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I am going to talk about the coronavirus because it changed my life a lot and I had

curiosity about it.

The covid nineteen is a virus, which means that it is not alive, but it is still very
dangerous. There are many reasons why scientists think that it can spread so quickly:
Is a new virus for humans and the people start transmiting the virus before having any

When did it start?

Covid apeared in China at the end of 2019 and in Spain in February of 2020. It
spread very quickly and confination started at the middle of March. We were confined
during the alarm state. It began on the fifteenth of March and finished on the twenty
first of june.

How we protect ourselves?

To protect ourselves we have to wear a facial mask outside home all the time,
keep distance with people we don't live and wash or disinfect our hands very often.

It will be difficult to control the virus, but I think that with the vaccinations we
are going to be able to do some of our favourite things again.

What do you like and dislike about coronavirus

I like the online lessons and spending more time at home because I can see my
family for longer. Before Coronavirus arrived, I didn’t see my grandparents so often
because they lived in the city, but now they live with us and we can spend a lot of
time together. For example We play parchiisi, and go for walks near my home.

What I don’t like of covid is that I cannot spend time with my friends, go to
many of my favourite places, wearing facial masks all the time and having my mother
disinfecting me every five minutes. It is very anoying.

Which arte the differences between this virus and the others?

The main differences is that the coronavirus is more resistant and can spread
more quickly than other viruses.

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