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TITANIC FILM REVIEW T It is quite difficult to find a film which can b t blend an origin love story with any

y kind o historic event in such a su nal w of uccessful way a as T Titanicdoes. T movie, directed by James Cameron and r This released in 1997, stands out fo being a film a or almost everyon has seen or a ne at any rate Heard o of. While the film d W does take place on the famous ship (which, by the way, sank in 1912, that is to say , a hun s k ndred years ago the plot is no o) ot re nor are the main characte Neverthele one can eas spot direct references to f eal, e ers. ess, sily famous people who were actu ually on the ship, such as Mr. Gug ggenheim. Leonardo di Caprio and Kate Winslet are Ja and Rose, two character coming from very different social backgr ack rs m rounds who will eventually fall for each other. Rose, who is t marry almos against her own will a hear to st o rtless man calle Cal, will hav to deal with a ed ve snobbish societ only worried about Mone Jack, an artista with litt to no Mon ty ey. tle ney, will sabe Roses life bo literally an oth nd metaphorically, although their love story ends in tragedy wh the Titanic sinks in the middle of the oce and Jack passes away. m s hen ean The T story is told by Rose herse who, years a d elf after the accide gets in touch with a group of experts wh are trying to find a long-lost ent, p ho o je ewel. Gradually the treasure hunt becomes irrelevant, for Roses experie y, ence on the Titanic turns ou to be far more valuable tha ut an th fabled Heart of the Ocean he n. I personally enjoyed this film a lot: to start with, the acto performace is brilliant, w ors e which indeed is important. Fu s urthermore, an nd -taking shots (fo instance, wh the ship bre or hen eaks into two pieces). despite the film having breathThus, I would th T herefore recommend this film to those who h have not seen it yet. It does no have a happy ending, yet I think everythin ot ng has been dealt w sensibility. with . Ddac Fenoll


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