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Irene Joyce J.


Activity 5

1. What advantages are obtained by the student population brought about by a consortium
arrangement among universities and colleges?

In a consortium, a student has the opportunity to choose from a wider variety of courses and programs
through the curricula of all of the member colleges. This improves the chances that the student will find
the academic specialty just right for them and offers a broader selection of options to try

2. Do you recommend such networking projects among government schools only? Why? Among
private schools only? Why?

I would recommend such networking projects to both public & private schools because I believe that
students will always matter with this and does not depends on the school. There are many students from
public schools who really have the ability and intelligence to do such kind of projects if will pursue and
support more, I can say that it can be there advantage as well as from private school it is just that in
private they can provide tools and equipments to take advantage from others. But then, I still believe that
if you're willing to learn & to make productive things school doesn't matter, it is always from the students
who proves that the quality education have imparted to them.
Irene Joyce J. Espiritu

Activity 6

1. Name at least five characteristics of a multi-cultural classroom.

1. Content integration
2. Knowledge construction
3. Prejudice reduction
4. Equity pedagogy
5. Empowering school culture and social structure

2. What are some guidelines for a teacher who handles children with diverse background?

 Learn about your own culture.

 Learn about your students' culture.
 Understand your students' linguistic traits.
 Use this knowledge to inform your teaching.
 Use multicultural books and materials to foster cross-cultural understanding.
 Know about your students' home and school relationships.

3. List some cultural stereotypes that must be avoided.

Gender Stereotypes

Girls presently outperform boys in overall academic success. Corresponding gender stereotypes portray
male students as lazy and troublesome and female students as diligent and compliant.
Irene Joyce J. Espiritu

Activity 7

1. What are the purposes of the Teacher Exchange Programs?

The teacher exchange program is where qualified teachers can interchange places with teachers in other
nations, typically for a school year whether by semester or annual basis. It's the perfect chance for
educators to share ideas and knowledge, as well as learn about the best educational practices overseas.
Exchange programs create chances for participants to learn, to grow, and to work with other educators
abroad. Teacher Exchange program trained future teachers who instinctively appreciate the essence of
international collaboration, empathy, and global competitiveness.

2. As a prospective Filipino teacher, what benefits will you derive from these programs?

 A better understanding of other cultures.

 Enhanced language skills.
 Developing new pedagogy ideas.
 Bringing international perspectives to classrooms and schools.
 Exposure to different education systems and assessment methods.

3. How will the teacher exchange programs develop you as a global teacher?

Exchange programs create chances for participants to learn, to grow, and to work with other educators
abroad. teacher exchange program trained future teachers who instinctively appreciate the essence of
international collaboration, global, and empathy.
Irene Joyce J. Espiritu

Activity 8

1. Does it make a difference if teaching is simply regarded as a profession, not a

vocation and a mission?

Yes, it does.

When a teacher regards teaching only as a profession, he or she will just do everything to comply. The
tendency is, he or she may not do his or her best when teaching the students. Money and promotion
would be the sole basis of the hard work. He or she could forget the heart of teaching.

When a teacher regarded teaching as a vocation and a mission, the purpose is magnified. Vocation is not
only for marriage or priesthood. It is a call of service.

So, if the teacher views it this way, he or she won't only focus in the money and the achievements; he or
she will focus on the true purpose of teaching-- to help students learn. The heart of teaching will be there.
The love for the craft will radiate. Moreover, when teachers are more passionate, they will love their job
and their students. They regard the students' needs more. Thus, the students may learn more effectively,
and the love of learning may be etched in their hearts.

2. With the 5 qualities of a professional in mind, cite other Filipino traits that work

against the making of a true Filipino professional. Propose some remedial measures.

 CRAB MENTALITY. This Filipino trait is about competing with others in a bitter view. If a person
has no chances of winning, then they will drag others down with them. A professional teacher will
have co-workers, and as a professional, you might compete at some point but the important thing
is to strive without making others suffer.
 PROCRASTINATION. "Why do it now if you can do this tomorrow?", this is a very dangerous
phrase. A professional teacher has more tasks to do that should be finished as soon as possible.
A true professional does it earlier if possible.
 BAHALA NA HABIT. This trait shows when things get complicated and the person just completely
give up and say "bahaIa na" or translates to "come what may". As a professional complicated
things should still be handled as tasks are all important. There is always a way to finish a work,
that's how a professional works.
 NINGAS COGON. This shows when a person is just energetic and excited at the beginning and
eventually loses interest sooner or later. A professional teacher should become enthusiastic all
throughout the project or tasks.
 FILIPINO TIME. Becoming late is almost normal among Filipinos which is not a good thing. A
professional teacher must become a good example to the students by being punctual.
3. Of the 5 qualities of a professional, which to you is the most important? Why?

Interpersonal skills is the most important to me because it helps us to communicate more effectively with
other people.

4. Once more, read the letter to the teacher given above, then state the mission of the professional

To foster intellectual growth in my students by instilling in them a passion for learning as they pursue
truth, goodness, and beauty in my classroom. Achievement of my mission will lead to my students
becoming independent and critical thinkers.

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