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Joanne P.

Cohort 1- M.ED. SS 202

Module 1: Reflection Paper

Sociology and Sociological Thinking

During this class, I realized that the basic insight of sociology is that human behavior is
shaped by the groups to which people belong and by the social interaction that takes place within
those groups. We are who we are, and we behave the way we do because we happen to live in a
particular society at a particular point in space and time. People tend to accept their social world
unquestioningly, as something natural. But the sociological perspective enables us to see society
as a temporary social product, created by human beings and capable of being changed by them as
well. Also, the sociological perspective invites us to look at our familiar surroundings in a fresh
way. It encourages us to take a new look at the world we have always taken for granted, to examine
our social environment with the same curiosity that we might bring to an exotic foreign culture.

What I found specifically interesting is that our culture has a huge influence on how we
think, respond and how we react to all situations. Sociology has helped me understand myself
better, as well as those around me. It has prompted me to stop and think before reacting or
responding to certain individuals within my family and those outside of my family, I have taken
the time to ponder why people behave the way they do. Sociology has taught me the ability to
understand the meanings of labels, discrimination, and oppression. I have also learned that
sociology is really a study of civilization, inequalities, and the consequences of people’s behavior.

Sociology also helps us understand ourselves better. Without the sociological perspective
(which has been called the "sociological imagination"), people see the world through their limited
experience of a small orbit of family, friends, co-workers. The sociological imagination allows us
to stand apart mentally from our limited experience and see the link between private concerns and
social issues. It permits us to trace the connection between the patterns and events of our own and
the patterns and events of our society.

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