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It is the mother from whom differentiation must primarily be accomplished, thus providing an analogy between sacrifice, the

pollution of female reproduction, and male "rebirth." Nancy Jay and a Feminist Psychology of Sacrifice Kelley Ann Raab

Origin of Menstruation -- Douglas has suggested

that, menstruation could be assumed to have a
priestly and therefore divine source.


It is the mother from whom differentiation must

primarily be accomplished, thus providing an
analogy between sacrifice, the pollution of female
reproduction, and male "rebirth."
Nancy Jay and a Feminist Psychology of
Sacrifice Kelley Ann Raab
It is the mother from whom differentiation must primarily be accomplished, thus providing an analogy between sacrifice, the
pollution of female reproduction, and male "rebirth." Nancy Jay and a Feminist Psychology of Sacrifice Kelley Ann Raab

… In order to be like God knowledge would have to

be some form of wisdom where secret processes
were unfolded. This would then give Adam, as we
have pointed out, a range of choice, a godlike
independence which he did possess before. The
Knowledge Of Good And Evil
Therold S. Stern

The polis was consistently concerned with bringing

the world of human affairs into alignment with the
affairs of the gods. Cult and ritual were quite
simply considered essential for the continuing
existence and health of the Athenian polis.
Feasts, Citizens, And Cultic Democracy In
Classical Athens - Nancy A. Evans

Fucking With The Gods -
how men usurped menstruants as
the original priests
- devising methods of bloodshed
sought to become like the gods in
their engagement with them

[They] "are drawn from edible substances, and indeed from such
substances as form the ordinary staple of human food." He adds:
"All sacrifices were taken by the ancients as being
literally the food of the gods."
Substances in Semitic sacrifices
Professor W. Robertson Smith.
It is the mother from whom differentiation must primarily be accomplished, thus providing an analogy between sacrifice, the
pollution of female reproduction, and male "rebirth." Nancy Jay and a Feminist Psychology of Sacrifice Kelley Ann Raab


Menstrual blood … occasionally fit to be an honorific offering to a god.

The first napkin worn by a virgin was to be saved for use as a cure for
the plague The Curse Delaney, Lupton, and Toth

Gunnel Ekroth suggests that the ancient Greek cow would have contained
between five and ten liters of blood, as compared to a present-day cow, which
has as many as forty liters. Obviously, all of this blood would not have
been spilt during a sacrifice.
It is the mother from whom differentiation must primarily be accomplished, thus providing an analogy between sacrifice, the
pollution of female reproduction, and male "rebirth." Nancy Jay and a Feminist Psychology of Sacrifice Kelley Ann Raab

… In order to be like God knowledge would have to

be some form of wisdom where secret processes were
unfolded. This would then give Adam, as we have
pointed out, a range of choice, a godlike
independence which he did possess before. The
Knowledge Of Good And Evil
Therold S. Stern
The polis was consistently concerned with bringing
the world of human affairs into alignment with the
affairs of the gods. Cult and ritual were quite simply
considered essential for the continuing existence and
health of the Athenian polis.
Feasts, Citizens, And Cultic Democracy In
Classical Athens - Nancy A. Evans

shrines & temples - the hubs
- of ancient Greek city-states
on the menstruant
as the original priest
on ancient clans
becoming tribes
‘It is the men that are the Polis’

… The cult, in contrast, flourished and it continued

to articulate what it meant to be a citizen in
democratic Athens and how that citizen should act.
Religion and the Polis -
The Cult of the Tyrannicides at Athens
Julia L. Shear
It is the mother from whom differentiation must primarily be accomplished, thus providing an analogy between sacrifice, the
pollution of female reproduction, and male "rebirth." Nancy Jay and a Feminist Psychology of Sacrifice Kelley Ann Raab

But why and how did mortals, human beings, gain such a holdover "the affairs of the
gods"? It turns out that among these people, "our" Greeks, the gods, the gods of Olympus
and the whole world, never thought of inventing such a thing as a "city." … clamoring
for the privileges of a so-called poliad deity as it were,. …
The Gods of Politics in Early Greek Cities - Marcel Detienne and Janet Lloyd

women in sacrifice
- Ancient Egypt & Ancient Greece

“For, if bleeding, not having political rights, and not shedding blood
are causally linked, then whether we take sacrificial exclusion to be
a product of having no political rights, or having no political rights
to be a product of sacrificial exclusion, the bleeding at least must be
cause and not the product of either sacrificial or political deprivation.”

In order to ensure this separation between descent through sacrifice and

biological descent, women are generally excluded from direct sacrificial
practices. In many cultures, this exclusion is achieved through the establishment
of the dichotomy between the purity of sacrifice and the pollution of
menstruation and/or childbirth. This opposition between bloodshed in sacrifice
and blood shedding by women excludes women from performing sacrificial acts
It is the mother from whom differentiation must primarily be accomplished, thus providing an analogy between sacrifice, the
pollution of female reproduction, and male "rebirth." Nancy Jay and a Feminist Psychology of Sacrifice Kelley Ann Raab

If women have no God," she argues,

"they are unable either to communicate
or commune with one another"
"The Only Diabolical Thing about Women...":
Luce Irigaray on Divinity
Penelope Deutscher

While sexual activity and the sacred were incompatible in the

Greek religious system, whatever impurity was incurred
through intercourse could be eliminated in most Greek women
simply by washing. For priestesses, however, washing was not
always sufficient; they had to remain chaste for short periods
of time.
The Role Of The Old Priestess: Ritual Agency And The
Post-Menopausal Body In Ancient Greece
Kristen Marie Gentile

gender wars at the home front
and the menstrual aura of death
Sacrifice as a gender reversal of male and female roles
patriarchal societies and rituals of blood sacrifice –
male appropriating and transcending women's
reproductive powers

In order to demonstrate their

masculine ritual potency men must
“menstruate” and “give birth”.
It is the mother from whom differentiation must primarily be accomplished, thus providing an analogy between sacrifice, the
pollution of female reproduction, and male "rebirth." Nancy Jay and a Feminist Psychology of Sacrifice Kelley Ann Raab

Menstruation And The Origins Of

Chris Knight

the original
priest as helpmeet

Origin of Menstruation -- Douglas has suggested that,

menstruation could be assumed to have a priestly and
therefore divine source.

“The practice of self-laceration, of being prepared to offer up their own blood,

was common to the zealous of both Mexico and Phoenicia.”
James Baily, "The God-Kings & the Titans

Rites of Passage - The Blood Sacrifice its symbolism and psychology

Mats Winther
The practice of male circumcision in modern society is connected with the rites of passage among aboriginals,
which might include scarring, etc. In amputation disorder (see below, here), cutting off a leg has arguably the same
castrative quality. To do damage to ones original nature is to die to the old life of youthful wholeness and to emerge
into the life of culture, where one is bound to be maimed, and where one cannot give full expression to ones
potential, but must submit to the societal ideals. It’s like the deity wants his own devotees to damage themselves so
they can fit into male society.
It is the mother from whom differentiation must primarily be accomplished, thus providing an analogy between sacrifice, the
pollution of female reproduction, and male "rebirth." Nancy Jay and a Feminist Psychology of Sacrifice Kelley Ann Raab
Her Isaac &
Her Status As Matriarch
Priestess, Sacrificer & Slaughterer
on sacrifice and the intrinsic difficulty in establishing biological paternity, on
partus, sequitur ventrem, on male appropriation of female powers, on male
“rebirth”, menopausal women and their three-part role as priestess, sacrificer, and

It is the mother from whom differentiation must primarily be

accomplished, thus providing an analogy between sacrifice,
the pollution of female reproduction, and male "rebirth."
Nancy Jay and a Feminist Psychology of Sacrifice
Kelley Ann Raab

Sacrifice is “male child-birthing”, to use a phrase from Hawaiian sacrifice, since sacrificial rituals establish the
social identity of the child. Birth by women is overcome in the various sacrificial rituals which attribute the social
“birth” of a child to the father, even in matriarchal societies. … The person born from a woman is mortal, “but the
man integrated into an ‘eternal’ social order to that degree transcends mortality”.
Envy of Maternal Functions in Sacrific Rituals
Naomi Janowitz

So there she stood, absurd in the cosmic scene,

an old woman bent as a question mark,
a mote in the eye of God.
Sarah's Choice, by Eleanor Wilner
It is the mother from whom differentiation must primarily be accomplished, thus providing an analogy between sacrifice, the
pollution of female reproduction, and male "rebirth." Nancy Jay and a Feminist Psychology of Sacrifice Kelley Ann Raab

"To be rapable ... defines what a woman is’ …

The discourse of misogyny runs like a rich vein throughout the

breadth of medieval literature.

Medieval Misogyny
R. Howard Bloch

If the above title seems redundant, it is because the topic of

misogyny, like the mace or chastity belt, participates in a
vestigial horror practically synonymous with the term
medieval, and because one of the assumptions governing our
perception of the Middle Ages is the viral presence of

The mother
on misogyny and matrimony -
on female malady and monstrosity
- ancient, medieval & early modern

For the slave has no deliberative faculty

(bouleutikon) at all; the woman has, but it is without
authority (akuron), and the child has, but it is

Only a deep understanding

of our propensity to retreat
to misogyny in time of crisis
can help us transcend
this pattern.
Diane Jonte Pace
The woman "is in every respect backward, lacking in reason
and reflection ... a kind of middle step between the child and
the man, who is the true human being. … In the last resort,
It is the mother from whom differentiation must primarily be accomplished, thus providing an analogy between sacrifice, the
pollution of female reproduction, and male "rebirth." Nancy Jay and a Feminist Psychology of Sacrifice Kelley Ann Raab

women exist solely for the propagation of the race."

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860)

[On] Militant Hysteria –

No doctor . ... can ever lose sight of the fact that
the mind of woman is always threatened with danger
from the reverberations of her physiological emergencies.”
Sir Almroth Wright
Letter On Militant Hysteria
Reprinted By Permission From The Times (London), March 28, 1919.
To The Editor Of The Times

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