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Submitted for Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Acquiring
Undergraduated Degree in English Education

Nanda Ghufronudin
Std. ID Num. 111060008



I hereby certify that the thesis entitled “The Effect of Blog Online
Towards Free Writing” is truly originally work my own. I do not plagiarize. All
quotations are made according to ethics of the scientific community. If in the
future, elements of the plagiarism are found, I will be responsible and willing to
accept sanctions under the rules of conduct of the University of Swadaya Gunung
Jati Cirebon.

Cirebon, October 2015


Nanda Ghufronudin



Arranged by:
NIM. 111060008

Approved to be submitted to the examination board by:

Supervisor I

Wendi Kusriandi, S.S., M. Pd.

NIDN. 0401077501

Supervisor II,

Ratna Muntiningsih, S.Pd., M.Hum

NIK. 31590399

Acknowledged by:

Dean of Faculty of Teaching and Educational Sciences, The Head of the English Education Department,

Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Rozak, M. Pd Hj. Nurani Hartini, Dra., M. Hum

NIDN. 003065802 NIDN. 0411015901


All praises due to Allah the Mighty who has given His mercy and
blessing. Shalawat and Sallam always be upon to the prophet Muhammad
Shallallahu ‘alaihiwasallam who has guided us from the darkness to the
brightness in order to enter God’s Paradise. In this occasion the writer does not
forget to say thanks so much to the supervisor who has given the writer
opportunity to write this thesis. The writer has finally finished this thesis entitled:

This thesis is submitted to the English Department Faculty of Teaching

and Education Sciences University of Swadaya Gunung Jati to fulfill one of the
requirements for Sarjana (S1) Degree.

Every suggestion or idea of any kinds to make it better will be gladly


Finally, the writer hopes that the thesis could give contribution to the
English Department and all readers in general.

Cirebon, October 2015


Nanda Ghufronudin



Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin, the writer would like to express the

highest gratitude to Allah subhanahuwata’ala for blessing, love, opportunity,
health, and mercy to complete this thesis. Shalawatis also delivered to Prophet
Muhammad Shallallahu ‘alaihiwasallam who has guided us from the darkness to
brightness and given the truth to human being in general and Moslem in

In arranging this thesis, a lot of people have provided motivation,

advice, support, and even remark that had helped. In this valuable chance, the
writer is to express the gratitude and appreciation to all of them. More specifically
to the following people:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Rochanda Wiradinata, MP., Rector of University of

SwadayaGunungJati Cirebon,
2. Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Rozak, M. Pd., Dean of Faculty of Teaching and
Educational Sciences,
3. Hj. NuraniHartini, Dra., Head of the Department of English Educational
University of Swadaya Gunung Jati who has given much guidance,
correction, and motivation.
4. Wendi Kusriandi, S. S., M. Pd., Supervisor I for help, attention, ideas, advice,
and guidance,
5. Ratna Muntiningsih, S. Pd., M. Hum, Supervisor II for help, attention, ideas
advide and guidance.
6. Drs. A.Hendi Suhendi, M.pd. The head master of SMK Negeri 1 Cirebon.
7. Yossi A. Wulandari S. Pd. who has helped contributing the researcher in
conducting the research
8. All the lecturer of English Department of Unswagati for giving their
knowledge, experience, guidance, advice, and support during the researcher’s
9. My parents and family who have given support to finish writing this thesis.

10. My big family in Awesome Brotherhood, 4A and 4B of English department.

My beloved students in XI TKJ 1 and XI PTL 3 of SMKN 1 Cirebon who
have participated as sample of this research,
11. All my friends major English of Swadaya Gunung Jati Cirebon,
12. Everyone could not be mentioned each one has a lot of help and give a moral
and material support to finish writing this thesis.

The researcher apologizes for the errors and shortcomings in the writing
of this thesis, therefore, the writer, accepts constructive critical and suggestions to
improve this thesis.

Cirebon, October 2015


Nanda Ghufronudin

“When people are protecting something

truly special to them, they can become as strong as they can be”

This paper is dedicated to:

My beloved father and mother, Ahmad

Basyar and Nurhayati, who always support, gives so
many advices, help in every single difficulty and pray
for me in every situation.

My big family who always cheers me up.

My brother, Romi Fajarudin, and my sister, Ratri
Anidya Siwi, who always make me strong, share
anything with me, and strengthen me.

My dearest friend, Awesome Boyz (Nurul

Prayoga A., Saeful anwar, Prio Sakti Prambudi, Asep
Maulana) and Awesome Beauty (Hana Ulumi, Widiya
Ningsih, Ari Andriyani, and Annisaa Eka Warliati),
who always beside me and support me.

The special one, Zahra Khoerunnisa who

always help me in every situation and never give up to
support me.



Nanda Ghufronudin

The objective of this research is to know whether the effect of blog online
towards free writing essay has good effect or not. Besides, this research found
out students’ responses toward the effect of blog online towards free writing
essay. The researcher used quantitative method and quasi-experimental design.
The sample of this research was two classes (XI TKJ 1 and XI PTL 3) of eight
grade students of SMK Negeri 1 Cirebon taken by using non-probability
sampling. Each class consisted of 30 students. The data was taken from
Novembert, 23th, 2015 until August, 27th, 2015. The instruments of this research
were test and questionnaire. Data from pre-test and post-test were calculated by
using t-test, while data from questionnaire was analyzed based on the frequency
students’ answers and then were calculated and interpreted into percentages. The
findings supported the research’s hypothesis that there is significant difference
of students’ writing ability in the effect of blog online between control class and
experimental class. The result showed that the value of ttest (3.8) is higher than
tteable(2.01) ttable. It can be concluded that Blog Online is effective in teaching
English speaking and the students have the positive responses toward the effect
of blog online towards free writing essay.

Keyword: Blog Online, free writing essay, quasi experimental, non-probability



STATEMENT OF AUTHENTICITY....................................................................i

APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................. ii

PREFACE ............................................................................................................. iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................. iv

MOTTO AND DEDICATION .............................................................................. v

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................... viii

LIST OF TABLE ..................................................................................................ix

LIST OF FIGURE ..................................................................................................x

LIST OF APPENDICES ....................................................................................... xi


A. Background of Study ........ ......................................................... 1

B. Identification of Problem ........................................................... 4
C. Research Question ..................................................................... 5
D. Objective of Research ................................................................ 5
E. Scope and Limitation ................................................................. 5
F. Clarification of Terms ................................................................ 5


A. Previous Research ..................................................................... 7

B. Snake and Ladder Games ........................................................10
1.The advantages of Games .................................................... 11
2.The Materials off Snake and Ladder .................................... 12
3. The Rule of Playing Snake
and Ladder Game ............................................................... 12
4. Students’ Responses toward
Using Game in Learning .....................................................13

C. Speaking ..................................................................................... 14

1. Elements of Speaking .......................................................... 15

2. The Problems in Learning Speaking ...................................18
3. Stage of Language Learning ...............................................18
4. Classroom Speaking Activities ........................................... 19
5. Scoring Rubric for Speaking ...............................................21
D. Hypothesis .................................................................................. 23


A. Research Method ...................................................................... 24

B. Research Design .......................................................................24
C. Population and Sample ............................................................. 25
D. Technique of Data Collection ................................................... 26
E. Technique of Data Analysis ...................................................... 27


A. Research Findings ..................................................................... 31

1. The Treatment Schedule ....................................................... 31
2. General Description ..............................................................32
3. Teaching and Learning in the Classroom .............................32
B. Data Analysis ............................................................................ 34
1. The Data of Pre-Test and Post-test ....................................... 34
2. Procedure of Analyzing the Data .......................................... 37
3. Hypothesis Analysis ..............................................................45
4. Students’ Responses ..............................................................47
C. Discussion ................................................................................. 53
1. The Use of Snake and Ladder
Game in Teaching Speaking ..................................................54

2. Students’ Responses
aboutSnake and Ladder Game .............................................. 54


A. Conclusion ............................................................................... 56
B. Suggestion ................................................................................56



Table 2.1 Scoring Rubric ..................................................................................... 22

Table 3.1 The Classification ofEffect Size ......................................................... 30

Table 4.1 Treatment Schedule .............................................................................31

Table 4.2 Score of Experimental Class ................................................................ 34

Table 4.3 Score of Control Class ......................................................................... 36

Table 4.4 Gain Score of Experimental Class ....................................................... 37

Table 4.5 Calculation of Experimental Class ....................................................... 38

Table 4.6 Gain Score of Control Class .................................................................40

Table 4.7 Calculation of Control Class ................................................................ 41

Table 4.8 The Classification of Effect Size ......................................................... 46

Table 4.9Data Analysis of Questionnaire ...........................................................47

Figure 3.1 Research Design ................................................................................. 25

Figure 4.1 Percentage of 1st Question of Questionnaire ....................................... 48

Figure 4.2 Percentage of 2nd Question of Questionnaire......................................49

Figure 4.3 Percentage of 3rd Question of Questionnaire......................................50

Figure 4.4 Percentage of 4th Question of Questionnaire....................................... 40

Figure 4.5 Percentage of 5th Question of Questionnaire ....................................... 51

Figure 4.6 Percentage of 6th Question of Questionnaire ......................................51

Figure 4.7 Percentage of 7th Question of Questionnaire ......................................52

Figure 4.8 Percentage of 8th Question of Questionnaire ......................................52

Figure 4.9 Percentage of 9th Question of Questionnaire ....................................... 53


Appendix A Letter

Appendix B Syllabus class VIII Curriculum 2006

Appendix C Research Instrument

Appendix D Students’ Work

Appendix E T-table

Appendix F Documentation of Research

Appendix G Curriculum Vitae



Here, the writer discusses background of study, identification of

problem, research question, objective of research, scope and limitation,
hyphothesis, and clarification of term.

1.1 Background of the Study

According to curriculum 2006, one of productive skills that should be

mastered by students is writing. In fact, teaching writing is not easy. According to
Adas & Bakri (2013) stated that many students who understand about language
but, most of them face the problem of communicating their ideas effectively. The
problem is the lack of both vocabulary and creativity in writing.

Before doing a research, the writer did a survey in the three schools.
The survey that writer did is giving an open questionnaire. There are 3 items of
questionnaire. They are about students’ interesting in learning English, students’
difficulties in learning English, and the way of learning English that students
want.The first survey is at SMK Negeri 1 Cirebon on August, 10 th 2015. The
writer took 10 students of second grade of students as the sample to answer the
questionnaire. From 10 students, 4 students stated that they like English lessons,
and 6 students stated that they do not like English lesson. Further, 7 students
stated that their problem in learning English is writing, and 3 students stated that
their problem in learning English is speaking. 3 students whose learning problem
in writing lesson stated that they did not like writing lesson because they have
limit of vocabulary. Meanwhile, 2 students stated that their problem in learning
writing is lack of grammar, and 2 other students stated that their problem in
learning writing is punctuations. For third questionnaire, 5 students stated that
students need technique that make students enthusiasm in learning English, and 5
students other stated that they need interesting technique that does not make them
The second survey is at SMA Negeri 7 Cirebon on August, 12th 2015.
Same with SMK Negeri 1 Cirebon, the writer also took 10 students of eight grade
of the school as the sample to answer the questionnaire. For the first question, the
writer got that 3 students liked English lesson and 7 students do not like English
lesson. Meanwhile, for the second questions, the writer found out that 3 students’
problem in learning English is Speaking, 2 students’ problem in learning English
is listening, 2 students’ problems in learning English is reading, and 3 students
others’ problem in learning English is writing. All of students whose problems in
writing stated they problem in learning writing is lack of idea. For the last
questions, 3 students wanted the technique that make them happy in learning
English, 4 students wanted the technique that does not make them sleepy, and 3
students other wanted the technique that make them easy to understand the

The third survey is at SMK Al-Irsyad Cirebon on August, 13 th 2015.

The writer also took 10 students of eight grade of the school as the sample to
answer the questionnaire. For the question, the writer got that 5 students liked in
English lesson and 5 students do not like English lesson. Meanwhile, for the
second questionnaire, the writer found out that 3 students stated their problem in
learning English was speaking, 3 students stated that they had problem in listening
English and 4 students stated they that they had problem in learning writing were
lack of grammar, vocabulary, and idea. For the last question, 3 students wanted
the learning process that make him so fun, 5 students wanted the technique that
challenge them in learning English and 2 students wanted learning writing by
using game.

From the data of the survey, the writer concluded that almost all of
students have problems in writing. In addition, the writer found out that students
problems’ in learning writing are lack of vocabulary, lack of grammar, error in
punctuation and lack of idea. Furthermore, almost all of students wanted the
technique that make them enthusiasm, motivated and interested in learning
English lesson.
For solving the problems, the writer chose the interested technique that
make them enthusiasm and motivated. One of the technique that writer took is
blog online. Blog online has been used successfully in teaching writing by
researchers, such as Khampusaen (2012), he concluded that blog online improved
students’ motivation to write and supported development of related skills and

Base on the benefits of blog online above, the writer was curious to use
blog online in teaching learning process. Hence, in this study the writer wanted to
examine the effect of blog online towards free writing essay at the second grade of
SMK Negeri 1 Cirebon.

1.2 Research Questions

Based on the background of study above, the writer has formulated the
problem; he intends to find out the answer to the following questions:

1. Is blog online effective in teaching writing on essay of SMK Negreri 1

2. How are students’ responses toward the implementation of blog online
toward free writing on essay ?

1.3 Objective of the study

1.4 Scope and Limitation

This research is about writing by free essay on blog online it is only talk
about free writing what the students ever did or talk about theirs experiences. So,
it is the same as free writing but almost specific as the writing free essay. Then it
is only how far the effect of blog to increase the students writing skill.
1.5 Definition of Term

It is defined operationally in this study as the ability of writing free essay

in teaching English writing for students of vocational school.

1. Blog :
Blog is a media on internet that used by user to share about
information, it can be a diary or tips to solve the problem than the user
read it.
2. Effect of Blog Online :
There is the increase of student skills on writing free essay in
English by using blog online.
3. Writing Free Essay :
The manner to increase student writing skills, in this paper it is
only talk about the essay not the real essay or over all.

This chapter provides the elaboration of the theoretical review of

research. It consists of previous study, theory of writing, theory of blog online,
theory of ICT and hypothesis.

2.1 Previous Research

Khampusaen (2012) in his journal “Collaborative Blogging: A Tool for

Teaching Writing in EFL Classroom” examined the outcomes of a blogging
collaboration project among university students on their essay writing skills. The
study took place in Khon Kaen University, Thailand, during October to December
2010. Participants of that study were 30 university students enrolling in a course
entitled ‘English for Healthcare Business’. The participants together wrote about
360 drafts and 250 pieces of feedbacks during this project. For the instruments of
research, he used survey, pre test/post test on language usage and essay
organization, and essay writing rubric. As the result, he concluded that
collaborative blogging improved students’ attitudes towards writing, increased
students’ motivation to write, and supported development of related skills and
knowledge. In addition, students’ technology skills improved even though direct
instruction related to technology was not provided. Students developed clear
literacy skills as they published their essays online. Blogging in writing class
made students to become autonomous learners. Finally, collaborative blogging
enabled differentiated essay writing instruction while ensuring success for each

In addition, Yunus, Tuan, & Salehi (2010) in their journal “Using Blogs to
Promote Writing Skill in ESL Classroom” provided details on the motivational
factors for using blogs as an essential tool to promote students’ writing skills in
ESL classrooms. The study was carried out in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
(UKM) on September 2010. The aims of study were to discuss how using blogs
may be integrated into classroom activities to promote students’ writing skills as
well as polishing their skills. It would also illustrate the features offered in blogs
as well as the motivational essence that is attached to the blogs. For achieving the
objectives, the writers used a semi-structured interview protocol to collect the
required qualitative data. Finally, they concluded that the study can be considered
as a success because all of the objectives were achieved and all the research
questions were answered. All the interviewed lecturers agreed that blog is a very
useful tool for promoting writing skills among the ESL learners. Therefore, the
ESL learners can be motivated to improve their writing skills through using blogs.

Otherwise, Said, et al (2013) in their journal “Blogging to Enhance

Writing Skills: A Survey of Students’ Perception and Attitude” conducted to
knoow students’ perception regarding the implementation of writing blogs for
teaching writing. This study was conducted in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
(UKM) in May 2012. The participants were requested to answer an online
questionnaire posted on They concluded that the
participants had positive perception on the use of blog to polish their writing
skills. They also agreed to varying degrees that writing on blog had made them
use academic writing style and register correctly, apart from training them to
choose the correct sentence and paragraph structure, decide on their word choice
and spelling cautiously, check on their grammar and revise their style of
presenting their arguments in writing. Obviously, the students perceived blogging
as an effective tool in teaching writing in English which helped to improve and
their writing and keep them motivated.

There are similarities among three researchers and this research, such as;
they were applying Blog online in teaching Writing skill. Further, the similarity
among Khampusaen’s and this research is using pre-test and post-test in collecting
the data to know the effectiveness of blog online in teaching writing skill.
Otherwise, this research, Said et al, and Khampusaen’s research used
questionnaire to know the students’ responses toward the use of blog online in
teaching writing.
Not only the similarities among three researchers and this research, but
also there are some differences, such as; first of all is in the subject of the
research. The subject of the research of Khampusaen, Said et al, and Yunus, Tuan
and Salehi were students of University. Besides, the subject of this research was
the second students of Senior High School. Second is in the instrument for
collecting the data. In Yunus, Tuan and Salehi’s research used interview to know
students perception toward the use of blog online in teaching writing.
Contrariwise, this research used questionnaire to investigate students’ perception
toward the use of blog online in teaching writing. The last is research method.
Said et al, used survey research in their study interview. Meanwhile, Yunus, Tuan
and Salehi used a qualitative study with semi-structured. Otherwise, this research
used experimental research with quasi experimental design.

Based on the previous study above, the writer was curious to examine the
use of Blog online in teaching writing about free writing on essay. Besides, the
writer also wants to explain that this research different from those three researches
above. This research develops their researches and adopts research of Said et al,
and Khampusaen’s in using questionnaire for collecting the data about students’
responses toward the use of blog online in teaching writing.

2.2 Writing

Writing is one of skills besides listening, reading, and speaking. It is an

activity in arranging words, phrase and sentence that grammatically correct and
appropiate with the purpose that should be mastered by students. According to
Linse (2005: 98) “writing is a combination of process and product”. The meaning
of process is acting of gathering ideas and working with them until they are
presented in a manner that is polished and comprehensible to readers. The young
learners like to know that writing is done in step.

According to Harmer (2004: 31) states that “writing is a way to produce

language and express idea, feeling, and opinion”. It is line with Meyers (2005:2)
states that writing is a way to language which people do naturally when they
speak. Writing is really powerful tool in organizing the out of order and events
make them manageable. Writing is form of thinking using the written words.
Meanwhile, according to Boardman (2002: 11) states that writing is continuing
process of thinking and organizing, rethinking, and reorganizing.

From the explanation above, the writer concluded that writing is one of
skill to express feelings, ideas, argumentation, and opinions in written form.
Finally, writing process needs a certain technique that can make it communicative
in order to send massages to others.

2.2.1 Types of Writing

Types of writing mean the form or kind of writing used, clearly the writer
and the circumstances of writing shape the type of writing. According to lexiconic
(2000). There are 5 types of writing as follows:

1. Narative: Narrative is about tell the legend or story that have person
who read it. It is called narrator. In narrative, there are always some
problems. Almost all of story is fiction and old story but has meaning to be
a good person

2. Descriptive: Tell something detail about object or person to defereciate

something to groups and to know each other.

3. Expository: Report a story from the fact and actual such as demonstrate.

4. Persuasive: Sometimes recommended a product or a kind that unique to

sell or invitate to follow something such as demonstrate.

5. Essay: Essay is kind of writing to explore one thing. Using essay

students can find a problem and solve it by theirselves. It makes a piece of
problem and make it clear.
2.2.2 Technique of Writing

According to Ozcan (2004: 1), writing is a process that needs time and
some techniques in developing it. There are four techniques of writing, as follows:

1. Controlled writing: The students are required to complete the task, based
on the clues or what are dictated by the teacher.
2. Guided writing: The students are asked to rewrite the text that has been
given by teacher by using other tenses. In the case, there is an opportunity
for students to add more information or massage.
3. Semi guided writing: The teacher asks students to write a short passage
based on the teacher’s question. Here, students have opportunities to add
information of their own.
4. Free writing : The students are free to write what they have in their
mind. The teacher just preparing some tittles and give some information
about the topic.

2.2.3 Teaching Writing

Writing is defined by Harmer (2004:86) as a process and the influence

genre forces. It is a form of thinking but, it is thinking of particular audience and
particular occasion. Harmer (1998:79) also stated that teaching writing English to
student as foreigner language include reinforcement, language development,
language style, and most important one is writing is a skill it is own right.
Reinforcement is some student acquires in languages purely oral but most of us
benefit greatly from seeing writing down. Language development it seems the
actual process of writing (rather like the process of speaking) helps us to learn.
Learning style of some students are greatly quick at picking up just by looking,
listening and doing. The last, writing is important writing is one of English skill
must be mastered by the students to understand the English as foreign language.

According to Anderson (2007) in his book under the title “Everyday

Editing” without guidance student never learns to write. Anderson has explained
the teacher has a job in teaching writing. First, guide and encourage the class to
write. Second, make the students comfort on their paper to write. Third, ask
students to perceive their environment and assess their feeling accurately. Let the
students to record their perception on the paper and arranged their mind to write.
Guide them to think creatively, think like a writer. The last, put students in charge
of assessment process independently, by doing by their self.

Furthermore, Brown (2003:220) states that there are five types of

classroom in writing as follows:

1. Imitative or writing down is a simplest writing done at the beginning

level of learning write.

2. Intensive or controlled writing is writing as a product for learning,

reinforcing, or testing grammatical context.

3. Responsive writing is writing with only require learners to perform

limited discourse level. Such as connecting sentences into paragraph into logical
connection sequence paragraph.

4. Extensive writing is writing implies successful management of all

process and strategies for all purpose.

In this research, the researcher used responsive writing because the

students asked to write free essay based on the issues that teacher gave.

1. The Aims of Teaching Writing

Senior High School curriculum, writing is become important skill

in teaching-learning process. It can be seen in the content standard of
English for Senior High School. The content describes how to construct
the contextual text as the purpose of teaching writing. In addition the
content also mentions how to construct meaning and rhetorically step of
the text by using the acceptable in order language to communicate well.

According to Harmer (2004:39-40) there are some goals of

teaching writing. First, introduction and practice of the form of writing
provide students for different needs (ESL, ESP, and ELF). Second, writing
provides students with some tangible evidence to make them got process
in the learning. Third, writing is needed and used for examination.

2. The process of Teaching Writing

According to Harmer (2004:4) writing process is an interrelated set

of recursive stages which include:

Planning Drafting

Final Version Final Version Editing

Figure 2.1 writing process wheel (Harmer, 2004).

Planning is aim at getting and generating ideas. The planning

process is happened in writer mind and still abstract. When doing planning
the writer has think three main issues in order to get good fact and idea or
argument. Those are purpose of writing, audience and content structure.

Drafting is the first step to move the idea in to a piece of paper into
sentence in a semi organized. In this process, this aim is develop the idea
to expand and from link.

Editing is the second step, editing is reexamine the detail within

each sentences by doing check the context, connections and assessing
impact. It also includes the reflecting and revising during the process the
writer reshape the ideas, refine and develop the sentences and clarify them.

Final version is the last step in writing process, the writer doing
this after editing has been done. In this step the writer gave assessment or
subsequent both the original plan and first draft.
2.2.4 Writing Free Essay

According to Harley (1991) there are some aspects in writing free essay as

1. Idea: the general proposition or thesis that your essay argues about its
TOPIC, whether it's spelled out fully at the start or revealed gradually. It
should be (1) true, but (2) arguable--not obviously true, and (3) limited
enough in scope to be argued in a short composition and with available
evidence. (In the early stages, you might think of your idea as a hypothesis, to
help keep it open to change as you test it in drafting.)

2. Motivate: a reason for writing, suggested at the start of the essay and
echoed throughout, establishing why you thought the topic needed taking up
and why the reader should care (the "so what" factor).

3. Structure: the shape your idea takes, the sequence of sub-topics and
sections through which it is unfolded and developed. This happens by the
complementary activities of convicing your reader and exploring your topic.

4. Evidence: the facts or details, summarized or quoted, that you use to

support, demonstrate, and prove your main idea and sub-ideas. Evidence
needs to be:

a. ample and concrete--enough quotation and vivid summary so readers

can experience the texture of the work, its sound and feel, so they feel
able to judge your analysis

b. explicitly connected to the idea--so it's always clear exactly what

inference is being made from the evidence, exactly how the details
support the idea or sub-idea.

5. Explanation: bits of background information, summary, context to orient

the reader who isn't familiar with the text you're discussing. This includes

6. Coherence: smooth flow of argument created by:

a. transition sentences that show how the next paragraph or section
follows from the preceding one, thus sustaining momentum

b. echoing key words or resonant phrases quoted or stated earlier.

7. Implication: places where you speculate on the general significance of your

particular analysis of a particular text; you suggest what issues your argument
raises about the author's work generally, or about works of its kind (e.g. all
short stories), or about the way fiction or criticism works, etc.

8. Presence: the sensation of life in the writing, of a mind invested in and

focused on a subject, freely directing and developing the essay--not
surrendering control (out of laziness or fear) to easy ideas, sentiments, or
stock phrases.

2.2.5 Element of Free Essay

According to O’connor (2001) there are many elements that must come
together to create an excellent essay. The topic should be clear and interesting.
The author’s voice should come through, but not overwhelm, the piece. And there
should be no errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or capitalization. Another
element that is sometimes overlooked when editing an essay, but is just as
important as the previous elements mentioned, is organization. An organized
essay is clear, focused, logical and effective. Creating order makes it easier to
understand the task at hand. For example, imagine putting together a bike. Having
all of the necessary tools, parts, and directions will make the job easier to
complete than if the parts are spread across the room and the tools are located all
over the house. The same logic applies to writing an essay. When all the parts of
an essay are in some sort of order, it is both easier for the writer to put the essay
together and for the reader to understand the main ideas presented in the essay.

2.2.6 Scoring Rubric

The researcher took scoring rubric from Harley (1991) as follows:

points For maximum points essay must
Text organization 5 Introduction: Must have clear thesis
and essay structure statement aligned to body of essay
5 Body of essay: Must be well
structured, have cohesive paragraphs,
5 and flow well.
Language: Must have style of voice
5 suitable for purpose and audience
Conclusion: Must include clear
summary of key points from body of
essay and link to thesis topic.
Content Answers the question: Ideas must be
25 well presented and consistently
related to the essay question.

25 Critical thinking: Shows high level of

critical analysis, and includes
different points of view where
Quality of Evidence 5 Research: Ideas supported by credible
and relevant sources.
5 In-text and referencing list accurate
Grammar Sentence structure clear, consistent &
8 error free.
Formating Formatting as requested. Cover sheet
2 completed accurately.

2.3 Blog

According to Williams & Jacobs (2004), Blogs’ have evolved along

similar lines to other forms of human communication in that they are a product of
convenience rather than design” (p. 232). Lamshed, Berry, & Armstrong (2002)
connect blogging with journal writing, stating that “like a journal, a blog can be a
continually updated resource that grows over time with the accumulation of
writing and other content. This archived information is accessed using a simple
calendar that highlights the dates on which entries were made” (p. 9).

These and various other researchers (Hiler, 2003; Thorne & Payne, 2005)
have also recognized blogging as “a set of... phenomena” that has, since its
inception as a manner of producing anything from online diaries to academic and
reflective journals, emerged to have the capacity to “engage people in
collaborative activity, knowledge sharing, reflection and debate” (Williams &
Jacobs, 2004, p. 232). Given these assumed requirements, one concern was
discussed in the form.So, the student make a blog online as a diary or a place to
take a note and share it together by direct of the teacher.

Based on the explanations above, the writer concluded that blog is the
media that connected to internet and it has link into a server and it can share
anything what we want and it such as electronic magazine then, everyone can use

2.3.1 Benefit of Blog

According to Mark (2000) there are some benefits of using blog online in
learning process as follows: :

1. The students will able to write their own words

2. By using Blog Online students get new knowledge in the wide zone.

3. Writing will be a new hobby for the student

2.3.2 Types of Blog

Blog is one of a media on internet and it has many types to read by the user
based on Michael Roack (2008) there are types of blog online as follows:
1. Personal: This is the broadest category and includes blogs about personal
topics like politics, music, family, travel, health, you name it..

2. Business: Professionals ranging from realtors to lawyers and stock brokers

are using Word Press to share their expertise, and companies have discovered
the power of blogs to personally engage with their customers.

3. Schools: Word Press is a great way for teachers and students to collaborate

on classroom projects.

4. Non-profits: Foundations, charities, and human rights groups find our blogs

to be great tools to raise awareness and money for their causes.

5. Politics: Members of parliament, political parties, government agencies, and

activists using our blogs to connect with their constituencies.

6. Military: Members of the military blog to report what they see happening in

various parts of the world and to stay in touch with their families.

7. Private: Some people make their blogs private to share photos and

information within families, companies, or schools.

8. Sports: We’ve got teams, athletes, and fans using blogs to express and share
their passion for various sports.

9. How-to, tips and reviews: There are lots of blogs that share tips and reviews
about cooking, games, music, books, movies, and so on.

2.3.3 Procedure of Using Blog

According to Khampusaen (2012), there are some steps or procedures of

using blog in learning writing as follows:
1. Students were divided to groups of three. Each group set up a blog.
2. Each group discussed the topic with peers in group.
3. Teachers provided instruction on faulty sentences, element of writing,
essay structure and etc.
4. Each group developed the outline of the essay.
5. Each student wrote the first draft on his/her blog page.
6. The other two students in the same group and the teacher visited the
writing pages of each member and provided feedback according to the
writing rubric given.
7. The first draft was revised.
8. The second/final draft was posted.
9. The cycle was repeated until the deadline approached.

2.3.4 Computer-Assisted Language Learning

The definition of CALL cover a wide range of multi- dimensional

activities and captures diversity of ICT (Information and Communication
Technology) application and teaching learning approaches which concer with
language teaching and learning through the channel of computer technology.
( Alirezaeian, Chegini, and Farjad: 2005). According to Davies (2010:261) as
cited in Hakim (2015) defined CALL as “an approach to language teaching and
learning computer as a part of technology is used an aid to the presentation ,
reinforcement, and assessment of material to be learned, usually including
sustainable interative element. “ CALL could also refer to learning software
application such as using E-mail and the internet to help the EFL to develop
various skill. Furthermore, Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is an
educational field related to the role of technologies in language learning
concentrated in computer technology and applications in language education.
There are various different theme of Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), and
Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) with delicate differences among
them (Farrah&Tushyeh 2010 as cited in AlAyyouby and Farrah:2014).
According to Warschauer and Haley (1998) as cited in (Alirezaeian,
Chegini, and Farjad 2015) the model as CALL brew as sub-branch of broader of
notion of CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction). This phase of CALL viewed of
computers as indefatigable mechanical tutors that large volumes practice mostly
known as drill and practice material of repetitive language drill for students. The
rational behind drill as the practice program as the following:

1. Repeated as exposure to the same material is essential.

2. A computer is an idea tool for presenting drills since it does not get bored
and provides imitate feedback.
3. Through computers, instruction can be individualist and students can
proceed in their piece.

This is the major product launched by role of CALL which is aimed directly
form of the language.

Computer has become an important component of second foreign language

learning pedagogy. To teacher and students explain the advantages of CALL
seems necessary (Lai & Kristonis, 2006 as cited in Al Otaibi:2011). After that, the
teacher and students realized the advantages of using computer and it makes
motivate students to learn more.

Warschauer (1996) as citid in Al Otaibi (2011) integrative CALL is based on

multimedia computer or internet. CD-ROM as example as the multimedia of
technology allow students to access text, graphic, sound, animation and a video on
a single machine. Using media and internet in education has advantages. First,
authentic material is provided to students since listening is combined with seeing.
Secondly, skills can be easily access different integrated through electronic media.
Third, while students are focusing on the main lesson in the foreground they can
easily access different resources that over grammar explanations and
pronounciation guide line through background links. Finally, students can control
the pace of learning and instruction can be individualized. Futher more, the world
wide web (WWW) allows students browser various website to download
authentic materian to public their documents.

A computer also considered can be a tutor, which deliver instructional

materials to the students. Warschauer (1996) as cited in Al –Otaibi (2011) , states
PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations) system is an
example of tutoring system is used at the time offered vocabularies drill.

According to Underwood (1984) as stated in Al-Otaibi in his artichle

“Premises for communicative CALL” he specify the characteristic of
communicative CALL:

1. Teaches students how to use forms instead on focusing on forms

2. Teaches grammar implicity.
3. Encourages students to produce original sentences.
4. Does not judge or reward students in terms of their responses.
5. Is open and flexible to a wide variety of students.
6. Encourages students to the target language exclusively.
7. Environment in which the foreign language is produce naturally.
8. Servers more functions what a book just do.

Communicative activities involve students participation and stimulate

students discussion. Thus, computer is not only tutor, but also stimuli there are
communicative programs to treat computer as tools. Such programs do not
provide any language material but encourage the learner to understand the
language. Word processor, spelling, grammar checkers, and ect.

Several studies have shown the groups of students who are using CALL
have better result then groups using tradisional learning ( Al-Jarf:2010, Mc Lean
& Elwood:2009). Even studies demonstrate using CALL needed shorter time to
reach the learning objectives, achieving better final results then students who did
not have access to CALL (Enriquez:2009). This could reflect that the fact of
computer lately become better in graphics, usability, multimedia, and access.

This chapter elaborates the methodology of research that was conducted

to answer the two research questions previously stated in chapter one. Some big
points that cover in this chapter are research design, population, sample and
sampling, data collections, and technique of data analysis.

3.1 Research Method

There are two research questions in this study. One of the research
questions of this study is to examine whether the use of blog online is effective in
teaching writing on essay. It means that the researcher wanted to found out
whether the treatment had the effect to the dependent variable. Based on the
research question which the writer has explained, the researcher used
experimental study as the research method. According to Fraenkel and Wallen
(2008:261), “experimental research is most powerful method that exists for
studying cause and effect”. In addition, the writer used experimental research
because there are two classes that will be involved in this research. It means the
writer compare two groups in this research. The first group is experimental class
that got blog online as the treatment in writing on essay. The second group is
control class that did not get the treatment.

Both of class got the test. The test was divided into two, pre-test and post-
test. Pre-test was given before the writer gave the material. Besides, post-test was
given after the writer gave the material.

3.2 Research Design

This study adopted quasi experimental design. It means, the writer did not
take the sample randomly from the population, but the writer used intact group
that was gotten the treatment. According to Fraenkel and Wallen (2007: 271)
stated that “Quasi experiment design is not included the use of random
assignment. The writer who employ these design rely instead on other technique
to control (or least reduce) threats to internal validity”.
In addition, the researcher used quasi experimental because he did not use
random assignments. They are two assignments in this research, namely pre-test
and post-test, that gave to the two groups (Experimental groups and control

In this study, the writer taught free writing on essay into two groups. The
different between two groups is in the treatments which the writer gave. In
experimental group the writer used blog online in teaching writing about free
writing on essay. Whereas in the control group, the writer taught writing about
free writing on essay without using blog online as the treatment.

Furthermore, two kinds of instruments was used to answer the research

questions about whether or not blog online is effective in teaching writing about

free writing on essay and how about students’ perception toward the

implementation of blog online in teaching writing about free writing on Essay.

For answering first research question the writer used test (pre-test and

post-test). Pre-test was given before the writer gave a treatment in learning

activity. In pre-test the writer asked to the students to write essay based on

students’ thought. After that, the writer gave a treatment about blog online in

teaching writing about free writing on essay. At the end, the writer gave a post-

test in the class after treatment. In post-test the writer asked students to write free

essay based on theme that students made.

For answering the second research question about students’ perception

about blog online in teaching writing about free writing on essay, the writer used

questionnaire. There were 10 questions that should be answered by the students.

Here, the writer only gave the questionnaire to the experimental class.
In this study, the writer used the matching-only pre-test-post-test control
group design from Fraenkel and Wallen (2007: 271) that can be illustrated in the

Figure 3.1
The Matching-Only Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design

Treatment Group M O X O

Control Group M O C O

(Fraenkel and Wallens: 2007)

Where :

O : Pre-test

O : Post-test

M : The subjects in each group have been matched (on certain

variables) but not randomly assigned to the groups.

X : Treatment

C : Without treatment

3.3 Population and Sample

3.3.1 Population
Population is a group of items or cases, whether persons, objects, or
events which conform to certain criteria and which we intend to generalize
the research result (McMillan: 2001). The population of this research was
students of the second grade of senior high school, SMK Al-Irsyad Cirebon.
There are 180 students of the second grade of the school that were
distributed in 6 classes. They are TKJ 1, TKJ 2, TKJ 3, RPL 1, RPL 2, and
RPL 3. The reason the school was selected because it is one of vocational
schools in Cirebon that has been implemented the ICT in learning process.
3.3.2 Sample
The writer took 2 classes as the sample of this research by using
cluster random sampling. It means, the researcher cannot select a sample of
individuals due to administrative or other restrictions. This is especially true
in schools.
The class that the writer will take as the sample is XI TKJ 1 and XI
TKJ 2. The writer took XI TKJ 1 and XI TKJ 2 as the sample because based
on Technology teacher of school the students of those class were smarter in
Technology subject than the other class. Here, the writer took XI TKJ 1 as
the experimental class that got blog online as the treatment. Meanwhile, XI
TKJ 2 was taken as the control class that got blog online as the treatment.
The reason XI TKJ 1 was selected as the experimental class because
students of XI TKJ 1 who have blog is more than XI TKJ 2. So, it will make
this research more effective.

3.4 Technique of Data Collection

There were 2 research questions in this research. The first research
question was to know whether Blog online is effective in teaching writing or not.
It means, the writer wanted to examine whether there was significant value in
experimental class after they wrote free essay by using blog online. Meanwhile,
second research question was to know about students’ perceptions regarding the
implementation of blog online toward free writing on essay. For answering the
research questions, the writer used instruments in collecting the data. There were
two instruments in this study, namely test and questionnaire.

a. Test
There were two tests that were used in this research where
experimental and control group were given the same test. The first test
that was given was pre test which was done to find out how students’
writing ability in the class before they get a material. The second test
was post test which was done to find out how students’ writing ability
in the class after they have gotten a material. In pre-test the writer asked
to the students to write essay based on students’ thought. In post-test the
writer asked students to write free essay based on theme that students
made. Actually, the writer gave the same item on pre-test and post-test,
the different was on the theme. It means, the writer wanted to know the
significant of students’ ability in free writing on Essay.
b. Questionnaire

The writer used questionnaire as the research instrument in this

experimental research. She gave a questionnaire after the treatment has
been given to know what students’ think about treatment, whether the
treatment is effective or not.

The function of the questionnaire is to answer the second research

questions, which is about students’ perceptions regarding the
implementation of blog online toward free writing on essay. The
objective of this research question is to know whether students have
positive perceptions regarding the implementation of blog online in free
writing on essay. Thus, to know students’ perceptions, the writer took
the questionnaire from Fageeh (2011) (cited in Said, et al: 2013).

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis

3.5.1 The Effectiveness of Blog Online in Free Writing on Essay

The comparative technique was used in test data analysis. The writer
used t-test to know the differences between students’ results in pre-test and

a. For knowing standard deviation of the different score between pre-

test and post-test, the writer should identify mean or average.
Fraenkel and Wallen (2007) stated the mean formula that is used as


Where :
Σx :: Mean
Sum of score value
n : Total of students.
b. According Fraenkel and Wallen (2007), the Standard Deviance (SD)
of a group of score is computed by using the following formula:
SD=√ f ¿ ¿ ¿
Where :
SD : Standard Deviance
f : Frequency
x : Individual Score
x : Mean
N : Total of students
c. After knowing standard deviance, the next step was determining
Standard Error of Mean (SEM). According to Fraenkel and Wallen
(2007) Standard Error of Mean (SEM) of a group of scores is
computed by using the following formula:
√ n−1
Where :
SEM : Standard Error of Mean
SD : Standard Deviance
N : Total of Students
d. The next step was determining Standard Error of Difference.
Based on Fraenkel and Wallen (2007) Standard Error of
Difference (SED) of a group of scores is computed by using the
following formula:
2 2

SED= ( SE M e ) + ( SE M c )
Where :
SED : Standard Error of Difference
SE M e : Standard Error of Mean Experimental Group
SE M c : Standard Error of Mean Control Group
e. The writer used the t-test formula stated by Fraenkel and Wallen
(2007) as follow:
x e− xc
Where :
t : Test Statistic
xe : Mean of Experimental Group
xc : Mean of Control Group
SED : Standard Error of Difference
f. After getting total statistic, the next step was giving an interpretation
to t-test by counting df = N-1, after getting df, the writer compared to
ttable point in 5% signification.
g. Significant value, 0.05.
1) If t-test > ttable means there is significant difference, and Ha
(Alternative Hypothesis) is accepted, and Ho (Null Hypothesis) is
2) If t-test < ttable means there is no significant difference, and Ha
(Alternative Hypothesis) is rejected, and Ho (Null Hypothesis) is

3.5.2 Analysis of the Effect Size

After the researcher counted the result of pre-test and post-test, he

continued to calculate the effect size. According to Cohen et. al. (2007),
Glass et. al. (1981: 29, 102) calculate the effect size is as follows:
(x e −x c )
Where :
xe : Mean of Experimental Group
xc : Mean of Control Group
SDc : Standard Deviance of Control Group
To find the classification of the effective size, the researcher used
table from Cohen et. al. (2007) to promote the effectiveness size data.
Table 3.1
The Classification of Effect Size

Raw Score Interpretation

0 – 0.20 Weak Effect
0.21 – 0.50 Modest Effect
0.51 – 1.00 Moderate Effect
> 1.00 Strong Effect

3.5.3 Students’ Responses

The data were analyzed in percentage in order to know the students’
perceptions regarding the implementation of blog online toward free writing
on essay from the first meetings until the last meetings. To arrange the
percentage, the researcher used formula by Cohen, et., al. (2007):

P= × 100 %


P : The percentage of the response

F : Frequency
n : The number of students


This chapter serves to present the result of the research based on the data
gathered. This research attempts to answer two questions. The first question is
about whether the effect of blog online towards free writing essay on the students
writing ability at class XI TKJ-1 (Teknik Komputer Jaringan 1) and XI PTL-3
(Pemanfaatan Tenaga Listrik 3) students of SMK Negeri 1 Kota Cirebon. The
second question is about the students responses of the effect of blog online
towards free writing essay at class XI TKJ-1 (Teknik Komputer jaringan 1) and
XI PTL-3 (Pemanfaatan Tenaga Mesin) students of SMK Negeri 1 Kota Cirebon.
To answer the questions, data were collected from the tests and questioannaire.
For this research, the researcher took 30 students as a sample.

a. The effect of Blog Online towards writing free essay

In order to answer the first question, the researcher did some
implementaion to get data collection, such as gave pre-test and post test to the
1. Analysis of Research Activities
After giving pre-test, the researcher gave three treatments to the students
in class XI PTL 3 (Pemanfaatan Tenaga Listrik) to examine the Effect of Blog
Online towards Free Writing Essay. The students were given the same topic in
each treatment.
c. Treatment I
The first treatment was conducted on November23th 2015. It was started at
08.10 am until 10.20 am. The treatment was aimed for conveying the material and
applying the effect of blog online towards free writing essay that the researcher
has chosen.
In pre activities, the researcher greets the students. Then, the researcher
checked the students attendance list and gave motivation about the material that
will be taught. The motivation helps students more interested to the material.
Before the researcher began to the learning process, the researcher asked to the
student to give the opinion about issue that teacher gave. Then, the researcher
explained generally about structure of essay and steps to make essay. Then, the
writer asked students to make a group. Every group consisted of 5 students. After
that the researcher gave a topic to the students and they had to make an essay
based on their opinion about the topic "The Effect of Internet". In first meeting,
the writer asked them to make the first draft of essay. For making their first draft
better, the writer gave the correction on their blog. At the end, the researcher made
a conclusion. The lesson plan of first meeting can be seen in appendix.

Tabel 4.1

The Steps’ Resume Activity Treatment I

#Step 1 The teacher explained about the material that will be taught.
#Step 2 The teacher explained about the stucture of essay and steps to make
#Step 3 The writer made a topic.
#Step 4 The writer asked students to make a group. Every group consisted 5
#Step 5 3 members of groups made the first draft.
#Step 6 2 members of groups edited the first draft.
#Step 7 The writer gave a correction.
#Step 8 The writer gave a conclusion

d. Treatment II
The second treatment was conducted on November, 25 th 2015. It was
started at 07.30 am until 08.50 am. The treatment was aimed at applying the effect
of blog online towards free writing essay hat the researcher has chosen.

In pre activities, the researcher greets the students. Then, the researcher
checked the students attendance list and gave motivation about the material that
will be taught. The motivation helps students more interested to the material.
Before the researcher began to the learning process, the researcher asked to the
student about last material. After that the writer asked students to discuss again
with the group. In the second meetings, the group should make the second draft of
their essays. To make their draft better, the writer give a correction. In the last
activity, the writer asked about their difficulties and gave a conclusion. The lesson
plan of second treatment can be seen in appendix.

Tabel 4.2

The Steps’ Resume Activity Treatment II

#Step 1 The teacher reviewed the last material

#Step 2 The teacher asked students to discuss again with their group.
#Step 3 2 members of group that edited the draft before, made the second
#Step 4 3 members of group that made the draft before, edited the second
#Step 5 The writer gave a correction.
#Step 6 The writer gave a conclusion

e. Treatment III
The third treatment was conducted on November, 26 th 2015. It was started
at 07.30 am until 08.50 am. The treatment was aimed at applying the effect of
blog online towards free writing essay.

In pre activities, the researcher greets the students. Then, the researcher
checked the students attendance list and gave motivation about the material that
will be taught. The motivation helps students more interested to the material.
Before the researcher began to the learning process, the researcher asked to the
student about last material. After that the writer reviewed the last material. Then,
asked students to discuss again with their group and finish their essay. At the end,
the researcher make a conclusion. The lesson plan of third treatment can be seen
in appendix.

Tabel 4.3

The Steps’ Resume Activity Treatment III

#Step 1 The teacher reviewed the last material

#Step 2 The teacher asked students to discuss again with their group.
#Step 3 All members of group finished their essay.
#Step 4 The teacher make a conclusion.
B. Data Analysis (t-test formula)

The data that have been collected from test were analyzed Fraenkle and
Wallen (2007) as follow:

x e− xc
Where :
t : Test Statistic
xe : Mean of Experimental Group
xc : Mean of Control Group
SED : Standard Error of Difference
The data were analyzed in order to know whether there was significant
score between experimental class and control class.

1. The Data of Pre-Test and Post-test

Pre-test was given to the students in both classes before the writer gave
the material. Meanwhile, post-test was given after students got the material.
The results of pre-test and post-test from students are showed in the table

Table 4.4
Score of Experimental Class

No Students Score
Pre-test Post-test
1 ST. 1 45 75
2 ST. 2 50 73
3 ST. 3 47 83
4 ST. 4 45 85
5 ST. 5 55 72
6 ST. 6 53 88
7 ST. 7 48 80
8 ST. 8 33 70
9 ST. 9 47 94
10 ST. 10 33 67
11 ST. 11 35 75
12 ST. 12 48 88
13 ST. 13 45 83
14 ST. 14 50 77
15 ST. 15 50 83
16 ST. 16 50 85
17 ST. 17 60 83
18 ST. 18 58 80
19 ST. 19 50 87
20 ST. 20 58 86
21 ST. 21 50 95
22 ST. 22 33 72
23 ST. 23 30 65
24 ST. 24 30 67
25 ST. 25 47 78
26 ST. 26 50 83
27 ST. 27 30 70
28 ST. 28 50 85
29 ST. 29 50 95
30 ST. 30 33 80
Total 1,363 2,404

Based on the table above, it describes the results of pre-test and post-test
in experimental class. Then, it can be analyzed as follows:

N (Total of Students) = 30

∑ pre-test = 1,363

∑ post-test = 2,404

Σ x 1,363
x pre−test= = =¿ 45.43
n 30

Σ x 2,404
x post−test = = =¿ 80.13
n 30

Table 4.5
Score of Control Class
No Students Score
Pre-test Post-test
1 ST. 1 50 73
2 ST. 2 50 75
3 ST. 3 45 70
4 ST. 4 58 80
5 ST. 5 33 67
6 ST. 6 55 72
7 ST. 7 33 65
8 ST. 8 37 72
9 ST. 9 45 80
10 ST. 10 40 75
11 ST. 11 57 82
12 ST. 12 45 70
13 ST. 13 30 67
14 ST. 14 35 70
15 ST. 15 55 75
16 ST. 16 45 75
17 ST. 17 47 78
18 ST. 18 30 70
19 ST. 19 53 72
20 ST. 20 58 78
21 ST. 21 52 80
22 ST. 22 50 80
23 ST. 23 57 78
24 ST. 24 60 85
25 ST. 25 50 85
26 ST. 26 35 60
27 ST. 27 38 65
28 ST. 28 55 83
29 ST. 29 30 60
30 ST. 30 35 65
Total 1,363 2,207

Based on the table above, it describes the results of pre-test and post-test
in control class. Then, it can be analyzed as follows:

N (Total of Students) = 30

∑ pre-test = 1,363

∑ post-test = 2,207
Σ x 1,363
x pre−test= = =¿ 45.43
n 30

Σ x 2,207
x post−test = = =¿ 73.57
n 30

2. Procedure of Analyzing the Data

After students did pre-test, learning process, and post-test, the writer
analyzed the data of the result by using the following procedures:

a. Calculating of Standard Deviance

Before calculating the standard deviation of the different score

between pre-test and post-test, the writer should subtract mean of each
score. To make it clearer, the writer explained it in the table above:

Table 4.6
Gain Score of Experimental Class

No Students Score Gain

Pre-test Post-test
1 ST. 1 45 75 30
2 ST. 2 50 73 23
3 ST. 3 47 83 36
4 ST. 4 45 85 40
5 ST. 5 55 72 17
6 ST. 6 53 88 35
7 ST. 7 48 80 32
8 ST. 8 33 70 37
9 ST. 9 47 94 47
10 ST. 10 33 67 34
11 ST. 11 35 75 40
12 ST. 12 48 88 40
13 ST. 13 45 83 38
14 ST. 14 50 77 27
15 ST. 15 50 83 33
16 ST. 16 50 85 35
17 ST. 17 60 83 23
18 ST. 18 58 80 22
19 ST. 19 50 87 37
20 ST. 20 58 86 28
21 ST. 21 50 95 45
22 ST. 22 33 72 39
23 ST. 23 30 65 35
24 ST. 24 30 67 37
25 ST. 25 47 78 31
26 ST. 26 50 83 33
27 ST. 27 30 70 40
28 ST. 28 50 85 35
29 ST. 29 50 95 45
30 ST. 30 33 80 47
Total 1,363 2,404 1,041

Based on table 4.4 above, it showed that the highest score of pre-test
in experimental class is 60, while the lowest score of pre-test is 30.
Meanwhile after the writer gave the treatment using Blog online, the
highest score of post-test is 95 and the lowest score of post-test is 65.
The total of pre-test is 1,363 and post-test is 2,404. The total of gain is

1,041. In addition, the writer also could calculate that x gain ( 1,041
30 )


Table 4.7
Calculation of Experimental Class

Gain F Fx x−x (x−x ¿2 f¿

47 2 94 12.3 151.29 302.58
46 0 0 11.3 127.69 0
45 2 90 10.3 106.09 212.18
44 0 0 9.3 86.49 0
43 0 0 8.3 68.89 0
42 0 0 7.3 53.29 0
41 0 0 6.3 39.69 0
40 4 160 5.3 28.09 112.36
39 1 39 4.3 18.49 18.49
38 1 38 3.3 10.89 10.89
37 3 111 2.3 5.29 15.87
36 1 36 2.3 1.69 1.69
35 4 140 0.3 0.09 0.36
34 1 34 -0.7 0.49 0.49
33 2 66 -1.7 2.89 5.78
32 1 32 -2.7 7.29 7.29
31 1 31 -3.7 13.69 13.69
30 1 30 -4.7 22.09 22.09
29 0 29 -5.7 32.49 0
28 1 28 -6.7 44.89 44.89
27 1 27 -7.7 59.29 59.29
26 0 0 -8.7 75.69 0
25 0 0 -9.7 94.09 0
24 0 0 -10.7 114.49 0
23 2 56 -11.7 136.89 273.78
22 1 22 -12.7 161.29 161.29
21 0 0 -13.7 187.69 0
20 0 0 -14.7 216.09 0
19 0 0 -15.7 246.49 0
18 0 0 -16.7 278.89 0
17 1 17 -17.7 313.29 313.29
Total 1,041 1,576.3

Based on the table 4.5 above, it showed that there are two students
who got the highest gain (47). Meanwhile there is one student who get
the lowest gain (17). The total of gain is 1,041 and the total of f ¿

After calculated it, the writer found out the standard deviance of
experimental class:

SD=√ f ¿ ¿ ¿

√ 30

= √ 52.54
= 7.24
So, it can be concluded that the standard deviance of different score
between pre-test and post-test in experimental class is 7.24.

Table 4.8

Gain Score of Control Class

No Students Score Gain

Pre-test Post-test
1 ST. 1 50 73 23
2 ST. 2 50 75 25
3 ST. 3 45 70 25
4 ST. 4 58 80 22
5 ST. 5 33 67 34
6 ST. 6 55 72 17
7 ST. 7 33 65 32
8 ST. 8 37 72 35
9 ST. 9 45 80 35
10 ST. 10 40 75 35
11 ST. 11 57 82 25
12 ST. 12 45 70 25
13 ST. 13 30 67 37
14 ST. 14 35 70 35
15 ST. 15 55 75 20
16 ST. 16 45 75 30
17 ST. 17 47 78 31
18 ST. 18 30 70 40
19 ST. 19 53 72 19
20 ST. 20 58 78 20
21 ST. 21 52 80 28
22 ST. 22 50 80 30
23 ST. 23 57 78 21
24 ST. 24 60 85 25
25 ST. 25 50 85 35
26 ST. 26 35 60 25
27 ST. 27 38 65 27
28 ST. 28 55 83 28
29 ST. 29 30 60 30
30 ST. 30 35 65 30
Total 1,363 2,207 844
Based on table 4.6 above, it showed that the highest score of pre-
test in control class is 60, while the lowest score of pre-test is 30.
Meanwhile after the writer gave the material by using other treatments,
the highest score of post-test is 85 and the lowest score of post-test is
60. The total of pre-test is 1,363 and post-test is 2,207. The total of gain
is 844.

Table 4.9
Calculation of Control Class

Gain F Fx x−x (x−x ¿2 f¿

40 1 40 11.8 139.24 139.24
39 0 0 10.8 116.64 0
38 0 0 9.8 96.04 0
37 1 37 8.8 77.44 77.44
36 0 0 7.8 60.84 0
35 5 175 6.8 46,24 231.2
34 1 34 5.8 33.64 33.64
33 0 0 4.8 23.04 0
32 1 32 3.8 14,44 14.44
31 1 31 2.8 7.84 7.84
30 4 120 1.8 3.24 12.96
29 0 0 0.8 0.64 0
28 2 56 -0.13 0.0169 0.0338
27 1 27 -1.13 1.27 1.27
26 0 0 -2.13 4.54 0
25 6 150 -3.13 9.79 58.74
24 0 0 -4.13 17.06 0
23 1 23 -5.13 26.32 26.32
22 1 22 -6.13 37.57 37.57
21 1 21 -7.13 50.83 50.83
20 2 40 -8.13 66.09 132.18
19 1 19 -9.13 83.35 83.35
18 0 0 -10.13 102.61 0
17 1 17 -11.13 123.87 123.87
Total 844 1,015.26

Based on the table 4.7 above, it showed that there is one student who
got the highest gain (40). Meanwhile there is also one student who get
the lowest gain (17). The total of gain is 844 and the total of f ¿

After calculated it, the writer found out the standard deviance of
control class:

x= = 28.13

SD=√ f ¿ ¿ ¿

√ 30

= √ 33.84
= 5.81
Thus, it can be concluded that the standard deviance of different
score between pre-test and post-test in control class is 5.81.
b. Determining Standard Error of Mean
After knowing standard deviance, the writer determined Standard
Error of Mean (SEM) of both of group, experimental group and control
1) Standard Error Mean of Experimental Class
√ n−1
√ 29
¿ 1.34

So, it can be concluded that SEM of experimental class is


2) Standard Error Mean of Control Class

√ n−1
√ 29
¿ 1.07

So, it can be concluded that SEM of control class is 1.07.

c. Finding Standard Error of Difference.

The next step was determining standard error of the difference.
SED=√ ( SE M e )2+( SE M c )2

¿ √ 1.342 +1.072

= √ 1.79+1.14
= √ 2.98= 1.72
Based on the calculation above, it can be concluded that the value of
standard error difference is 1.72.

d. Finding Ttest

The next was to find ttest

x e− xc
t test =




e. Finding Degree of Freedom (df)

df =N - 1

= 30 - 1 = 29

f. Corresponding Degree of Freedom df)

df = N1 + N2 - 2

= 30 + 30 - 2

= 58

g. Finding ttable

The ttestis 3.8 with df 58.

Comparing ttable andtaccount with t 0.05 = (1 - ⍺)

(Significant of standard) (a) = 5% = 0.05

ttable = ( 12 ⍺)(d f )
= ( 12 0.05)(58)
= t (1 – 0.025)(58)
= t (0.975)(58)
ttable with df58
ttable = 2.00172
With t 0.05 and df 48, so the value of ttable is 2.00172.
h. Comparing ttestand ttable
Critical value of (t) at 0.05 significant level from ttest 3.8. So t table =
2.00 from the calculation and looked the table t. It can be seen that
value of ttestnis 3.8. It means ttest is higher than ttable.
Based on the data above, it shows that there was an influence of the
students’ results. ttest as the result of pre-test and post-test in experiment and
control class; and ttable is as significant level for educational research. The
writer compared ttable and ttest to accept the hypothesis. If ttest>ttable, the
hypothesis was accepted. The result of post-test of experiment class was
higher than the result of post-test of control class. Therefore, the writer
concluded that Blog online is effective in teaching writing for the eleventh
grade students of SMKN 1 Cirebon.
3. Hypothesis Analysis
From the data, it shows:
ttest = 3.8
ttable = 2.00172
In comparing ttest and ttable, the writer used the criteria as follows:
If ttest>ttable, it means Ha (Alternative Hypothesis) is accepted, and Ho
(Null Hypothesis) is rejected.
If ttest<ttable, it means Ho (Null Hypothesis) is accepted, and Ha
(Alternative Hypothesis) is rejected.
It means the value ttestis higher than ttable (3.8ttest> 2.00ttable). This result
showed that this study has positive influence. Finally, the writer concluded
that the Ha (Alternative Hypothesis) is accepted.
It also can be concluded that Blog online was effective in teaching
writing for the eleventh students of SMKN1 Cirebon.
After the test results of both of group have been calculated, the writer
continued to calculate the effect size. Effect size is used to verify the
influence of the independent variable to dependent variable and to find out
how well the treatment worked.

Table 4.10
The Classification of Effect Size
Raw Score Interpretation

0 – 0.20 Weak Effect

0.21 – 0.50 Modest Effect

0.51 – 1.00 Moderate Effect

> 1.00 Strong Effect

To calculate the effect size, the writer used the formula as follows:
(x e −x c )

Where :

xe : Mean of Experimental Group

xc : Mean of Control Group
SDc : Standard Deviance of Control Group

Thus the effect size can be calculated in the following:

( x e −x c )
= 1.13
From the data above, it can be concluded that the effect size value is
1.13. So, 1.13 was very effective because it included in strong effect in the
classification of the effective size table.

B. Students’ Responses
The questionnaire was used to know about students’ responses toward the
use of Blog online in teaching writing. The questionnaire was given only to the
experimental class.

There were ten statements that should be answered by marking one of two
choices, those are YES or NOT. The students should choose only one answer. The
writer guided the students to answer in every question to make them understood
and there was no miscommunication. The formula percentage was used analyze
the answer of questionnaire. The formula was described as follow:

P= × 100 %


P : The percentage of the response

F : Frequency

n : The number of students

Table 4.11

No Statements
Yes No
1 Writing on the blogs made me use academic
writing style and register.
2 Writing on the blogs made me more careful
about sentence and paragraph structure.
3 Writing on the blogs made me check word
choice and word spelling more carefully.
4 Writing on the blogs made me check my
grammar more carefully.
5 Writing on the blogs made me carefully revise
the way I present my arguments or put
forward my descriptions in essay writing.
6 I enjoy writing on blogs for developing my
writing skills.
7 I think that my writing for argumentation and
description can be improved by blogging on
the Internet.
8 Blogging is an effective way of teaching
writing English.
9 Blogging can improve the quality of academic
10 Blogs can motivate me into more active,
interactive writing.

The questionnaire on this research consists of ten statements. For the easy
drawing a conclusion, some percentage categories used in interpreting the data.
The following is the percentage of categories:

Table 4.12
The percentage of Classification

No. Score Category

1 0% <p ≤ 20% Very Low
2 20% <p ≤ 40% Low
3 40% <p ≤ 60% Enough
4 60% <p ≤ 80% Strong
5 80% <p ≤ 100% Very Strong

(Adopted from Louis Cohen: 2007)

Table 4.13
Data Analysis of Questionnaire

Answer Percentage
No. Answer
Total (%) Classification
Yes No Yes No
1 27 3 30 90% 10% Very Strong
2 21 9 30 70% 30% Strong
3 22 8 30 73.33% 26.67% Strong
4 20 10 30 66.66% 33.34% Strong
5 26 4 30 86.66% 13.34% Very Strong
6 19 11 30 63.33% 36.67% Strong
7 20 10 30 66.66% 33.34% Strong
8 19 11 30 63.33% 36.67% Strong
9 26 4 30 86.66% 13.34% Very Strong
10 29 1 30 96.66% 3.34% Very Strong
Based on the data from students’ responses recapitulation of the answer
above, it appears that students responded fairy well of the use of Blog online in
teaching writing. The questionnaire’ result illustrated the response of students in
using of Blog online in teaching writing. To make the table above clearer, the
writer explains the description in each number below:

a. “Writing on the blogs made me use academic writing style and register.”
Figure 4.1
Percentage of 1st Statement of




The purpose of the statement is to know about students’ responses on

Blog online in teaching writing, whether or not Blog online helps them in
using academic writing style and register. From the data above, it can be
seen that 90% of students answered “Yes” and 20% of students answered
“No”. From the classification of categories, it can be concluded that the
effect of Blog online in helping them on writing academic writing is very
b. “Writing on the blogs made me more careful about sentence and
paragraph structure.”

Figure 4.2
Percentage of 2nd Statement of


The purpose of the statement is to know about students’ responses on

Blog online in teaching writing, whether or not Blog online helps them in
making sentence and paragraph structure. From the data above, it can be
seen that 70% of students answered “Yes” and 30% of students answered
“No”. From the classification of categories, it can be concluded that the
effect of Blog online in helping them on making sentence and paragraph
stucture is strong.
c. “Writing on the blogs made me check word choice and word spelling
more carefully.”
Figure 4.3
Percentage of 3th Statement of


The purpose of the statement is to know about students’ responses on

Blog online in teaching writing, whether or not Blog online helps them in
choosing word and word spelling more carefully. From the data above, it
can be seen that 73.33% of students answered “Yes” and 26.67% of students
answered “No”. From the classification of categories, it can be concluded
that the effect of Blog online in helping them on choosing word and word
spelling is strong.

d. “Writing on the blogs made me check my grammar more carefully.”

Figure 4.4
Percentage of 4th Statement of


The purpose of the statement is to know about students’ responses on

Blog online in teaching writing, whether or not Blog online helps them in
checking the grammar. From the data above, it can be seen that 66.66% of
students answered “Yes” and 33.34% of students answered “No”. From the
classification of categories, it can be concluded that the effect of Blog online
in helping them in checking grammar is strong.
e. “Writing on the blogs made me carefully revise the way I present my
arguments or put forward my descriptions in essay writing.”
Figure 4.5
Percentage of 5th Statement of

The purpose of the statement is to know about students’ responses on Blog

online in teaching writing, whether or not Blog online helps them in revising
the way they present the arguments or put forward the descriptions in essay
writing. From the data above, it can be seen that 86.66% of students
answered “Yes” and 13.34% of students answered “No”. From the
classification of categories, it can be concluded that the effect of Blog online
in helping them in revising the way they present the arguments or put
forward the descriptions in essay writing is very strong.
f. “I enjoy writing on blogs for developing my writing skills.”
Figure 4.6
Percentage of 6th Statement of


The purpose of the statement is to know about students’ perception on the

influence of blog in writing towards their affective domain, whether or not
Blog online develops students’ writing skill. From the data above, it can be
seen that 63.33% of students answered “Yes” and 36.67% of students
answered “No”. From the classification of categories, it can be concluded
that the effect of Blog online in developing students’ writing skill is strong.
g. “I think that my writing for argumentation and description can be
improved by blogging on the Internet.”
The purpose of the statement is to know about students’ perception on the
influence of blog in writing towards their affective domain, whether or not
Blog online can improve students’ argumentation and description. From the
data below, it can be seen that 66.66% of students answered “Yes” and
33.34% of students answered “No”. From the classification of categories, it
can be concluded that the effect of Blog online in improving students’
argumentation and description is strong.
Figure 4.7
Percentage of 7th Statement of


h. “Blogging is an effective way of teaching writing English.”

Figure 4.8
Percentage of 8th Statement of

The purpose of the statement is to know about students’ attitude towards

using blog to teach writing, whether or not Blog online is an effective way
of teaching writing English. From the data below, it can be seen that 63.33%
of students answered “Yes” and 36.67% of students answered “No”. From
the classification of categories, it can be concluded that the effectiveness of
Blog online in teaching writing is strong.
i. “Blogging can improve the quality of academic writing.”
Figure 4.9
Percentage of 9th Statement of


The purpose of the statement is to know about students’ attitude towards

using blog to teach writing, whether or not Blog online can improve the
quality of academic writing. From the data below, it can be seen that
86.66% of students answered “Yes” and 13.34% of students answered “No”.
From the classification of categories, it can be concluded that the effect of
Blog online in improving the quality of academic writing is very strong.
j. “Blogs can motivate me into more active, interactive writing.”
Figure 4.10
Percentage of 10th Statement of


The purpose of the statement is to know about students’ attitude towards

using blog to teach writing, whether or not Blog online can motivate
students into more active, interactive writing. From the data below, it can be
seen that 96.66% of students answered “Yes” and 3.34% of students
answered “No”. From the classification of categories, it can be concluded
that the effect of Blog online in motivating students into more active,
interactive writing, is very strong.
C. Discussion

This research is purposed to examine whether Blog online is effective in

teaching English Writing or not. Besides, this research found out students’
responses toward the use of Blog online in teaching Writing.

1. The Use of Blog online in Teaching Writing

The learning English Writing process by using Blog online to the

eleventh students of SMKN 1 Cirebon was not easy. There were some
problems that should be fixed by the writer. At the first meeting, some of
students still confused about the structure of Essay. In addition, some of
students had limit of vocabulary, so they confused to deliver what they
think. Thus, at the second meeting, the writer explained about the last
material and made sure that students had understood well about structure of
Essay. In the second meetings, the second draft of Essay that students made
was better. But, in the second meetings, the students made a mistake in
grammar. So, the writer taught them about grammar and gave a motivation
to them. But, at the last meeting the situation of class was better than before.
Some of students did not get confused again about free Essay.

Regardless from the problems above, the use of Blog online in teaching
Writing was effective. It can be shown by the statistical analysis. By using
formula from Fraenkel and Wallens, the writer could conclude that the
experimental class’ students’ Writing ability in post-test improved. The
mean of pre-test is 45.43 and post-test is 80.13. It means that there is an
improvement of students’ score between pre-test and post-test in
experimental class. In addition, the score of experimental class is higher
than control class. This research also found that the result ttest (3.8) is higher
than ttable (2.001). Thus, the alternative hypothesis of this study is accepted.

The result of this study showed that teaching using Blog online had the
advantages in learning process, especially in Writing subject. It is line with
the previous study by Khampusaen (2012) who concluded that collaborative
blogging improved students’ attitudes towards writing, increased students’
motivation to write, and supported development of related skills and

2. Students’ Responses about Blog online

This research is also purposed to know students’ responses towards the

use of Blog online in teaching Writing for the eleventh students of SMKN 1
Cirebon. Based on the result of findings, it can be seen almost students have
positive responses for the use Blog online in teaching Writing.

The students stated that Blog online is effective way in learning Writing.
It makes students more active, improve their argumentation and description,
and improve the quality of academic writing.
Finally, after all procedures have been conducted, it can be concluded
that students have the positive responses towards the use of Blog online in
teaching Writing. It is line with the previous study by Said, et al (2013).
They concluded that the participants had positive perception on the use of
blog to polish their writing skills.

They also agreed to varying degrees that writing on blog had made them
use academic writing style and register correctly, apart from training them to
choose the correct sentence and paragraph structure, decide on their word
choice and spelling cautiously, check on their grammar and revise their style
of presenting their arguments in writing. Obviously, the students perceived
blogging as an effective tool in teaching writing in English which helped to
improve and their writing and keep them motivated.

This chapter consists of the conclusion of the research and suggestion

for future research in the related topic. The conclusions of the research are based
on the findings and the discussion in the previous chapter.

A. Conclusion

This research was concerned with the use of Blog online in teaching writing
at SMKN 1 Cirebon. The function of this research was to find whether or not
Blog online is effective in teaching English Writing. According to research
findings and the discussion, it can be shown that Blog online is effective in
teaching English Writing. By using formula from Fraenkel and Wallens, the
writer could conclude that the experimental class’ students’ speaking ability in
post-test improved. By using formula from Fraenkel and Wallens, the writer
could conclude that the experimental class’ students’ Writing ability in post-
test improved. The mean of pre-test is 45.43 and post-test is 80.13. It means
that there is an improvement of students’ score between pre-test and post-test
in experimental class. In addition, the score of experimental class is higher than
control class. This research also found that the result ttest (3.8) is higher than ttable
(2.00172). Thus, the alternative hypothesis of this study is accepted.

Besides, the researcher concluded that students have positive responses

toward the use of Blog online in teaching Writing in class. The students stated
that Blog online is effective way in learning Writing. It makes students more
active, improve their argumentation and description, and improve the quality of
academic writing.
B. Suggestion

Blog online is suitable to use in learning Writing. Blog online can motivate
and improve students’ writing skill. Besides, Blog online can improve students’
description and argumentation. Thus, Blog online is really recommended to use
in learning Writing for Senior High School. But, Blog online not only can be
used for teaching Writing but also for teaching other skills.

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