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Họ c phầ n: KNT B1.2 (VIẾ T)

KHOA TIẾNG ANH Ngà y thi: 21/10/2021

Part 1
Questions 1-5:
For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
Use no more than three words
Write only the missing words on your answer sheet.
1. I look forward to seeing you.
Can't wait to see you.
2. Shall we go somewhere for a cup of coffee after class?
Let's go somewhere for a cup of coffee after class.
3. Should we meet in front of the shopping center?
Why don’t we meet in front of the shopping center?
4. I discovered a new clothes store on ABC street.
I came across a new clothes store on ABC street.
5. I would be grateful if you would phone me tomorrow.
Please give me a call tomorrow.
Part 2:
Question 6
You want to go to a shopping center for some clothes this weekend in your town. Write an
email to one of your friends. In your email, you should:
- ask your friend to go with you.
- say what you want to buy.
- suggest a time and a place to meet.
Write 40 - 50 words.

Hi Thao
Would you like to go to the supermarket for some clothes this weekend? I’d like to get some
clothes for me and my daughter. We meet outside the supermarket at about 9. Please give me a
call as soon as you read this email.
Hope you can come!
Your friend!

Question 7
Write a short paragraph, about 100 - 150 words about your favorite movie.
I have seen many movies, both English and China. However, my favorite
movies is “Titanic”. This is one of greatest movie that I have ever watch.  
If I remember correctly, I watched it almost 5 years ago. I watched it online with my friends
at home. Titanic is a romantic film but I don’t remember who directed it because normally
I don’t pay much attention to the director.  
The film was about love story of Rose and Jack. There are several reasons why this movie left
a strong impression on me. For one thing, I like it because the romantic content. Jack was a
poor young man but he got a ticket for a luxurious ship, Titanic. Rose was from the American
upper class and she was engaged to a man. She met Jack in Titanic and they fell in love.
However, the ship was accident. Many people dead include Jack. Rose was survived because
Jack helped her to climb on a boat. Jack sacrificed himself for Rose. They tried to save each
other. It showed the power of love could do everything. For another, the song “My heart will
go on” at the end of the story perfect.  
If you looking for a brilliant movie to watch in your spare time, Titanic is highly

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