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Lopez, Bianca Carryl M.

BSHM2A 11/17/21

Activity 5

Case 1: Nationalities and First Impression

a. Check the latest Department of tourism data on the top 10 international Tourist

Arrivals in the Philippines.


South Korea

(Among the 10 international Tourist Arrivals in the Philippines, South Koreans are still the top
tourits of the country with a total of 1.98 million arrivals or a 22.49 % growth.)
General Features:
1. Rich History – South Korea has along history dating back over a thousand years. Due to the
national isloation of the Korean Peninsula, the country hasn ‘ t changed as much in other
regions. Still today, you can stand in awe of some of the most significant cultural heritage sites
of the country, such as Gyeongbokgung Palace, the main palace situated in Seoul.

2. Four amazing seasons - Due to South Korea s location in East Asia, the country is blessed
with changing seasons. Youll be surprised with breath-taking seasonal changes in nature, such
as cherry blossoms in the spring, flower fields in the summer, colorful foliage in the fall and a
white wonderland in the winter.
3. K-pop culture.South Korea - is world-famous for its exciting music
culture. K-pop is not only a music genre, it is part of Korean culture that captures people all over
Asia and the world.
4 Exciting foods - Koreans are very proud of their unique cuisine. This is another result of the
country s natural isolation and climate leading to particular food preparation methods. Take
kimchi', for example, the country's number one side dish made from salted and fermented
vegetables that are kept in jars for months, one of many practices used to protect food during
harsh winters.
5. Picturesque mountain ranges - Despite its small size, South Korea is home to 22 national
parks with countless mountains. The island of Jeju has the highest peak in South Korea, the
shield volcano Hallasan.
b. Identify common perceptions of at least five general physical features and five
different cultural elements of your assigned nationality. Use pictures to show the
physical features. Include pictures if the cultural elements can be 2 visualized and
described using a 50-word caption.

* Art
The Fruit Gatherer’, 1950 | © Fernando Amorsolo
Fernando Amorsolo (1892-1972)
Labelled the country’s first National Artist in 1972 by then President Marcos, Fernando
Amorsolo is often known as the ‘Grand Old Man of Philippine Art’. The Spanish-trained realist
developed a backlighting technique, where his colorful depictions of local people reflect the
radiance of the Philippine sun. The figures and illuminated landscapes magically glow on the
canvas. Despite his deteriorating health and failing eyesight, he remained prolific until the end,
producing up to 10 paintings a month until his death at the age of 80. Amorsolo’s creativity
defines the nation’s culture and heritage to this day.
The Vargas Musuem – found inside the campus of his alma mater, the University of the
Philippines, displays a notable selection of his work.
*Beliefs and Values
The family
The family is at the center of the Filipino community. Children are not expected to leave their
parents’ house until they get married; and even after then, many couples opt to stay with or
close to their or their spouse’s parents.
Also, they’re expected to care for their aging parents instead of sending them to a retirement
home. This is why it’s common to see different generations or multiple families living in a single
The value that Filipinos put into caring for one’s family can also be seen as one of the reasons
why nurses and caregivers from the country provide their patients and clients with a high level of
* Geography

*Geography and Climate of the Philippines

The Philippines is an archipelago of 7,107 islands in the South China Sea, the Philippines,
Sulu, the Celebes Sea and the Luzon Strait. The terrain of the island is mainly
mountainous, with some islands ranging from narrow coastal lowlands to large coastal
lowlands. The Philippines is divided into three major geographical regions: Luzon, Visayas
and Mindanao. The climate of the Philippines is tropical ocean, with the northeast monsoon
from November to April and the southwest monsoon from May to October.
The Philippines, like many other tropical island states, has problems with deforestation and soil
and water pollution. The air pollution problem in the Philippines is especially dire due to the
large urban population.
* Language

There are some 120 to 187 languages and dialects in the Philippines , depending on the
method of classification.
* Law and Politics

The politics of the Philippines take area inside a three-department governmental gadget. The us
of a is a democracy, led through a directly-elected president who serves as each the pinnacle of
country and the pinnacle of government. The President heads the govt department and has
massive political powers. Presidents are restrained to a unmarried six-12 months time period of
office. The bicameral Congress serves because the legislature, including the small Senate,
elected on an at-massive foundation at some point of the us of a, and the bigger House of
Representatives, mainly made from representatives elected from precise geographic regions.
The judiciary is headed through the Supreme Court of the Philippines, a frame with expansive
powers of evaluation over movements taken through different political and administrative

The criminal gadget is a aggregate of civil and not unusual place regulation, encouraged
through the earlier rule of each Spain and the United States
* Technology
Telecommunications withinside the Philippines are well-advanced because of the presence of
contemporary-day infrastructure facilities. In a rustic in which alternate comes slowly, The
Philippines is certainly considered one among many growing international locations which have
become to facts and communique technology (ICT) as a device to enhance coaching and

* Social Organization
Among lowland Christian Filipinos, social organization continues to be marked primarily by
personal alliance systems, that is, groupings composed of kin (real and ritual), grantors and
recipients of favors, friends, and partners in commercial exchanges.

Case 5;Cultural Melting Pot in The Philippines

● Each person selects a province.
- Waray
- Cebuanos
- Ilocanos
- Ilonggo
● Choose a food item (a snack, main dish, or dessert) that is distinct in that area
Attach a picture of the food chosen.
Main dish of Waray

‘’ Chicken Waray. ‘’


- 4 pcs whole chicken leg and thigh portions


- 1/2 cup coconut milk

- juice from 2 lemons

- 2 tbsp soy sauce

- 2 tbsp fish sauce

- 1/2 tsp turmeric

- 1 stalk lemongrass

- 2 pcs medium shallots

- 6 cloves garlic

- freshly ground black pepper

- 3 tbsp oil

Taste and cultural influence of the food. :

Chicken Waray looks like Chicken Inasal due to

the process in cooking but ingredients are quite different. What I am not sure if this dish is a
traditional regional dish but what Betty noted is that she came across this dish in a fundraiser for
the typhoon relief and recovery efforts in Leyte and Samar after typhoon Yolanda.

Snack of Cebuanos
‘’ Puto and sikwate. ‘’

- Glutinous rice– or locally known as malagkit. You can use white sticky rice
(pilit) or in combination with black sticky rice (tapol)

- Coconut milk

- Fresh ginger juice– adds a refreshing, peppery flavor; you can use ginger juice
or fresh ginger slices

- Sugar– adds a touch of sweetness

- Salt– balances the sweet

- Tablea– roasted ground pure cacao

- Brown sugar– sweetens the hot chocolate
Taste and cultural influence of the food. : is a traditional Filipino breakfast or snack that
consists of steamed glutinous rice with a cup of rich, thick hot chocolate and is usually served
with a slice (or two) of juicy Manila mangoes. This delicious Cebuano delicacy is just what you
need to jump-start your day!

Dessert Of Ilocanos

‘’Special Bibingka ( Ilocano - Filipino Style)

- 2 cups glutinous rice flour

- 1 cup coconut milk

- 1/2 cup fresh milk or evaporated milk

- 1 & 1/2 cup condensed milk or 1 can of condensed milk

1/4 cup butter

- 4 yolks of large eggs

- 1/2 box of kraft eden cheese – grated

Taste and cultural influence of the food. : This bibingka is so delicious with the right balance
of sweet, salty and richness. It remains soft even after a day. Make it a part of your Christmas

Main Dish of Ilongo

‘’ Kansi ‘’
3 cloves garlic, minced

- 2 tablespoons oil

- 2 medium tomatoes, quartered

- 1 kilo beef, use shank with bone marrow

- 2 pieces tanglad (lemongrass)

- 3-4 pieces batwan, or kamias (you can find Batuan powder or Preserved batuan
in specialty stores)

- 1 tablespoons achuete extract (annatto extract)

- 1/2 kilo green langka (jackfruit)

- sea salt, to taste

- 1-2 pieces siling labuyo (bird's eye chili), to serve (optional)

Taste and cultural influence of the food. : This dish traditionally makes use of batuan, a
native fruit in the Western Visayas region. It adds a rich sour flavor to the dish, giving it a more
delicious and tasty flavor profile.

Case 6: What Can I Say?

A. identify the 10 most spoken languages in the world.
1. Chinese — 1.3 Billion Native Speaker
2. Spanish — 471 Million Native Speakers
3. English — 370 Million Native Speakers
4. Hindi — 342 Million Native Speakers
5. Arabic — 315 Million Native Speakers
6. Portuguese — 232 Million Native Speakers
7. Bengali — 229 Million Native Speakers
8. Russian — 154 Million Native Speakers
9. Japanese — 126 Million Native Speakers
10. Lahnda (Western Punjabi) — 118 Million Native Speakers

E. Consider the reflections. Choose one and expound how it can be applied in your life

as a student

‘’ Education does not guarantee success, character does.’’

Education gives you more than just testimony. Education expands your mind in
new. ways and develops your thinking skills. Increases your brain cells and functions at a higher
level than in uneducated people. Intelligence about drift to reach the new mark. Those who
have completed the apprenticeship will return home with more than 4,444 knowledge of
cooking and preparation of ammonium sulfate. Leave with 4,444 subtle skills that distinguish
between educated and uneducated. Education conveys morality and personality formation.
These are all skills that will help you succeed. In the world of work, educated people are sought
after, and they can get a better job because of their intellectual abilities and ability to perform
their assigned tasks. Schools instill discipline and teach students what is right and what is
wrong. These qualities are valued by workers. Thus, yes, apprentices guarantee success.

Case 7: GAD and Inclusiveness

● Define GAD programs.
- Gender and Development Program
● Identify the various GAD and Persons with Disabilities.
- GAD It aims to achieve gender equality as a fundamental value to be
reflected in development decisions, arguing that women are not passive recipients of
development, but active actors of development. While, Person with Disabilities It makes it
difficult for a sick person to perform certain activities (activity restrictions) and interact with
the surrounding world (participation restrictions).
● Identify various programs that are implemented in various tourism enterprises.
- implements various GAD programs, activities, and projects
addressing gender issues and concerns in the tourism industry.
● Propose any innovative program for GAD and PWD inclusiveness in the tourism

- Tourism is an economically relevant part of the modern lifestyle of
developed countries, but not everyone has access to tourism in these countries due to the
special barriers for people with disabilities. These barriers are not only physical, but also
internal, cultural and social. Tourism and leisure have shown many benefits to people with
disabilities in enhancing their contributions to self-development, quality of life, recovery and
social inclusion.

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