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Praise and Gratitude the author would like to say to God Almighty, for your love and
permission This is so that the mini research "prepositions" can be well resolved
on time. This mini research was prepared as a fulfillment of assignments in basic grammar courses.
As with other mini research, the author intends to make mini research as a bridge to do real mini
research on the population and samples related to this mini research.
The author would like to thank Hidayati Daeli Spd, Mpd. as a lecturer who teaches basic grammar
courses. Do not forget the author also thanks friends who have wanted to share about the
preparation of this mini research.
As the saying goes "There are no ivory that is not cracked", the writer realizes that the
preparation of mini research "prepositions" is far from perfect. Therefore, the author expects
criticism and suggestions to readers in order to improve this mini research next.
A.Definition of prepositions
Prepositions are the particle parts followed by the object. In use, prepositions form a
phrase against the word that precedes it and the word that follows it. The use of these prepositions is
influenced by the verb or adjective that precedes it.
B.Preposition objects
1. Adverbs as objects
Several adverbs of time or place can be used as objects for prepositions that denote the
relationship of time or place:
Example: He has studied hard from then till now.
2. The expression as an object
An adverbial expression (i.e. an expression that does not end with a preposition or
conjunction) can be used as an object for a preposition
Example: She didn't return till about a week afterwards. (He did not return until about a week later)
3. The noun clause as an object
A noun clause (a clause that does the work of a noun) can be an object for a preposition in
the same way as a noun and pronoun:
Example: My departure will depend upon whether I get leave or not. (My departure will depend on
whether I get permission to leave or not)
C. Principles of use
The principle of using these prepositions is divided into three types:
1. Based on the verb or adjective that precedes it
Example: object to, wait for, live in, look at, turn off, etc.
2. Based on the objects that follow
Example: made in + place description, agree with personal noun / personal pronoun, etc.
3. Based on meaning
Example: switch on = turn on, go out, etc.
There are several kinds of prepositions, including preposition of place (preposition of place),
preposition of time (preposition of time).
a. Preposition of Place
Is a preposition that shows the relationship between two or more objects. For example:
"The lamp is on the table" contains the preposition "on". This word denotes the spatial relationship
between the lamp and the table.
The most common place prepositions are: in, on, under, next to, in front of, behind, at. in,
on, under, in front of, and behind are clearly visible.
Examples : The dog is in the box.
However at is a more abstract concept - it is used to refer to a point in space, usually a
point on a line. See the following for a more detailed explanation.
In is used to denote something that surrounds or surrounds us. Example: I sleep in my bedroom.
In is also used for geographic areas such as cities and countries. For example: "I live in London" or
"I live in England".
On is used to show something that is on a surface. For example: I sleep on my bed.
On is also used for street names, for example: "I live on Orchard Roard".
At is used to show something that is at a certain point, often as part of a line. As an example:
Marzuqi is at the bus stop.
At is also used for complete addresses, for example: "I live at 98 Kadudampit Road, Sukabumi,
West Java."
To ensure when we can use in, on or at? This depends on the speaker's perspective, and what is
considered acceptable in English.
b. Preposition of Time
Preposition of time is also used as adverbs of time. Namely words that can provide
information about when, how, where, or in a situation that is expected by something. Words that
indicate time, including: at, in, on, for, since, during, from… .to / till / until. Before and after.
1) At used in:
a) Hour: at 5 o'clock
b) Time to eat: at lunchtime, at breakfast
c) Religious events: at Rajaban, at Muludan
d) Specific time: at morning, at week-end
2) In is used in:
a) Part of the day: in the night, in the evening
b) Month: in July, in May
c) Season: in autumns, in the spring
d) Year: in 2010, in 2012
e) Century: in seventh century
3) On is used in:
a) Days: on Monday, onTuesday
b) Certain days: on his wedding day
c) Date: on (the) 30th (of) May
4) For is used to say how long it took something to happen.
Example: Amirul Mu'minin was in Sukabumi for fiveeen years.
5) Since is used to say when something started happening.
Example: Ahmad Marzuqi has gone since 13 o'clock.
6) During is used to express the time period in which the event occurred. Example: I will do that
during the holiday next week
7) From. . . to / till / untill and between. . . and is used to express how much time is spent between
starting a job and completing it.
Example:I will be off from the beginning until the end of Juny.
8) Before and after is used to state what will be done after other work or what has been done before
doing other work.
Example:after dinner, I will watch TV.
According to the words used, prepositions are divided into several types, including: 1.
Simple prepositions, including: on, at, to, in, and so on, for example in sentences: a. The kids were
playing in the street.
2. Double prepositions, prepositions that are formed by combining two words from simple
prepositions, for example: without, within, inside, outside, into, beneath, below, behind, between,
etc., for example in a sentence: a. I get the books from the Gramedia book store (I get the books
from the Gramedia bookstore)
3. Compound prepositions, prepositions consisting of two prepositions, for example: according to,
because of, next to, due to, ahead of, apart from and others. For example in the sentence:
a. she hide herself behind the closet (she hides herself behind the closet).
4. Participial prepositions, prepositions in the form of participles, for example: during, considering,
given, including, following, regarding and so on. Example in the sentence:
a. Please remain seated during the performance.
5. Prepositional Phrase, is a combination of a phrase prepositions with objects, objects that usually
follow a prepositions. The object of these prepositions can be in the form of a noun (noun), pronoun
(noun) or a noun phrase (noun phrase). home (phrase preposition), in time, with me, from my father
and so on.
Example in the sentence:
a. We have so much fun in this classroom.
6. Disguised prepositions, among others: o'clock, o'lantern, a-hunting, and so on. Example in the
I slept at 10 o'clock yesterday (I slept at 10 o'clock yesterday)
Types of prepositions, if classified based on their word structure, will be divided into two
types, namely single word prepositions and plural prepositions. Singular means consisting of only
one word, while plural which means consisting of two or more words. Here are some examples:
Single word prepositions.
Pronouns Meaning of Pronouns Meaning
Aboard Above Onto Top / head up
About Around / near / about / on the Outside Outside
After After Over More / more than / has ended
Along Along Opposite Opponents
As Past Past / over / over
Behind Behind Per Each
Below Under the Pros the Pros
Before Before Round Around
Between Among Regarding Regarding
But / but Respecting Regarding
A preposition (preposition) is a word that is usually placed before a noun or pronoun;
shows the relationship between the noun and the pronoun with other words in a sentence or it can be
said that a preposition is a word used to connect different nouns whose words are included in the
preposition, among others: at, in, on, about, under, of, to, for and so forth.
There are several types of prepositions according to the words used.

1.      Simple Prepositions

2.      Double Preposition

3.      Compound Prepositions

4.      Participle Prepositions

5.      Phrase Prepositions

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