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Kể tên 4 phương thức dịch trong phương pháp dịch gián tiếp. Đối với từng phương thức, nêu
định nghĩa, cách dùng, phân loại (nếu có) và cho 1 ví dụ.

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Nộp file Word đặt tên theo cú pháp:

1) Điều biến (Modulation)
2) Chuyển đổi từ loại (Transposition)
3) Tương đương (Equivalence)
4) Dịch thoát (Adaption)


1) Definition: Modulation is a widely used translation technique which basically means
using a phrase that is different in the source and target languages to convey the same
2) Use:
a. Modulation can be used when there are cultural differences in the use of the source
language and the target language.
b. Modulation can also be used as a substitute for literal translation or transposition
translation whenever these two translation procedures give a grammatically correct
but unnatural or even clumsy translation in the target language
c. When using modulation, the translator can change the verbs from passive to active,
change the nouns from singular to plural, and change the prepositions or even
sentence structure. Let’s look a little closer into this in our next section about Types
of Modulation.
3) Types of Modulation:
a. General to specific - general meaning of a word to its more specific meaning to
exploit different lexical layers of the word
b. Abstract for concrete.
c. Part to another part (metonymy)
d. Negation of opposite
e. Active for passive and vice versa
f. Change of symbol (metaphor)
g. Space for time

4) Example:
It is not dificult to show = it is easy to show.


1) Definition: Transposition involves replacing one word class with another without
changing the meaning of the message. The method also involves a change of grammatical
category that occurs in translation from SL to TL (singular to plural, position of adjective,
changing the word class or part of speech).
2) Use: Transposition is the first step towards free translation. From a stylistic view point,
the transposed expression does not have the same value but same meaning with the
original expression. Transposed expressions are usually more literary in character. What
is the most important is to choose the form that best fits the context.
3) Types of Transposition (Phân loại chuyển vị)
a. Obligatory transposition (chuyển vị bắt buộc)
b. Optional/free transposition (chuyển vị túy ý/chuyển vị tự do)
4) Example: staff -> đội ngũ nhân sự


1) Definition: Equivalence happen when two languages (source and target) use different
syntagmatic or style to describe the same sittuation.
It is the relationship between a ST and a TT that allows the TT to be considered as a
translation of the ST.
Equivalence is a relationship between two texts in two languages, rather than between the
languages themselves.
2) Use: Equivalence use totally different types of syntagmatic and pictures to translate
proverbs, idioms, collocation of nouns and/or adjectives.
3) Types of Equivalence:
a. Tương đương biểu niệm (denotative equivalence)
b. Tương đương biểu cảm (connotative equivalence)
c. Tương đương quy chuẩn văn bản (text-normative equivalence)
d. Tương đương ngữ dụng (pragmatic equivalence)
e. Tương đương hình thức (formal equivalence)
4) Example:
- Ouch! -> Ối!
1. Definition: Adaptation is a procedure which can be used whenever the context referred to
in the original text does not exist in the culture of the target text, thereby necessitating
some form of recreation
2. Use:
- Adaptation is used when the limit to translation has been reached, i.e. when a simple
translation would not work or it would produce a result that is shocking in the target
language and culture.
- Adaptations are equivalents, and can be seen more clearly in the translations of TV shows
or movies, where conversations or cultural references must be adapted for foreign
3. Types of Adaption:
a. Collocation adaption.
b. Cultural adaption.
c. Literary adaption.
d. Ideological adaption.
4. Example:
- The film is beyond any words. -> Bộ phim này không thể chê vào đâu được.

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