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This Paper is Submitted to Fulfill the Assignment of English Course

Mrs. Tenika illananingtyas, M. Pd

Arranged by:
Moch burhanuddin (2101010185)
Zainul musyafa' fillah (2101010226)
Malik hanafi



Praise and gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT who has given His
gifts in the form of knowledge, health and guidance, so that this paper with
the title “The Use of Preposition (Under, Behind, Opposite, Up, Over And
Through)” can be completed to fulfill the assignment of English Course.
Sholawat and Salam are conveyed to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, his
companions and loyal followers. This paper is prepared to fulfill the
assignment for English course.
We would like to thank Lecturer Mrs. Tenika illananingtyas, M. Pd as
the lecturer in English courses. We realize that in writing this paper, of
course, there are many shortcomings and it is still far from being perfect.
Therefore, we expect constructive criticism and suggestions from readers
for improvement in writing papers in the future. May our good deeds be
rewarded by Allah SWT with the best reward.

Kediri, February 2022




A. Background 1
B. Problem Formulation 1
C. Purpose 1

A. Definition of Preposition 2
B. Function of Preposition 3
C. Examples of Preposition 3
D. Types of Preposition 4
E. The Use of Preposition Under, Behind, Opposite, Up, Over and
Through 5


A. Conclusion 8
B. Suggestion 8



A. Background
Parts of Speech in English means word types or word classes. It is called
“Parts of Speech” because these words are an entity that is needed to form a
sentence , regardless of what their respective duties or functions are. So, these
words are the "basic ingredients" in a "building" sentence. So, these words
are the “basic ingredients” in a “composition” of sentence, not the “function”
of the word in the sentence. It is because a word can have several (more than
one) function in a sentence.
There are several types of Parts of speech, namely Noun, Pronoun,
Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection. Each type
has a different meaning and function. However, in this paper, the writers will
only discuss one type of Parts of speech, namely Preposition. More
specifically, this paper will discuss the use of prepositions under, behind,
opposite, up, over and through.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What is the meaning of prepositions?
2. What is the function of prepositions?
3. How are prepositions under, behind, opposite, up, over and through

C. Purpose
There are several objectives of writing this paper, namely:
1. To know the meaning of preposition
2. To understand the function of prepositions
3. To understand how prepositions under, behind, opposite, up, over and
through are used


A. Definition of Preposition
Prepositions have been called the biggest little words in English. They are
usually quite short and signification looking, but they have very important
functions. Imagine you find two nouns: pencil and book (A noun is a word of a
person, place, thing, or idea). There are many ways we can connect these two nouns
to express different ideas, for example:

The pencil is under the book

The pencil is behind the book
The pencil is in front of the book
The pencil is near the book

The italicized words relate two nouns each other. These relationship words
between two nouns are called preposition. Preposition is a word that is usually
placed before a noun or pronouns. It means “kata depan” in Indonesian. It shows
the relationship between noun or pronoun with other words in a sentence. It can be
defined as any word or group of word that relates a noun or pronoun to another
word in the sentence. In other words, prepositions are words used to connect a noun
to another noun. More simply, preposition is a word or group of words put before
a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, time, place, location, spatial
relationships, or to introduce an object.
Prepositions never travel alone. They are always followed by noun or pronoun
as an object. A pronoun used in this preposition ia always be and object pronoun:
me, you, him, her, it, us, them. The preposition and its object is called prepositional
phrase. Prepositional phrase consists of a preposition and an object. The object of
a preposition is always be a noun or a pronoun. Prepositional phrase usually provide
information asked for by the question words who, what, where, when, why, how,

and how long. In the example above, the object of each preposition is book which
provides information asked for the question what.

B. Function of Preposition
Prepositions are known as the "largest small words" in English because,
despite their modest length, they are crucial to the meaning of the phrase. A
misplaced preposition can make all the difference between a well-written phrase
and a tangle of words. Prepositions, on the other hand, provide the glue between
elements of a sentence, allowing you to present your scientific findings more
precisely and professionally when employed correctly.
In writing a paragraph, it takes many components such as subject, verbs,
objects, prepositions or conjunctions. In a paragraph, sentences need prepositions
so that they are easily to understand. Prepositions show the relationship between
nouns or pronouns in a sentence. They are not always be at the beginning of a
sentence, but its position is in accordance with their respective functions. With
prepositions, the reader will more easily understand the contents of the sentence.
Prepositions connect nouns, pronouns, or phrases (known as the preposition's
object) to other words in a sentence. They show how their item is related to another
word or component of the sentence in terms of time, space, or logic.

C. Example of Preposition
The following table is list of some commonly used prepositions:

- The book is under the table
- Who is that person behind the mask?
- My house is opposite David’s house
- She is going up the stairs
- The airplane flew over our house
- Last week, I walked through the forest

D. Types of Preposition
Most of the prepositions have many uses. There are some prepositions which
are common in every type of preposition as they functionality, those are1:
1. Prepositions of Time
Prepositions of time show the relationship of time between the nouns
to the other parts of a sentence. This kind of preposition indicates an
action which happened, happens or will happen in the future. On, at, in,
from, to, for, since, ago, before, till/until, by, etc. are the most common
preposition of time.
Examples: - He started working at 10 AM
- The company called meeting on 25 October.

2. Prepositions of Place and Direction

Prepositions of place and direction show the relationship of
place/direction between the nouns to the other parts of a sentence. On, at,
in, by, from, to, towards, up, down, across, between, among, through, in
front of, behind, above, over, under, below, opposite, etc. are the most
common prepositions of place/direction.
Example: - He is at home
- He came from England


3. Prepositions of Agents or Things
Prepositions of agents or things indicate a causal relationship
between nouns and other parts of the sentence. Of, for, by, with, about,
etc. are the most used and common prepositions of agents or things.
Example: - She went to Canada by plane
- He is playing with his brothers.

4. Phrasal Prepositions
A phrasal preposition is not a prepositional phrase, but they are a
combination of two or more words that is used as a preposition. Along
with, apart from, because of, by means of, according to, in front of,
contrary to, in spite of, on account of, in reference to, in addition to, in
regard to, instead of, on top of, out of, with regard to, etc. are the most
common phrasal prepositions.
Example: - According to the new rules, you are not right.
- I’m going out of the city.

E. The Use of Preposition Under, Behind, Opposite, Up, Over, and Through
In this paper, the writer will discuss about the use of preposition under,
behind, opposite, up, over, and through. Those prepositions, according to the
explanation above are categorized in type of preposition of place and
direction which is preposition used to show place, direction or location of
noun or pronoun in a sentence.
The preposition under is used when an object is covered by another.
Under and below have a similar meaning, but they are actually different.
Under is used when object A is in lower position of object B and A is covered
by B. Below is used when something is in lower position of something else
and there is a gap between these two objects.
- The cat is under the chair (Kucing itu berada di bawah kursi)

- The pencil is under the books (Pensil itu berada di bawah buku)

The preposition behind is the opposite of in front of. It is used to show
that an object is at the back of something. Behind means that object A is at
the far side of object B. Meanwhile in front of is used when the position of
object A is facing the object B.
- He parked his car behind my car
(Dia memarkir mobilnya di belakang mobilku)
- I have a pool behind my house
(Saya memiliki sebuah kolam renang di belakanh rumahku)

The preposition opposite refers to something that is facing another
object. In simply way, opposite refers to two objects or people who are
looking at each other. Opposite is different from in front of. In front of is used
when an object A is ahead of another object, while opposite is used when the
object A is on the other side of object B and these two are facing each other.
- My house is opposite David’s house
(Rumahku berhadapan dengan rumahnya David)
- He sat opposite trangers on the train
(Dia duduk berhadaoan dengan orang-orang asing di kereta)

The preposition up is used to talk about a higher position or movement
from a lower position to a higher or more important place or degree, etc. the
word up is often used with verbs of movement such as jump and pull, and also
phrasal verbs such as give up and move up.

- Put your hands up
(Angkatlah tanganmu)
- He climbed up the narrow mountain road
(Dia menaiki jalan pegunungan yang sempit)

The preposition over is used when an object is in a position between on
and above something but it is not touch each other. It also refers to something
or object that the position is higher than something else, sometimes including
a movement from one side to another side. Over can also mean: physically
covering the surface of something and is often used with the word All as in All
- A bird flew over my head
(Seekor burung terbang di atas kepalaku)
- There are cluds over the hills
(Ada awan di atas bukit)

The preposition through indicates a motion from one side to the other
side of something. When we talk about movement from one side to aother side
but 'into something', such as a long grass or forest, we use through instead of
over. Through can also refer to a period of time from the start to the finish. It
can also be used when someone passed a place or road before reaching the
- They walked slowly through the forest
(Mereka berjalan perlahan melewati hutan)
- We drove through the underground tunnel
(Kami melaju melalui terowongan bawah tanah)


A. Conclusion
A preposition is classified as a part of speech in grammar. It shows the
relationship to some other words in a sentence with are placed before a noun
or a pronoun. Prepositions are always followed by nouns (or pronouns). They
are connective words that show the relationship between the nouns following
them and one of the basic sentence element: subject, verb, object, or
Prepositions connect nouns, pronouns, or phrases (known as the
preposition's object) to other words in a sentence. They show how their item
is related to another word or component of the sentence in terms of time,
space, or logic. They are not always be at the beginning of a sentence, but its
position is in accordance with their respective functions.

B. Suggestion
From the material that has been discussed, the writers hope that it can
increase knowledge for both writers and readers. We expect many
suggestions from readers that can increase our performance and progress in
the future. The author apologizes to the reader if in writing this paper there
are some shortcomings. The author accepts corrections and suggestions from
any party.


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