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Kelompok III

Name : O’ozisokhi Laia (ketua)

: Noni selfia Lase (nontulis)
: Syukurman jaya waruwu (penangung jawab)
: Zoli hasrat zega (anggota)
: Steven Giawa (anggota)


Kata Pengantar

Praise and gratitude we pray to the presence of God Almig hty who has given
His mercy and gracetous from GROUP 3 (THREE) so that we can complete the paper
entitled "ADJECTIVES and PREPOSITION". In adjectives and prepositions.

We realize that this paper is still far from perfect, therefore criticism and suggestions
from all parties are always expected for the perfection of this paper. Finally, we would
like to thank all those who have participated in the preparation of this paper. May God
always sblessall our efforts.


Group III
Daftar isi

Kata pengantar

Daftar isi.....

Bab 1. pendahuluan.

1.1. latar belakang......

1.2. rumusan masalah....

1.3. tujuan .........


2.1. Teori tentang pengertian, adjective and prepostion.....



2.1 Kesimpulan

2.2 Saran

A. Background
Background When we talk about the grammar of a language, what comes to
mind is how to organize the words contained in the language into a series of
meanings, which can be understood by both the speaker and the listener. Therefore,
learning grammar in English is learning how to use words in the form of standard
sentence patterns in English.
A preposition is a word that is combined with a noun, pronoun or gerund (can be
called an object of preposition), to form a phrase that describes a verb, noun, or
adjective. Meanwhile, the Subject Verb Agreement is one of the grammars in
English, which is very important to form standard sentences in English, and the
Subject Verb Agreement is a rematch between the verb and the subject title in terms
of numbers, namely: singular or plural. Subjects can be nouns, pronouns, or other
constructions that act as nouns, such as gerunds and infinitives.
In the United Kingdom, a preposition (the future of) the nickname of small
words. Seen glimpses of prepositions is just short words are not important, but in
fact has a very important function.
Preposition is always followed by a noun (noun) or pronoun (pronoun). A
preposition is a word that suggests a liaison relationship between the noun that
follows him and one of the basic elements of a sentence, that is subject, verb, object
or complement. A noun or pronoun that follows the preposition is the object of a
preposition. Pronouns used in this position is always an object pronoun, like me,
you, him, her, it, us and them. Prepositions plus object called a preposition phrase
(prepositional phrase).
B. Problem formulation
1. Identify the sense of Adjective
2. Identify the sense of Preposition
3. Identify the types of preposition.

C. Purpose
Untuk memahami tentang cara menggunakan adjective dan preposition.

Understading of adjective

A. Pengertian Adjective ( Kata sifat )

Adjective is a word that is characterizen an objektif or thing words that have the
power to limit the use of Noun (kata benda).

B. Types of Adjective ( Kata sifat )

There are 8 types of Adjective, namely :

a. Adjective of Quality ( Kata sifat keadaan )

Adjective of quality is a word that is used to characterizen things in
circumstances, such as:
 Beautiful
 Stupid
In terms of the use of the Adjective of quality, it can be tound in several places,
 Adjective of quality in front of objects
 Adjective of quality after to be ( am, is, are )
 Adjective of quality after the patient( object )

b. Adjective of Q uantity ( Kata sifat jumlah )

Adjective of quantity is a word that describes the nature of objects in quantities,
 Much
 Some

c. Adjective of Numeral ( Kata sifat bilangan )

Adjective of numeral consists of :

 Definite numeral
 Undefenite numeral
 Ordinal number
 Multicative number

d. Interrogative Adjective ( Kata sifat untuk bertanya )

Interrogative adjective consists of :

 Interrogative adjective “ WHAT “

 Interrogative adjective “ WHOSE “
 Interrogative adjective “ WHICH “

e. Proper Adjective ( Kata sifat yang tepat )

Adjective are Adjective that are used to describe a trait or state.

f. Demonstrative Adjective ( Kata sifat yang demonstrative )

Democratic has meaning in the adjective class, or adjective so that Democratic
can change nouns or pronouns, usually by explaining or making it more specitif.

g. Distributive Adjective ( Kata sifat yang distributive )

The definition of a distributive adjective is an adjective that shows that nouns
are used one after another and in prats separated.

Adjective belonging to the distributive adjective type with the function their
respective function are as follows :
 Every (everyday)
 Aech (every one, each one)
 Either (one of two things)
 Neither (neither of the two objects)

h. Possessive Adjective ( Kata sifat yang posesif )

The Possessive adjective is the determiner (speciel adjective) used to express
possession (possession) of a noun .
Possessive adjective consists of my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

Understading of Preposition

A. Prepositions
Prepositions have been called the biggest little words in English. They are usually
quite short and signification looking, but they have very important functions. Take a
look at these sentence and notice how completely different the meaning of each
sentence is
o letter was sent to peter
o letter was sent for peter
o letter was sent by peter
o letter was sent from peter
Only the prepositions change, but that is enough to change the meaning entirely.
Prepositions are always followed by nouns (or pronouns). They are connective words
that show the relationship between the nouns following them and one of the basic
sentence element: subject, verb, object, or complement. They usually indicate
relationship, such as position, place, direction, time, manner, agent, possession, and
condition, between their objects and other parts of the sentence. Prepositional phrase
usually provide information asked for by the question words who, what, where, when,
why, how, and how long
The noun or pronoun following the preposition is its object. A pronoun used in this
preposition is always an object pronoun: me, you, him, her, it, us, and them. The
prepositions plus its object is called the prepositional phrase.

B. Type of Preposition
preposition can be classified into 6 types :
1. Simple preposition
The most commonly used simple preposition are : after, at, by, for, from, of, over,
or in, through to, until, under, up, with, etc.
Example : I saw him on Friday
2. Double preposition
The most commonly used double preposition are : into, on, to, from, under, from
among, from off, from within, over again, etc
Example : The boys gets into bed
3. Compound preposition
A compound preposition is a preposition witch is formed from noun, adjective or
adverb and it is combined with preposition “be” (by) or “a” (on).
Example : He sits beside me
4. Participial preposition
The most commonly used participial preposition are : during, not withstanding,
past, expect, save, considering, touching, concerning, regarding, and owing to.
Example : It is quarter past one.
5. Phrase preposition
The most commonly used preposition phrase / phrase preposition are : Because of,
by means of, by reasons, in spite of.
Example : Ahmad doesn’t enter the class because of this illness.
6. Disquised preposition.
A disguised preposition is shown in such words below :
Behind → “be” : by hind = behind
Across → “on” : “a” on cross = a cross
Example : He has gone for hunting

C. Use of the prepositional phrase in the sentence

Many prepositional phrase seem adverbial in meaning, in that they often indicate
time, place, manner, or degree, as adverbs do. However, the same prepositonal
phrase may be used as an adjective, an adverb, or a noun.
o The delegates went for a swim before breakfast. (Adverb)
o A swim before breakfast is better than one after dinner. (Adjective)
o Before breakfast is a good time to swim. (Noun)
Prepositional phrases used as adverbs usually follow the verb, though like
adverbs, they can be moved to other prepositions in the sentence. Prepositional
phrases used as adjectives usually follow the nouns they modify. Prepositional
phrases used as nouns will be subject, object, or complement in the sentence.

D. Meaning categories
The following list illustrate the use of prepositional phrases to convey specific
kinds of information.
1. Place,position
2. Direction
3. Time
4. Purpose, reason
5. Possession
6. Manner, instrument
7. Identification
8. Distance
9. Agent
10. Material
11. Quantity


A. Kesimpulan
Dari materi yang kami sajikan dalam makalah ini, kami dapat menarik
beberapa kesimpulan singkat, yakni sebagai berikut :
a. Adjective
Adjective (kata sifat) adalah kata yang di gunakan untuk memberi sifat pada
suatu benda atau kata yang memberi kekuatan untuk membatasi dalam
pemakaian kata benda ( NOUN ). Adjective dapat di gunakan pada kata benda
dalam bentuk singular (tunggal) maupun plura (jamak).
b. Preposition
Preposition (kata depan) adalah kata yang biasanya di tempatkan sebelum
noun atau pronoun; menujukkan hubungan antara noun dari pronoun itu
dengan kata-kata lain dalam kalimat.
B. Saran
Demikian lah hasil presentasi kami bila ada kekurangan mohon di
maafkan dan dimaklumi. Kami harap teman"sekalian dapat mengerti dari apa yg
Jelaskan Barusan. Saran dan kritikan kami terima untuk menunjang kami di
masa depan. Sekian dan Terimakasih.

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