiency in the than flood, while the opposite observation was made by Pusch
high-viscosity oil area (5,000 cp) in Pelican Lake diminished et al. (1987). Bakhitov et al. (1980) observed lower residual-oil
compared with the lower-viscosity areas (Delamaide et al. 2014a). saturation in polyacrylamide polymer-flooding water-wet media.
However, high oil prices, modest polymer prices, increased use of Schneider and Owens (1982) observed lower residual-oil satura-
horizontal wells, and controlled injection rate greater than the tion in water-wet media, but did not make this observation in oil-
fracturing pressure all help to extend the applicability of polymer wet media. Sherborne et al. (1967) observed a 15% reduction in
flooding in viscous-oil reservoirs considerably (Seright 2010). residual-oil saturation in an HPAM flood. Wreath (1989) did not
observe reduction in residual-oil saturation in tertiary polymer
flooding in Berea or Antolini sandstones. Wreath (1989) did not
Polymer Viscoelastic Properties observe the reduction in residual-oil saturation in one Berea core,
Conventionally, it has been expected that polymer flooding can even in secondary polymer-flood mode, but Wreath (1989) and
only improve sweep efficiency, but cannot increase displacement Wang (1995) did observe reduction in one Antolini core that was
efficiency. In other words, the waterflooding residual-oil satura- a heterogeneous and a eolian sandstone. However, Vermolen
tion cannot be reduced by polymer flooding. Our data survey et al. (2014) did not observe the reduction in residual-oil satura-
shows that polymer flooding increased the oil-recovery factor tion when high-viscosity crude oil was used or when low-visco-
over waterflooding by 6.7%. However, the recent polymer-flood- elastic polymer was injected; the reduction of low-viscosity oil
ing practices in Daqing have increased the recovery factor by up only occurred when the flow rate was high and/or the polymer
to 12% (Wang 2001). Wang et al. (2001) attributed the high per- elasticity was high. The observations indicate that it is the effect
formance to polymer’s viscoelastic behaviour. In this section, we of elasticity and not the viscous stripping that reduces residual-
will review the viscosity of viscoelastic polymer solution, present oil saturation.
evidence of polymer viscoelastic behaviour in laboratory and
fields, discuss the displacement mechanisms of polymer solution,
and present the effect of viscoelastic polymer solution on field Displacement Mechanisms of Viscoelastic Polymers. Four
facilities and operations. mechanisms for a viscoelastic polymer solution to reduce resid-
ual-oil saturation have been presented in the literature. They are
the pulling mechanism, the stripping mechanism, the mechanism
Viscosity of Viscoelastic Polymer Solution. Polymer solutions of oil-thread flow, and the mechanism of the shear-thickening
exhibit viscous behaviour generally when flowing in capillary effect. For the pulling mechanism, oil remaining in pore dead
tubes with constant diameters. However, in porous media where ends is pulled out by polymer solution (Luo et al. 2006; Yin et al.
capillary diameters change rapidly, polymer chains are pulled and 2006; Xia et al. 2008). For the stripping mechanism, continuous
contracted to exhibit elastic behaviour. As the polymer solution oil films in oil-wet cores are stripped by the polymer solution
flows through a series of pore bodies and pore throats in a porous because the velocity gradient of a polymer solution along the pore
medium, the flow is elongational or extensional. In such flow, the walls is higher than in waterflooding (Wang 2001). The residual
apparent viscosity is increased as the shear rate is increased. The oil after waterflood becomes isolated oil droplets. The polymer
viscosity related to this type of flow is shear-thickening viscosity. solution pulls the oil into oil columns. These oil columns become
The fluid has dilatant behaviour. Shear thickening of polyacryl- thinner and longer to form “oil threads” as they meet the residual
amide is a characteristic of flow in porous materials and is not oil downstream. The oil upstream flows along these oil threads to
observed in rheological measurements of polyacrylamide at com- meet the residual oil downstream, building an oil bank. For this
parable shear rates (Green and Willhite 1998). Jennings et al. mechanism of oil-thread flow, the normal force of viscoelastic
(1971) reported that in the usual case of medium permeability and polymer solution helps the oil thread maintain its uniform cylin-
medium polymer molecular weight, significant increases in vis- drical shape that prevents breakage (Luo et al. 2006). For the
cosity caused by viscoelasticity were observed only at rates in mechanism of shear-thickening effect, the apparent viscosity of
excess of 1.5 to 3.0 m/d. Han et al. (1995) reported that the range polymer solution in the high-permeability zones could become
increases with increasing permeability of cores in their experi- high, then direct the solution into low-permeability zones, thus
ments. Several apparent-viscosity models of viscoelastic polymer improving the sweep efficiency (Jones 1980).
solution were proposed by Hirasaki and Pope (1974), Chen et al.
(1998), Kang (2001), and Delshad et al. (2008). It has been
observed that the polymer-solution viscoelastic behaviour Facility Problems Associated With Viscoelasticity. Because of
increases as the polymer concentration is increased, the surfactant its viscoelastic behaviour, when polymer solution flows into a
concentration is decreased, or the salinity is reduced (Kang 2001). branch line (at a tee section), a “pulling force” tries to pull the so-
lution back into the main supply line. This pulling force increases
with the increase in velocities of the branch and main supply
Laboratory Observations. In a Daqing laboratory, the cores lines. The velocity in the branch line oscillates when the triplex
were flooded with water, glycerin, and a hydrolyzed polyacryl- pump pumps. The oscillation of the velocity changes the normal
amide (HPAM) polymer solution (Niu et al. 2006). The flood by stress and extension viscosity, thus causing pump vibration. To
each fluid was not stopped until no oil appeared at the outlet. The mitigate the vibration, the size of the main pipe is increased
oil recovery from the two injection sequences was compared: (1) (Wang 2001).
water, glycerin, and HPAM; and (2) water, HPAM, and glycerin. The viscoelastic properties of polymer solution also create a
The viscosity of glycerin and HPAM fluid were the same (30 cp). larger blind area in the bottom corners of a maturation tank, which
Glycerin was not a viscoelastic fluid, but polymer was. It was makes mixing polymer solution more difficult and consumes
observed that both glycerin and polymer flooding increased the re- more energy. Redesigning the mixing blades mitigated the prob-
covery after waterflooding because their higher viscosity could lem (Wang 2001). For beam pumps, the normal force enhances the

122 March 2015 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

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March 2015 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology 125

Yang, S. H. and Treiber, L. E. 1985. Chemical Stability of Polyacrylamide entering academia. Sheng’s research interests include
under Simulated Field Conditions. Presented at the SPE Annual Tech- enhanced-oil recovery (EOR) in both conventional and
nical Conference and Exhibition, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 22–26 unconventional reservoirs and other reservoir-engineering-
September. SPE-14232-MS. related topics. He has authored two EOR books, coauthored
more than 70 papers, and holds four patents. Sheng served as
Yin, H., Wang, D., and Zhong, H. 2006. Study on Flow Behaviors of
SPEREE and JPSE journals as associate editor and received the
Viscoelastic Polymer Solution in Micropore with Dead End. Presented SPE regional technical award in formation evaluation in 2013.
at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, He holds a PhD degree in petroleum engineering from Univer-
Texas, USA, 24–27 September. SPE-101950-MS. sity of Alberta.
Bernd Leonhardt is Head of Technology Innovation and
Zaitoun, A. and Kohler, N. 1987. The Role of Adsorption in Polymer
Research at Wintershall Holding GmbH. He has been with the
Propagation through Reservoir Rocks. Presented at the SPE Interna- company for 25 years, with his first 15 years working as a reser-
tional Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, San Antonio, Texas, voir engineer and production technologist in operations. Leon-
USA, 4–6 February. SPE-16274-MS. hardt holds a diploma in geophysics from the Technical
16274-MS. University of Muenster in Germany. He has authored or coau-
Zaitoun, A. and Kohler, N. 1988. Two-Phase Flow through Porous Media: thored some 10 technical papers. Leonhardt is an SPE member,
Effect of an Adsorbed Polymer Layer. Presented at the SPE Annual and has served as an SPE eMentor meanwhile for several years.
Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, 2–5 October. SPE- Nasser Al-Azri is the EOR Studies Team Leader at Petroleum
18085-MS. Development Oman (PDO). He joined PDO in 1997 as a reser-
Zhang, J.-C. 1998. Learning in several aspects of polymer flooding in voir engineer, where he worked on various aspects of the busi-
Daqing. In Chemical Flooding Symposium–Research Results During ness including well and reservoir management, field studies,
the Eighth Five-Year Period (1991–1995), first edition. ed. Q.-L. and EOR research and development. Since 2005, Al-Azri has
Gang, Vol. 1, 60–70, Beijing: Petroleum Industry Press. been working on EOR techniques and was involved in the field
implementation of some EOR projects in PDO. His main area of
interest is chemical EOR, and he is a subject matter expert on
James J. Sheng is Associate Professor at Texas Tech University. the process. Al-Azri has authored and coauthored a number
He has worked in the oil industry for more than 20 years before of publications, mainly in the area of polymer flooding.

126 March 2015 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

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