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Name: Michaela Angela B.

Date: November 21, 2021
Educational Psychology
The Implication of Online Learning on the Motivation of Students: (Students of Mohammed
First University as a Case Study.)

The study aims to determine the motivation of students through online learning. We are in the
pandemic and Covid-19 limited each and every one to do everything that we do every day and it
affects people's work, businesses and of course the way of learning of the students. E-learning or
online learning is one of the reasons why the educational system in the world is still working. The
Internet and gadgets like laptops, computers and smartphones are one of the main tools of a student
to continue their way of learning about this pandemic. And over time E-learning has been defined
differently. Simon, Smaldino, & Zvacck (2012, p.55 ) said that E-Learning should include four
components that are institution based: separation of teacher and student, interactive
telecommunications and sharing of data, voice, and video (learning experiences). They believe if
one or more of the components are missing the event is going to be different from distance learning.
Motivation is a part of the learning process, according to (Seo, Barrett & Bartunek, 2004)
motivation is goal directed. Keller (2010) motivation refers to what people desire, what people
want to do and what they commit to do. And the result of the study is that students have different
views about traditional learning and online learning. 43% preferred traditional learning. These
students believe that they can learn more and that it is a more effective way to learn when they are
in the traditional way of learning. 38% of the respondents choose E-learning but they also believe
that it should be implemented in the right way so that it can be an effective way of learning. And
the other 19% of the respondents choose blended learning and those respondents believe that it
should be a mix of traditional and online learning to have an effective way of learning. And because
of the Covid-19 the way of learning really changes and this study shows that the motivation of
students is being affected because of the sudden changes in the way of learning.

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