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FALL 2021
BUS 251.10

A. Limit the uses of passive voice. Convert to active voice where possible.

1. It is believed by the writer that this company policy is wrong.


2. The union was represented by Cecil Chambers.


3. These reports are prepared by the salespeople every Friday.

. ………………………………………….

4. Our decision is based on the belief that the national economy will be improved.

B. Make these sentences more readable by breaking them up or restructuring them.

In "An Anthropologist on Mars," Sacks lists some of the known facts about autism we know for
example, that the condition occurs in roughly one out of every thousand children we also know
that the characteristics of autism do not vary from one culture to the next and we know that the
condition is difficult to diagnose until the child has entered the second or third year of life as
Sacks points out, often a child who goes on to develop autism will show no sign of the condition
at the age of one Sacks observes, however, that researchers have had a hard time agreeing on the
causes of autism.

C.Write the best/correct answer or choose the correct Alphabet (a-h)

1. Which of the following is the best example of the use of concrete words?
a. Mike fared well in the last exam
b. Mike came out with flying colors in his last exam
c. Mike received 100 points in his last exam
d. Mike fared better than his peers in his last exam

2. Which of the following statements is true about the writing process?

a. The steps involved in the writing process are not interrelated
b. It does not follow a strict chronological order
c. It is not a recursive process
d. Its context remains constant irrespective of the target audience

3. According to readability studies, sentences written for middle-level adult readers

should average about:
a. 8-10 words per sentence
b. 16-18 words per sentence
c. 18-24 words per sentence
d. 10-14 words per sentence

4. Which of the following sentence is gender-neutral?

a. Policemen searched the premises before the banquet
b. Every flight attendant must cater to the needs of the passengers
c. The teacher graded her tests at home
d. The chairman of the company has been elected

5. Which of the following is true about social media?

a. Social media is used solely for personal purposes and not for business
b. Messages on social networking sites are not restricted to fixed number
of characters
c. The messages on social networking sites are not public
d. Social media is used to promote products

D. Rewrite the following sentences with You Viewpoint. (Marks 2)

1. We have worked for 17 years to build the best lawnmowers for our customers.

2. Today we are shipping the goods you ordered on February 3rd.
3.We are happy to have your order for kopper products, which we are sending today by
Mercury Freight.
4.We have shipped the two dozen Crown desk sets you ordered.

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