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Higher National Certificate/Diploma in

Assessment Brief
Student Name & ID Number B.H.K. Janindu Bhanuka (M19981124006)
Unit Number and Title 11: Maths for Computing
Academic Year 2019/2020
Unit Tutor Ms Prabashi Manjani
Assignment Title Application of number theory , probability ,Vector geometry &
calculus in computing
Issue Date 6th December 2020
Submission Date 27th December 2020
IV Name & Date Mr Supun

Submission Format
This assignment should be submitted at the end of your lesson, on the week stated at the front of this brief.
The assignment can either be word-processed or completed in legible handwriting.

If the tasks are completed over multiple pages, ensure that your name and student number are present on
each sheet of paper.
Unit Learning Outcomes
LO1 Use applied number theory in practical computing scenarios
LO2 Analyse events using probability theory and probability distributions
LO3 Determine solutions of graphical examples using geometry and vector methods
LO4 Evaluate problems concerning differential and integral calculus.
Assignment Brief and Guidance
Suppose that you work for a company which operates in multidisciplinary streams such as hardware &
software development, sales, networking, resources management etc. you have been recruited by the
company and it is required for you to work in all the disciplines during the first year probationary period,
in order to gain minimum competence in each area. Following tasks asses your mathematics knowledge,
skills and its application in relevant areas of work that you are about to get involved.

Task 1

a) Programmes A, B & C, give out notifications every 2 days, every 5 days & every 6 days. when will
they give out notifications at the same time during the course of two month

b) Computer store A sells a package of 12 CPU’s for half price while Computer store B sells a
package of 9 Desktop monitors for half price. Suppose that you intend to buy CPU’s and monitors
to set up a gaming zone and find What is the least number of CPU’s and Desktop monitors you
need to buy in order to make sure you are not left with a surplus

c) A teacher has three computer science classes. Each class has 102, 72, and 120 students
respectively. He wants to divide each class into groups (members should be from the same class) In
order to give a common assignment so that every group in every class has the same number of
students. For the convenience of marking, the teacher expect to set up less number of groups as
possible. Find the number of students can put into each group.

d) Suppose you have two hard disks with different disk space’s 512 GB and 604 GB. If you are
required to partition both disks into equal capacity that are as large as possible, find the space that
should be allocated for each partition?

e) Describe importance of prime numbers in detail within the field of computing.

Task 2

HNC/HND Computing 3
a) It was determined that 75% of spam emails have “check this out” in the subject line while 10% of
non-spam emails have this sentence in the subject line. If you see a mail contains “”check this out”
by your filter, what is the probability that it is an actual spam?

b) Suppose that the company created an Image processing programme which can classify people
according to their hairstyle (long or short) through CCTV images. It is known that 90% males and
only 20% females have short hair. If the population comprised of 60% female & 40% male, find
the probability of being a male if the programme identifies a person with long hair.

c) The probability that a visitor to a Web site provides contact data for additional information is 0.01.
Assume that 2000 visitors to the site behave independently. Determine the following probabilities

i) No visitor provides contact data

ii) Exactly 100 visitors provide contact data

iii) More than 3 visitors provide contact data.

iv) What is the expected number of visitors provide contact data

d) The time until recharge for a battery in a laptop computer under common conditions is normally
distributed with a mean of 250 minutes and a standard deviation of 40 minutes.

i) What is the probability that a battery lasts more than four hours?

ii) What are the quartiles (the 25% and 75% values) of battery life?

iii) What value of life in minutes is exceeded with 95% probability?

e) Discuss the use of modular arithmetic’s in the field of computing

f) A hash function will be used in directing users to servers whereas the modular value of the output
will be used in determining the relevant server (i.e. modular value 1 directed to server 1) based on
the number calculated in part e). Given below are some of the outputs of hash function and

HNC/HND Computing 4
determine which server they belong to

i. 2048
ii. 3987
iii. 2675

g) Find of the multiplicative inverse 2675 (mod n) whereas “n” is the number of servers

Task 3

a) Plot following points Cartesian coordinates and enclose it to make a polygon ABCDEA such as
A(0,2) ; B(4,8); C(15,5); D(12,4) ;E(6,2)

i. Find the length of the line AC without using the diagram

ii. Find the area of the polygon without using the diagram

b) Draw a view port P(0,0) ,Q(0,10),R(16,10), S(16,0) and assume it as the output screen of the
computer zoomed at 100 %.Suppose that you have zoomed out to 40% keeping the same aspect
ratio ,redraw the image that can be visualized in the screen and also define the new boundaries of
the viewport.

Task 4

a) A monitor to be made with 864cm2 display area with 2cm margins from top & bottom and 3cm
margins in sides. Find the dimensions of the monitor with least total area.

b) A software office complex has the space to accommodate 250 employees. For every person they
employ (𝑥) then their monthly profit, in rupees, can be approximated by the equation:

𝑃 (𝑥) = −8𝑥 2 + 3200𝑥 − 80000

Find How many people should they employ to maximise their profits?

c) Find the area enclosed by 𝑓 (𝑥 ) = −𝑥 2 + 4𝑥 + 96 , 𝑔(𝑥 ) = −𝑥 3 + 27, 𝑥 = −1 and x=2

d) The rate at which the depletion of charge of a portable computer battery is directly proportional to

HNC/HND Computing 5
the charge of the battery at any given instance. Suppose that it was charged to 100% before use.
After one hour of usage, it was reduced to 70%. Find the percentage charge after three hours

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Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor Signature Date

Student Signature Janindu Bhanuka Date 2020.12.27

HNC/HND Computing 8
Student Assessment Submission and Declaration
When submitting evidence for assessment, each student must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their own.
Student name: Assessor name:
Janindu Bhanuka Ms. Prabhashi Manjani

Issue date: Submission date: Submitted on:

2020.12.06 2020.12.27 2020.12.27

HND in Computing

11: Maths for Computing

Assignment number and title:

Application of number theory , probability ,Vector geometry & calculus in computing

Plagiarism is a particular form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students who break the rules, however
innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct referencing practices. As a university
level student, you are expected to use appropriate references throughout and keep carefully detailed notes of all your sources of
materials for material you have used in your work, including any material downloaded from the Internet. Please consult the
relevant unit lecturer or your course tutor if you need any further advice.

Student Declaration
Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of
plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student signature: Janindu Bhanuka Date: 2020.12.27

HNC/HND Computing 9
Assessment Brief ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Plagiarism .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Least Common Multiple (L.C.M) ............................................................................................................................. 12
Task 1.1 ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Task 1.2 ................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Greatest Common Factor (G.C.F) ........................................................................................................................... 14
Task 1.3 ................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Task 1.4 ................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Task 1.5 ................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Derivative .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Task 4.1 ................................................................................................................................................................. 16
.............................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Task 4.2 ................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Task 4.3 ................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Task 4.4 ................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Task 3.1 ................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Task 3.2 ................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Probability ............................................................................................................................................................. 20
Task 2.1 ................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Task 2.2 ................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Task 2.3 ................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Task 2.5 ................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Task 2.6 ................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Task 2.7 ................................................................................................................................................................. 24

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Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my Subject Lecturer and my Assignment
Adviser Miss. Prabhashi Manjani at the CINEC Campus for giving good guidance and motivation to me.

Also, in preparing for this project, I could not complete it without the support of my batch mates.
They always direct me to create this project successfully.

My sincere thanks also go to my dearest parents for giving me valuable advice and for giving me their
maximum support to complete this project.

Finally, I would like to say Thank you to the unmentioned people who have guided me, directly and
indirectly, to write this project successfully.

HNC/HND Computing 11
Task 01
Least Common Multiple (L.C.M)
Least Common Multiple is the smallest positive number which is get by the multiple of two or more prime
numbers. To find the Least Common Multiple of any positive number we can follow the below mentioned
1) As the first step, we have to write each positive number as a multiple of prime numbers or we can
divide each positive number by a prime number. Prime numbers are the neutral numbers which have
only two factors. The two factors are 1 and themselves. Prime numbers are always greater than 1.
Ex-: 2 = 2 x 1 (Two factors are 2 & 1)
3 = 3 x 1 (Two factors are 3 & 1)
5 = 5 x 1 (Two factors are 5 & 1)
2) As the second step, we have to identify the common prime numbers in multiplications of each
number. Then we have to write the identified prime common number pairs as a one number. The
remaining prime numbers are write as a multiplication.
3) After completing above step, we can get the Least Common Multiple by multiplying the each
identified prime numbers and remaining prime numbers. This is the final step.
Let’s find out the Least Common Multiple of 30 and 45.
 First Step – Multiplication of Prime Numbers
o 30 = 2 x 3 x 5
o 45 = 3 x 3 x 5
 Second Step – Identify the common pairs
o 30 = 2 x 3 x 5 (Remaining = 2 &3, common pairs = 3 & 5)
o 45 = 3 x 3 x 5
 Third Step – Remaining x Common Pairs
LCM = 2 x 3 x 3 x 5
The Least Common Multiple of 30 and 45 is 90.

Task 1.1
Programmes A, B & C, give out notifications every 2 days, every 5 days & every 6 days. When will they
give out notifications at the same time during the course of two month?

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Programmer Notification Frequency
A Every 2 days
B Every 5 days
C Every 6 days
In this Question, we have to find the least common factor of days 2, 5 and 6 because we must have to find the
days within two months that the programmers’ notifications will be received at the same time. Let’s go.
 First Step – Multiplication of Prime Numbers
 2=2x1
 5=5x1
 6=2x3
 Second Step – Identify the common pairs
 2=2x1 (Remaining = 5 &3, common pairs = 2 & 1)
 5=5x1
 6=2x3
 Third Step – Remaining x Common Pairs
LCM = 5 x 3 x 2 x 1
After 30 days, they give out notifications at the same time during the course of two month.

Task 1.2
Computer store A sells a package of 12 CPU’s for half price while Computer store B sells a package of
9 Desktop monitors for half price. Suppose that you intend to buy CPU’s and monitors to set up a
gaming zone and find What is the least number of CPU’s and Desktop monitors you need to buy in
order to make sure you are not left with a surplus?
In this question, we have to find the least common factor of 12 and 9 because we must have to find the least
number of CPU’s and monitors for the gaming zone.
 First Step – Multiplication of Prime Numbers
 9 =3x3
 12 = 2 x 2 x 3
 Second Step – Identify the common pairs
 9 = 3 x 3 (Remaining = 3 & 2, common pairs = 3)
 12 = 2 x 2 x 3
 Third Step – Remaining x Common Pairs
LCM = 3 x 3 x 2 x 2
We have to by 36 CPUs from A and 36 monitors from B to the gaming zone.

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Greatest Common Factor (G.C.F)
Greatest Common Factor is the largest positive number which is get by the multiplication of two or more
prime numbers. GCF also called as “The Greatest Common Divisor” or “The Highest Common Factor”. To
find the greatest common factor of any positive number we can follow the below mentioned steps.
1) As the first step, we have to write each positive number as a multiple of prime numbers or we can
divide each positive number by a prime number.
2) As the second step, we have to identify the common prime numbers in multiplications of each
number. Then we have to write the identified prime common number pairs as a one number. But we
do not get the remaining numbers to find the GCF.
4) After completing above step, we can get the GCF by multiplying the each identified prime numbers.
This is the final step.
Let’s find out the Greatest Common Factor of 30 and 45.
 First Step – Multiplication of Prime Numbers
o 30 = 2 x 3 x 5
o 45 = 3 x 3 x 5
 Second Step – Identify the common pairs
o 30 = 2 x 3 x 5 (Common pairs = 3 & 5)
o 45 = 3 x 3 x 5
 Third Step – Remaining x Common Pairs
LCM = 3 x 5
The Greatest Common Factor of 30 and 45 is 15.

Task 1.3
A teacher has three computer science classes. Each class has 102, 72, and 120 students respectively. He
wants to divide each class into groups (members should be from the same class) In order to give a
common assignment so that every group in every class has the same number of students. For the
convenience of marking, the teacher expect to set up less number of groups as possible. Find the
number of students can put into each group.
In this question, we have to find the greatest common factor of students 102, 72 and 120 because the
requirement is set up a less number of groups with same number of students in every class. So, we have to
find the largest number which can divide the three numbers 120, 72 and 102.
 First Step – Multiplication of Prime Numbers
 72 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3
 102 = 2 x 3 x 17
 120 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 5

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 Second Step – Identify the common pairs
 72 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3
 102 = 2 x 3 x 17
 120 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 5

 Third Step – Common Pairs

GCF = 2 x 3
We can put 6 students to each group.

Task 1.4
Suppose you have two hard disks with different disk space’s 512 GB and 604 GB. If you are required
to partition both disks into equal capacity that are as large as possible, find the space that should be
allocated for each partition?
In this question, we have to find the greatest common factor of the disk capacity 512 and 604 because the
requirement is to partition both disks into equal capacity that are as large as possible.
 First Step – Multiplication of Prime Numbers
 512 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
 604 = 2 x 2 x 151
 Second Step – Identify the common pairs
 512 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
 604 = 2 x 2 x 151
 Third Step – Common Pairs
GCF = 2 x 2
We have to allocate 4GB space for each partition.

Task 1.5
Describe importance of prime numbers in detail within the field of computing.
Prime numbers are the neutral numbers which have only two factors. The two factors are 1 and themselves.
Prime numbers are always greater than 1. Prime numbers are linked with the computer technology since
1950. Mainly, prime numbers are used to build up secret codes. In modern computer cryptography is based
on the prime factors of then large numbers. We use large numbers to encrypt any file but we have to know
the prime factor of that larger number to decrypt the file. This is called “Public Key Cryptography”. The
Rivest Shamir Adlema algorithm (RSA algorithm) is also based on the prime numbers. This algorithm is
used to encrypt and decrypt massages in modern computers.

HNC/HND Computing 15
Task 04
Derivative is the rate of progress of a capacity concerning a variable. If we have to find the derivative of a
variable power, there is a rule for get the answer. We must multiply the variable by the variable power and
subtract the power of variable by 1. The subtracted power must write as the new power of derivative variable.
Ex-: Derivative of X2
D/dx [X2] = 2 x X2-1
= 2X1
If any variable power has a constant, we can write the constant to the front and derivative the remaining.
Ex-: Derivative of 4X2
D/dx [4X2] = 4 x D/dx [X2]
= 4 (2X2-1)
= 4 (2X1)

Task 4.1
A monitor to be made with 864cm2 display area with 2cm margins from top & bottom and 3cm
margins in sides. Find the dimensions of the monitor with least total area.

(X + 6)

2cm Display Area

(Y + 4)
X 3cm

Frame Area

HNC/HND Computing 16
Length Width Area
Display X Y X*Y / 864cm2
Monitor X+6 Y+4 (X+6)( Y+4) / A

According to the above table you can identify the area of the display 864cm2 is equal to X *Y (Length x
Width). Also, I get “A” as the area of the monitor. A is equal to (X+6) (Y+4). To find the dimensions of the
monitor, we have to find the values for the X &Y.
The answer is at the Task 4.1.pdf.

Task 4.2
A software office complex has the space to accommodate 250 employees. For every person they employ
(𝒙) then their monthly profit, in rupees, can be approximated by the equation.
𝑷(𝒙) = −𝟖𝒙𝟐 + 𝟑𝟐𝟎𝟎𝒙 − 𝟖𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎. Find how many people should they employ to maximise their

The answer of this equation is equal to the maximum number of employees who are contribute to the
software office complex to gain the maximum profit. We have to derivate the equation to get value for the X.

The answer is at the Task 4.2.pdf.

Task 4.3
Find the area enclosed by (𝒙) = −𝒙𝟐 + 𝟒𝒙 + 𝟗𝟔 , 𝒈(𝒙) = −𝒙𝟑 + 𝟐𝟕, 𝒙 = −𝟏 and x=2
The Area A of the two curves y = f(x), y = g(x) and the lines x = a, x = b, where f and g are continuous f(x) ≥
g(x) for all x in [a, b] is,
∫ [𝒇(𝒙) − 𝒈(𝒙)]𝒅𝒙

The answer is at the Task 4.3.pdf.

Task 4.4
The rate at which the depletion of charge of a portable computer battery is directly proportional to
the charge of the battery at any given instance. Suppose that it was charged to 100% before use. After
one hour of usage, it was reduced to 70%. Find the percentage charge after three hours.

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The answer is at the Task 4.4.pdf

Task 03
Task 3.1
Plot following points Cartesian coordinates and enclose it to make a polygon ABCDEA such as A(0,2) ;
B(4,8); C(15,5); D(12,4) ;E(6,2)

1) Find the length of the line AC without using the diagram

2) Find the area of the polygon without using the diagram
All values are in square units. The answer is at the Task 3.1.pdf.
Task 3.2
Draw a view port P(0,0) ,Q(0,10),R(16,10), S(16,0) and assume it as the output screen of the computer
zoomed at 100 %.Suppose that you have zoomed out to 40% keeping the same aspect ratio ,redraw the
image that can be visualized in the screen and also define the new boundaries of the viewport.

First of all, we have to find the area of the mentioned polygon which is mentioned in the above description.
The designed polygon is at the Task 3.2.pdf. Let’s find out the area of the polygon.
PQRS Area = Length * Width
1. Length
X Y Length = Y2 – Y1
= 10-0
P 0 0 = 10
Q 0 10

2. Width
X Y Width = Y2 – Y1
= 16-0
R 16 10 = 16
S 16 0

PQRS Area = Length * Width

= 10 * 16

HNC/HND Computing 18
= 160
The 100% zoomed screen area is 160. So, we have to find the 40% zoomed screen area.
The 100% zoomed screen area = 160
The 40% zoomed screen area = (160 * 40) / 100
= 64
So, we have to find the remaining area for the new coordinates.
Remaining Area = 160-64
= 96
Reaming area is equal to the total of top margin area, bottom margin area, left margin area and right margin
 Top margin area = 16
 Bottom margin area = 16
 Left margin area = 32
 Right margin area = 32

According to the plot, the ABCD is the new coordinates for the 40% zoomed screen is mentioned as follows.
 A = (4 , 1)
 B = (4 , 9)
 C = (12 , 1)
 D = (12 , 9)

A 4 1

B 4 9
C 12 1
D 12 9

HNC/HND Computing 19
Task 02
Probability is the chance of an event occurring. We can get the probability of an event by the following

Number of ways it can happen

Probability =
Total number of possible outcome

 When we tossing a coin, there are only 2 possible outcomes .They are Head & Tail.
 The probability of receiving head = ½
 The probability of receiving tail = ½
 When we throwing a dice, there are 6 possible outcomes. They are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
 The probability of getting any number = 1/6
 The probability of getting odd number = 3/6
We can simplify 3/6 into ½ by dividing the 3 and 6 from 3.
 The probability of getting even number = 3/6
Also, we can simplify 3/6 into ½ by dividing the 3 and 6 from 3.

Task 2.1
It was determined that 75% of spam emails have “check this out” in the subject line while 10% of non-
spam emails have this sentence in the subject line. If you see a mail contains “check this out” by your
filter, what is the probability that it is an actual spam?
According to the description, emails only have two types. That is spam and non-spam emails. 75% of spam
emails have the subject of check this out. From this sentence, we can find out the remaining 25% of spam
emails have the not check this out at the subject. Also, 10% of non-spam emails have the subject of check
this out. From this sentence, we can find out the remaining 90% of non-spam emails have the not check this
out at the subject. To find the answer for this question, we have to draw a tree diagram for the given scenario.
Tree diagram is a solving tool in the fields of general maths, probability & statistics that help to find the
quantity of potential results of an event or an issue, and to refer to those possible results in an organized way.
According to this description I deigned a tree diagram for this scenario.

HNC/HND Computing 20
Check This
Out Tag
Spam 75%
50% Not Check
This Out Tag
Email 100%
Check This
Out Tag
Non- Spam 10%
Number of ways it can 50% Not Check happen
Probability = This Out Tag
Total number of possible outcome 90%

Frist of all, we have to find the total number of check this out subject from spam and non-spam emails.
Total = (Spam Email x Check this out subject) + (Non-Spam Email x Check this out subject)
Total = (50/100 x 75/100) + (50/100 x 10/100)
Total = 37.5/100 + 5/100
Total = 42.5/100
Then we have to find the number of check this out subject form spam emails.
Number of check this out subject from spam emails = (50/100 x 75/100)
= 37.5/100

Now, we can find the probability of the all check this out subject from an actual spam.
Number of check this out subject from spam emails
Probability =
(Spam Email x Check this out subject) + (Non-Spam Email x Check this out subject)
Probability = (37.5/100) / (42.5/100)
Probability = 37.5/42.5

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Task 2.2
Suppose that the company created an Image processing programme which can classify people
according to their hairstyle (long or short) through CCTV images. It is known that 90% males and
only 20% females have short hair. If the population comprised of 60% female & 40% male, find the
probability of being a male if the programme identifies a person with long hair.

People can divide into two types by considering their characteristics. That’s male and female. According to
the above description, we know there is 40% of male and 60% female persons. From 40% of males, 90%
have short hair and remaining 10% have long hair. From 60% of females, 20% have short hair and remaining
80% have long hair. According to this description I deigned a tree diagram for this scenario.

Long Hair
Short Hair
People 100%
Long Hair
Short Hair

Number of ways it can happen

Probability =
Total number of possible outcome

HNC/HND Computing 22
First of all, we have to find the total number of long hair people from male and female persons.
Total = (Male x Long Hair) + (Female x Long Hair)
Total = (40/100 x 10/100) + (60/100 x 80/100)
Total = 4/100 + 48/100
Total = 52/100
Then, we have to find the number of long hair from male persons.
Number of long hair from male persons = 40/100 x 10/100
= 4/100
Now, we can find out the probability of long hair of a male person form total number of long hair persons.
Number of long hair from male persons
Probability =
(Male x Long Hair) + (Female x Long Hair)
Probability = (52/100) / (4/100)
Probability = 4/52 = 1/13

Task 2.3
The probability that a visitor to a Web site provides contact data for additional information is 0.01.
Assume that 2000 visitors to the site behave independently. Determine the following probabilities
1. No visitor provides contact data
2. Exactly 100 visitors provide contact data
3. More than 3 visitors provide contact data.
4. What is the expected number of visitors provide contact data

To find the answers for these questions we use binomial theorem. Binomial Theorem is a recurrence
appropriation of the conceivable number of fruitful results in a given number of preliminaries in every one of
which there is a similar likelihood of progress. (Glen, n.d.). The formula of binomial theorem is,

HNC/HND Computing 23
The answer is at Task 2.3.pdf.

Task 2.5
Discuss the use of modular arithmetic in the field of computing
Modular Arithmetic is used widely in pure maths, where it is a foundation of number theorem. However,
modular arithmetic has many practical applications. It is utilized to compute checksums for international
standard book numbers (ISBNs) and bank identifiers (Iban numbers) and to detect mistakes in them.

Modular Arithmetic also used in public key cryptography frameworks, which are imperative for current
trade. It is also utilized in software engineering. In computer field, it is used to create rings, fields and groups
in modern public key crypto systems. For example, we use Diffie Hellman Theory to implement IP-Sec VPN

Task 2.6
A hash function will be used in directing users to servers whereas the modular value of the output will
be used in determining the relevant server (i.e. modular value 1 directed to server 1) based on the
number calculated in part e). Given below are some of the outputs of hash function and determine
which server they belong to.
iv. 2048
v. 3987
vi. 2675
2048 = 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2
3987 = 3x3x443
2675 = 5x5x107
The answer is at the Task2.6.pdf

Task 2.7
Find of the multiplicative inverse 2675 (mod n) whereas “n” is the number of servers

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